First run I caught her on my first try. Second run, caught her on my first try. Third run, I caught her on my fifth try. All of those I was using Rift Base + FLC + ULC and the GS.
My husband's catch rate is 2/3. Not sure what setup he was using, but he never has the GS.
I gave up on trying to collect enough cruise bucks for the ultimate charms. Instead I'm using them to farm o2 canisters and calcified mist. I've picked up over an additional 100 o2 canisters now I think and probably over 50 calcified mist. I'm up to 176 total at the moment. Hopefully that'll set me up well for whatever I may want to do in the immediate future.
I'm guessing I'll head back to the Brift after I finish this round through the cruise. I'm only about halfway through farming rift circuitry for the trap upgrade.
I did two full runs of the cruise. The second run was done primarily for treasure maps and tournaments. I bought two ULCs and two UPCs and spent the rest of my cruise bux on Calcified Rift Mists.
I'm up to two Taunting Charms. Not sure how many I should collect for the Egg Hunt. 3-4? And I'll want to make sure I have plenty of LLC too. That's pretty much all I have left to do for the egg hunt unless the next area comes out first, which I highly doubt it will.
Still working on the Sunken City...I didn't get a Feeding Ground so I'm going to get to 25k before I travel out. I still have a lot of work to do on the Wrift, but I figure that that can be done during Easter (and will probably go faster with Egg drops).
Speaking of the Wrift, my 1st batch of LLC netted me 4 Widows Webs, which is 1 shy of the 5 that I need for my bases. Grr. I wasted a piece at the end, so there's that...frustrating that I have to farm another batch, but hopefully it won't take too long.
This is a fun 7th birthday event. I do love cupcakes.
I've had some pretty good luck with my cupcake drops as I already have the trap, so now I'm working on getting the theme. 66/100 cupcakes.
I actually watched FBF this morning, shocking! The beginning was basically the devs asking questions on what people's favorite year of hunting was, what got you hooked on the game, etc. But then they dropped a few minor spoilers, and I'm trying to remember what all they said.
~Mini Event starts in two weeks (Ronza? Expansion of the BDay event? Something else?)
~Egg Hunt next month. Same story, recalibrate the Eggscavator and then hunt the new eggs.
~New big area after that I think. Return to farming supplies, crafting new cheese, go after big mouse. (Sounds like the Living Garden again.)
~Expansions planned for the Sandtail Desert and Varmint Valley.
~Reworking the treasure maps on the docket.
~If you have any feedback to leave for the devs, now is the time to hit up the Feedback area of their forums to do so.
The Birthday Event isn't going nearly as well for me as it is for you, FK. I tend to have way more of one kind of cupcake than another, but not enough to trade it in at the GS. I have unlocked 6 years though. And have shipped 26 cupcakes.
Is a special charm needed to catch the Cupcake Runner, or is it just being elusive for me?
~Mini Event starts in two weeks (Ronza? Expansion of the BDay event? Something else?)
Shouldn't Ronza come after the Easter Event, since that's when everyone gets tons of gold from the eggs?
Ithi, the two new mice are attractable as long as you have Cupcake Colby armed. There's no special charm needed for either.
I've tended to get more of one color than the rest, without being able to trade in, as well, but I've had pretty decent luck. I'm working on my Year 7 order (need 2 yellow and 1 rainbow) and I've shipped 72 cupcakes.
I'm enjoying this event a bit more than the last one. I like the dynamics and the theme a lot.
Intriguing. I wonder what sort of event that will be. Two weeks is just past St. Patrick's day, but maybe that's what they're hinting at. It might be fun to have a luck event with extra prize mice running around just before the Easter event.
"All the world will be your enemy, Prince with a Thousand Enemies. And when they catch you, they will kill you. But first they must catch you..."
Inexhaustible Inspiration
6689 posts from forum 1.0
I had nearly two hundred Colby cheese left over from last year (and still have about a hundred), so I haven't had any need to hunt for potions yet. I've also been fairly active, so I have got all three bonus items, base, trap and theme, and now I only hunt for loot.
I'm getting tons of Oxygen from Year Seven orders - tons of Canisters, at least . More than 30 per order. I intend to always have a Year Seven order open, sometimes two, plus usually a different one or an open spot.
Until we get close to the end of the event, I don't want to trade in any cupcakes, I just hope that they will balance themselves out naturally. I'll be more passive over the weekend, so we'll see what colors my trap checks pick up. You lose half of them in the trading ...
I enjoy the mechanics - I like how you can choose whether to ship the first order immediately or to leave it to ship another later instead. I like the graphics, and the loot is fantastic - it's a great event!
(avi artwork by Henning Janssen)
Shouldn't Ronza come after the Easter Event, since that's when everyone gets tons of gold from the eggs?
That's my assumption, but she's caught me off guard before.
It might be fun to have a luck event with extra prize mice running around just before the Easter event.
A return of the regal event occurred to me this morning as well. I'd love another stab at that pesky High Roller Mouse.
Until we get close to the end of the event, I don't want to trade in any cupcakes, I just hope that they will balance themselves out naturally. ... You lose half of them in the trading ...
I enjoy the mechanics - I like how you can choose whether to ship the first order immediately or to leave it to ship another later instead. I like the graphics, and the loot is fantastic - it's a great event!
Ditto again.
I also finished up this morning with shipping over 100 cupcakes. I am also in loot farming mode. If I had one complaint about the event it's that the treasure map mice are too hard to attract in the event. I'm doing cupcake orders to attract the mice on my map, haven't seen a single one of the last four yet.
I had a fun dream last night that a game had been released that combined Angry Birds with MouseHunt. The piggies were associated with the various mice in MH, and you caught them by completing the levels in typical Angry Birds style. It was fun and amusing.
I'm also done with the main part of the event and working on farming. I'm farming Colby at the moment as I used up my stores for the event. The daily gifts are helping. I'm also short of Yellow Cupcakes, which were the ones I had most readily at the start of the event.
I'll probably stick around for a while alternately farming Colby and Cupcakes. This has been one of the best events in a while. I've really enjoyed it.
"All the world will be your enemy, Prince with a Thousand Enemies. And when they catch you, they will kill you. But first they must catch you..."
Inexhaustible Inspiration
6689 posts from forum 1.0
I had exactly zero Cupcake Colby so I've been stuck in that really awkward position where I've been having to farm potions almost as much as I hunt with them. I feel like a brand new hunter and I hate it, haha. I'm getting faster, but I still feel like I'm moving at a slow crawl when it comes to this event.
But whoa, Year 7 loot. I've already got a crap ton of O2 and I'm really curious to see how much I'll have by the end of the event...maybe close to 2k, haha.
If I had one complaint about the event it's that the treasure map mice are too hard to attract in the event. I'm doing cupcake orders to attract the mice on my map, haven't seen a single one of the last four yet.
We've been hunting a Reaper for two or three days now. I've had Year Two orders open all that time, but no attraction. I've spent 12 or 13 hours in FG, but no attraction. I've seen others from the map hunting there as well, but nobody has caught it.
Next time I see a map with a Reaper, I should avoid it. But now I don't want to leave this one - I've made an effort, caught a few of the other mice, and would like my share of the loot. I just hope we finish it in time to work on another map before the end of the event.
One good thing about hunting for the Reaper, though - Year Two celebrates the Tournaments. I haven't been on tourneys much lately, but I've got more than twenty Tournament Tokens so far
Somebody finally caught that elusive Reaper - thank you!
Now I've chosen a new map, one that hasn't got one ...
(avi artwork by Henning Janssen)
Thanks to the birthday event and the year 7 cupcake orders, my o2 count has skyrocketed up to 921. My calcified rift mist total is over 300. My regular mist count is over 200. I like the way this event is set up. lol. I was at roughly 350 o2, 150 calcified mist, and 80 or 90 mist. I was also able to recoup some of my regal charms. Not as many as I'd hoped, but enough I'm hoping it'll help with farming rift circuitry.
With the end of this event in site, I'm going to try for one more year 7 order and then go to farming cupcake Colby potions for next year.
I did 67 Orders altogether - 7 Year One, 13 Year Two, 4 Year Three, 5 Year Four, 3 Year Five, 18 Year Six and 17 Year Seven Orders. They brought me 2230 loot items of 75 different kinds - 4 of those kinds gave me more than a hundred items each:
107 Mist Canisters
184 Calcified Rift Mist
293 Cupcake Colby
568 Oxygen Canisters
I now have 1572 Oxygen Canisters, plus 320 sets of Two canisters from the cruise shop - I'm well equipped for Sunken City.
At the moment I'm using the Mist Canisters, though, and with those and the Focused Crystal Laser trap and Polluted Parmesan cheese, I got 7 Rift Circuitry last night. I don't want to spend gold on the Multi-Crystal yet, but farming the Circuitry for it is a good way of farming gold, too, for as long as I can play actively.
Now, about passive playing - I probably need to do some more Gauntlet hunting, if I want to catch my first Eclipse (and his egg) this year ...
(avi artwork by Henning Janssen)
^^ I netted I would say a healthy 1k in O2 containers during the Birthday event...maybe a tad less, but it was around there. Pretty dang sweet if you ask me.
Hanging out in the Sunken City for a little bit to get past 10k and do a Deep Sea tourney, and then I'll be headed back to the LG and the WRift to finish up Easter prep. I'm less concerned about the WRift because I know I can hunt there actively DURING Easter and probably pick up a nice supply of normal loot eggs which will only make getting to my last Widow's Web for the trap faster. It was like how last Easter, I spent a LOT of time hunting in the Normal LG because the catch rate was great and the eggs looted me enough petals to the point where I'm not sure I'll have to farm with Gouda for a very, very VERY long time. Especially now since we have the Hothouse base; it's almost self-sufficient.
Still need to finish up a Shattering Charm, and put a bit of a dent in the Gauntlet in case they release some higher Tier eggs...please Devs no T7 egg this year (watch as I say that and there definitely is).
As we were rollin' in the generous O2 and Calcified Rift Mist loot during this event, it crossed my mind that the Devs might be giving us a little boost for those areas (like how the Hothouse base is a boost for the LG) because they know there will be far bigger areas to concentrate on soon, lol. It would be my luck!