If you don't have a lot of time to baby the horn, Dig's method is quite solid....farm a lot of Mist, and then get your Mist into the Red Zone and hunt with String Cheese going after the Monstrous Abomination. That was the easiest, "brain-free" method I've found, but if you've got the potions and time, you'll probably get a better return hunting with PP and TR.
That's actually been my method. I'm running out of mist, though, so I'll probably farm PP potions on the way down and farm some more mist. I think I'm okay being behind on the WRift since I'll be pretty well caught up on Rift stuff by the time I do get there.
Good to know about the Calcified Rift Mist. I'll be sure to keep farming that as well. The Rift Vacuum Charms are generally my default charm in the BRift since they are much cheaper than Rift Power and give much the same bonus.
"All the world will be your enemy, Prince with a Thousand Enemies. And when they catch you, they will kill you. But first they must catch you..."
Inexhaustible Inspiration
6689 posts from forum 1.0
Glad you've got it figured out Gymmie because my brain is still missing some bits and pieces as to how this area works. So far it's too easy and straight forward so I'm wondering what I'm missing.
Actually, I do think I know what the general strategy is,

Anyways, my Lagoon mice are raging so I'm guessing I'll get that leader this time around. I'm not too far from the GGT mice raging either so maybe I'll get some more new mice before it resets to zero. I'm waiting on the three charmed mice as I don't want to waste supplies just filling in a shadow.
Other random thoughts, I really like the Gilded Leaf Mouse.
The Karmachameleon mouse cracks me up.
Holy smokes on the Fissure Base .
I don't seem to need the Multi-Laser trap as my catch rate is pretty high with the Focused Laser trap. Good.
They're selling the Vacuum Charms in the Charm Shoppe but they're not doing anything in the WWRift. Bug? Anyways, I spent the night in BRift getting calcified rift mists for crafting.
I'm not keeping close track, but I appear to be bringing in a LOT of gold.
^^ You can use the Vacuum charms in the Wrift; but the drop rate of Calcified Rift Mists is abysmal. I wouldn't bother unless you have an endless supply of gold and don't mind burning through charms for maybe a 3rd of what you would get in return in the BRift, lol.
Caught my first region boss just a little while ago (GGT) and am starting in on my next round. Not using any of the new charms as I lack CRM to craft them, so I will be playing the lottery and hoping I get a different area. I didn't do too bad with hunts last round; I only got 5-7 mice in the "wrong" areas so most of my hunts went where I wanted them too.
Gymmie, do you by any chance remember what your totals were for the other regions when you caught the GGT boss mouse? I'm currently at 14/22/47 and I'm wondering if that's about average without charms.
ETA: I had the realization that because of the timing of this area's release, it's probably meant to be a short area. (Nice reward for a short area ) So the reason it feels pretty simple is because it probably is.
Got my Tri-Dra, Looks like I'm headed for the Cyclops this time around.
I don't remember exactly, but it was less than 10 in the other two. Like 5 in the CC and 7 in the Lagoon. I don't know if you are doing worse than average or if I was better than average, but I think you're having a little more bad luck than normal. I dunno.
Is it just me, or is the FTA with Brie String Cheese pretty significant? I swear I'm FTA'ing all the time. I'm not upgrading to MSC without charms, but it's pretty frustrating to be using the best shop cheese and still be wasting hunts. Probably some of that is the trap setup; the Rift set isn't high on attraction, but still. Might switch over to a higher attraction base to see if it helps.
Thanks Gymmie. Well, I averaged between you and my husband at any rate. LOL Since he finally enraged the Calm Clearing mice, that number has taken off, but it's still currently 31/21/24. That's a LOT higher than yours.
And about those FTAs. I'm not having that much trouble, but I'm also using the Tidal Base because the Rift Base in the BRift was driving me crazy without the extra attraction. I know that the catch rate is technically higher with the Rift, but that doesn't necessarily factor in those FTAs. So yeah, I'm going with the Tidal and not having that much trouble. Attraction rate on my current journal pages is 5/6.
ETA: Shoulda kept my big mouth shut. 5/8 of my hunts since posting have been FTAs.
I have to say, I *was* a little disappointed when I saw that the "prize" for this area was a better base...I had been hoping that the time of the Platinum base was drawing near. But, the Devs said they won't release it if it's going to be outclassed so quickly (and I think I read somewhere that the Platinum base would be too strong for the game for the price it would have to be), so it must be a LONG way off.
Then again, the Fissure base is awesome BUT you're not getting that extra bonus unless you're hunting in the Rift with Rift charms...wouldn't GTB/Champ still outclass it by a little bit? Maybe the Platinum base will be a 12 luck base, but with the Champ bonus will make it the best non-Rift area base and worth the effort to get.
Anyway, just rambling. I've recently come into a LOT of tourney tokens so I don't plan on spending TOO many of them, but it would appear that there is no immediate need to hoard as many as possible, lol.
Looks like I'll be raging the Calmer Clearing mice this 2nd round.
I switched back over to trying to get the Engine Doubler. I'm nibbling away at the items needed. I'm down to needing 61 copper and 15 tin scraps. I'm figuring another two weeks probably. I'm going to go farm mist in the BRift this weekend in anticipation of another attempt at trying to get some rift circuitry.
Are there any charms that might speed the collection of the rift circuitry up?
I've not made up my mind to try the Wrift yet. Do you need the upgraded trap to go there?
The nice thing about being back in the train section is that I'm steadily raking in more than 100K in gold every 36 hours. Usually it's closer to 300K. I'm up to 22mil in gold. I'm going to sit on my gold for the most part either until Ronza comes or through Easter. Then I figured I'd go after the Sunken city traps.
Rift trap first (and new base?) and then the hydro trap? or the other way around?
I have to say, I *was* a little disappointed when I saw that the "prize" for this area was a better base...
Not me. Bases work everywhere in the game whereas a new big, bad Rift trap would work in just the Rift areas. Weren't you just saying how you didn't like grinding through an area to get a new trap only to not use it when you were done with the area?
...wouldn't GTB/Champ still outclass it by a little bit?
Well, lets see if I can do some math here early this morning. Using the Sphynx Wrath because that's a trap most people have.
SW + GTB + Champ
Power - 9,100; Luck 47; Attraction 20%
SW + Fissure + Champ
Power - 8,340; Luck 47; Attraction 5%
SW + Fissure + Ancient
Power - 8,580; Luck 49; Attraction 20%
So there you go. Now I personally don't use the big bad charms most of the time and neither do most of the other players in the game. And when you're not, the Rift Base is considered by many to be the best base, and the Fissure is a straight upgrade of that.
I'll have to see how I like it compared to the Tidal Base as that's the one I use most often.
Are there any charms that might speed the collection of the rift circuitry up?
Yeah, I burned through my stash of UPCs.
I've not made up my mind to try the Wrift yet. Do you need the upgraded trap to go there?
Need, no. Should you get it first? Probably.
Rift trap first (and new base?) and then the hydro trap? or the other way around?
School of Sharks: Useful in Toxic Spills, the LG, and Treasure maps. Rift Trap: Useful in Rift areas. Which do you see yourself hunting in more often? Another thing to consider is the amount of gold you're going to spend on each trap. The SoS is way more expensive than the Rift trap.
On a personal note, I was happy to see the charms and crafting supplies for the charms are on the Marketplace. Now I won't feel so bad about using a few here and there. I did try catching a Cherry Sprite Mouse yesterday with no luck.
I guess I'll leave it to as what my schedule looks like when I get there. I'm quite a bit closer to the first of the hydro traps than I am the rift trap. I've only got about 200 sand dollars to go to get to the first of the two traps. I think I may have like 7 rift circuitry.
Thanks for the heads up on the UPCs. I think I have close to 40 of those thanks to the Christmas event. Until I get that far, I think I'll focus on farming mist and in the upcoming events, grab UPCs.
You don't have to use UPCs if you don't want to. Ancient charms and Champion Charms with the GTB are also good options.
I think I've decided at the moment to focus on farming supplies. I think I can pull that off with my current schedule. If I run out of UPCs, I'll use those as the back ups. But I figure it'll take me two more weeks to get the Engine Doubler and enough magmatic charms to go after the Golem. I've not yet caught that mouse.
After that, I'd like to go after somewhere between 200 and 300 mist canisters in the Brift before I go after rift circuitry. I don't have a clue how long it'll take me to get all the rift circuitry and prep for Easter at the same time in that area. Not quite sure how long that'll take. I'm guessing another week or two. There's the Valentine's event in that time frame, so that'll derail things a week or so. Then I have to figure out prep for Easter.
At the moment, I figure I'll actually purchase traps after Easter or Ronza or both depending on what order they come in.
Looked at the Rift Base vs the first new base available in the WW Rift. Continuing the pursuit of the Rift Base in the LG as it still appears to be a good base for the Rift areas. Besides, absolutely raking in Petals with that Hothouse Base.
“Safe?” said Mr. Beaver; “don’t you hear what Mrs. Beaver tells you? Who said anything about safe? ‘Course he isn’t safe. But he’s good. He’s the King, I tell you.”
I just realized I never did a 2014 end-of-the-year post! Now that we're about a month in, I'd better fix that. I'll just leave out the WWRift stuff.
Last year's post: viewtopic.php?p=265777#p265777
Breeds Caught: 561 / 561
Event Breeds Caught: 95 / 96 (missing High Roller)
Mice Caught: 109502 minus one month of hunting
Gold Crowns: 39
Silver Crowns: 278
Copper Crowns: 306
Collectibles: 143/148 (missing Completed Polluted Theme, Contaminated Crumb Cake, The Red Button, Z's Sock, and Z's Rock)
Favoritest Trap Setup: School of Sharks and Tidal Base
Favoritest Mouse: Mouse of the Year goes to Dread Pirate Mousert for cracking me up.
Favoritest Area: Sunken City
Goals for 2015:
I would love to get that High Roller Mouse, but that's up to chance.
Get as many of those final collectibles checked off the list as possible.
Rock the Egg Hunt again.
Get the Fissure Base.
Whatever else there is to do in 2015! Woohoo!
I've moved into the WRift overnight to save my precious Mist Canisters for active hunting where I can maximize my Red Zone hunts in the BRift. I only need 5 more Circuitries for the Focused Crystal. I'm probably going to have to farm Mist again anyway since I've only got 13 more canisters. That's 27 more hunts with an 11% catch rate with my best setup. (I burned through all my UPCs. ) So I can hope for maybe one or two more drops in there at most, unless I get some serious DLU. But I'm determined to get it and get it soon.
Then I'll focus on finishing up my Magmatic Crystal Charm farming (I'm aiming for at least 20, and I have 8.) THEN, I will actually focus on the WRift. Lunar New Year will likely come before then, in which case I'll finish up the event as thoroughly and quickly as possible in order to make some progress on the WRift before the Birthday event and Easter.
"All the world will be your enemy, Prince with a Thousand Enemies. And when they catch you, they will kill you. But first they must catch you..."
Inexhaustible Inspiration
6689 posts from forum 1.0