Yep. This is my first time there. Currently I'm charging my amplifier and hoping that I can carry some luck over into the other areas I'm visiting for Easter prep.
"All the world will be your enemy, Prince with a Thousand Enemies. And when they catch you, they will kill you. But first they must catch you..."
Inexhaustible Inspiration
6689 posts from forum 1.0
Good luck on your Deep, Eli. . . honestly, he's not too terribly difficult to nab (at least, I caught him on my first try. . . but maybe I was lucky.)
I'm down to 70 oxygen, so I'll probably run out tomorrow afternoon.
I'm torn between doing a warpath run and farming oxygen. I'm leaning more towards a warpath run to break up the monotony of Oxygen farming.
By the end of this run, I should only need 300 more sand dollars to get my school of sharks trap, which is totally doable in one run.
Member of Ye Olde NarniaWeb
You were definitely lucky DiGs. The Deep Mouse can be a royal pain in the rear. But the nice thing is that he's a guaranteed catch on the last available hunt, provided your cheese doesn't go stale (use SB).
Stwin, congrats on getting stuff checked off the list for the egg hunt.
I'm continuing to rock the Living Garden area. It's a lot of work even though I doubt the Devs will put in eggs for the three boss mice, but hey! I'm prepared. One Icuri Essence down, two Gur away from a second. This Hothouse Base is no joke.
Kind of surprised there was no Toxic Spill this week. I was expecting one between now and the next event. I guess there's still plenty of time.
Last year the Toxic Spill was added to the game around this time. I wonder if there's any chance of the WWRift being added about now? Probably not, but there's no good time until after MH's birthday. /is ready for new stuff.
This Hothouse Base is no joke.
And how.
Down 3 Gur Essense on my way to 27 for acquiring Shattering Charms. Is the Rift Base actually worth the effort? Dunno.
“Safe?” said Mr. Beaver; “don’t you hear what Mrs. Beaver tells you? Who said anything about safe? ‘Course he isn’t safe. But he’s good. He’s the King, I tell you.”
CNY isn't until the end of Feb, so I doubt the Cruise will start until right before Valentines Day. So still a few weeks. A Toxic Spill would be nice; I'd like it to start at Grand Duke level so I can nab a few new mice and farm a lot of Soapy Suds.
I'm actually doing really well on my Easter prep; I only have a handful of tasks left to do.
- Farm Rift Power charms. I need to spend more time in the Rift anyway so I'm not going to lay in a huge supply of Mist or potions, but I would like to have a few Rift Power charms stashed away.
- Work on my Gauntlet run. I would like to get some T7 pots in case they add a Dust egg so that's my main goal. Obviously some more Eclipse eggs would be great as well.
- Get to the Mad Depths in the Iceburg, in case they add an egg there.
- Get 1-3 Shattering Charms
- Farm Packets of Flour so I have some Grilled Cheese in case there is a Captain Croissant egg
- Get to the 3rd wave of the Warpath in case there is a 3rd Wave egg.
- Sometime close to Easter, set up at a Monster Trench or better in the Sunken City.
Everything else, I've already done or gotten the supplies for. So I really don't have that much to do.
Beyond all that, I'll be working on the Sunken City and the Burroughs Rift. And taking breaks to bounce around the Kingdom on maps; I need to replenish my Ancient supply and it's fun to be in different areas for awhile.
I spent about a day in the Catacombs during the Zombie event and got 200+ Undead Elemental cheese, so I guess I'm good for awhile, haha.
MH updated the mobile app last night. They said that it was to A: fix a bug and B: prepare the app for a new area.
So I think we'll be getting something soon
Member of Ye Olde NarniaWeb
I'm not quite sure where I want to be for Easter at the moment. I'm working on getting a small cushion of mist canisters and potions for the Burroughs Rift. I put a stop on my Sunken City run at around 30K to hold in case there's an egg down there. Not sure if I'll finish the run and go back and farm o2 or not yet. I need to head to the trains. Going to try and switch over to that tomorrow.
I finally got the null gauntlet in the Burroughs Rift. Don't have much in the way of predatory processors. This current run in the Sunken City has been light on treasure areas and even the deeper monster trenches.
I'll likely hold off spending much in the way of gold for a bit. I'm almost up to 20 mil and I've got multiple traps that I'll want to get and what not, so I'm holding on to see what happens if/when they bring Ronza and where I end up over the next two months.
fantasia_kitty wrote:
This Hothouse Base is no joke.And how.
Ditto. I though I wouldn't be able to get the next trap until after Easter. Now it looks like I might be able to get it close to Valentines.
Speaking of Easter, I think I'm going to do the exact same thing I did last year: get as many Living Garden eggs as possible. Maybe I can get the third trap before Halloween. Or I'll hope for Sunken City eggs; that area is one of my current favorites in the game.
Haha, I love the Hothouse base! I took it into the LG for a few hours last night, and I really think that I'll be able to get at least one Shattering Charm out of my current batch of Graveblossom; not even counting all my other cheese. That's be suh-weet.
It's been 24h, right?
So in a bit of boredom this week, I've been overhauling and, for lack of a better word, pimping out my MH Spreadsheet. I love Excel and data and stuff, so I don't know why I never did this sooner. ... sp=sharing
It's soooo purrrrty. The only thing you might not be able to see from that link is that in the Area Tips tab, I put some of the more word-heavy info in Notes so as to not blow up the page to the point of being unreadable. But everything else should be good. I've got short term goals, long term goals, Easter prep, Marketplace guides (cuz I sell off a lot of my inventory in my spare time), and area guides for places that I can't be bothered to remember all the time.
This spreadsheet was born out of frustration, mainly. I was frustrated at always forgetting what my main objectives were after events or a long stint of passive playing, and I was frustrated at forgetting how certain areas worked after long absences. It's just time-consuming to have to read up on, say, the Burroughs Rift or Iceburg after you've been away for a long time.
So, I got all my data together and put it in one place and I think I'm in love.
For kicks, I also trolled all the old NWeb threads from when I first started playing, until now. Some interesting stats that I found:
- Started playing: May 9th, 2012
- I ranked *11* times in 2012
- I ranked *2* times in 2013
- I ranked *1* time in 2014
- Currently, I have ranked *1* time in 2015. If I stick to the top levels and stay active, I imagine I will be an Archduchess in about a year or so. If I decide to go off on side quests, which I'm currently leaning towards, it will be longer. Either way, I don't see any way for me to rank again this year.
- The longest gap between leveling was 10 months, between Countess and Duchess. Leveling from Duchess to Grand Duchess was only 9 months.
- It took me just a hair over 13 months to get from Novice to Countess.
- My first Gold trophy was in a WW Tourney a month after I started playing
- It took me 1 month from starting the game to earn my Bronze base
- It took me 1 additional month to earn my Silver
- I had my Gold base 5 months after starting playing
- My lowest successful Tower run was catching a King at 5% amp
- I caught my Farmhand on my very first SB+ hunt in the Windmill as an Apprentice
- I've looted 1 Sandblasted Metal, 2 Sphynx Crystals and 2 Oasis Beads in 9 Warpath runs.
Anyway, I thought that was interesting, lol.
Here's to 2.5 years playing Mousehunt, and may there be many more to come!
ETA: One more fun thing I discovered...I made 4.8mil selling Christmas/NY related items on the Marketplace this past event. That doesn't include regular stuff that I bought from the Shoppes with the express intent to sell, and it doesn't include regular loot that I got from Maps and Gifts that I also sold. Selling Winter Hoarder/Miser/Builder and 2014 Charms were a GOLDMINE.
Very nice Gymmie I especially like your "where I'm at" page so you don't have to travel to find out. Good idea.
I too have a spreadsheet for MH, but it's for all of the stuff that my friends still need in the game; collectibles, trap components, etc. But there's SO MUCH STUFF now that I don't refer to it like I used to.
Well if you didn't see on the FB page already, it sounds like the Whisker Woods Rift is going to be opened next week. The devs' plan is to upload the code into the game today and make sure there are no bugs and such, and then they said it should, SHOULD open to the players "soon." Which I took to mean next week, especially since Dave shared a summary of the gameplay in the area.
Once that releases, that will put my treasure map and Egg Hunt prep on hold indefinitely. But the thing is, I'm in really good shape for the egg hunt. I can't think of any eggs they could put in that I wouldn't be able to get before the end of a month-long hunt.
I am five Gur essence away from my third and final Icuri. All that's left to do for that area is have a small stockpile of Lunaria cheese, but boy does that farm fast now.
Bring on the new area!
I'm thinking maybe the Wrift is out on Monday or Tuesday? Sounds like it would be soon; the Devs said something today or yesterday about needing to patch through a Mobile update, hopefully before the Wrift came out, and patching updates doesn't usually take more than a few days.
Currently in the Iceburg going after a Living Salt...I'm not fast enough to guarantee a Deep, and I'm definitely not slow enough to smash all the chests. So right now I'm hoping I'm good enough to at least get *in* the Hidden Depths. I could Bomb it and start over with a SB+ run, but I only want to go as far as the Mad Depths for that in case they add a Mad Depths egg. Arg.
Me too Gymmie, though it doesn't look like it's going to be out today.
I got my last Icuri essence over the weekend and have been bouncing back and forth between finishing the treasure map I'm on and the BRift. Currently going after the Technic Bishop Mouse. I think by the time I finish charging my amplifier, if the new area isn't out yet, it definitely won't be out today, so I'll try to snag him overnight tonight. And if I'm REALLY lucky, maybe I'll get a Zugzwang's Left Sock out of the deal. Haha!
Well, the Whisker Woods Rift is open, but I'm not going.
I'm still 17 circuitries from my new Rift trap, and I'd really like to have that done before trying another Rift area. Besides, if the mice here in the BRift are beating me up with the Crystal Tower, I don't want to know what the WRift is going to do to me.
Here's hoping my UPC strategy works out for me.
Edit: Well, my strategy hasn't been quite as productive as I'd hoped. I've only looted 7 Rift Circuitries in about 30 hunts. That's actually a bit better than the horntracker stats, but I have had some better runs of luck. I'm not certain now whether to farm parmesan potions and try to get the rest in that group of mice or stick it out with my current setup, boosting my supply of UPCs with Mega Tourney Tokens and crafting.
"All the world will be your enemy, Prince with a Thousand Enemies. And when they catch you, they will kill you. But first they must catch you..."
Inexhaustible Inspiration
6689 posts from forum 1.0
^^ If you don't have a lot of time to baby the horn, Dig's method is quite a lot of Mist, and then get your Mist into the Red Zone and hunt with String Cheese going after the Monstrous Abomination. That was the easiest, "brain-free" method I've found, but if you've got the potions and time, you'll probably get a better return hunting with PP and TR.
I'm in the Wrift now; it looks quite cool. Way easier to wrap my head around than the Brift I think. I think I will need to stop eventually and head to the Brift to farm Calcified Rift Mists as you need a TON for the charms.
On initial look, it looks a bit like the Warpath in that you can do it charm-less, but it will take you quite a long time.
The most important thing I want to know is, is the Widow's Web a 100% drop from the Rift BW? Because that will give me an idea on just how long this might take.