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[Closed] The MouseHunt Thread: Episode V

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The Logical Ornithological Mod Moderator Emeritus

I haven't posted in here for a LONG time, but I've finished up the Christmas event, and have returned to the sunken city where, BOOM, I got two predatory processors! Here's hoping they keep dropping as I'll sell the rest for bonus moolah!

Member of Ye Olde NarniaWeb

Posted : January 2, 2015 2:22 pm
Member Admin

Well I wrapped up my Christmas hunting a couple days ago, very pleased with the amount of Ancient, UPC, ULC charms, and SB I recouped. :D
Also have tons of snowball charms to use throughout the year when I don't want to use one of the above. I spent the majority of my ice coins on scrap metal which I had entirely depleted in the Sunken City :P

But the biggest bit of FK's personal hunting news, I now have 52 Rift Circuitry, which was the last remaining short-term goal I had on my list. If I need to get the Multi-Crystal Laser for some reason, now I can.

So yeah, just waiting for the Whisker Woods Rift to open up and farming gold and more Rift potions, as well as the Contaminated Crumb Cake and Red Button collectibles in the meantime. ;)) If anybody wants to do treasure maps or tournaments in the meantime, let me know.

Posted : January 7, 2015 3:12 am
NarniaWeb Podcaster Moderator Emeritus

I stuck it out in the GWH until the bitter end...ended up with just over 80 Stuck Snowball mice, so towards the end I was making better gold in the event than I would be anywhere else, so it was all good. I bought the new trap and base and a crap ton of EAC's (sold a fair bit on the Marketplace as well), and used my Chocolates on UPC's and ULC's.

I've been having fun selling off random inventory items on the is brisk and I've made a LOT of gold from selling off stuff that I don't really need or are just too expensive to be worth keeping. I.e. I haven't the slightest idea of when I'll be back in the Warpath, so I sold off a fair bit of Super Warpath charms.

Still looking for the best way to convert my SB+ stash into gold. I won a huge haul a few years ago and always intended to sell a lot of it, but the price has never felt "good" to me (and right now it's pretty dang low). During the GWH it was easy; I sold a lot of Hoarder, Builder and Miser charms for profit because all it was costing me was the ME and Winter Charms (which I didn't need as many as I had). But now, I dunno. If there's an item on the Marketplace that I can craft with ME and won't cost me too much in terms of other supplies and sells for a lot more than regular SB+ does, I might start selling that. Still doing my research.

Right now I'm on an Elaborate map that's not too hard; just all over the place. My current MH plans are to finish my Sunken City dive and then maybe head back to Furoma OR to the Burrough's Rift to get the rest of the Rift Circuitry I need for the 2nd trap, but I'm not sure yet. My goal right now is mainly gold; I'd like to get a good cushion before Easter. I know if I haven't finished the Sunken City by then, the eggs that will drop will greatly speed things up so we'll see.

Oh yeah, and I gotta start Easter prep by farming supplies for hard mice...need to get a couple Shattering Charms in case they release Boss eggs for the LG. Stuff like that.

Posted : January 7, 2015 2:13 pm
Member Moderator Emeritus

I was checking out the Easter Egg list this morning to see what I need to do to prepare for this year. Below is a list of my missing eggs, the special requirements like bait preferences, and the attraction or catch rate for that mouse if it's a rare one.

Aether - Crystal Library, SB+ (.88% attraction)
BBB - Digby, Mining Charms, Limelight (7% attraction)
Chrono - Acolyte Realm, Runic (.91% catch rate)
Cook - SS Huntington III, SB+ (2.53% attraction)
Deep - Iceberg, SB+ for 250 hunts
Dhreller - Iceberg, luck on Generals
Gargantua - Warpath, lucky streak, SB+
Magmatic Golem - Gnawnian Express, Charms (3% catch rate)
Mystic King - ZT, amplifier, Checkmate

This means that I need to do the following before Easter:
1. Get a near-perfect Iceberg run set up.
2. Craft a bunch of Limelight and invest in some Mining Charms.
3. Craft a lot of Runic.
4. Get a full Amplifier and be ready to jump into ZT as soon as I can.
5. Farm Magmatic Crystal Charms. 8-}
6. Get a good streak in Wave 1 on the Warpath and be ready to snatch up a Gargantua Mouse.
7. Prepare to significantly deplete my SB+ stores and pray for lots of DLU.

Edit: This doesn't include any Toxic Spill, Rift, or Sunken City Eggs that they add this year, or any other rare/high-level boss mouse eggs they might add. :/

"All the world will be your enemy, Prince with a Thousand Enemies. And when they catch you, they will kill you. But first they must catch you..."
Inexhaustible Inspiration

6689 posts from forum 1.0

Posted : January 9, 2015 2:16 am
NarniaWeb Podcaster Moderator Emeritus

^^ It's totally doable. :) I went from zero to all the eggs in just two Egg Hunts, so it's very possible. Plus, a lot of the mice you need require prep, which you have time to do! So I'm sure you'll be able to catch all those mice and more. :)

I, myself, have started compiling a list of possible eggs for Easter and things I should prep for. The BIG BOSS eggs are easy to predict, but I don't think they'll release ALL of them this year. I think they space out the really hard eggs on purpose; otherwise they would literally run out of good eggs to release every spring, lol. So for all the big boss eggs that I've listed, I suspect only a third to half of them will actually be released this year.

Possible Mouse - Area - Cheese - Charm - Prerequisites
Tritus/AotD - Sunken City - Gouda - UPC - 10k+ dive
Shelder - SSHIII - Gouda - Attraction - -
LG Boss(s) - Living Garden - n/a - Shattering - 3 Shattering Charms
T7 Egg - Gauntlet - n/a - n/a - T7 Pots
Sunken City Egg - Sunken City - Fishy Fromage - n/a - FF
Goliath Egg - Gnawnia Rift - Resonator - UPC - -
Mad Depths Egg - Iceburg - Gouda - n/a - Mad Depths
Burroughs Rift Egg - Burroughs Rift - BR Pots (TR, PP) - Rift Vaccum - Mist Canisters
Balack Egg - Balack's Cove - VVS - UPC - -
Zurreal Egg - Crystal Library - n/a - Scholar Charm -
Pygmy Wrangler Egg - Jungle of Dread - SB+ - n/a -
SOJO Egg - Pinnacle Chamber - OG - n/a -
Chessmaster Egg - Z's Tower - Checkmate - n/a - Double tower run

What else am I missing? I'm sure the Sunken City eggs will widely vary; some will be for mice below 10k and others will be for mice above, as well as eggs for mice above ground. Still, I think the best place to be for Easter is past 10k with a Monster Trench/Lair of the Ancients and/or Treasure Zone up ahead.

Posted : January 9, 2015 8:55 pm
Princess of the Noldor and Royal Overseer of the Talk About Narnia forum Moderator

My list of missing Eggs:

Acolyte Realm
Chrono Egg
Gnawnia Rift
Mighty Mole Egg
Gnawnia Rift Egg
Drheller Egg
Crystal Library
Aether Egg
Crown Collector Egg
Bazaar or S.S. Huntington III or Tournament Hall
Crown Collector Egg
Gnawnian Express Station
Magmatic Golem Egg
King's Gauntlet
Eclipse Egg
Living Garden
Twisted Lilly Egg
Lost City
Cursed Librarian Egg
Corrupt Egg
Essence Guardian Egg
Sand Dunes
Sarcophamouse Egg

13 eggs, not impossible, especially if I prepare for them. I thought I had both Deep and Drheller left, but I snatched Deep near the end of last Egg Hunt - my only Deep so far.

I regard the Rift and LG eggs to be fairly easy to get. (I've had a great time in the Burroughs Rift lately - I've finally caught all the bosses and crafted the theme :) )

Aether and Chrono are rare and elusive and will take a lot of grinding.
Drheller and Eclipse need special preparation and positioning.
For the Crown Collector I should perhaps silver even more mice first - I've caught him a couple of times, so he doesn't disregard me totally, but more crowns might make me more attractive.

But what do I do to prepare for the Magmatic Golem?

(avi artwork by Henning Janssen)

Posted : January 10, 2015 1:37 am
Member Admin

Oh boy, people to discuss the egg hunt with. :D I'll do a more generalized list from the others listed above.

Area egg possibilities:
Whisker Woods Rift
Burroughs Rift (Specific: Robots, Undead, Dirt Diggers, Toxic Spill)
Sunken City (Specific: City, Underwater)
Regular Burroughs (Specific: Lab, Digby, Mousoleum, Bazaar)
Bristle Woods (Specific: Cats, FG, AR)
Claw Shot City
Another Gauntlet Tier

Specific egg possibilities (obviously too numerous to mention, so here are my guesses):
??? On the Whisker Woods Rift Mice, but I bet there will be at least two
At least one mouse from the Burroughs Rift, Toxic Spill variety
At least one mouse from the Burroughs Rift, Digby variety
At least one mouse from the Burroughs Rift, Undead variety
Portable Generator Mouse
Oxygen Baron and/or Clumsy Carrier
Something Coral, Barnacle, and/or Scale
Treasure Keeper and/or Pearl
Tritus and/or Ancient of the Deep
Captain Croissant
Goliath Field
Dream Drifter
Tumbleweed (or some other specific CSC mouse)
Siren (or some other general Huntington mouse, NOT the Shelder)
Zombie (or some other Mousoleum mouse)
Curious Chemist (or some other Whisker Woods mouse)

I'm already set up in the Sunken City, so I'm hesitant to hunt there any more because I'm in a good spot. In the Burroughs Rift I have 20 Polluted Parm Pots on standby, so I'm good there too.
I personally don't think they'll do the three boss mice in the LG, but it is a possibility, so I have moved to the LG to try to get an Icuri essence. I have 1 Hix, so hopefully this won't take too long, but we'll see.
I'm also super low on Vengeful Vanilla Stilton, so I may farm some ingredients for that as well.
That's all the prep work I have for the egg hunt. I'll just need to see what kind of stuff I have to do once they release the Whisker Woods Rift area.

By the way, they did have a FBF yesterday that I was unable to watch, and they did release a few more spoiler pics that can be seen here... ... ary-9-2015
Not a lot of actual news though. Just a repeat of stuff we already knew was coming.

Posted : January 10, 2015 1:46 am
Member Moderator Emeritus

Well, I've given up on two Iceberg runs today. 8-} I'm trying to be very picky about my start because I don't want to waste too much time and cheese to have it not be good enough from the get-go.

Now, I'm camped out in the Gnawnian Express in hopes of farming a few Magmatic charms tomorrow on my 24-hour train. After that, I'll move to the Iceberg and try again. Eventually, I'll charge my amplifier, but that's the easiest of my three major setups to do for Easter, so I'm not too worried about that.

I have over 400 O2 so far, and tons of Fromage still to go through, so I feel pretty good about Sunken City Eggs as well. I'll need to craft some more Runic, but I have supplies for that as well as for both Rifts, though I could probably do with some more Burroughs Rift farming before Easter. I also should probably try to farm some more LG supplies in case they add eggs for any of the boss mice that I can access. (I highly doubt I'll get another Shattering Charm by Easter without camping out in the LG for a long time.)

"All the world will be your enemy, Prince with a Thousand Enemies. And when they catch you, they will kill you. But first they must catch you..."
Inexhaustible Inspiration

6689 posts from forum 1.0

Posted : January 12, 2015 8:53 am
Member Moderator Emeritus

I have gone back into the Iceberg. I've had a decent run so far, and I'm praying my DLU holds out. I am 1 hunt into the Bombing Run section; 612 feet on hunt #85. Here we go! ;))

"All the world will be your enemy, Prince with a Thousand Enemies. And when they catch you, they will kill you. But first they must catch you..."
Inexhaustible Inspiration

6689 posts from forum 1.0

Posted : January 15, 2015 7:51 am
Member Admin

I was thinking the other day, why have I been slogging away at the Rift areas and Toxic Spill? To get upgraded traps. What am I going to use those traps for? I dunno, future areas?

It's strange, you know, we struggle through an area to get great traps that would be very useful in that area - and when we get them, we leave the area! LG at least has the mechanics that we're encouraged to use the new traps in the same area (to get a good base).

I've been meaning to reply to this for a while and am just now getting to it. :P ;))
I certainly believe that you should do what is the most fun for YOU in the game... and there are a lot of side objectives you can aim towards. Cep, Ithil, wolfy, and Astro have all done their own thing that may or may not include actual game progression.
My personal favorite thing is figuring out new content without reading spoilers and/or fan-made walk-throughs. The devs have made that a bit too easy with their past few releases because if you read Larry's Description, the news, and the descriptions on all of the items, it's pretty easy to figure out what you're doing. ;) But of course, there are some details that you can still figure out on your own. And in the meantime, I tend to prefer the end game content... getting lots of points and gold in anticipation for the next release. :)
But in response specifically to the traps discussion, there aren't that many traps in the game that I've worked really hard for, left the area, and never used them again. The Steam Laser and Gnawnian Express traps would be a couple of the exceptions. The School of Sharks trap I am using quite a bit in the Toxic Spill and LG. And since the Burroughs Rift is my go-to area when I have nothing else to do, I'm using the Focused Laser Crystal quite a bit as well. Most of the others I use when doing tournaments and treasure maps, so for me, it's not a waste of time at all to get them. Plus I feel all nice and prepared for future content releases. ;))
Oh, and I'm slogging through the Toxic Spill for the polluted theme collectible. ;))

By the way, the School of Sharks + Hothouse Base = Destroying the LG areas. Holy moly. Gonna easily have a Shattering Charm by the Easter event.

Posted : January 15, 2015 9:44 am
The Logical Ornithological Mod Moderator Emeritus

I'm still submerged in the sunken city. Currently at a depth of 30,420 meters. This will not be my longest run ever, but I've encountered SO MANY sunken treasure areas (including my first one that was 500 meters long!!! :D ) that I've been using empowered anchor charms like crazy.

I've got 1,168 sand dollars, meaning that I need 632 more. Seeing that when I started this dive I had like 650 sand dollars. . . I'd say it's been a great dive, and with more than 300 oxygen cannisters still in my tank, and having already stocked up 700 pieces of fishy fromage, I think I'm in good shape.

Probably will need one more dive in order to get all the stuff needed for my School of Sharks Trap (which I probably won't buy until after Ronza comes, just to ensure that I have plenty of gold).

Speaking of gold, I'm up to over 20,000,000, which is good. . . but not great. After this dive, I may cash in some kings credits to have a MOJO party. Then again, maybe I'll nab a predatory processor on this next monster trench or do a warpath run (because I haven't done one of those in a long time, and I enjoy them much better now that I have traps that work decently in there.)

But that's about it from me ;)

Member of Ye Olde NarniaWeb

Posted : January 16, 2015 2:32 am
Member Admin

Cool DiGs. :D

Well I was hoping that the new area would be out between now and the Chinese New Year/Valentines event, but Jacob is drawing a Whisker Woods Rift Bear Mouse today, so I don't think that's gonna happen. :P

Posted : January 16, 2015 5:49 am
The Wandering, Wild & Welcoming Winged Wolf Hospitality Committee

While you all are plotting for the Egg Hunt, I'm busy trying to frantically finish my Guantlet Run before Rhonza comes... and I only have between events :P This could get interesting....

My back up plan is 14 pieces of rumble cheese and lots of hunting in whatever place would net me quick gold :P (There's something better than the catacombs at my level right? Note I don't own a rift trap yet)

"The mountains are calling and I must go, and I will work on while I can, studying incessantly." -John Muir
"Be cunning, and full of tricks, and your people will never be destroyed." -Richard Adams, Watership Down

Posted : January 16, 2015 11:16 am
Member Moderator Emeritus


Sorry. I got a little excited there. ;))

I have 38 hunts to reach and catch the Deep Mouse, so the remaining things on my Easter prep list are as follows:

1. Fully charge Amplifier (in progress)
2. Farm Magmatic Crystal charms (This will likely take up most of my non-event time between now and Easter, depending on my luck with train times and loot.)
3. Set up a Garga in the Warpath (This may wait until the event itself as I am in Wave 1 with plenty of Super charms.)
Addendum: Farm Burroughs Rift supplies to be ready for any new eggs there. Following that, LG supplies for any potential new eggs in that area.

"All the world will be your enemy, Prince with a Thousand Enemies. And when they catch you, they will kill you. But first they must catch you..."
Inexhaustible Inspiration

6689 posts from forum 1.0

Posted : January 17, 2015 4:20 pm
The Logical Ornithological Mod Moderator Emeritus

Woot! Way to go, Eli! Is this your first time there?

I've got two more sunken treasure areas coming up! YAY!!!

Member of Ye Olde NarniaWeb

Posted : January 18, 2015 6:38 am
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