We're in about the same spot, then, Ithi.
If it's anything like last year, it will require ALL of the upgrades to be completed. I'm guessing that the drop rate with Asiago will make that a fairly attainable goal, but still challenging.
Edit: As far as I can tell, the bonus round following a successful catch of the week's boss mouse requires Asiago to progress, which is sad for those of us not buying bundles of it from the shop, but I suppose makes sense.
"All the world will be your enemy, Prince with a Thousand Enemies. And when they catch you, they will kill you. But first they must catch you..."
Inexhaustible Inspiration
6689 posts from forum 1.0
I am ASSUMING, perhaps incorrectly, that the next stage of the GWH will be released tomorrow, so time for an update.
I have 6/13 pieces of my fort built with the festive tavern phase 3 being next on my list.
I've caught Glacia three times now, and she has rapidly moved onto my creepiest looking mice in the game list.
I'm finally getting some decent drops off of the Sticky Snowball mice.
Not having any problems collecting Asiago at this point as I'm often arming less potent cheese for maps and tournaments.
@Kat, my other wish came true today as I got some mist canisters in a Purple Gift box. So yeah, they've got all the areas covered.
Plugging away at my Fort...it's coming along a lot faster than I remember it being last year, but that's prolly cuz it took SO MUCH LONGER to loot and build the initial fortress tower.
Starting to think ahead for Ronza and those super expensive Sunken City Hydro upgrades...going to try and offload a bunch of stuff on the Marketplace this week to lighten inventory and get a little extra cash before the selling madness starts.
Also crafted my Polluted Base because I realized I had all the components for it.
I am down to the last three upgrades on my Ice Fortress. I still haven't caught the Builder Mouse, but I'm saving what's left of my charms for Monday, since they are apparently more common on Mondays just like the Snowflake mice. Wish I'd known that before blowing 40+ charms this week. This mouse has been much more difficult to attract than the Hoarder mouse. I hope the Miser isn't any worse or I'll be tempted to skip out on both of these mice to save my SB+ and gold.
I've caught the Stuck Snowball mouse 15 times so far. My last catch said the next one should yield more loot, so I'm going to try for at least one more catch before Monday. I plan to spend as much of the weekend as possible farming Asiago for the last wave of the event. Based on information from the wiki, I expect to need no less than 120 pieces, so I'll aim for 150 before Monday. What I did last week was farm to 20 pieces or so above my goal and then do the Snowball Fight until I dropped to my goal; rinse and repeat. I'll likely do the same this time.
"All the world will be your enemy, Prince with a Thousand Enemies. And when they catch you, they will kill you. But first they must catch you..."
Inexhaustible Inspiration
6689 posts from forum 1.0
I finished up my fortress a couple days ago. Not sure what happened but I suddenly got a TON of bricks as the last upgrades went by extraordinarily fast. I caught the Huntress super fast as well.
This mouse has been much more difficult to attract than the Hoarder mouse.
Ironically I caught the Builder much more quickly than the Hoarder. Go figure. You might check the Marketplace for charms cause when I went to sell my extras, the prices had dropped to hardly anything.
My last catch said the next one should yield more loot
They all say that. The only thing that consistently goes up is the gold and points. Loot seems to go up every ten catches. Now what I want to know is, Jacob drew three versions of this mouse getting fatter with snow, so when does that artwork show up?
I must have missed the price dip, then, because each Builder Charm is now going for 2-3 times the price of SB+ when I look at it. O_o
I'm guessing the second picture appears at either 50 or 100 and the third at some significant milestone after that.
"All the world will be your enemy, Prince with a Thousand Enemies. And when they catch you, they will kill you. But first they must catch you..."
Inexhaustible Inspiration
6689 posts from forum 1.0
I like to bronze as many of the event mice as possible, but I don't think I'll manage the Hoarder, Builder and Miser mice this year. Perhaps they will be less dependent on expensive charms next year. I've caught 1 Hoarder and 2 Builders so far (the Miser will be out next week, I expect), so I have at least filled the silhouettes.
I've bronzed the Stuck Snowball (easily), and I have 7 Glacia Ice Fist catches, so she's probably bronzable, too. And the other bosses are probably easy to catch at least once.
My fortress needs 57 bricks for its completion, and my tower has been upgraded for the second week. I have 518 Ice Coins (I started with the Winter Walls section of the fortress, which has been profitable), and I want to buy both the base and the trap, even though Tier 3 potions are usually readily available during events.
The Hothouse Base will be good when I start working towards the Rift Base, though.
I enjoy the Soap Suds that I get from the Purple Winter Hunt Gift Boxes - and I have great fun with the Snowball game. It's a great event!
(avi artwork by Henning Janssen)
Just caught my

Just caught my
Stuck Snowball Mouse and my artwork has upgraded to the next level.Spoiler30th
What do you mean your artwork upgraded?
Jacob drew three different versions of the Stuck Snowball Mouse on a FBF, each compacted with more and more snow. As you catch more of them, your artwork will change for you in the game. I'm currently on the second artwork.
So I've been doing some thinking, and I'm starting to compile a list of long-term MH goals I'd like to work on over the next year. I've been playing for about 2.5 years? Somewhere around there. Anyway, I find that I don't enjoy the game mechanics of Baron+ levels *quite* as much as I thought I might. Not saying that I don't enjoy them; there's a lot of entertaining stuff to do and I'm by no means bored, but once you hit Baron, it seems to become a gold and status race with SO many traps to buy and hard mice to catch, that hunting isn't always extremely enjoyable.
I was thinking the other day, why have I been slogging away at the Rift areas and Toxic Spill? To get upgraded traps. What am I going to use those traps for? I dunno, future areas? But they still haven't released a new area that is required in GAME progression, so until then, these are just fun side quests. And for me, I don't find them particularly fun, so why am I hunting there again?
ANYWAY, what I'm saying is, after Event season is over and Ronza has coem and gone, I'm going to start focusing on hunting where *I* want to hunt in the game, not where I feel like I *should*. I miss some of the medium-level areas and I'm a sucker for loot boxes, so I was thinking about setting a goal like Silver'ing the Chrono (with the ultimate goal of getting a CRAP TON of Acolytes). Or hunting in Furoma more with the goal of Silver and Gold crowning most of the mice, but I hate hunting the SOJO so I dunno, lol.
I dunno; I just really like the idea of taking a break from the time-intensive game mechanic areas and working on a medium level area where the catch rate is fun, lol. What's the use of working hard for all these trap upgrades if I can't use them to demolish a lower-level area, anyway?
Anyway, there's your Monday Ramble! Please note that I'm not complaining, or comparing my hunting style to anyone else's or saying that there's a right or wrong way to play the game (goodness knows that MH has a place for ALL styles of hunters); I've just been learning more about what *I* find fun in the game, and after spending the majority of my MH career rushing, rushing, rushing to catch up to everyone and then keep my head above water when it came to new areas, I'm looking forward to slowing down and going back to savor some areas that I enjoyed but never spent much time in. Like, who knows, maybe I'll go Gold crown Tribal Isles mice, lol! I haven't been in the Islands in well over a year!
I still haven't caught the Builder Mouse, but I'm saving what's left of my charms for Monday, since they are apparently more common on Mondays just like the Snowflake mice.
If this is true, I haven't seen any evidence of it. I've gone through over 20 more Builder Charms today and still no sign of it. I'm really frustrated with this aspect of the event.
"All the world will be your enemy, Prince with a Thousand Enemies. And when they catch you, they will kill you. But first they must catch you..."
Inexhaustible Inspiration
6689 posts from forum 1.0
I was thinking the other day, why have I been slogging away at the Rift areas and Toxic Spill? To get upgraded traps. What am I going to use those traps for? I dunno, future areas?
It's strange, you know, we struggle through an area to get great traps that would be very useful in that area - and when we get them, we leave the area! LG at least has the mechanics that we're encouraged to use the new traps in the same area (to get a good base).
I'm a sucker for loot boxes, so I was thinking about setting a goal like Silver'ing the Chrono (with the ultimate goal of getting a CRAP TON of Acolytes). Or hunting in Furoma more with the goal of Silver and Gold crowning most of the mice, but I hate hunting the SOJO so I dunno, lol.
That's something I could do as well. Or at least silvering the Acolyte for a start. I love the Mysterious Boxes - and always hope for 60 Rumble in them. I love hunting the MOJO and poking Unstable Curds The SOJO is boring, though, and I leave him for passive hunting. He's perfect for times when I'll only be able to check in once a day to renew my trap checks.
[...] working on a medium level area where the catch rate is fun, lol. What's the use of working hard for all these trap upgrades if I can't use them to demolish a lower-level area, anyway?
Shortly before the GWH I had joined an easy Treasure Map - taking the Sphynx Wrath to the Whisker Woods was great fun! I've always liked that area, and going through it with hardly an FTC was great
I may not have been rushing quite as much as you have, but I see what you mean. The Rift areas AND the Sunken City - what to get first, what is affordable, and should I really just be farming gold for Ronza?
Getting more relaxed about it is a good thing for me, and apparently for you as well. I agree that people should work out what they think is fun. If they enjoy the competition, then by all means stick with it - there are scoreboards for that If they enjoy silvering the Gauntlet mice, they have just got a great new weapon for that job
I should work on silvering the Digby Dirt Dwellers at some point
(avi artwork by Henning Janssen)
After several days of attraction DHU in the GWH, I took a break and hit up the Burroughs Rift just to catch something else for a while. I have now headed back to the GWH in the hopes of finishing up the treasure map I've been on for forever. Trying to get the Gingerbread and Stocking Mice and haven't seen hide nor hair of them.
Happy New Year, mousehunters!
Anyone got the New Year's Mouse or the Party Head Mouse to drop them the new New Year's Party Portal Skin (for the Clockwork Portal)?
I'm hoping to get it - but those two mice require Arctic Asiago cheese, and several of the mice on the Nice and Naughty lists require other cheeses ...
I must have got a million gold from all those lists, btw. I haven't counted, but I must have done at least twenty. It's been a good event
(avi artwork by Henning Janssen)