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[Closed] The MouseHunt Thread: Episode V

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Glad I could help. :) Just think Stargate Atlantis and you should be good to go. ;)

468 sand dollars... 332 to go... *pantpantpant* #:-s Oh, and a Predatory Processor... and gold. :P ;))

Posted : September 28, 2014 6:45 am
Member Moderator Emeritus

After finishing up a SC run and some Burroughs Rift stuff, I decided that I wanted to go back and really finish the LG by catching my last Boss mouse there: the Shattered Carmine. Then I'll come back and do some more in these new areas, assuming the Halloween event hasn't been released by then.

I'm not very close to either the upgraded Rift trap or the first Shark trap. I'm about halfway to the latter, but only 1/5 toward the Rift trap. I haven't had a very good success rate at the upper levels. :P I'm still missing a few upper level mice in the polluted subgroup of the Burroughs Rift. I'm hoping I can nab them in my efforts to farm for the trap.

"All the world will be your enemy, Prince with a Thousand Enemies. And when they catch you, they will kill you. But first they must catch you..."
Inexhaustible Inspiration

6689 posts from forum 1.0

Posted : September 29, 2014 1:12 pm
Member Admin

I decided that I wanted to go back and really finish the LG

Best of luck! I hope you get loads of DLU and you don't have to spend a lot of time on her. She can be a royal pain. Are you gonna get the Rift Base too?

So speaking of the Rift Base, I happened across a thread on the MH forums today that pointed out the Rift Base handily out-catches lower level BRift mice over the Tidal Base. (Tidal is better at bosses.) This seems to match the two traps available for sale.
I remember the reason I got so fed up with the Rift Base in the BRift, wasn't because of the catch rate, but rather the attraction rate. But I figured I'd better pass this info along to those of you still in the BRift in case you can use it. :)

Personal update...

4:56 pm - Sunken City
I returned to the Sunken City after traveling 54,270 meters!

During this dive, I visited 2 Coral Reefs, 1 Sand Dollar Sea Bar, 3 Shallow Shoals, 1 Feeding Grounds, 1 School of Mice, 9 Shipwrecks, 6 Sea Floors, 4 Coral Gardens, 4 Mermouse Dens, 2 Pearl Patches, 2 Oxygen Streams, 2 Carnivore Coves, 10 Sunken Treasures, 21 Lost Ruins, 11 Monster Trenches, 30 Coral Castles, 21 Haunted Shipwrecks, 40 Murky Depths, 5 Deep Oxygen Streams, 3 Magma Flows and 1 Lair of the Ancients.

#:-s I feel exhausted just reading that. ;))

In addition to all of that, I also have 516 Sand Dollars and 2 Predatory Processors. I have accumulated enough gold now to buy the trap, but if I need more for the last predatory processor, I have a bit of a ways to go as they've gone up in price on the Marketplace. We'll see if I get the last one when farming the last few Sand Dollars.
Of course, now I am super-boring-farm-more-o2-mode and I will be here for a while. I'd LOVE to get this trap before the Halloween event starts, but I'm gonna be pushing it.

Posted : September 29, 2014 1:26 pm
Princess of the Noldor and Royal Overseer of the Talk About Narnia forum Moderator

I'm somewhere between 10 and 15 thousand metres in my current dive - I've got 20 Oxygen Canisters left and can see a Deep Oxygen Stream in front of me. I've got 15 EACs - and at the moment I'm sitting in Muridae Market to farm more Scrap Metal. It wouldn't be so bad if I could get some more Coconut Timber, but I'm mostly getting Bricks and a little Glass.

Still, last week I was farming Scrap Metal at the Catacombs, and I much prefer the MM - I enjoy the mice here, even those that cannot give me the loot that I want.

I have 324 Sand Dollars - I've been in 2 Sunken Treasures, 2 Monster Trenches and a Deep Oxygen Stream, and used a few Jet charms to jump between them. 76 more SDs, and then I can get the Tidal Base. But unless I get more drops of 10 Oxygen Canisters (I got one such from a very generous mouse), I won't be able to get it on this dive.

Then back to farming Oxygen again - but soon there will be my first Toxic Spill at Duchess level, which should give me some new mice to hunt. There's of course the Burroughs Rift as well, so it's still possible to jump back and forth and enjoy myself ;)

(avi artwork by Henning Janssen)

Posted : September 30, 2014 6:38 am
Member Admin

Having mixed feelings about the upcoming Toxic Spill. On one hand, I'm super excited because I love this area. ;)) But on the other hand I was REALLY hoping to have the School of Sharks by the time it opened. :P It was not meant to be as I'm not even close, but I think this will be my last TS without it.
This is also most certainly going to push my SoS trap back to November. Ah well.

Hoping for a much higher TS level this time around. :P ;)) Archduchess would be nice. ;)

Posted : September 30, 2014 8:16 am
Member Moderator Emeritus

Are you gonna get the Rift Base too?

I'm not sure yet. I doubt it will be worth my time to go through and get another set of Rift loot, so I'm going to wait and see if the Rift Base is worth crafting in the long run. If not, I'll make an Ultimate Charm out of them. 3 Icuri, though. *shudders*

Anyway, I'm camping out in the LG for the rest of this dewdrop cycle and then I'll start farming Duskshade loot. I have 5 Lunaria Petals, so when I finally get to the Twisted world, I'll be focused on the Cursed City first. I'm not going to craft Essences until I reach that point, and then it will just be to upgrade my Aleth to Ber. I'm almost exactly 1/3 of the way toward my Icuri for my last Shattering Charm. I have 1 of each of the essences E-H, so I need 5 Gur or the equivalent thereof.

I also have not made Grand Duke yet, so nothing new in the TS for me this time no matter what level it is. I don't think any area of the game will get me 23% closer in 2-3 days, so I'm just going to stick to my LG run for now. ;))

Oh, and I still have 4 Halloween/Undead maps in my inventory from last year, so once the Halloween event hits, I'll be popping those open.

"All the world will be your enemy, Prince with a Thousand Enemies. And when they catch you, they will kill you. But first they must catch you..."
Inexhaustible Inspiration

6689 posts from forum 1.0

Posted : October 1, 2014 2:39 am
NarniaWeb Podcaster Moderator Emeritus

So I was pretty sure I posted this last night, but I guess it didn't go through, so....

Thanks to camping out in the Sunken City farming O2 while I was moving and getting settled in, I started my dive the other week with a LOT of O2. I've just passed the 10k mark with 1,555 O2 still to go.

Anyone want to wager a guess as to how deep I'll end up getting? ;) I have used 4 Water Jet charms; I figured I might as well skip some of the boring stuff and hunt in the good loot areas as much as possible.

Hopefully I'm able to craft enough EAC's to keep up with demands...I don't have a very large supply. May buy some in order to maximize loot profit.

ETA: I dunno if I'm going to go into the spill or not; I'm pretty "meh" about it. I probably will just to collect more supplies (and it's good for passive hunting), but yeah. I still have a lot of hunting left to do in the Burrough's Rift, but it requires more active hunting and I haven't had the time. Maybe over the weekend.

Posted : October 1, 2014 5:33 pm
Member Moderator

I'm about getting ready to give up on the Burroughs Rift for a bit. I still lack three mice and I'm no where near getting enough stuff for the rift additions.

I'll probably go back to the sunken city. I've got to finish up my ff and go diving again. Would be nice to get at least the first of the two traps.

Posted : October 2, 2014 6:33 am
Member Admin

Hitting up the Toxic Spill for at least the Grand Duke and Duke levels. I doubt I'll stick around longer than that unless I don't max out the sludge. Then it's back to the Sunken City for me to keep working through the Fishy Fromage.
I've used about 230 so far, 520 more to go. :P

Anyone want to wager a guess as to how deep I'll end up getting?

Depends on how aggressive you are with your Water Jet charms. I'll guess around 55m-60m. I'll be watching the scoreboards. ;)

Posted : October 2, 2014 6:06 pm
Princess of the Noldor and Royal Overseer of the Talk About Narnia forum Moderator

I've caught the four Spill mice that were new to me as a Duchess :)
I'm not on Facebook at the moment, so there is no friends communication, but I do get taken on hunts.

I'll probably park at the Spill for a while and just go for passive trap checks. Probably for Count and Baron levels as well as Duke - but I would also like to finish my Sunken City dive before the Halloween event ...

(avi artwork by Henning Janssen)

Posted : October 4, 2014 3:44 am
Member Admin

Lots of new mice catches this round in the Toxic Spill. :D So congrats to everybody!
I still need the Mutated Behemoth, he's the only non-rare mouse I still have left to go. But somehow I don't see an Archduke spill happening any time soon, unless they stick it in at the end of the Halloween event. Possible, but unlikely as I don't think it'd be cleaned up before the Christmas event starts. Perhaps after the Christmas/New Year event?

I'm currently at 207/250 Crude Pollutinum. I'll finish that up before the spill reaches Count level, at which point I'll head back to the Sunken City. The Spill has been a nice break (bring on those points!) but I'm chomping at the bit for my School of Sharks... which I'm still a ways away from. :P ;))

ETA @ 10/6/14, 11:02pm CDT: *bows out of the Toxic Spill, which is now Count level, and returns to the Sunken City to farm oxygen for the next several days*

Posted : October 5, 2014 8:00 am
The Logical Ornithological Mod Moderator Emeritus

I finally reached 50 rift circuitries last night, and purchased the focused laser trap! I love the design of it; it looks incredible!

I am NOT interested in the high luck trap from the rift. . . not right now at least. . . I may come back for it later, but as for right now, I'm back in the sunken city working my way towards the traps. I still need the first one :(

Member of Ye Olde NarniaWeb

Posted : October 11, 2014 3:44 am
Member Admin

Way to go DiGs! I suspect once you have the boss trap, the increased catch rate of bosses will make that second trap come a lot faster. :)
I don't expect to see myself getting that trap until 2015 as event season is about to kick off and I'll be lucky to get the School of Sharks. I've been resisting the temptation to dive now since I have almost 1200 o2 which would probably be enough, but (and you all are gonna laugh at me) I'm also planning ahead so I can be in good position for Easter Eggs this spring. :)) I'd like to be in the deep waters with plenty of o2 to spare. ;) Less than 200FF to go. Racing the Halloween event which will probably be out Monday. :P

Posted : October 11, 2014 5:36 am
Princess of the Noldor and Royal Overseer of the Talk About Narnia forum Moderator

I just returned from a dive of 18 thousand m. It brought me more than a hundred Sand Dollars, so I now need 64 more to be able to buy the Tidal Base. My next dive should do it - perhaps between the Halloween event and the Great Winter Hunt?

Burroughs Rift weapons are further off. Congratulations on yours, DiGs! :D But I have collected 174 Mist Canisters (while bronzing some of the lower level mice), so I'm ready for misting and getting the top cheeses, at some time when I can hunt actively. Not right now - so I'm collecting Oxygen Canisters instead. 21 so far. Typical passive playing activity.

I'm at 1454 Pollutinum and 256 Soapy Suds - the Washboard Base needs 400 Soapy Suds, so it will take more than one more Spill to get it (even if I use more charms, I think). I got my first Polluted Theme scrap - with this drop rate, I'll probably get the 2000 Pollutinum it needs before I get the last two scraps ...

Then event season starts, and is likely to delay some hunting plans ...

(avi artwork by Henning Janssen)

Posted : October 12, 2014 3:06 am
Princess of the Noldor and Royal Overseer of the Talk About Narnia forum Moderator

Then event season starts, and is likely to delay some hunting plans ...

It also delays posting ... :p

I'll double-post to share a guide for the Halloween event:
It's got lots of graphics, including most of the trap skins from the event shop.

One skin that currently is missing, is the Molten Oasis skin, to be used on the Chrome Phantasmic Oasis trap. I watched Jacob drawing it. It was a suggestion from the chat that he should make a CPOT skin, a suggestion that I supported whole-heartedly. The chrome on the trap is melted, it's so burning hot:

I'm on my second run of the Pumpkin Patch and have caught all the new mice. I'm on my first event library assignment and on my second treasure map - I haven't opened the 2014 map yet, which will probably give the Spooky Theme Scrap that I still need. I enjoy using different charms for certain mice, and I love how the HUD changes with them! Very pleased with the event so far :D

And I'm so glad I crafted the Grand Arcanum Trap before the event. It's my main trap in the event area - I even caught the Hollowed Mouse with it B-)

(avi artwork by Henning Janssen)

Posted : October 17, 2014 12:28 am
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