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[Closed] The MouseHunt Thread: Episode V

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The Logical Ornithological Mod Moderator Emeritus

BREAKING: Search for missing scientists uncovers strange mist at their last known whereabouts...

. . . .

If it's a green mist, I'm leaving. . . .

Member of Ye Olde NarniaWeb

Posted : September 6, 2014 9:51 am
Princess of the Noldor and Royal Overseer of the Talk About Narnia forum Moderator

Let's hope it's purple :D

We've finished up the treasure map - thanks, fantasia! I'll go for an LG map next, but not while there's so much to do with the Rifts and in the Sunken City. Unless they make a Sunken City treasure map, that is.

But right now I'm hunting for the Mist Canisters - I have 8 so far - and as I said, hoping that the mist is purple.

(avi artwork by Henning Janssen)

Posted : September 6, 2014 10:09 am
Member Admin

BREAKING: Search for missing scientists uncovers strange mist at their last known whereabouts...

. . . .

If it's a green mist, I'm leaving. . . .


Weeellllllll..... based on Jacob's art, I'd guess it varies depending on location. Looks like Mousoleum Rift mist is grey, Digby is brown, but the Lab? has a nice green sludge color. ;))

... tos_stream

But the new trap skin uses brown, so we'll go with that. ;)

And speaking of trap skins, I got the biggest kick out of the fact that the new skin is inspired by HAL from 2001: Space Odyssey. It's even better that the head dev is named Dave. :))

@Varna, you're welcome. :) I didn't do too much, just snagged one mouse, but maybe I evened the statistical odds a bit so you caught those pesky Nomad and Nibbler mice more quickly. ;)

Two more Mist Canisters for me and then it's back to the Sunken City. :)

Posted : September 6, 2014 10:52 am
Princess of the Noldor and Royal Overseer of the Talk About Narnia forum Moderator

Looks like Mousoleum Rift mist is grey, Digby is brown, but the Lab? has a nice green sludge color. ;))

... tos_stream
But the new trap skin uses brown, so we'll go with that. ;)

If the sludge is green and the mist is brown, I'm fine with that :p

maybe I evened the statistical odds a bit so you caught those pesky Nomad and Nibbler mice more quickly. ;)

Probably. ;) And I went on hunts with you for both of those catches, too :)

I'm aiming for more Canisters and Crystals. I'm using my new Gold Base with the Riftiago and the Resonator cheese - with the Resonator especially I assume that the extra power is useful.

(avi artwork by Henning Janssen)

Posted : September 6, 2014 12:13 pm
Member Admin

The Burroughs Rift is now open. I checked right at 11am EDT when they normally do their updates and there it was. ;)) So I got in there just before they posted the news and got their announcement ads up. :D But then I made the mistake of reading Larry's summary first and my brain exploded. (Seems like an appropriate place for brain bits all over the walls :P ;)) ) Very confusing. The official news story is much better. Anyways, I've got the first step down, crack open the mist canisters and keep the meter in the green. I can do that. ;))
And because that immediately makes it a more interactive area, I will head to the Sunken City overnight or when I can't directly open/close my mist canisters.
This is going to sound funny, but the thing I'm most excited about is the choice between the powerful trap vs the lucky trap. I always thought that was kind of cool in the lower levels. (Of course the news story made it sound like not much of a choice at all....)
One final initial thought... not impressed at all with the Rift setup, there is 0 bonus attraction and I've had more FTAs than attractions. My husband has his Tidal Base and Super Power Charms setup and is doing much better, so I switched to that setup too.

ETA: Spoiler 1 from personal observation regarding which mice you attract.

Once you crack open the Mist Canisters and get into the Green on your meter, you no longer attract the little robot mice that you start with, only the low level Mousoleum:Rift mice.

ETA 2: Five hours later and I've snagged all of the Mousoleum Rift mice. Yay! Gonna try for a few Digby Rift mice, but mostly I'm gonna drop back to the beginning, farm more Mist Canisters, and get the rest of those early mice.

Posted : September 9, 2014 5:59 am
Member Moderator Emeritus

I'm a bit late to the Burroughs Rift compared to everyone else. I'm still farming my first round of Terre Ricotta potions. I've got 28 more mice in the new area to catch still. I'm hoping the potions drop as frequently as everyone else has been saying since they only give you 1-2 pieces of cheese each.

I'm not sure if I'll try to get both of the new Rift traps or just go with the higher Power. I'm also debating whether the Rift Base will be truly worth crafting or not. I guess it depends on how much power the triple setup will actually net you.

I'm still swimming along with the SC. I have 444 O2 left for this dive, and have finally been getting some DLU with my areas so that my supplies are evening out a bit. I'm still hoping for some of the special areas like Oxygen Streams and a Magma Flow. We'll see how that turns out. I won't be buying either of the traps for another 2-3 dives, I'd say, since Sand Dollars haven't been that plentiful for me and I've been buying so many Water Jet charms this dive.

"All the world will be your enemy, Prince with a Thousand Enemies. And when they catch you, they will kill you. But first they must catch you..."
Inexhaustible Inspiration

6689 posts from forum 1.0

Posted : September 10, 2014 3:54 am
Member Admin

I was offline for a good portion of the day today and moved back to the Sunken City in the meantime. Back home now and back to the Burroughs Rift. Gonna take a good stab at the The Menace of the Rift, which according to Larry is the boss mouse I should try for first. :P Unfortunately, he's not the only mouse I can attract, unlike the Rift:BBB and Rift:Monster (sorry, haven't learned the names yet ;)) ).

ETA: I ended up getting all three Polluted Parmesan + Red Level Mist mice: The Menace of the Rift, the Plutonium Tentacle, and the Assassin Beast. I now have the Null Gauntlet so I can buy, craft, and arm Rift Charms. Of course now that I've done that, I'm getting stomped by the Big Bad Behemoth Burroughs mouse. :P

Posted : September 10, 2014 3:06 pm
Member Moderator

I'm down to 17 mice in the new section. I've got 21 pieces of terre ricotta and 38 mist canisters. I need to see about trying to craft the other cheese too.

I've caught the Big bad Behemoth Burroughs Mouse but none of the others so far.

Posted : September 11, 2014 8:33 am
Member Admin

As in, 17 mice still to catch? Or you've caught 17 of them? (Is betting it's the first one.) I have four mice left: Amplified White, Mecha Tail, Monstrous Abomination, and the BBBB. I mentioned above that I was getting stomped by the BBBB last night and he ended up winning Me:0 BBBB:6. :P ;)) I had to go to bed or I would have given him a few more tries.
Currently farming mist so maybe once of these years I'll get the Amplified White mouse checked off the list. My immediate goal is to catch all of the mice. And considering how active you have to be in this area, I will probably remain here for the time being and move to the Sunken City when I'm inactive.

I am extremely unimpressed with the three-part Rift setup + bonuses. I've given up on it already with the Crystal Tower unless I see some numbers that prove I've just been unlucky and it is in fact superior. I'll give it another try when I have the upgraded trap(s), but otherwise, a decently powerful setup definitely feels like the way to go.

Random thought, I'm sad the Nugget Mouse didn't get a Rift version. (Unless he's Clump, but I think that's the Core Sample Mouse)
Random thought #2, they made the Itty Bitty Rifty Burroughs Mouse "cute", which is really weird.
Random thought #3, there are a LOT of collectibles in this area.

So I'm kind of enjoying this area. Not as much as the Sunken City, but definitely more than the Gnawnian Rift (which was way too short and too easy for Count level). At first I thought this one was way too easy too, especially for Duke level, but it's gonna take forever to get 50 Rift Circuitry for the trap or 100 if you're going for both, so I'm good with the difficulty level. And I like the gold and point income. :D
Not my favorite area this year, not my least favorite either, so we'll see where it eventually falls. :)

Posted : September 11, 2014 9:27 am
Member Moderator

I'm down to 11 mice to catch in this area. I've not had a single hint of a parmesan potion drop. Any suggestions? Is there a particular type of cheese I should be hunting with? or something I can do to my trap setup?

Posted : September 12, 2014 1:53 am
Member Admin

I've not had a single hint of a parmesan potion drop.

*looks at your profile* That's really odd actually. You're using up all your DLU on catching Monstrous Abominations instead of potion drops I guess.
Well, you were in the right area with the right cheese yesterday. You need to arm Terre Ricotta Cheese and keep your mist meter between 5-18. I'm really surprised you didn't get a single potion drop. :-o
And I'm wondering if you realize you can turn your mist generator back off by clicking on it? That way you're not stuck catching boss mice and you can farm potions more efficiently.

ETA: Got both my Monstrous Abomination and BBBB this morning. That BBBB did NOT want to go down without a fight. 1/14. Ouch! Just the Mecha Tail left and then I have all the mice. :) That's step one. Then it's onto step two which is farming the trap. Trying to decide which trap I want more first: the School of Sharks or the Focused Crystal Laser.

Posted : September 12, 2014 2:45 am
daughter of the King
Princess Dot Moderator

Just crafted my Chrome Phantasmic Oasis Trap! And now I'm taking a break from the LV and hanging out in the SC for awhile. I'll head back to catch a Shattering Carmine and work on the other traps eventually. And I'm avoiding all the new Rift stuff for now because I feel woefully unprepared for anything other than the first area.

Narniaweb sister to Pattertwig's Pal

Posted : September 12, 2014 5:01 am
Member Moderator

You need to arm Terre Ricotta Cheese and keep your mist meter between 5-18. I'm really surprised you didn't get a single potion drop. :-o
And I'm wondering if you realize you can turn your mist generator back off by clicking on it? That way you're not stuck catching boss mice and you can farm potions more efficiently.

I figured it was a tiered cheese drop from the HUD. I did know that, but I tend to be afk quite a bit and last night I actually forgot to turn off the mist when I went to bed. I'm thinking my best strategy may be to mist during daylight and farm mist at night. Or when I'm going to be offline for a bit.

I'm farming Terre Ricotta potions and mist again. I had 22 pieces of TR last time. I'll probably shoot for a little higher and then give it a go and see what happens on the other loot drop.

Posted : September 12, 2014 9:00 am
Member Admin

Just crafted my Chrome Phantasmic Oasis Trap!

Congrats Dot!! :D

I'll head back to catch a Shattering Carmine and work on the other traps eventually.

I definitely recommend getting the other traps first, just because each "run" will speed up significantly the better you can catch mice and get drops.

And I'm avoiding all the new Rift stuff for now because I feel woefully unprepared for anything other than the first area.

Yes, you need to do the Gnawnian Rift first (which really doesn't take TOO long unless you're unlucky), but the Rift areas provide no benefit other than gold and points to the rest of the areas of the game.

I did know that, but I tend to be afk quite a bit and last night I actually forgot to turn off the mist when I went to bed.

Yeah, I've been hunting in the Sunken City overnight and when I'm afk, unless I'm farming mist.

Varna requested a summary of what the mist levels do. I'm doing this from memory, so it'd be wise to double check on the forums or elsewhere, but I think I've got it so I'm going to post....

Brie/Magical String Cheese + 0 on the Mist Meter: (0 Mist Meter mice may include the other two cheeses as well, I haven't actually looked)
Amplified White, Amplified Grey, Amplified Brown, Cybernetic Specialist, Rift Bio Engineer, Automated Sentry, Surgeon Bot, Evil Scientist, Doktor, Portable Generator (Magical String only)
The above mice are for farming Mist Canisters.

Brie/Magical String Cheese + 1-5 on the Mist Meter (yellow):
Prototype, Robat, Phase Zombie, Count Vampire, Tech Ravenous Zombie
The above mice are for farming Terre Ricotta Potions

Brie/Magical String Cheese + 6-18 on the Mist Meter (green):
Prototype, Robat, Phase Zombie, Count Vampire, Tech Ravenous Zombie, Zombot Unipire the Third, Lycanoid, Revenant
The above mice are for farming Terre Ricotta Potions

Brie/Magical String Cheese + 19-20 on the Mist Meter (red):
Monstrous Abomination
The above mouse will drop Rift Circuitry

Terre Ricotta Cheese + 1-5 on the Mist Meter:
Pneumatic Dirt Dispenser, Itty Bitty Rifty Burroughs, Rifterranian, Clump, Cyber Miner
The above mice are for farming Polluted Parmesan Potions

Terre Ricotta Cheese + 6-18 on the Mist Meter:
Pneumatic Dirt Dispenser, Itty Bitty Rifty Burroughs, Rifterranian, Clump, Cyber Miner, Lambent, Master Exploder, Boulder Biter
The above mice are for farming Polluted Parmesan Potions

Terre Ricotta Cheese + 19-20 on the Mist Meter:
Big Bad Behemoth Burroughs
The above mouse drops Rift Circuitry

Polluted Parmesan Cheese + 1-5 on the Mist Meter:
Mecha Tail, Radioactive Ooze, Toxikinetic

Polluted Parmesan Cheese + 6-18 on the Mist Meter:
Mecha Tail, Radioactive Ooze, Toxikinetic, Toxic Avenger, Rancid Bog Beast, Super Mega Mecha Ultra RoboGold

Polluted Parmesan Cheese + 19-20 on the Mist Meter:
Toxic Avenger, Rancid Bog Beast, Super Mega Mecha Ultra RoboGold, Plutonium Tentacle, Assassin Beast, The Menace of the Rift
The Menace of the Rift drops the Null Gauntlet; the Plutonium Tentacle, Assassin Beast, and The Menace drop Rift Circuitry


And finally, there was one spoiler in the Mobile FBF today: The Halloween event will include another Tier so-to-speak for level counts and up. So like if you just use Halloween cheese you catch white and brown mice, if you add the Dark Chocolate Charms on there you get Ooze and Gargoyle mice, etc etc. There will be another level after that for those that are interested.

Posted : September 12, 2014 11:02 am
Princess of the Noldor and Royal Overseer of the Talk About Narnia forum Moderator

Thank you - that's a great overview! :)
Reading that, and reading forum discussions and guides, I'm beginning to get a better grasp of the area. Misting, and controlling the misting to go to the desired level, reminds me of the Charge Charms and the Charge Eggs at the Spring Egg Hunt.

And on the forum someone did indeed say that at 0 Mist Meter the TR and PP cheeses wouldn't change the mice population.

So my first goal is to get enough Polluted Parmesan (would 15-20 be enough?) to go for The Menace of the Rift to get a Null Gauntlet - only then can I begin to think about Rift Charms.

At the moment I'm deliberately going down towards 0 on the Mist Meter, in order to catch the Portable Generator mouse. I use Brie String cheese for trap checks, which should bronze some mice from the 0 group, and then I'll hunt the PG tomorrow.

Right now I need to monitor my progress both in Living Garden (King Grub) and in Sunken City (Pearl Patch coming up), but when I'll need to do purely mindless trap checks there's always the Dojo Sensei :p

(avi artwork by Henning Janssen)

Posted : September 12, 2014 2:56 pm
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