Not to lessen your frustration with the area, but I've caught 51 acolytes and probably had 4 or 5 drop? And now that you caught the tenth acolyte, you'll get a better box from him which has a slightly higher chance for a rune in there. I bought the vast majority from the General Store with Cogs. The dropped runes are bonuses, you're supposed to buy most of them.
@FK LNY snuck up on me too! I'd sort of been tracking when it was, but I guess I forgot that it was coming "early" this year. I saw my Daily Gift with Dumpling Cheese on Tuesday and was like, wait what.
Since I didn't have ANY time to prepare, I'm sort of winging it this year. I've done some QQ hunting, a little Ful'Mina hunting...right now I'm restocking Candles and then I'll probably try and hit up Valor Rift since I'm at 60/75 Fragments that are needed for a UU run.
@ Kat: I feel ya on the frustration. In the past I was always pretty chill with grinding it out to get the drops I needed for the most part, but then the Laby happened and I'd probably still be hunting there if I hadn't bought the TSP I needed for the trap. Pretty sure I bought some Runes in BRift, and lately my biggest purchase was a Rib, because goodness knows I sunk enough gold/time into that area before finally getting smart and realizing that just buying one off the MP was way more time/cost efficient. So there's no shame in that! I'm pretty big on, roll the dice until it starts to get frustrating, and then look into other options.
I'd run go buy the remaining 4, but I don't want to undo the progress I've made in gold lately. I'm hovering at 60 mil while I do this. I need the rib still too.
Hi. This thread keeps coming up when I do google searches about mousehunt so I figured I’d make an account and participate.
There is a lot of good information here, yes I definitely agree with buying a rib off the market and then using it to hunt for more ribs, hunt fulmina, or hunt the draconic section of the upcoming floating isles.
I took a few years off from mousehunt and cane back for this most recent Halloween and will play for event season.
The new desert heater base is extremely overpowered. I’ve spent the entire event farming out dumpling and nian gao in muridae as the base randomly generates essences(including gur, hix and icuri), as well as items like sandblasted metals, control boxes to nuke the warpath and Sandtail area charns. It usually drops aleth essence but can drop the more rare jackpot items.
The Easter egg hunt is a good time to hunt the grand mojo(his egg has onyx stones to craft more bait to get more sojo for branches for ascended elder)
Hopefully the vrift mice drop good eggs as well.
But for now here is are some winning formulas as far as I can tell:
Use desert heater base during events like lunar new year and Halloween in muridae.
Combine the lightning aura with Halloween aura in November to stock up on bait for ascended elder to use during lny.
During great winter hunt, send golems to whisker woods rift(to craft LL bait for lunar new year), also send golems to mousu Picchu for toof, dragon banes, and fire bowl fuel.
During lny, start off in muridae farming cheese to candles, start with with your 500 pieces of lactrodectous to hunt mbw for the rift charms and use slayer, winter, chrome and lightning auras for max loot. Hunt ascended elder during lny as well as twisted carmine, the 3 big lg bosses, and when you run Low on candle(about 50 or 100 candles), hunt fulmina with white candles to play fulmina lottery and get more dumpling cheese and then Farm the dumpling in muridae to get more candles, and hunt fulmina again. Wash,rinse, repeat until the lny is over.
With the relics, buy nice lists during great winter hunt and and trash the nice maps and keep the dusts( think of it this way, if you collect 100 map dust that is worth about 300m to 400 million in gold, if you collect 1000 dusts that is worth 3-4 billion in my gold. Also use the relics to buy lightning maps and do the maps when there is no major event going on. Use the baitkeep charms for ascended elder during lny.
Sorry for such a long post there are a few other ideas on can share for another day.
Free stuff
3 free white candles
Non Facebook link
2 pieces of dumpling bait
Non Facebook link
Another treat
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Welcome! We are an odd little corner of the internet to find a MH game thread, but such is life.
So I was thinking a UU run was a little further away, but then I lit a Red Candle on Floor 16 (15? 16?) and got 9 Fragments so I'm just 5 away and will definitely have enough by the time this run is done.
I was going through my MH spreadsheet that I haven't updated in aaaaages and realized I never wrote down when I'd ranked to Elder...I like to keep track of those dates. It took a surprisingly long amount of time to figure it out. In other news, though, the fact that I've gained 1% per month since ranking up is somewhat surprising and encouraging (since I'm pretty passive these days)...maybe the next rank is only two years away instead of ten.
Hi dracula, and welcome! Thanks for the tips. I used to be on top of things back in the day, but too busy to keep up with the news anymore, so I just fly by the seat of my pants these days and hope something works out.
I got my Celestial Dissonance Trap yesterday thanks to the Red Candles + The Total Eclipse Mouse.
I now have 530 Dewthief Camembert, 1660 Duskshade, 314 Graveblossom, and 1046 Lunaria. I plan to hunt with LNY Candles in Twisted Garden with Lunaria. 2 or 3 Living chests would be nice.
I've hunted with white candles and 200 Lunaria in Twisted Garden and got enough catches to silver the Twisted Carmine - and got 2 Living Chests (and 2 Gur Essences ) every time . I won't do the actual bronzing during the event, but I only need 2 more Icuri now to craft all the Shattering Charms I need to bronze those bosses. (Perhaps I should get some spare Icuri as well, in case I want to continue - but I won't work on silvering them.)
At the moment I've got 19 red candles, but I'm not sure where best to use them. If I had prepared WWRift, I would have gone there - I'm halfway through, got all three sections up between 20 and 25, so maybe I could hunt my way up to 50/50/50 after all.
I don't want to spend the candles until I'm somewhere where all the mice available are "worth it". FRift if I had more Enerchi and could go higher up and do the bosses there - VRift if I can get close enough to an Eclipse or two. And there's always Fulmina.
(avi artwork by Henning Janssen)
Arrrrggg!! I totally forgot to open my Lightning Treasure Chest until today. I had three of them stockpiled for this event and now I'll probably only get to use one of them instead of two. Oh well, at least I remembered it now and I'll get about a week of doubled Ful'Mina's Gifts.
My Ultimate Umbra tower run is going VERY well. Using double drops most of the way up and I've been using the triple drop candles on The Total Eclipse. I got the trap (mentioned above), and I can afford the base and a first page of the codex. I'm almost to be able to level my speed up to 9. The only problem is I've spent SOOO much additional gold on Champion's Fire (my stockpile from Christmas already ran out lol) that I don't have a lot in reserve to buy all the stuff I have supplies for. Should probably get on the marketplace and try to sell some stuff. Also maybe should go back to FRift again for a bit once the event is over. Free red cheese Non Facebook link Free candles non Facebook link
As for where to hunt with red candles.
Ascended elder and monstrous black widow are top choices
Absolute acolyte is a decent choice if you can get to him quickly. If you have already silvered the AA then every chest has at least one rune. If you use red candle then more runes
Dark magi, king scarab are ok choices as well
If you are at plus 50 luck and feeling lucky try fulmina with red candle. I usually end up with iodized salt
Warmonger isn’t a bad choice if you have the nukes to get to him quickly and need to catch a monger for a map. If you can get to total eclipse then that is a good time to use red candle
I did candles + Moussu Picchu a couple years ago and really rocked that area. I can't remember which one now, but I even got one of the trap pieces to drop with regular candles lit.
But this year all my focus was on my Ultimate Umbra run in the Valour Rift and it has been very, VERY successful. I'm currently sitting on 140 Cores. I've got the base (made it high enough in the tower that it has surpassed the Clockwork and is about to surpass Minotaur), I've got the trap, and as soon as I'm done with this tower run (55 steps left), I'll max out my speed as well and be done with upgrades. That just leaves the Codex pages to go.
What I am lacking now is straight up gold as I've spent a very large chunk of it.
I'm just now starting on V rift. But from what I have seen my plan is this:
stock up on v rift supplies (cores and whatnot) over the spring egg hunt. Over the spring and summer, finish all upgrades.
For Halloween do a massive Ultimate umbra run using both the Halloween aura combined with lightning auras to max out the catch rate.
I saw a LOT of people hunting in the V rift over the lunar new year, and that was very smart. If you have already powered up the prestige base, you may be able to do some things now that you couldn't do before, such as use the prestige base to hit the minimum luck of 49 on the monstrous black widow for a 100% catch rate, without needing event luck from the lny or whatnot.
I was just getting back into the game this past fall, and am now sort of caught up by finishing the bw rift and starting the v rift. My guess is that I try to get in one really good UU run after Halloween to power up the prestige base and then move on to the floating isles.
These may be expired by now but maybe not non facebook link non facebook link
Thanks to the Valentine event and the Relic Hunter I just caught three mice at once.
As for goals, I finally crafted the Minotaur base. Next up: finish the Queso Canyon adventure and then back to the Rift. And eventually Moussu Picchu.
Some tricks for the event:
you get double salt if you are in the sand crypts(you get one salt for each mouse you catch, or 2 if you are using super salts), the valentine event mouse doesn't use a charm, but you still get the benefit as if you have used a charm to catch it.
Same goes for enerchi, the game acts as if you used two enerchi charms when you catch an event mouse with an enerchi charms equipped, but you only use one charm. <-- free superbrie <-- free v charms
I'm still grinding through the v rift, currently 6 speed, 4 sync, 3 syphon.
Another effect of the double mice can be an unfortunate one in Sunken City: If you use a Jet Charm to reach exactly the position you want to go to, the Valentine's mouse releases another jet charm, which may cause you to fly past the place you wanted to reach
I listen to Feedback Friday this afternoon, and it was suggested that if they repeated this event next year, they might consider to keep the Valentine's mice out of certain locations for such reasons.
It was also mentioned that the encounter rate of those mice was about 20 %, so you could expect to catch one mouse per hour. I went on a tourney this morning, and during 4 hours I only caught 2 - a little DHU is only to be expected. I still got into the top 25 % in the tourney and got a small pile of charms - nothing great or big about the rewards from these small tourneys. I don't know whether I'll be bothered to join another one.
I'm hoping to silver one or two of the Valentine's mice, and it's also a good opportunity to run around and crown other mice fromtreasure maps. I'm also finally working on bronzing the Ringleaders in Claw Shot City - a lady on the forum needed someone to work with, because she needs Fool's Gold for a trap, and the Wanted Posters are a good source for that. We need to do between 10 and 20 posters, and it's a good thing that they can stay open and unattended while we do event maps instead. I'd rather not do 20 posters solid ...
(avi artwork by Henning Janssen)
I FINALLY got the timesplit trap! I am DONE with that portion. I can actually set foot in the Valor rift.
Now to rebuild my gold reserves. I'd forgotten that trap was so expensive.
Thanks to everyone for helping with the runes.