Hooray for Varna! That's fantastic!
...I've seen people trying to sell theirs at the Marketplace for more than 300 mil gold. Am I mad that I do NOT want to sell mine, but want to keep it and upgrade the Draconic trap instead?
Well, what would YOU do with 300 mil gold? I have 136 mil gold and I'm not spending it on much of anything except for SB+ and Rare Map Dust.
I would totally keep the rib.
If I sold the first rib, I would need another for the trap upgrade - and there's no telling how long I would have to wait for that. That's my main reason to keep it - and it's good to hear that you think it's a good idea too
It looks like I'll get the draconic trap upgrade before any of the other new traps. Now that I have the rib, I still need roughly 40 tungsten, 1 Fulmina's Tooth, and roughly 300 Dragon Scales. So I'll need to do some hunting in Mousso Picchu as well fairly soon.
I feel a bit sad about smashing the Chrome Storm Wrought Ballista trap - it has some very pretty skins. It would be rather costly to buy/craft another one, though. Maybe if I can sell something else for 300 mil gold some time
(avi artwork by Henning Janssen)
I'm a bit stuck. Had to go back to farming leaves.
I've been farming them for a few days now. At the moment I'm back in the Geyser doing small eruptions to build up a good supply of rubber, and will do the same for geyserite and tungsten.
I farmed a thousand Cork bark before starting on the eruptions.
I have also hunted Ful'Mina for Scales - I need about three hundred now for the trap upgrade, and if I don't get a tooth, I'll need another 600 Scales to buy one in the shop.
(avi artwork by Henning Janssen)
I completed my second full epic cork explosion yesterday with another 50/50 split of Wildfire and Flamin' Queso. However, this run was exceedingly anticlimactic. All I got were two Ultimate Charms, no trap parts at all.
The nice thing is that when you finish, the nest loot does restock your cheese quite a bit so you don't have to completely start over from scratch.
Back to Prickly Plains and the Quarry to get more supplies.
ETA: Did my run 24 hours too soon. Shame on me, because I knew the new treasure maps were coming but I forgot about it.
Just want to note here that unless I'm ready for an epic explosion, I won't be opening any of those new maps. They're too expensive (need nachore for dragon charms) and too much time of not doing regular queso maps to just sit on for a while.
I haven't posted in here in a while, but as I am just starting my first epic eruption (I was stuck in a disappointing Mino run for about a week after the new area released) I was looking for some loot drop rates. Closest I could find was this guy on Reddit, who got 80 Kalor'ignis mice in one run:
I've got 40 wild tonics, which double the nest drops, so I'm hoping to get 40 wild fire queso to go after him using boss charms (ULC, ULP, ULPC)
We'll see how things go.
Member of Ye Olde NarniaWeb
Good to see you on here DiGs. Just as a quick tip, if you have them, the dragon charms work like a.... charm?
possibly even better than the ones you listed.
I've finished 3 Epic eruptions now, and gotten about half of the trap parts. I've crafted the Hydro trap, but as I've only been in Quero Canyon, I haven't used it yet.
I saw someone posting that he had got 2 ribs, one from the Dragon and one from the Tonic!
The Grand Tour maps have good loot too, and I enjoy hunting on them. I've used half of that million of Bland cheese I got from golems and other event sources, but I don't think I'll need to farm Bland or the lower spice leaves for weeks. Maps and eruptions fill them up.
I can see that doing several eruptions and getting hundreds of the Kalor without getting a single rib must be frustrating, though ...
(avi artwork by Henning Janssen)
I can see that doing several eruptions and getting hundreds of the Kalor without getting a single rib must be frustrating, though ...
The one thing in this game I've always had a lot of DLU with, is getting trap parts to drop. But perhaps my luck has come to an end. I've also completed three runs, and of those three, I've only gotten one Thermal Chisel.
As I have a good supply of cheese with the exception of Wildfire, I may need to make an effort to get a lot of that instead of splitting it 40/40 with Flamin'.
I may also need to make an effort to farm for more of the Grand Tour maps because the supplies from those are really worth it. They're kind of pricey in the Nachore department though.
I've always had lousy luck with part drops. I fully expect this area to take me the rest of the year if not longer. I still need to get the trap from the BW Rift. I'll probably stick to bouncing between the two for awhile. Ah well. At least most of the event season is over with and Ronza will likely be sometime this summer.
Speaking of Ronza.... I was trying to figure out why I was suddenly having Chrome Bits drop. But behold! Ronza cometh.... Looks like she'll be here on the 25th.
https://www.mousehuntgame.com/newspost. ... ost_id=387
Ronza's supplies have gotten a little old hat to some extent, but I'm not complaining as it is a fantastic way to stock up on the charms and stuff that she brings back.
Question on the Living Grove base... Anyone know how much of the mold it takes to build the base?
Also, it's nice you don't "have" to use the chrome bits on a voucher.
I think that's a new mould of a new type - one mould costs about 3 mil gold, and you need it with the remains of the smashed Soiled Base to craft the Living Grove base.
I think I'll buy tooth parts for all my chrome bits.
(avi artwork by Henning Janssen)
Just grinding away in the Prickly Plains for cheese. But... I'm wondering if this is the most efficient way to get Kalor'ignis's Rib.
What is the best place to grind for gold? I'm not THAT far away from the current price on the Marketplace and I'm thinking it'd be in my best interest to go that route.
ETA: A rib showed up on the Marketplace for 121,000,000 gold, so I sold lots of Ful'Mina teeth and snagged it. I am now broke and cannot afford the trap *irony* But I do have all the other required ingredients so I'm going to farm gold in the Laby/Zokor for a while. I think the treasury hallways are one of the best places to get money, so I'll give it a shot. We'll see.
Got my first relic theme scrap in forever this morning. Just one more to go and that'll be a very nice thing to check off!
Back to Queso Canyon to see what Big Jaq has to offer. Honestly it doesn't look to be a very big deal, but maybe I'm underestimating how nice her wares are.
ETA: Ok, so large blooming spice plants.... Wow!
11:18 am - Prickly Plains
I received 84 Mild Spice Leaves, 102 Medium Spice Leaves, 72 Hot Spice Leaves, and 46 Flamin' Spice Leaves from 5 Large Blooming Spice Plants.