I did something this morning that I never thought I would do... I opened all of my eggs, every single one of them. I'd been hoarding them over the years because it was fun to have a copy of all of them, but I'd run into two problems. The first was that it took FOREVER to scroll through all of them, and second, it had me at a disadvantage for not opening the golden egg (and the like). And if you open all of one and no longer have the full set, why not just open all of them? So I did.
Some of those eggs hurt to open though, probably no more than the Bubbling Egg and the Shelder Egg.
Maybe I should have saved a couple back as I doubt I will never ever get another one of those.
I've got all of the eggs again (thanks again for the Lightning map spot, fantasia). Currently I'm trying to get an Absolute Acolyte Egg again before the event ends, and then I'll be back to farming Queso area eggs. I've got the new map piece already and I'm hoping for more Dragonshard eggs before it's all over.
"All the world will be your enemy, Prince with a Thousand Enemies. And when they catch you, they will kill you. But first they must catch you..."
Inexhaustible Inspiration
6689 posts from forum 1.0
Where do you get the map piece?
Never mind. Found it.
Any idea how many shards to shoot for?
The shards end when the mini-event ends on Tuesday. And then I guess you'll have a few days to decide what to spend them on. Aside from the map piece, I'm actually going to see what the new area requires before I spend my shards. As for how many to get? As many as you can!
I haven't had a chance to really dig deep in the new area. I'm just flying by the seat of my pants so far. (Flying... get it?
) But it doesn't seem too terribly complicated. The better the cheese, the better the mice. Kind of annoyed I burned a lot of cheese already not know what I'd need for the area, but oh well.
First, I think this area was probably a lot of fun to design. Who doesn't want to draw a whole bunch of dragon mice?
Second, the traps are the equivalent of the Chrome Monstrobot, Chrome Sphynx, and School of Sharks. Kind of wondering why? But I might aim for the physical and tactical traps as they're not Chromed and maybe Ronza might bring something?
How is everybody coming along? My next step is to Construct an Epic Cork. I've got a third of the Tungstun I need, so two more Large Eruptions and I should have it. I think I'll wrap up all the new mice too, except that Corky is avoiding my trap But I have a lot of cork to farm in the meantime so I'm sure he'll show up eventually.
I haven't HAD to go back to the Prickly Plains to farm cheese yet, but I've started doing so overnight just to get some extra spice leaves while I'm not actively hunting.
How did you get there so fast? I've been stuck on small corks!
I've been using my high-end cheese to catch Corkataur mice which drop 27-45 pieces per catch. (My range, not the game's range.)
Before or after the plug goes in?
Corkataur mice (and all the other Cork Collector mice) do their collecting before the plug goes in. I also hunted the Corkataur mouse, which is the only one attracted to Wildfire (and only to Wildfire), and I decided to bronze it in one streak, doubled the loot woth Tonic, and ended up with about 800 cork bark.
I also find I will need 3 Large Eruptions to get enough Tungsten for an Epic Cork. I have done 2 of the Large ones and am now running out of both Flamin' and Hot cheese. I still have Wildfire, but it can only be used in Epic Eruptions. So I need to go back to Prickly Plains and work some of my Mild and Medium cheese into Hot and Flamin'. I got some spice leaves from the eruptions, but not nearly enough.
I have bronzed 15 of the new mice. Some of them I might not hunt more for, while others are more useful. I have followed the steps in the Adventure book, then I'm reading Forum discussions, and learning the mechanics as I go along. At least the basics.
(avi artwork by Henning Janssen)
I've sort of been puttering about in the new area; been pretty busy so not much time to sit down and strategize. I'm currently building pressure on my first Epic cork. After that's finished, I'll step back and decide how to proceed. Eventually I'll need to go farm more Flamin' and Wildfire, and possibly Hot. I've got tons of Mild/Medium so I suspect I'm good there for awhile. Oh, and Bland will need to be readdressed at some point, but we'll deal with that as we go.
The life of an end-game player is fun...I just dropped an undisclosed number of mil on Wild Tonic.
The life of an end-game player is fun...I just dropped an undisclosed number of mil on Wild Tonic.
I donated for some ...
(avi artwork by Henning Janssen)
I just finished up my first Epic Explosion and thought I'd copy my loot over. I also should add a disclaimer that I did what I often do and pulled out all the stops, except I didn't use exclusively Wildfire Queso. I'd say I used it for 2/3 of my catches there. But I did use Wild Tonic and I upgraded the nest at the end with a Magic Nest Dust.
2:59 pm - Queso Geyser
I sifted through my dusted Dragon Nest and found:
767 Solidified Amber Queso, 11 Ember Stones, 17 Queso Pump Charms, 46,320 Bland Queso, 6 Magic Essence, 6 Ember Roots, 1 Ultimate Charm, 8 Ancient Relics, 1 Thermal Chisel, 20,000 Gold, 11 Nachore, 19 Hot Spice Leaves, and 27 Flamin' Spice Leaves
Additionally, my Wild Tonic added the following to the nest:
739 Solidified Amber Queso, 2 Wild Tonic, 11 Ancient Relics, 11 Ember Stones, 5 Ember Roots, 8 Queso Pump Charms, 59,309 Bland Queso, 24 Nachore, 2 Magic Essence, 5,000 Gold, and 17 Hot Spice Leaves
Sprinkling Magic Nest Dust filled my nest with even more rewards:
10 Tungsten, 150 Solidified Amber Queso, 50,000 Bland Queso, 50 Flamin' Spice Leaves, and 15 Wild Tonic
I did about the same, possibly half and half of Flamin' and Wildfire, I bronzed both the Stormsurge and the Kalor'ignis during my first Epic Eruption. And used Wild Tonic and Magic Nest Dust.
Then I was unbelievably lucky - 3 pieces of trap loot!
6:32 am (May 11th) - Queso Geyser
I sifted through my dusted Dragon Nest and found:
691 Solidified Amber Queso, 10 Ancient Relics, 3 Wild Tonic, 2 Queso Thermal Springs, 6 Ember Roots, 6 Ember Stones, 86,218 Bland Queso, 10 Queso Pump Charms, 63 Nachore, 1 Magic Essence, and 8,000 Gold
Additionally, my Wild Tonic added the following to the nest:
787 Solidified Amber Queso, 1 Ultimate Charm, 6 Ember Roots, 8 Magic Essence, 11 Ancient Relics, 184,287 Bland Queso, 6 Ember Stones, 12 Queso Pump Charms, 1 Ember Charm, 1 Kalor'ignis Rib, 16,000 Gold, 1 Wild Tonic, and 37 Nachore
Sprinkling Magic Nest Dust filled my nest with even more rewards:
10 Tungsten, 150 Solidified Amber Queso, 50,000 Bland Queso, 50 Flamin' Spice Leaves, and 130 Solidified Amber Queso
Dave said in the FBF that the Rib has about 1 % drop rate, and I've seen people trying to sell theirs at the Marketplace for more than 300 mil gold
Am I mad that I do NOT want to sell mine, but want to keep it and upgrade the Draconic trap instead?
(avi artwork by Henning Janssen)