@fantasia agreed. I went through all the cheese I got with Christmas which was over 130 pieces. I used everything from ultimate charms to dragon aura to the base from the school of sorcery (finally got it) and nada. Now to attempt to restock.
Nope, no dice this time around. I had really, really, REALLY hoped to get a heart to drop but it was not meant to be. I'll likely spend the rest of the event rebuilding my supplies so I can at least get some eggs easily during the Egg Hunt, but this was admittedly pretty disappointing. It's one thing to have a rare drop where you just need one. A whole different ballgame when you need 3-5. And for the record I am up to 88 Mythical Dragon Emperor catches.
Anyone else have any luck?
I wonder what the ratio is. The rib is hard enough to get to drop. That's like what....1 out of 200 or something.
The Heart rate is really awful. I'm at over 100 MDE and no luck either. I resigned myself to buying the critical ones I need if LNY wasn't successful, so I'm slowly stocking up gold and SB+ for that. I'll continue to hunt in the area to try my luck at a drop but not at the expense of resources (i.e. if I start needing to pay for more CC or things). We'll see. I made that mistake back in the Queso Gyser and should have switched to gold farming for my rib a lot sooner; so I'm always leery. I honestly may swap to just hunting and selling Geese in the Beanstalk until I can get a heart or two; that is decently profitable if you can manage your CC use.