I loved spelling in school, and reading too. It was my favorite subjects before taking the hardcore English subjects.
Long Live King Caspian & Queen Liliandil Forever!
Jill+Tirian! Let there be Jilrian!
Definitely- A fellow NWer's (I believe its DiGoRyKiRkE's) signature. Seriously I always thought there was an "a"
That's exactly what I thought! I still get confused on that one!
Proud supporter of Blarghefur!
thanks for the avy and sig, Eustace+Jill!
Lately I've been spelling "good" "godd." I have no idea why....
memento mori
I get so like, oh my I need to change the spelling quickly!, even though it's just like freind (LOL). I am so conscious of spelling, that's why whenever they say I have a word misspelled, I get so crazy and like, oh no!!!
I got that feeling when I spelled reciept when it should be receipt, and tranquill when it should be tranquil. Sigh, as they said, nobody's perfect, hihi.
"Two sides of the same coin"
I've actually never had much trouble with spelling. My learning style is extremely visual, so once I see a word, it's stuck in my head forever. When I speak I see the words running across the inside of my head. I only got less than 100% on spelling tests once or twice.
That being said, I do have problems with double letter. I almost spelled "recommend" as "reccommend" in a letter to a former teacher the other day!
Also, typing is bad for me as I often make common typos when I hand write something. That quirk translating from the computer to a pen is very strange.
I only entered one spelling bee-- and was the third one out. Nerves do that to a person.
Quod Erat Demonstrandum
For some reason I've always had trouble with "success." I can't remember if it's one 'c' or two. I'm a fairly good speller, but that's one word I need to memorize.
"Are you sure you're eighteen?"
"Why? Do I look older?"
I spell receive as "recieve". And I really need to get used to the ei, not ie.
"Two sides of the same coin"
I always get letters mixed up. Especially with the word Movie. I always accidentally put moive.
I switch i's and e's all the time, lol. The whole "i before e except after c" rule never helped me, because there are exceptions to the rule. And I can never remember which ones are the exceptions.