Are there some words you just can't spell no matter what. And are there some interesting ways that you learned how to spell certain words, well tell us about it.
I personally have a ton:
Words I can't spell:
Tomorrow- I don't know why, but I never could quite figure out how to spell that word, I get a lot of comments about it.
weird- I before E accept after C does not always work.
Friend- Confusion and ignorance of the I before E accept after C rule due to previous case
Field- further mix up of the I before E rule
Weird ways of learning to spell:
Because- when I was in first grade we had a homework assignment and I didn't know if it was spelt with an "a" or a "u" so I put them both in there hoping my teacher would know that I tried, I also can't remember why, but I managed to include the silent "e." Well it turns out I accidentally spelt it right. When I was little I used to wonder if I was the first one to spell the word, of course now I know better
Parasaurolophus (type of dinosaur) I made up a tune that worked like a pronounciation key, its actually spelt a lot like it sounds except for the "ph" and maybe the "saur"
Definitely- A fellow NWer's (I believe its DiGoRyKiRkE's) signature. Seriously I always thought there was an "a"
Edit: Extra tid-bit I'll spell grey both g-r-e-y and g-r-a-y
"The mountains are calling and I must go, and I will work on while I can, studying incessantly." -John Muir
"Be cunning, and full of tricks, and your people will never be destroyed." -Richard Adams, Watership Down
I personally have a ton:
Words I can't spell:
Tomorrow- I don't know why, but I never could quite figure out how to spell that word, I get a lot of comments about it. ... Friend- Confusion and ignorance of the I before E accept after C rule due to previous case
Me too! I tend to forget if the "m" and / or the "r" is doubled in tomorrow or if neither is. I used to have trouble with friend but then I got in to Best Friend necklaces and noticed that on 1/2 of the heart said "Be Fri" and the other one said "St(reet) Ends."
I learned to separate some other words - Me - asure - ment, temper- a - ture
I have a terrible time knowing if words have an "re", "er" (ex. pre vs per).
There is a "lie" in believe.
NW sister to Movie Aristotle & daughter of the King
I am a really bad speller. I always have to look stuff up on google to get the right spelling.
'Friend' used to give me trouble all the time, until one day I started thinking of it as "Fry-End". I even say it that way in my mind when I'm writing it.
Another one that I always mess up is Guard... I always want to put the 'a' first for some reason.
And of course, my favorite... "Bee-Ee-Ay-Yootiful!" (in order to remember how to spell Beautiful... )
"Of course we've got to find him (if we can). That's the nuisance of it. It means a search party and endless trouble. Bother Eustace." ~ Caspian, The Voyage of the Dawn Treader
Sig: lover of narnia
I am a really bad speller. I always have to look stuff up on google to get the right spelling.
You're telling us?! I personally think you should have your own personal translator! Oh ILF, it's so easy to mess with ya' on this one. Fish in a barrel.
The one that screws me over all the time is "their"....which sometimes I inadvertantly put as "thier" fact even as I look at it I'm not sure which one is the right one, although I think it's "their". Weird, eh?
Kennel Keeper of Fenris Ulf
Half of my spelling mistakes on this forum are due to typos.....
I always get the word receive wrong or anything with ei or ie...but then I remember in grammar school i before e except after c.... !!
"We have nothing if not belief"
"I before E accept after C rule"
There are rules for spelling?! I never knew that. I have just learned the spelling of nearly each new word individually and have not paid any attention to things like that. It may be because of that that I know how to write the words but rarely can pronounce them correctly
Difficult words:
Yesterday - I keep spelling it with one "a" too many.
Congratulations - need I say why that's a difficult word to spell?
Sketch - now that's a hard one. There's nearly always one "c" too many or it has changed places with "k".
I'm sure there are others, but I can't remember them now . Oh, and the "grey" and "gray" thing... I also have trouble with those. "Grey" is right, isn't it?
My art blog (both in Finnish and in English)
Oh, and the "grey" and "gray" thing... I also have trouble with those. "Grey" is right, isn't it?
I believe both ways are correct, one is the American way, the other is the British/Canadian/etc way. As to which is which, that is something I don't know.
Dear days of old, with the faces in the firelight,
Kind folks of old, you come again no more.
(Robert Louis Stevenson)
Gray is the Americanized version whereas Grey is the Britishized one...I think. I intentionally use Grey because it's fancier looking.
Kennel Keeper of Fenris Ulf
I am really bad at spelling.....
I always spell chief wrong. I spell it like this: cheif
I can never get words with the letters I and E in them right!
NW sister - wild rose ~ NW big sis - ramagut
Born in the water
Take quick to the trees
I want all that You are
Gray is the Americanized version whereas Grey is the Britishized one...I think. I intentionally use Grey because it's fancier looking.
Well, my dictionary says that gray is the American version and grey is the British one. Personally I prefer gray because I think it looks less harsh. The spell checker in Word (set to American English) allows either, but the spell checker in Firefox doesn't like grey.
One of the main reasons I switched to Firefox was that it has a spell checker. Of course I run into problems when I can't get the word close enough to find it in the list.
There are rules for spelling?!
I never knew that. I have just learned the spelling of nearly each new word individually and have not paid any attention to things like that.
Very generally rules. I think most of them are broken at sometime or another. I before E except after C or when sounding like A in neighbor or weigh. - then their is science and scientist which doesn't fit at all.
The problem with English is that it is made up of words that originally come from many different languages so the rules that apply to a word with a Germanic root might not have the same rules as a word with a Latin root. Not to mention words that we use in English that are really words from another language - verboten for example.
Typing this up I came up with more problem words: language and originally. I used to have trouble with doesn't - I would spell it "dosen't"
NW sister to Movie Aristotle & daughter of the King
@ Patterwig's Pal: Really? I always thought that grey looked less harsh. Oh well, difference in opinions I guess.
Fun Fact: When I was little I almost always used gray, until I started doing more research on wolves. I must have come across some British authors, and it kind of stuck until I forgot which one was American. (Honestly I do think I like grey better. )
Another word I can't spell: research~ for some reason it always ends up being reaserch. (It was earlier in this post 'till I corrected it. *sigh*)
"The mountains are calling and I must go, and I will work on while I can, studying incessantly." -John Muir
"Be cunning, and full of tricks, and your people will never be destroyed." -Richard Adams, Watership Down
We use the british spellings in Australia but with my internet use, I always get mixed up.
I can never spell "weird."
I'm an English major, so people expect me to have perfect grammar and spelling, even when speaking (grammar only applies here). People also apologize to me when they use non-words or bad grammar. They say, "Sorry, English major." I think it's ridiculous. Speaking is not supposed to be perfect; it's a way to communicate. As long as you communicate in a way that isn't too much of an inconvenience to the hearer, then you're golden. There are, of course, situations when people ought to spell correctly or not use the word "funner," but those occasions are few. Pet peeves of mine are the "its," "it's," "their," "there," "they're," "your," "you're" words. Not so much the "its," that one's hard.