Yep, he was born in 1964. He really is young at heart, and must be in great physical shape 'cause I don't think there is a moment he is still on stage.
Well, I wouldn't say that most adults don't like very good music; it's just that most adults don't care for the music teens enjoy.
A huge accomplishment of McKeehan's is his Gotee record label, which has done very, very well. Along with Todd Collins and Joey Elwood, they've found and made known some A-1 artists!
Signature by Narnian_Badger, thanks! (2013)
7,237 posts from Forum 1.0
Yeah I've seen concert videos on youtube and he is always dancing and climbing things
Probably true, I guess
Gotee is awesome!
^^ he sure does climb things! I have seen him 3 times at Soulfest (a music festival) and every time, he would climb the rigging that was meant only for the lighting crew! he'll climb up, microphone in pocket, and then hang on by one arm and sing while leaning over the crowd! it's so funny! the first time I saw him do it I was like, "Don't fall, don't fall, don't fall!"
NW sister - wild rose ~ NW big sis - ramagut
Born in the water
Take quick to the trees
I want all that You are
^that would be soooo cool to see live. I saw this one video and his background dancers were on top of these huge green cool
^^ it's awesome live! and his backround dancer/singers do this thing when they sing the song "The Slam" live: they put out these ramps and run across the stage, run up the ramps, and leap across the stage, high-fiveing each other on the way past in the air! it's awesome!
NW sister - wild rose ~ NW big sis - ramagut
Born in the water
Take quick to the trees
I want all that You are
^oh yeah I saw that in a video. Some of his songs sound good live and others don't. Like Boomin' or Ignition. They don't sound as good live as they do on the CD, but they're still cool
Toby Mac is pretty good, I saw him a few times at that Sonshine festival in Willmar MN. I was 14/15 when I heard him and that got me started on my rap phase that lasted about 3 years.
I haven't heard any of his recent music.
As you all know Tobymac is touring with Skillet, or will soon begin.
I just saw that this summer he'll be touring with Chris Tomlin- I never saw that one coming. It actually seems like an odd pairing.
^^ yes, he will be with Skillet! but I am so sad because the tour isn't coming anywhere near me!
yeah, I never saw the Chris Tomlin one coming either! it probably will be good, but it's an odd pairing!
NW sister - wild rose ~ NW big sis - ramagut
Born in the water
Take quick to the trees
I want all that You are
which song didn't you like? I don't really like Hey Devil...
Ah, really? I rather liked Hey Devil. But the one I didn't like was Captured-- I'm rather fond of the chorus, but not quite the rest. (Mostly because of the tune, the lyrics are perfectly fine. =] )
How neat that you got to meet and talk with TobyMac, Jo! That must have been a special experience.
RL Sibling: CSLewisNarnia
eh, Captured is okay.
I so wish I could go to the Alive Tonight tour but the closest concert already passed and that wasn't even in New England...
Jo, you got to meet him!? *is jealous* I've always thought he seemed like one of the coolest people ever, he's on the list of people I'd love to meet someday.
I saw him live once, but I didn't stay for the whole concert. It was at a youth conference and he was the last concert of the weekend. We left early because we wanted to beat the traffic (plus we had a 5 hour drive home and school the next day). It was just after Portable Sounds came out, so I didn't know much of his stuff and I wasn't really a fan of his yet. Now I wish we'd stayed. That concert was what really got me into his music though, and I got to see 'Gone' live, so I am content.
On the subject of Tonight: I really like Captured and Hey Devil. I don't really like Funky Jesus Music though. It's an all right song, it's just not really my style. But I've only listened to it once or twice. In a couple weeks it'll probably be my favourite from the album. That's what usually happens with me.
I love the song "Hey Devil"! it's got an awesome beat and it makes me want to dance!
my dad actually got to be a security person for a Tobymac meet-and-greet at a concert we went to a year ago when Tobymac was on tour with Jeremy Camp on the Boomin' Beyond Measure tour!
NW sister - wild rose ~ NW big sis - ramagut
Born in the water
Take quick to the trees
I want all that You are
hyaline12: you don't like Funky Jesus Music?!?! I love it! It's practically my fave song on the album
I got TMac's Tonight album for my birthday last month, I can't really say which is my favorite song because I usually use it for background music while im doing stuff and have it on vocal fade on my phone
no longer active. every once in a while ill pop back for the memories. good to see a few recognizable names đ