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[Closed] Profanity, why so overused?

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NarniaWeb Regular

I´ve noticed that people this days love to use profanity more than necessary. From videogames, to books, TV shows, sitcoms and even forums... people tend to overuse profanity. Some of my classmates could never have a conversation without saying any king of profanity, most of the time they were unnecessary.

Why do you think people overuse profanity? I still don´t understand why people find themselves so amused with the use of profanity. When the truth is that it really does not add or takes anything to the dish. TV shows are not going to be more mature or serious. The same goes for videogames and movies. It´s simply there... just for the sake of been there.

"Through vigilance and strength we create peace."

I just want to be hidden in the shadows... this silence; this cold.

Topic starter Posted : January 13, 2010 3:41 pm
Warrior 4 Jesus
NarniaWeb Fanatic

People think it's cool or edgy or realistic. They do it for shock value, to make a point or because their vocabulary is so small and they don't have the words to express themselves. It's most likely the latter. I can handle some profanity in the books and movies/tv series I read and watch but an over-abundance of it is immature, annoying, pointless and distracting.

Currently watching:
Doctor Who - Season 11

Posted : January 13, 2010 4:04 pm
NarniaWeb Junkie

Very interesting Topic!

Not to defend the words I use... But I find myself using such words when I hang out with people that use the words all the time... Which then makes it seem like the "normal" thing to do and then eventually if we are not careful everyone well be using it.

I myself tend to use it when I am angry more then when I am not... It doesn't really make me feel good to be using bad words all the time... But for me at least if I use a word that the world says is wrong to say... It lets everyone else know very easily how I feel about one thing...

Like if I were to say that I strongly dislike something... You would be like... "Alright" But if I would use a much stronger word in place of that I would find that depending on who you are talking to they would understand what you were meaning much more quick and clearer.

So my response I think that it makes some people feel good to use words that other people would never be caught saying... I also think that they just use them because to them its normal and that it just helps get your point across more...

With Video games I notice that I am much more free of the way I speak because chances are the people I'm talking to don't know me in real life and there for my words have no effect on how people see me... Which isn't necessarily true... But it is just easier to "Slip up".

Also when everyone else is doing it... People tend to be like sheep where we just follow everyone else...

I know that is not a good thing to do... I do claim to be a Christian so I should be very careful what I say because what I say effects the way people look at me which then could turn into the way they look at God.

Honestly I'm not sure why but I have a feeling this topic shall be closed by a Mod so I wanted to hurry up and put in my input. :p

But perhaps not so nobody yell at me if I'm wrong please.

Anyways that is my thoughts and feelings on it.

Posted : January 13, 2010 4:06 pm
NarniaWeb Regular

I opened this topic in this forum because I think people here are mature enough to discuss this topic without becoming a flame war. To be honest I do say some profanity there and then, but only when I´m truly mad. I´m not trying to criticize profanity, it´s the overuse of it which I find unnecesary and pointless.

"Through vigilance and strength we create peace."

I just want to be hidden in the shadows... this silence; this cold.

Topic starter Posted : January 13, 2010 4:21 pm
Warrior 4 Jesus
NarniaWeb Fanatic

I think much is made of profanity. It's not good but there a far more serious matters to concern ourselves with. Saying words of cruel or ill intent to someone is, in my opinion, worse than using arbitrary profanity. I'm not excusing swearing but saying that I believe the intent behind the words is more important than the words themselves.

Currently watching:
Doctor Who - Season 11

Posted : January 13, 2010 4:23 pm
NarniaWeb Regular

I think people use profanity because everyone else does. They think it will make them more popular and likable. I think that maybe if an occasional d-word slips out and if it is necessary it's not too bad.

Hello! My name is Rachel. But just call me Chel. ... 06x331.jpg
A picture of my favorite band, The Arcade Fire.

Posted : January 13, 2010 4:29 pm
NarniaWeb Regular

I think much is made of profanity. It's not good but there a far more serious matters to concern ourselves with. Saying words of cruel or ill intent to someone is, in my opinion, worse than using arbitrary profanity. I'm not excusing swearing but saying that I believe the intent behind the words is more important than the words themselves.

Profanity can be used with cruel intent actually. Though its not necessary to use them to be sharp. Yet, I must say that when people arpund me use them I feel unseasy. People begin to loose respect to others when they make profanity a habit.

"Through vigilance and strength we create peace."

I just want to be hidden in the shadows... this silence; this cold.

Topic starter Posted : January 13, 2010 4:54 pm
Warrior 4 Jesus
NarniaWeb Fanatic

I know it can be used with cruel intent. I wasn't saying that. Often it is but sometimes it's just used without thought or as silly talk between friends (I don't understand it but it happens).

Currently watching:
Doctor Who - Season 11

Posted : January 13, 2010 5:24 pm
NarniaWeb Guru

When I had a job at a grocery store, and even at college, people use without any particular reason at all. To them, it is just another word and they don't even see it as profanity. There are often times where I actually struggle not to use it because for so long I have been the only one that doesn't. And people notice that. One former co-worker called me his 'preacher' and because I stayed strong, co-workers actually began to not use their language around me. So it is possible to influence peopel the other way. It was part of my witness to them.

As for movies/games/TV, I can tolerate a few scattered foul words, but I'd still perfer not to have to deal with it. But once it goes overboard, I just won't want to watch it. There are so many really good movies out there that would be great if they would just cut out the language. Prime examples are the Leathal Weapon series, especially the latter ones. The first one was a really good movie that had a tolerable amount of language, and that was due to the characterization. But Leathals 2, 3, and 4 just went overboard and if you had the bleeper box, half the movie would be bleeped. They put it in there because it will draw the more 'attractive' R rating in which it would normally only get a PG-13. Unfortunately, language it put in these things for the money. Yet the best selling movies are actually quite clean (Return of the King is #2 all time in the box office).

I also agree with you waterkid. People do swear because they think it will make them appear cool, but it doesn't last very long and they lose that respect very quickly. I serve as an example of one who has kept his respect for my lack of it. And I will hold to that. And one of the greatest NFL coaches, Tony Dungy (now analyst), is a great example. He has been reports to say a bad word only once and that was because it was the part of the name of a sports show. He said immediately afterwords he would never be heard saying it again. It is a real treat to see a celebrity make a stand for what is right. It certainly is rare.

Be watching for the release of my spiritual warfare novel under a new title: "Call to Arms" by OakTara Publishing. A sequel (title TBD) will shortly follow.

Posted : January 13, 2010 5:37 pm
NarniaWeb Guru

Me myself try not to swear to much but when you are about to bang in a tree on your bike it's a bit hard not to.

Posted : January 13, 2010 10:55 pm
NarniaWeb Junkie

I would have to say that I am with you all on the subject of saying something to truly hurt someone and saying profanity.

If someone would call me a simple name like "Jerk" or a "Creep" that would hurt my feelings more then the other...

It does bother me sometimes when I am first getting to know someone when they cuss all the time... But not as much as when someone is trying to hurt my feelings.

(Funny when I can tell that it was meant to be a mean comment towards me it bothers me more then if it was just a mean comment that I didn't take as being mean).

Also I think that we must all be careful with what words we use... Because if we go around cussing all the time then that is what people well expect from us which is not really what I think anyone wants to be known for "There bad language".

Also I just had to comment on Ilovefauns post. :p

I completely understand that! Though I do have to say... I have found depending on who the crowd is when you "run into your tree" They well just stop and stare at you... Not because you ran into a tree but because you said something they don't normally hear from you.

Posted : January 14, 2010 2:25 am
NarniaWeb Guru

personally I don't use profanity. I think the words sometimes when I am angry, and even that I dislike. Out of my mouth they don't come out.

Though I have picked up the bad habit at work, when I am angry with someone and want them to be quiet. I raise my pointer finger, easily understood to what I mean. So I know it is wrong to do. I am trying to stop. :(

Why do people use it so much? like others have said. sadly it is "in".
As for profanity in movies, I don't like it, but I can live with very little and scattered. I have seen movies that I would call excellent if it were not for the over excessive profanity (the three that come straight to mind are: Good Will Hunting, Crash, The Departed).

Posted : January 14, 2010 3:18 am
NarniaWeb Junkie

Yeah... I find myself thinking the words all the time which then for myself leads to me saying them out loud around just me... Which then leads to me feeling free to say them out loud around other people.

I myself do not use them because it is the "in" thing to do... Though I do agree that is why a lot of people do use them...

Seeing when younger folks see older folks using words to fit in they want to use the same words... (No offensive meant to you if you are of a younger age).

Question for all of you... What are your thoughts feelings on thinking the words as long as you don't say them?

For me when I think them it leads to me saying them... So I am trying not to think them but cussing is a very addictive habit I am finding.

Posted : January 14, 2010 3:25 am
NarniaWeb Junkie

IloveFauns LOL! :D

It's funny, it works for very different emotions.. when I'm angry, really happy, surprised, to make myself feel better, etc. lol

There was this guy at my school once who dropped the bomb literally every other word in the conversation, and I have to admit I started to judge him as being stupid and started to chuckle, lol. Definitely an overkill. =))
I don't think there's anything wrong with using profanity, but I think it makes people judge you more readily. ;)

Posted : January 14, 2010 3:54 am
NarniaWeb Guru

Question for all of you... What are your thoughts feelings on thinking the words as long as you don't say them?

for me personally,
thinking them is just as bas as saying them- which is why I try not thinking them.
I think like that because of my upbringing.

Posted : January 14, 2010 4:17 am
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