I'd like to see Tintin sometime, but not sure if I'll be able to get to it or not.
I'm looking forward to The Muppets movie. I grew up with The Muppets and it looks like a lot of fun. Has anyone else seen it? What did you think (no spoilers please).
I thought it was good, not great. It definitely is fun, but it seemed like they tried to pack a little too much in. They never really focus on any particular character, so it seemed like you never got to know the characters, and several celebrity cameos just seemed pointless.Still, it's entertaining enough, and some one who "grew up with the Muppets" will probably like it better than I did, since I only saw a handful of their movies growing up.
Mark my words, someday I will think of something brilliant to put in my sig.
Oh man, I thought the Muppets movie was hilarious. I don't know anything about the Muppets backstory, but the humor was snarky and self-aware and fun and that's right up my alley. Loved it!
I saw "War Horse" yesterday and I was blown away it was amazing. it was beautiful. the scope of the whole production was mind blowing. he acting was awesome, the cinematography was beautiful. the story was amazing. I loved it all
NW sister - wild rose ~ NW big sis - ramagut
Born in the water
Take quick to the trees
I want all that You are
An Andrew Adamson directed and written original fantasy film for 2012!
Nic5: I'm confused - what is the movie and what's it about? it looks like a stage production or something
NW sister - wild rose ~ NW big sis - ramagut
Born in the water
Take quick to the trees
I want all that You are
Hi there, everyone! I was so excited glad to find that Tintin has such a good following on here! I’ve loved Tintin since I was young, and have continued reading them to date!
In a word, I loved the Tintin movie. They skillfully combined the three stories, and where they changed it, it was completely Tintin-esque. For example,
I thought also that while they kept the Herge’s characters themselves, they were made into such 3D personalities! and I'm not just talking about the amazing animation!
Jamie Bell did a FANTASTIC job of playing Tintin, and Andy Serkis did a GREAT job as the captain as well. Did anyone notice that Simon Pegg, the VDT Reepicheep, was one of the Thompson twins? Oh, and that Shane Rangi did some of the stunts?
I could go on and on, but I don’t have time, so you’re all spared! =) I’ve enjoyed reading the other reviews you’ve all written! And that Herge is actually in the movie? That’s fantastic! Thanks for pointing that out!
And if those of you who haven’t read Tintin, I still suggest watching the movie. I have a friend who really liked it, even though he really is has had a Tintin-less life.
Okay, enough from me... =)
Nic5: I'm confused - what is the movie and what's it about? it looks like a stage production or something
From what i have gathered, it's based of a circus air acrobatic/dance acrobat/light show stage spectacle that Andrew Adamson has filmed & adapted in 3d as part of a project of Jim Cameron (the guy behind the avatar film) that incorporates the show into telling original fantasy film stories - this one is written by AA.
It should be a great film to see i'm guessing...
hmmm okay I guess that makes sense... I think I will have to see a trailer to see weather or not I want to see it
NW sister - wild rose ~ NW big sis - ramagut
Born in the water
Take quick to the trees
I want all that You are
Watch Tin Tin last night and it was even better then I expected. Nonstop, exciting action, great characters and great humor. The animation was breathtakingly real, an all around great family movie!
Sheroo and Aragorn, I'm so glad you enjoyed Tintin! How's it been doing at the US box office? It started off a bit slow. I guess that's because most Americans don't know of Tintin.
Currently watching:
Doctor Who - Season 11
From what I've heard, Tintin has been doing a bit better. A couple friends of mine went to see it a couple days ago and really liked it. My boyfriend and I are planning to see it as soon as I get back up to college on Wednesday. I'm just hoping they have a non-3D showing of it in the evening. We tried to watch Hugo before we left for Christmas vacation but on weekdays, the only non-3D showing would be somewhere between 2 and 4:30 in the afternoon which doesn't work because I'd be in class or he'd be working.
Most people who have seen Tintin, that I know, have liked it. I did have one friend post on Facebook that "watching Tintin was like pulling teeth". According to boxofficemojo.com, Tintin has made a little over 63 million in the US.
"watching Tintin was like pulling teeth".
Well, pulling teeth is a very enjoyable experience. But seriously, I don't understand how people can't enjoy the movie.
Currently watching:
Doctor Who - Season 11
Saw Tintin yesterday..... and I LOVED it! I loved the plot, and the action.... and the animation was easily the most beautiful I've ever seen.
Sheroo and Aragorn, I'm so glad you enjoyed Tintin! How's it been doing at the US box office? It started off a bit slow. I guess that's because most Americans don't know of Tintin.
I find it kinda discouraging that in general, Americans aren't so "up" on Tintin (but some of us are! ) as other parts of the world! Oh well. Maybe this movie will really get people going on it.
As to the box office, I'm not sure what "doing well" is defined as...so I'll give you the numbers and you tell me if that's good or not. It's made $67,740,230 and over the weekend (13th-15th) made $4,035,024.
It did win a Golden Globe award for "Best Animated Movie," so I'm pretty excited about that!
"watching Tintin was like pulling teeth".
Well, pulling teeth is a very enjoyable experience.
But seriously, I don't understand how people can't enjoy the movie.
Hehe...I hope that's what he meant! I'm not quite sure how people couldn't like the movie either.
I'm just hoping they have a non-3D showing of it in the evening.
Narnian_at_heart, I would suggest trying to see it in 3D if you can...the 3D is really stunning! It wasn't distracting or too show off-y, just realistic. Like in a dusty room, you can see the dust floating around the room, and it really looks like it's in the air. It's well worth the 3D, in my opinion.
Has anyone here seen Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows? I loved the first one but haven't had a chance to see this one yet. How does it compare to the first one?