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[Closed] Picture-Perfect: the aspiring photographer

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NarniaWeb Junkie

Oh my goodness, Moonlightdancer. Your kitty is SO ADORABLE.

NL101, I love the second picture of the trees.

I haven't really taken anything new lately, but here are pictures I posted back on the old forum.

Posted : October 22, 2009 11:01 am
NarniaWeb Nut

Great job everyone! :-bd Here's some pics of my family's dogs. :D

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Posted : October 22, 2009 1:43 pm
The Scribbler
NarniaWeb Regular

So many awesome pictures! I love different lighting and perspectives, and I'm blown away by your amazing skills My camera is, unfortunately a cheap digital camera, which is not the best for catching light. But I was especially happy with my flower pic. And yes, my cats really do sit like that. They are superbly adorable :p

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Posted : October 22, 2009 5:38 pm
Maiden of Monday Madness Moderator

Haven't posted any pictures before because I mostly take pictures of my parents and siblings. But today Dad took us kids exploring in the woods behind our house. The woods were beautiful and the weather was perfect. :)

My favorite of the three pictures is the first one of the little waterfall. I have one more picture that I will (attempt to) post tomorrow.

I really like everyone's pictures. Great creativity!

Christ is King.

Posted : October 23, 2009 2:34 pm
Queen Susan
NarniaWeb Guru

@Tiana: I like the 2nd one! Of the slug... ;)) The camping pictures are nice as well, and I absolutely love the last one of the little girl!! :D

@Jo: Thanks for the comments! :D The nature was even more breathtaking in real life. ;)) As is usually the case!!
What would be really hard to do, in my opinion, would be to take a really boring object such as a fire alarm and make an artistic picture out of it... :p Now that would be hard... for me at least. :p
Oh, and I do have Lazarus. ;)) On Firefox. But for some reason, I was using Safari, and I don't think you can install Lazarus on that browser...??

@Kat: Ahh!! I love all your pictures! Did you edit the coloring on any of them at all? It looks so bright and vibrant. :D Lovely pictures!

@Lady Grace: Hehe, nice dog pictures. ;))

@The Scribbler: Your pictures are very beautiful! :) I like all of them! :p

@SnowAngel: We have some woods too--what do you know, ours look a lot like yours! ;) Nice pictures. :)

Avatar by Wunderkind_Lucy!

Posted : October 26, 2009 7:03 am
NarniaWeb Junkie

1st page:
Meadow, what lovely, lovely trees!
Silvertongue, oooh! I love drops of water. And that sunset is sort of melancholy and thoughtful. :)
Sleepwalking, I love the picture of the parrot (if it is a parrot)! :D
Queen Susan, that place *does* look lovely! So golden and green. :) And the pictures of Colorado are lovely-especially the one with the deep blue sky. WOW!
Gymfan, we love Egg Harbor! :D We vacationed up there a few years ago. :) That tree is gorgeous . . . and I love the pictures of you and Lady A. So good. :D

2nd page:
Robby, I love the purple petunia (?) picture.:D And the dead Black Eyed Susans. Sad. :( OH. MY. I love the elephant picture. And the lion. And the leaf. I'm very interested in cards right now, and I'd like to make cards out of those pictures. :P
Djaq, I love the second picture of the girl swinging. And the first flower picture. It would make nice graphics. ;)
(star)Kat, what an AMAZING sunset! :D

3rd page.
Oh my goodness, MoonlightDancer! :D Did you keep the kitten? It's so adorable!
Robby, do you have a photography site yet? :D ;)) The sunlight filtering through those trees is just amazing. The colors and composition of the yellow snake picture is wonderful. And I love the "early one morning" picture too. :)
Tiana, I think I already mentioned to you how much I liked that grasshopper picture. It looks so scary! #:-s

Current page.
SnowAngel, you live in front of a lovely woods! :)

Now, to decide what I should post. I haven't posted in months . . . I suppose they'd look better bigger, but I don't want to go resize them all *again*. :-s

Posted : October 26, 2009 7:07 am
Queen Susan
NarniaWeb Guru

Ooh, lovely pictures, Destined! I'm not sure which would be my favorite... The second is rather neat!! :D ;)

Avatar by Wunderkind_Lucy!

Posted : October 26, 2009 8:31 am
SO mod; WC captain Moderator

Commenting on this page's photos only, as I don't have much time, plus I want to post some recent pics (as in the past week) here yet:

SnowAngel, those three photos are such serene, woodland scenes. I love wandering through places like this ... almost as if a mythical creature might appear around the next tree. It reminds me of Ithilien in The Lord of the Rings. So lovely and peaceful. You are blessed to have this so close at hand.

What would be really hard to do, in my opinion, would be to take a really boring object such as a fire alarm and make an artistic picture out of it... :p Now that would be hard... for me at least.

Me too. You're right on there: to take the ordinary, boring object and turn it into a captivating photo: ay, there's the rub. :p (Not sure about Lazarus on Safari, sorry.)

Destined, great pics! I do like toads and frogs, so am rather attracted to the first one, especially. Plus I do so love the look (smell and feel) of autumn leaves.

Neat lighting in the bicycle one; great sunset photo (is the rope anything special?); the glasses one really captures me (cool angle!); and the last one ... oh wait, that's your signature! ;)) Well, I do so like that one as well. :D

Okay, here are some I took today of our front yard:

Looking north-east: birch and crimson maple
A closer look
Looking south-east at the maple and our driveway (yep, that's my ancient little Saturn there :p )
A cozy autumn scene near our front door
How gorgeous is that?! I avoid raking until the very last minute because I love the look of fallen, coloured leaves on green grass. I can never understand people who, as soon as ten leaves fall, get out their rake and rake 'em off the lawn. :-
Looking UP the crimson maple whose leaves are a very dark, deep crimson (obviously) in the summer. I always forget what a gorgeous orangey-red they turn in autumn.
Taken through an upstairs window
Going down to the main floor, taken through the living room window on a very rainy day last weekend
On a hike last Sunday afternoon: the trees seemed to be just past their peak up there (about 15 miles north of us); whereas at our place many are still in their prime
Mordor in our midst?? I posted this on the old forum as well, but found this again today. It is of a spectacularly ferocious-looking sunrise last March.
Getting brighter
And even moreso: it changed way too quickly.

And that's all for now, folks. I suspect the next time I post photos here the leaves will be long-gone and everything outside be a beautiful, crisp white ... with snow!

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Topic starter Posted : October 29, 2009 10:38 am
Maiden of Monday Madness Moderator

Thanks, everyone! Nice pictures, Johobbit and Destined-To-Reign. The trees here are getting really bare...not the best for a vibrant photo. :(

We went on a woodsy ramble this afternoon, which afforded me picture-taking opportunties galore. Below are a couple of the best shots. The weather here has been rainy and cool. Since the woods slope down to the stream, it is running quite a bit fuller today than it was on Friday.

Above- this is the same place I took the little waterfall picture last week. Wow, doesn't it look different?

And one of the deer that come up from the woods into our backyard. My Dad built a trough for the deer and he puts out corn every morning. We've seen as many as four deer at the trough thus far. B-) Makes school more interesting to be able to look at the window and see the tree and the deer, plus it gives me the opportunity to practice my mammal identification. ;;)
I have more, but it will only let me post three. Maybe more later. :)
Christ is King.

Posted : October 29, 2009 11:29 am
Queen Susan
NarniaWeb Guru

Gorgeous pictures, Jo!! My favorite would be the one looking "UP the crimson maple". :p :D

SnowAngel; Oh, I love the first one! Running water is one of my favorite things.... ;)) (I mean... as in streams and waterfalls and such--though running water in homes is wonderful too!!) :p
And nice one of the deer! :) It's sometimes hard to get pictures of wildlife like that...

Avatar by Wunderkind_Lucy!

Posted : October 29, 2009 3:51 pm
Maiden of Monday Madness Moderator

Thanks, Queen Susan.

I took these last week. These were not taken at our house, but a place we visit for the day. I really like the middle because the glare on the window looks like sunshine peeking through the clouds.

I have more pictures that I took this week. I hope to post them soon.

Christ is King.

Posted : November 8, 2009 11:33 am
HM Swanwhite
NarniaWeb Nut

Wow! You guys have posted some really amazing pics. I love photography too. My uncle (who takes the most amazing pics) gave me his old camera which has now seen lots of use. My fave things to take pics of are children, flowers, bees on flowers, and scenery. I should post some that I've taken (just not now).
Destined_to_Reign I really like the middle too. They're in Sepia eh?
That's another thing I meant to say I love using Sepia and Black and White. :)

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Posted : November 10, 2009 2:28 pm
NarniaWeb Junkie

Wow! Everyone has awesome photos! I have a couple I'd like to post, but my computer won't load them. I'll try again later.
SnowAngel: I really like your first stream picture and the middle sky picture!

and I like your frog-in-the-leaves picture, Destined-to-reign! It is a very nice contrast.
Everyone else has awesome ones as well! Keep clicking away!

I really love photography, and I am glad You made this topic, Johobbit!

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Posted : November 12, 2009 4:44 pm
NarniaWeb Junkie

Hey everyone! *waves* It's been a while since I posted on here. And sorry about my disappearing pictures. I've been organizing my photos on PhotoBucket and so some of my direct links have been broken. :(

But here is the most recent picture I have. Taken in my neighborhood on the top of the hill. Sunsets are so beautiful!! :)

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Posted : November 14, 2009 4:50 am
NarniaWeb Regular

Simply amazing photos everyone! I love seeing all the compositions and colors.
It's been a while since I've posted here, but I'm afraid I haven't been taking many pictures lately. Here are a few that I did take though. :)

A sunset on the beach here about a month ago...before the snow came.

My parents walking on the beach at sunset.

The power went out one night, so we light a bunch of candles and they looked so pretty I just had to get out my camera. x)

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Posted : November 14, 2009 8:36 am
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