I'm glad that the links worked this time. Thanks SnowAngel, I'm particularly proud of that one:)
I am the whipoorwill that cries in the night. I am the soft morning breeze that caresses you lovely face -Peter Warner-
Wow girlster93, awesome photos
Here is another humble contribution I actually took this photo in summer when my family was at a historical reenactment festival in Kostroma. It came out by accident, but I think it's kinda cool. C and CC are more than welcome
Founder of the Exploring Narnia Club (PM me to join)
Member of the Dragon Club
A couple of pictures I took and played with in Photoshop recently.
Those are quite lovely starkat! I particularly love the last one:)
I am the whipoorwill that cries in the night. I am the soft morning breeze that caresses you lovely face -Peter Warner-
Gymfan15, Wow! Those photos you posted of you and Lady_Arwen are so beautiful! You should pursue photography, you're really amazing at it!
I think I'll probably post some photos here soon. I want to get into photography more professionally, but I don't have a great camera, I'd really love the Canon Rebel t3i, but I doubt I'll ever be able to afford it.
NW siblings: TheDwarfMan, TheGentleWarrior
NW Cousin: Weirdo
Avvie by: RubyGamgee - Signature by: Tarkheena
Hi everyone, I've got a question for you:
Can anyone tell me what a Digital SLR camera is?
I've had experience with point and shoot cameras, )been through quite a few of them actually ,) but the SLR is all new to me. I know that's the kind I like, the professional ones with all the camera attachments...but I haven't the faintest of what does what and what I need for it. I take it there's no film, so I need a SD card? What kind/size? What about attachments? And how do they charge? Batteries or plug? And does it really matter what brand you get? (I've been looking at Nikon... )
Any information or comments would be most helpful.
"...when my heart is overwhwlemed, lead me to the Rock that is higher than I."
-Pslam 61:2
Thank-you for your advice, starkat! I've been looking around more specifically now for manual controls and looked around CNET.
AslansChild, I recently got interested in photography, so I'm in the same boat, too. After looking around, here's my limited knowledge of DSLRs.
DSLRS are Digital Single Lens Reflex cameras. As opposed, I think, to double lens cameras. I think this means that one lens is used and one mirror to reflect the image?
I currently have an upscale point-and-shoot (Nikon Coolpix l120) It looks like a DSLR but does not 100% function like one.
What you need for a DSLR (to my knowledge. Again, the more professional photographers on here and those who actually have one would know better.)
1. You do need an SD card, yes. I think just the regular, normal-sized kind, like this. That's the kind I needed for my camera, so I think that might be the kind needed for most DSLRs.
2. I believe that beginner-level SLRS need simple AA batteries. I've seen professional photographers carry around cameras with this extra attachment, which I take is a charger for that. :/
3. Attatchments - lenses and detachable flashes are what I know. Tripods. I think some people attach larger LCD screens to their cameras, too, while photographing.
4. It does matter what brand you get. I'm also not sure what brand I would get, because the range is a bit overwhelming. Like starkat mentioned, I think checking CNET would be a good idea, to get the idea of what you're interested in. Another option would be to go to Best Buy and other electronic stores and actually handle the DSLRs they have on sale to see which one's feel, controls, etc you like better.
I think Nikon and Canon are, generally, the most commercially available. They also have the widest range of lenses. (Though I think Sony can take more lenses... technical shmecnical, something to do with Image Stabilization: I start spacing out here. ) Outside of Nikon and Canon, I know of Olympus, Pentax, and Sony. I started to look outside of Nikon and Canon to see if there's anything that would fit my wants better, but I've not gotten the time to do proper research. However, my impression has been that, outside of Nikon and Canon, the cameras are mostly high-end and are for professionals, so I'm going to stick to Canon because I've seen pictures taken by Canon Rebels that I find quite nice and they are in my projected budget. Also, many of those seem beginner-level, which is what I want. I'm kind of just aimlessly looking around at this point, since I'm not looking to upgrade from my point-and-shoot any time soon. If I can't find what I want, I might just buy what's on sale.
My current interest is the Canon Rebel Xti, or, more broader, something from the Canon Rebels. I have a hard time remembering their complex names.
RL Sibling: CSLewisNarnia
Aslanisthebest, thank you very much for your explanation and answers, there's alot of cameras out there, and when stepping into unknown territory, it can be daunting...I wasn't really shopping around too much, I just saw a very nice looking Nikon DSLR for a very very very low price and wanted to know what it did, as well as the pros and cons of it.
"...when my heart is overwhwlemed, lead me to the Rock that is higher than I."
-Pslam 61:2
4 day old foal out at the barn I ride at. She was out playing in the round pen for a little bit today.