watched The Proposal, and wow! It was awesome! I love how Sandra Bulloack and Ryan Reynolds acted in the movie plus their chemistry! Especially Sandra's scene where she danced the "Get Low" song.
"Two sides of the same coin"
Isn't that the one she earned her Razzie award for?
Saw Prince of Persia last night. Definately not a movie to watch if you are looking for a strong cast, strong story, and strong acting. But very worth it for action, fantasy, adventure, and fun. I liken it very closely to Tomb Raider: the Cradle of Life. If you like one, you will like the other. I wouldn't buy it, but I would not mind seeing it again.
Be watching for the release of my spiritual warfare novel under a new title: "Call to Arms" by OakTara Publishing. A sequel (title TBD) will shortly follow.
I'm a fan of Bullock
This may go a way towards explaining our difference of opinion. I'd seen her in a couple of movies beforehand (can't even remember the titles) and thought she was awful, absolutely awful, and quickly jumped on the "she's gotta be one of the worst actresses in Hollywood" bandwagon. I was just impressed that she turned in a good performance in The Blind Side. Still, though, she didn't bowl me over. It was partially the role, I think - a very good one, yes, but again, not one I'd remember after a few years. (Oh, and I liked all the movies you mentioned better than The Blind Side too, not to mention the performances.)
Val, I agree with everything you said in your post.
*still needs to see Despicable Me and Prince of Persia*
Definitely not a movie to watch if you are looking for ... strong acting
Not even from Ben Kingsley?
I watched the 1940s Laurence Olivier Hamlet on TCM last night. I had seen it several years ago, and had mixed feelings about it. Turns out I still do, but I'm able to evaluate it now in a more intelligible way. First off, this is a huge accomplishment for Olivier, considering (a) that it was only his second film to direct and (b) that Hamlet was not one of his primary successes on stage (he originally planned to make a film of Macbeth instead, which was, but Welles was doing his own version of that at the time, so Larry wisely chose another play). Certain of his scenes are played more naturally than others, but the good ones are truly great. I love his delivery of the "more things in heaven and earth" line, and his scenes with the players. The supporting cast really isn't up to the level of later adaptations, but Olivier uses them well. And some of the things he does with the play are really quite powerful. The use of Hamlet's chair as a recurring visual motif is lovely, and for me the very best sequence of all is the mimed version of The Murder of Gonzago - not pure Shakespeare, to be sure, but a wonderful translation of his work for film.
Unfortunately, Olivier had some harebrained ideas about the play that made their way into the film, including throwing the whole Oedipus complex in there. Sorry, I like my Shakespeare served sans Freud, thank you very much.
Still, much better than the overrated Branagh version, which I find to be simply silly:
"You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view... Until you climb inside of his skin and walk around in it."
So which films made you think Bullock was a bad actress, Ly - out of curiosity? She's made some really terrible movies and some really great movies - nothing in between as far as I can tell. I don't know that I've ever thought she was terrible IN them - just that the films were scrap.
As for a version of Hamlet sans Freud, let me know if you find one. I kind of think it's in there, even though I don't like it. The Gibson version is my favorite and I do remember reading that he and Glen Close had nightmares after filming their Freudian scenes together. I can see why. Still. Good version. I couldn't even finish Branagh's.
That is part of the beauty of all literature. You discover that your longings are universal longings, that you're not lonely and isolated from anyone. You belong. ~ F.Scott Fitzgerald
lysander, I said strong acting. I didn't say strong cast. Ben Kingsley is a good actor (I haven't seen him in much, but most standout for me was Schindler's List.). But he's done better jobs than in PoP. Jake Gyllenhal has also done better (October Sky in particular). But it wasn't meant to be a movie for the acting. It's an action film and action drives it, not the acting or the script. And yes, there have been many many actors and actresses whose abilities have been spoiled by the script (Liam Neeson and Ewan McGregor in SW for example). It takes a very, very good actor/actress to overcome a bad script (Harrison Ford as Han Solo for example). PoP didn't have a horrible script, but it wasn't impressive. It was an overall, good fun movie, but not standout good.
Be watching for the release of my spiritual warfare novel under a new title: "Call to Arms" by OakTara Publishing. A sequel (title TBD) will shortly follow.
I watched the 1995 Little Women for the fourth of fifth time the other day. Every time I love it more. Christian Bale and Winona Ryder are great, she's so pretty. I love Amy when she's grown up, you can tell she's a lady, though I don't like the actress.
The family together can't quite capture the atmosphere in the book, but they're still sweet.
And whenever I watch the new P&P I love it more. Special parts, like when Jane bumps into a random guy, and shows her sweet nature in her concern, and etc. It's so fun!
NW sisters Lyn, Lia, and Rose
RL sister Destined_to_Reign
Member of the Tenth Avenue North and Pixar Club
Dubbed The Ally Of Epic Awesomeness by Libby
Isn't that the one she earned her Razzie award for?
Bullock got the Razzie for All About Steve, the atrocious rom-com with Bradley Cooper. That film had actually been shot a few years earlier, but was shelved because it was so bad. The studio (I believe WB) then released it last year in an attempt to capitalize on the recent popularity Bullock and Cooper were enjoying from The Proposal and The Hangover, respectively.
Bullock actually garnered a Golden Globe nomination for Best Actress in a Comedy/Musical for The Proposal, in addition to her nomination/win for The Blind Side.
Cymru - I think they were While You Were Sleeping and Speed 2, but I'm not entirely sure. I've tried to block them both from my mind.
Branagh's version dispenses with the Freudian overtones, I believe, but makes so many other mistakes that (like you) I'd rather go with the Gibson/Zeffirelli, which is slightly less disturbing than the Olivier merely because the Gertrude is nine years older than her Hamlet, rather than thirteen years younger (!). I need to watch that one again, and some TV versions too. And, of course, read the play. *sigh* Thinking about devoting myself to some Shakespeare next semester....
EDIT: I couldn't finish the Branagh film either. Whatever happened to that man? His Henry V was absolutely brilliant ... but everything since has been rather a mess.
"You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view... Until you climb inside of his skin and walk around in it."
*s'poses this is the right place to post this*
Has anyone else seen The Boy in the Striped Pajamas? I had checked out the book, loved it, and then saw the movie... It was superb. Overall, I'd give it a 4.5. (.5 for one or two things that I did not like too much, but this was rare in this movie.) So... maybe 4.75.
I don't thing I've cried so suddenly for any movie, but surprisingly I didn't cry at the end-- I more sat in silent shock. The part I started weeping was the part when
The change I didn't mind in the movie was Gretel being kinder to Bruno--it fit nicely.
The soundtrack by James Horner is lovely & the scenery and setting very fitting. Asa Butterfield. was. so. cute. And, wow, Jack Sclanon played Shmuel perfectly.
The movie was something beautiful, sad, and stuff... I'd see again in a hearbeat.

RL Sibling: CSLewisNarnia
The Boy in Striped Pajamas has become my favorite WWII Nazi Concentration Camp movie. One of the best aspects to it is that it shows everything from Bruno's POV. It doesn't go into details about what is really going on, but those who know thier history will easily pick up on it. The ending is amazingly powerful, and while not necessarily a Christian film, you can easily use it to discuss spiritual matters, like the effects of turning a blind eye to what is going on around you. I strongly recommend it.
Be watching for the release of my spiritual warfare novel under a new title: "Call to Arms" by OakTara Publishing. A sequel (title TBD) will shortly follow.
I watched Pearl Harbor I think last Saturday. I liked the movie, since Ben Affleck was the main cast. The friendship that the movie had was what made me love it. I was crying in the ending, even though it was a happy one.
"Two sides of the same coin"
oh my word. I just watched a movie called "A Plumm Summer and it was sort of, well, interesting. parts of it were really good, but some of it was kinda lame.....
NW sister - wild rose ~ NW big sis - ramagut
Born in the water
Take quick to the trees
I want all that You are
I watched Pearl Harbor I think last Saturday. I liked the movie, since Ben Affleck was the main cast.
Oh're such a nice person . That's why I'm not going to say anything at all about Pearl Harbor.
Kennel Keeper of Fenris Ulf
You like Ben Affleck?^ Haha, just asking. It really is nice, very touching. I cried really, since it was soooo sad for Ben's best bud in the movie to die.
"Two sides of the same coin"
Oh gosh, that movie was awful! I'm not a stickler for minor historical details but Pearl Harbour was totally inaccurate. You do not change history to make America look better. It's just gag-worthy. That and the romance story is worthy of a few snores.
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