I saw Letters to God recently too. I thought it was pretty good! It wasn't like some of the other Christian film I've seen (& I've seen some bad ones! ). I thought it was very touching, but kind of lacking at times. I don't know... I liked that the kid Ben was wearing a Switchfoot tee-shirt!
lol! The end was really sad though.
I just saw the 2005 version of Pride & Prejudice for the first time, & IT'S SOOOOO GOOD!! It's amazing! I love it SOO much! The relationship between Lizzy & Darcy is so sweet & captivating! I love the scene when they both can't sleep & they meet outside!
So beautiful! The very end was my favorite though, when they're sitting outside, & he calls her Mrs. Darcy!
They characters were just so perfect! The roles smaller than Lizzy & Darcy weren't as good as the 1995 version. But their relationship made up for that!
I didn't really care if it was faithful to the book (cause that usually bugs me!) but I haven't ever read the book!
Pride and Prejudice (2005).
I really liked the way they portrayed the characters, especially Mister Darcy and Miss Elizabeth. I really do hope that in this era we are leaving, there are still Mister Darcy/s out there waiting for his Elizabeth... sigh. (I can dream can I?
lol! you can dream!
avatar by Flambeau!
I liked that the kid Ben was wearing a Switchfoot tee-shirt!
yeah! I saw that! that was awesome!
NW sister - wild rose ~ NW big sis - ramagut
Born in the water
Take quick to the trees
I want all that You are
I really do hope that in this era we are leaving, there are still Mister Darcy/s out there waiting for his Elizabeth... sigh. (I can dream can I?
lol! you can dream!
I promise you that there are better men than Darcy out there. I know several. That dude has a lot of flaws.
Ly: Ahh, ok, that makes sense. I'm still surprised that Disney would opt to do an adaptation of The Sword and the Stone at all, but I'm actually surprised at how faithful it was.
I just saw the 2005 version of Pride & Prejudice for the first time, & IT'S SOOOOO GOOD!! It's amazing! I love it SOO much!
The relationship between Lizzy & Darcy is so sweet & captivating! I love the scene when they both can't sleep & they meet outside!
So beautiful! The very end was my favorite though, when they're sitting outside, & he calls her Mrs. Darcy!
They characters were just so perfect! The roles smaller than Lizzy & Darcy weren't as good as the 1995 version. But their relationship made up for that!
I didn't really care if it was faithful to the book (cause that usually bugs me!) but I haven't ever read the book!
Glad to know you did! I for one is sooooo addicted to P&P 2005! I like Lizzy's humor, and Jane's too! So, which character do you like best? Considering all of them are great ones.
"Two sides of the same coin"
I recently had the chance to see two Swedish films that absolutely blew me away. Both have been discussed very briefly on these boards, but I haven't gotten the chance to put my two cents in. Let the Right One In is a 2008 vampire horror/drama directed by Tomas Alfredson, based on the novel of the same name. The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo is a murder mystery/thriller, also based on a novel. It is part of what is called the Millennium Trilogy.
I had no knowledge of either of these films until earlier this year when I heard about American remakes of both of them. Let Me In, directed by Matt Reeves and starring Chloe Moretz, Kodi Smit McPhee, and Richard Jenkins is due out in October of this year. The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo remake, directed by David Fincher and starring Rooney Mara and Daniel Craig is set to be released next December.
Back to the originals, both of these movies are captivating and engrossing from the very beginning. Both have excellent stories, flawless scripts, great direction, and the acting is perfect.
Let the Right One In is about a very lonely young boy, Oskar, who is viciously bullied at school, and the relationship he develops with the mysterious girl who moves in next door to him. While the movie is technically a horror film, it is much more a drama that deals with the relationship between the two outsiders, than a flat out horror movie. I liked the movie so much that I bought and have now seen it three times. It's so deep that I'm still catching things that I missed on previous viewings.
The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo is the best film to be released in the US this year in my opinion. I don't remember if a movie has ever captivated me as much as this one did. I was hooked from the very beginning. The story is of a disgraced reporter who is hired by a rich businessman to help find his niece, who had disappeared 40 years earlier. At the same time he also hires a mysterious woman to follow the reporter as he searches for clues in an attempt to solve the mystery.
It's right up the alley of David Fincher's filmography, so I'm very excited to see his version of the story next year. Hopefully it will be just as good, if not better than the original.
As you can tell, both films are very dark, and both deal with some very mature themes and subject matter, but the pay off is more than worth it, and both films will keep you thinking for days, if not more.
I give both of them 9.5/10
Ah, good stuff BKey. I'm not interested in The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo but Let the Right One In sounds very interesting. It seems my library has several copies. I think I'll reserve it.
Currently watching:
Doctor Who - Season 11
I just saw The Last Song, I am a big fan of Nicholas Sparks books/movies. But Miley Cyrus I am not a fan of, and that's why I skipped this in theaters earlier this year. But boy did I like it! It's better than some of his other adaptations, and it's good for all ages, PG.
And here I thought you had good taste in movies, narnian1 Just kidding, I've actually heard from several people that The Last Song is a good movie. I usually avoid the tear jerker love dramas, although I did enjoy both The Notebook and Save the Last Dance, both of which I believe are Sparks adaptations. I might give it a go if I find someone to watch it with.
And here I thought you had good taste in movies, narnian1
Just kidding, I've actually heard from several people that The Last Song is a good movie. I usually avoid the tear jerker love dramas, although I did enjoy both The Notebook and Save the Last Dance, both of which I believe are Sparks adaptations. I might give it a go if I find someone to watch it with.
I think you should know, I actually like Twilight too.
And The Notebook is Sparks, but Save the Last Dance isn't. Sparks I like because his movies are simple, though cliche, romance movies. I'm a guy, but I like these
Twilight is decent. Definitely not the worst movie I've ever seen. I actually have seen it twice, haven't seen the two sequels though.
I don't mind romantic movies if they're are done well, it just seems that too many of them fall into cliches that just don't do anything for me. But like I said earler, I do like The Notebook and Save the Last Dance, for what they're worth, and (500) Days of Summer and Up in the Air (although not entirely a romance) are two of my favorite movies from last year.
I'm surprised to "hear" you say that about Twilight, it usually gets a lot of hate here.
(500) Days of Summer I found to be a very good movie, I've seen it twice but don't own it myself but it's something I'd like to see again. Up In the Air I can take or leave, I didn't dislike it but I also didn't totally like it. You're right it's not exactly a romance but I can see where you're getting at with that.
going back to an earlier post of yours, I also saw The Girl with a Dragon Tattoo and thought it was good, minus some content. The investigation part of it was terrific. Have you seen its sequel? I haven't, waiting for rental.
I haven't seen the sequel yet. I think it's currently playing in some indie theaters around the US but I'm not going to get a chance to see it until its available to rent as well. The first one does have some parts that are very hard to watch, but I completely agree, the investigation was absolutely gripping.
Twilight is decent. Definitely not the worst movie I've ever seen. I actually have seen it twice, haven't seen the two sequels though.
I don't mind romantic movies if they're are done well, it just seems that too many of them fall into cliches that just don't do anything for me.
Dare I say it.
I saw twilight with my mom, and I watched it only for her.
She didn't have anyone else to watch it with her so my sister and I endured all three twilight movies for my mom.
My mom was so happy we watched it with her.
So even though half the time I felt like banging my head against a wall it was worth it.
But like you said bkey, it was decent enough for me to watch.
My and my sister both agreed that it was decent, I think our problem with it from the start was the big deal the fans made about it.
As far as Romance movies go You took the words right out of my mouth. I don't mind romance movies, but they are the last movies I would choose to watch.
The only time I watch Romance movies or chick flicks is with my mom.
The only two romance movies or chick flicks that I actually really like are:
The Last of the Mohicans
I'm not sure if I would even call Chocolat a romance, there really isn't much Romance in it, maybe thats why I like it.
The Value of myth is that it takes all the things you know and restores to them the rich significance which has been hidden by the veil of familiarity. C.S. Lewis
I saw "My Neighbor Totoro" for the first time today. It was enjoyable, but I didn't love it. One scene sort of disturbed me, though apparently it's common in Japan and other places according to some people.
My Neighbor Totoro is one of my favourite movies. The first time I saw it was maybe four or five years ago (I'm 27). I'm glad you enjoyed it, even if you didn't seem to love it. I think I know the one scene that disturbed you (it seems to disturb many Americans). It was the communal bathing scene, wasn't it? Firstly, they're a young family - its an innocent scene of family togetherness. Secondly nothing was shown.
The only truly questionable thing in the movie is that they pray to the spirits of nature at one point, but that's the old Shinto religion for you.
Currently watching:
Doctor Who - Season 11