GTG: OOh! Monsters Inc.! Love that movie! Now it takes me back in time, where I usually didn't like it but now I am starting to like it, LOL. It was replayed I think last week and it made me cry because of Sully and Boo. :'(
"Two sides of the same coin"
narnian1: you mean you liked when
SpoilerElizabeth kissed Jack?.
no, I don't like that specifically, but I do like that
sandy: yeah . I never didn't like it, it's always been my favorite
. I hope the sequel measures up!
narnian1: really? I didn't like that at all. That made me really dislike her. And I thought the whole ending was way to abrupt and cliff hanger-ish, like the ending of The Fellowship of the Ring (book).
GtG: It was an intentional abrupt ending, it set it up for the AWE, the sequels are meant to be viewed as one piece. (same with FotR, the books aren't meant to have closure until the final- it's not a trilogy in the traditonal sense)
back to PotC, I also think we are supposed to dislike her for that- after all everyone loves Jack, but truth be told- he ain't no saint either.
ok that makes sense I guess.
Yeah that was a problem one of my friends has with the series- you like the bad guy. Because, Jack really is a bad guy. It's funny b/c I never liked him all that much, so I didn't have that problem. Really, the only character I liked was Will.
This is making me want to re-watch the movies so much *goes to the library website to request them*
I just watched Inheart again last ight - I LOVE that movie!
my mom was like, "I forgot how good this movie was!" and we watched the whole thing.
wow Brendan Fraser does such a good job with Mo!
NW sister - wild rose ~ NW big sis - ramagut
Born in the water
Take quick to the trees
I want all that You are
Inkheart! Yes, another movie that I really need to re-watch. I haven't seen it since it was in theaters. It's been a long time since I read the book, but I thought the movie was a pretty good adaptation. I love Gwin, he's adorable.
Av and Sig by Aravis Autarkeia
^^ ditto! Gwin is the best! and I love the adaption from book to movie! Elinor was perfect! Meggie was awesome! Dustfinger is amazing! I love the whole main cast! I think Farid got some of the best lines ("I don't want to go back into my stinking book!" )!
that movie makes me happy
NW sister - wild rose ~ NW big sis - ramagut
Born in the water
Take quick to the trees
I want all that You are
Inkheart? Wow, my friend says it's so nice! Especially the effects. Very epic they say.
I missed watching Sleeping Beauty... Does anyone?
"Two sides of the same coin"
Yes! I love Sleeping Beauty! Hopefully I will watch it tonight- my sisters and I are re-watching all our old favorite movies . Last night we watched The Little Mermiad and it's better than I remember
sandy: I highly recommend Inkheart! it's very epic and it's awesome! I love it!
NW sister - wild rose ~ NW big sis - ramagut
Born in the water
Take quick to the trees
I want all that You are
Well, I succumbed and watched Avatar. It was exactly what I expected.
The military guys are trigger happy, selfish idiots who enjoy the destruction they induce, while the natives are perfect, pure creatures who are in touch with nature. Except for the tree-hugging heros (and they actually used that term to describe them in the movie, I laughed out loud). Hollywood, when will you grow up??
Lol, well anyway, I was able to swallow my vomit and enjoy the pretty scenery nonetheless. I liked the glowing plants during the night scenes especially.
But I felt like I should've been moved emotionally, and really pulling for the blue dudes, but I couldn't. It was too wishy washy.
Oh well, I'll shut up now.
Nope, I totally agree with you but you're being too nice on the movie.
Last night I watched Fritz Lang's movie - M (1931). I have conflicting views about it. M has a very dark theme but has some hilarious moments. This is the first movie (I think) in the history of cinema to be about a serial killer. The cinematography was great and the sets and locations all had amazing detail. The acting was good to great, the costumes were suitable, the premise was interesting, the look at old police procedures was fascinating but the story just lacked something. There was no protagonist (or antagonist) to follow throughout the movie. The movie doesn't involve the viewer, it make you feel like you're witnessing these things. That's not to say it's bad, far from it but I think the movie would've benefited from having someone to follow throughout the movie. Still, there are many interesting scenes but taken as a whole the movie really dragged at times and could've been tightened substantially.
I can't help thinking this would (in most cases) work better as a coffee table book of movie stills. I've got to give Fritz Lang credit though, he was hugely ahead of his time. This is very good (if dull at times) cinema. It's gritty and raw but rather honest too.
Warning: Strong theme, some violence and strong language.
I'm going to give it a 7.5/10
Currently watching:
Doctor Who - Season 11
Libby: Thanks! Now I know some of it already.
I just watched Death Race, and I find it like, coool. The plot was great, and the effects too. .
"Two sides of the same coin"
Sandy, was that the original or the remake? I've heard that it has some fun action but I've never heard anyone say that they have a great plot.
Currently watching:
Doctor Who - Season 11