So I just saw a really excellent film--Man to Man, with Joesph Fiennes and Kristen Scott Thomas. It's about scientists who capture two pygmies to take back to Europe to study, assuming that they are the "link" between man and monkeys, and assuming they are complete savages. I would highly reccomend the movie, although I would say that one scene in particular might not be suited for mixed company due to the mature subject matter (not in a sexual manner though). And some scenes were very hard to watch, but only because they were so well done. I can't believe I'd never heard of it before now! I bought it on a whim last week for cheap at a movie store that was going out of business. So glad I did!
My only complaints would be that there were a few moments where characters would do something and I'd have NO clue what was going on (and not in a good way), like they weren't explaining things properly. But for the most part it was easy to follow with an engaging storyline, and several interesting comments-- for example
"Imperfection is beauty, madness is genius, and it's better to be absolutely ridiculous than absolutely boring." Marilyn Monroe
Silver: yes the soundtrack is lovely! I like Spirit too! I used to cry in that all the time, but my sister is addicted to it and watches it all the time so I'm kinda numb to ending now . The soundtrack is pretty awesome in that too
Glenstorm, I almost never cry during movies. I don't know why - maybe I've got a heart of stone. (Hehe, kidding ) I remember a while back my friends and I went to see Flicka - they were all bawling by the end, but I was just sitting there awkwardly...
I can only remember three movies that made me cry: Marley and Me, Love Comes Softly and its sequels that they show on Hallmark Channel sometimes, and (for whatever reason) Monsters Inc.
Av and Sig by Aravis Autarkeia
The only movies that have ever made me cry (I'm another of those stone-cold unemoitional non-cryers, Silver ) were The Boy in the Striped Pajamas, and Titanic. When I was little I literally bawled and bawled and bawled over Black Beauty, but since that was like 10 years ago I don't think it counts now.
I remember seeing Dear John in theaters a while back (wasn't a fan), and at the end all you could hear was sniffles and sobbing and I was just like "okay....."
"Imperfection is beauty, madness is genius, and it's better to be absolutely ridiculous than absolutely boring." Marilyn Monroe
Valiant_Lucy, The Boy in the Striped Pajamas, definitely see why! I froze, hoping for what would not come.
Titanic, pft. you're a girl of course you would cry with that
My sister cried during the movie, and still hours later. Hearing My Heart Will Go On didn't help her either.
Dear John, I'm a fan, though book is much better. Wouldn't cry with that though.
Silver the Wanderer, I absolutely LOVE, Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron. The story is amazing, and of course it's helped by the awesomest score!!
The Prestige vs The Illusionist. Both are great movies. I love the simplicity of one and the complexity of the other. I prefer The Illusionist much more though.
I saw Wanted a few weeks back for the first time, not in full though, it had some merits to it, but I didn't like it much. Some of the content was not to my liking.
Silver: lol I cry in almost every single movie I watch- I'm very emotion and cry easily . I didn't cry in Flicka though, probably b/c I have no understanding of those animal/human relationships and practically hated the main character
. I bawl in Monsters, Inc though! My faaavorite PIXAR movie
*wants to see Dear John*
I've never seen all of Titanic...just bits and pieces every time it's on TV. I haven't seen Dear John either, but I want to. Is that on DVD yet? I haven't been to the movie rental store in a while.
There's a lot of movies I've never seen but I want to...I'm really behind when it comes to movies. For example, I've never seen any of those popular superhero movies (Spiderman, Batman, Iron Man, etc.)
I've seen the first Pirates of the Caribbean but only about forty minutes of the second one. I think I'm cursed...I've tried renting them from two different places, but the DVDs are always scratched and freeze up on me! I saw the first one at a friend's house because she owned it, and now that we have a Blu-Ray player, I think I'm going to try renting them again and hope for the best.
Glenstorm, I haven't seen Monsters Inc in forever! Did you know Pixar's making a sequel? It comes out in 2012. I loooove Pixar. My favorite Pixar movies are WALL-E and Toy Story 3.
Av and Sig by Aravis Autarkeia
Silver: I've only seen bits and pieces of Titanic too. I might watch the whole thing one day...
Yeah I'm really behind in movies too . I've seen all 3 PotC movies though. Really, the first one is the only good one. You're not missing much, IMO.
I need to re-watch Monsters, Inc. sometime soon! It's been a while since I've seen it too. Yeah I knew about that! I'm so psyched for it! I can't wait! I love PIXAR too . You already know my favorite, but Toy Story 3 is my second and either Finding Nemo or Wall-E, but I'm seeing UP soon and I have a feeling that will join my top 3 favorites
Silver: I disagree in part with Glenstorm the Great about POTC,
The first is without a doubt the best, but the second is very good too. The third, has its good moments and its bad moments- problem is that it's too complicated. Overall I do like all 3 of them, but I am very happy to know that the 4th will go "simple" like the first.
The first is very good, I found the second boring and too dark for my liking. The third movie had some very interesting and fun scenes but overall it was a complicated mess. More interesting than the second one at least. My opinion of course.
Currently watching:
Doctor Who - Season 11
I thought the second movie was the beginning of the end of the series. I hate how
The ending to the second, I thought that was brilliant, unfair probably but for the story, it makes perfect sense to why it happened. Though I liked the third, mostly for the sake of it being a POTC movie probably, but I agree with you there- it was a complicated mess and the betrayals too get on my nerves.
Re: the POTC movies:
The first--I really want to rewatch this, it's been forever! Even though some characters are rather cliche (Elizabeth, Will), it's still a really fun movie, just that perfect action/blockbuster type movie to relax with some popcorn with.
The second--I don't really remember anything much of this, so it couldn't have made a huge impression.
The third--I own this, although I'm not a huge fan. I reallyreally liked the very beginning--the set and everything was just really visually appealing. The ending was interesting too. But everything else inbetween was just super confusing and...well, complicated.
"Imperfection is beauty, madness is genius, and it's better to be absolutely ridiculous than absolutely boring." Marilyn Monroe
Huh. Well, it sounds like I'm just going to have to watch POTC 2 and 3 and form my own opinion. If anything, I want to know what all the talk is about. I'll probably end up liking them though, since there's swords involved.
Glenstorm, I think you're going to like Up. Though, you'll probably cry. I almost cried. Almost.
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narnian1: you mean you liked when
I probably should re-watch these's been a while and I need to remember more if I'm going to discuss them .
Silver: oh I know I'll cry. I cried looking at pictures of it
Just finished watching The Beauty and the Beast . That movies is so lovely