I think the cheesiness is definitely part and parcel with the humor of The Princess Bride, Glenstorm. But that's really a film that rewards itself with repeated viewing. Also, I think those who like it best have basically grown up with it. I know that's been the case with me.
"You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view... Until you climb inside of his skin and walk around in it."
The Princess Bride. hmmm. I saw it once and liked it a bit, then saw it again and hated it.
I just watched Bridge To Terabithia last night again and I sobbed my eyes out. I LOVE that movie!
NW sister - wild rose ~ NW big sis - ramagut
Born in the water
Take quick to the trees
I want all that You are
lys: yeah well I didn't mind all the cheesiness. Just some. I was upset that

What I've been watching recently....
The Night of the Hunter (1955)
Weird. Just weird. This is one of the strangest movies I've ever seen.... It's not bad necessarily, but I don't think it's as good as people say it is. And some of the talk strikes me as simply untrue. For one thing, I've heard it referred to before as "one of the best film noirs ever made"; well, I've yet to see anyone make a decent argument for it being a film noir. Certainly the cinematography is similar, but this is far too nostalgic in tone for a noir, and the style feels almost European ... whereas nothing is more American than a noir. Also, I'd heard Robert Mitchum's character referred to as "the personification of evil." Well, he's bad, surely, and there are one or two really creepy scenes, but if you want to see Mitchum reeeaaallly evil, watch him in Cape Fear. The narrative's a bit patchy, too. All in all, it's worthwhile for the fantastic performance by the great silent actress, Lillian Gish, and also for director Charles Laughton's innovative approach, especially as regards the cinematography. Even though I'm not enthralled by this film, I do wish he had made more movies.
His Girl Friday (1940)
I love this movie! It starts out a little slow, but when it gets going, does it get going! There's nothing quite like the dialogue in this movie - it's zippy, it stings, and if you don't pay attention you'll miss it entirely. We can thank Ben Hecht and Charles MacArthur, writers of the Broadway play (titled "The Front Page"), for that dialogue, but it's to director Howard Hawks that the credit must go for the brilliant idea to change the character of lead reporter Hildy Johnson from a man to a woman. And what better woman to play it than Rosalind Russell? From what I know, she didn't play too many of these fast-talking screwball dames, which is a pity because she is a natural. Her "farewell" speech to the other reporters is sheer brilliance. Cary Grant matches her note for note; this is one of his finest comedy performances, and that's saying a lot. There's a lot of solid supporting work too (Ralph Bellamy in one of his most typical roles, Billy Gilbert as Joe Pettibone, who's slightly slow on the uptake) but it's the work of Hecht, MacArthur, Hawks, Russell, and Grant that really propel this movie and make it such a classic.
"You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view... Until you climb inside of his skin and walk around in it."
Last night I watched "Serenity." It was better than I expected, but I guess I needed to watch the tv show to fully understand it. I still didn't quite get what was up with River.
But it was good for sci-fi, which is one genre that I don't particularly care for.
In my experience, Firefly (the show it's based on) is loved by pretty much everyone who sits through its brief 14 episodes - whether or not they like sci-fi to begin with. As much as I love Serenity, the show still shines far brighter as far as the characters go. You fall in love with them within a few episodes and suddenly everything they do and say becomes hilarious and/or poignant. If you remotely liked the movie, I'd say give the show a shot. It really is one of a kind. (And yes, you'll understand River a whole lot more.)
"A man can no more diminish God's glory by refusing to worship Him than a lunatic can put out the sun by scribbling the word 'darkness' on the walls of his cell." (C.S. Lewis, The Problem of Pain)
I made the mistake of watching a bit of "Firehouse Dog" on youtube today. *shudders* it's been a bit since I first saw it and I'd forgotten that is was as poorly done as it is
the best part of the whole movie is when the dog rides on Shane's skateboard and then Shane (Josh Hutcherson) says, "Are you some kind of freak show circus dog?"
the rest made no sense and was awful, IMO
NW sister - wild rose ~ NW big sis - ramagut
Born in the water
Take quick to the trees
I want all that You are
Yes, Firefly really should be watched before Serenity. Both are very good but the series is much better. It's more character-driven, while the movie is more plot-driven. R.I.P. to a great short-lived series taken before it's time.
Currently watching:
Doctor Who - Season 11
I saw Serenity on sale at Wal-Mart last week for $9. For another $10 I think one can get the whole series. I almost picked it up given that I've never heard any bad talk about it. Then again I hear people rave about mayonaisse all the time, so what do they know?
Also while I was at Wal-Mart I did pick up a copy of what I consider to be the greatest Kung-Fu movie ever made, Five Deadly Venoms. The film was made in Hong Kong in the late 70's and departs from the standard Kung-Fu film in that rather than have one protaganist with great karate there are 6 of equally lethal skill. The plot revolves around a dying teacher who tasks his 6th and final student to go find the other 5 original members of the "Poison Clan", elite martial artists, each trained in a specific fighting style. This 6th student tasked with this quest is not master of any one skill but has a general knowledge of all of them and must find and help eliminate any of the Poison Clan that have turned to evil. These former students are masters of their individual styles, but the catch is that no one is certain of their names or what they look like, only that they're out to get an extravagant amount of gold from a former colleague of the dying teacher. Some of the Poison Clan know each other but by and large their identities are mysteries, although the viewer learns the identities of 2-3 relatively quickly. There's the Centipede (#1 ) and the Snake (#2), the Scorpion (#3), and the Lizard (#4) and the Toad (#5). The Centipede uses lightning fast hand attacks which are meant to mimic his namesake style, while the Lizard can climb on walls. The Toad is virtually indestructable (and my favorite )... The film is now considered a cult classic and revered by Kung-Fu film afficianados worldwide.
Here's a short clip of the Centipede squaring off against the Toad. Bear in mind that the Toad is completely invulnerable to all attacks, however he does have a weak spot which can be exploited to "deactivate" his special talent.
Kennel Keeper of Fenris Ulf
so I rent through Netflix, anybody that has it knows that it recommends movies based on your interests and ratings. Don't know how they do it, but more often than not, they are correct with their suggestions. I like that.
They've been recommending "The Secrets of Jonathan Sperry" to me for quite some time, I queue it then I delete, queue it again and delete it again. I've been like that for about a month or more. It's available to watch instantly off the site so I figured why not?
I just finished watching it and I found it quite good. As a movie, by Hollywood standards, it's not that well made probably but I don't care I enjoyed it. It's a christian based movie, and it takes itself as such, as this man teaches young boys about the bible- forgiveness, heaven and hell, all of it.
Again, it was worth the watch.
^I saw that movie two years ago, at a special previewing of the unedited version. I've seen it three times since and it's fantastic! I really really like it and thought the whole message was fantastic. I laughed and cried through the whole thing. I especially loved the part when Mr Sperry took the kids to the graveyard and told them to listen to the voices of the souls lost in hell and then when

^ I was actually really surprised by that scene in the graveyard, to the point and worth noting, but since it was directed at kids I didn't expect that.
Of course I was also thinking, what if the people's graves he went to- what if they were believer? Then I just pushed it aside because I knew he didn't mean to talk specifically about THOSE people, he was just using the place and headstones as a means to show a point.
and it's true, going to a funeral as they put it can be better for a person in the sense that it makes them think of their own mortality which can help live better lives. I know many people would say really? a funeral better than a party? In the sense they were using it, yes. But not for a place of entertainment
Yesterday looked a film - the Beginning. I have not understood the film end? If here that who too to look this film?? Explain me - the film end.
The Beginning is a skateboarding film. I haven't seen the movie, so I can't explain the ending. Here's a Wikipedia article to help you out.
Currently watching:
Doctor Who - Season 11
If The Beginning is about skateboarding then I'll probably like it!
Long Live King Caspian & Queen Liliandil Forever!
Jill+Tirian! Let there be Jilrian!
I saw Suspicion last night. It's definetly an Alfred Hitchcock, and one of the most open-ended ones I've seen. For those of you who have seen it, what are your thoughts on the ending? I'm convinced

"Imperfection is beauty, madness is genius, and it's better to be absolutely ridiculous than absolutely boring." Marilyn Monroe