Are you sure you're not just looking for something that isn't there? Because I didn't get that message from Alice at all. How is refusing to marry a totally unsuitable man somehow a condemnation of marriage as an whole? If there was any kind of "message" in that, I thought it was that Alice should be able to choose what she wants to do with her life instead of being forced into a path chosen by her family. And what's wrong with her choosing adventure over marriage anyway?
Just so ya'll know, A Little Princess and The Little Princess are two completely different movies.
A Little Princess is the '95 one (and my favorite) starring Liesel Matthews, Liam Cunningham, and Eleanor Bron.
The Little Princess is the Shirley Temple one (and not my favorite ). I forget who else is in it, but I definitely like the '95 version over this one.
Booky: I did say slight feminist undertones. I really don't
mind it too much, but it is a point to be considered. I just feel like alot of movies/books nowadays are under-rating marriage and making it look like a single life where you can explore the world is the best thing.
Terminator Salvation was amazing! I loved it.
Sam Worthington did a terrific job, man has got a streak of luck. Anton Yelchin I thought was good too, love him more in Star Trek since he had more screen time. Christian Bale did a terrific job as well I thought.
The story, beyond amazing. I can't say anything bad about this movie.
Matette, is there really an Audrey Hepburn version of The Little Princess? I'm confused - I don't recall one. If there is, I must certainly see it.
Hmm. I thought I saw one at the video store, right next to the Shirley Temple one and was surprised -but now that I research it on the net I can't seem to find anything on it. Unless it's another of her movies released under another name (she did play a princess in Roman Holiday) or more likely I've simply read the spine of each movie together as there were a bunch of princess movies near each other) I shall have to do some further investigating! (Oh, the exciting life I lead... )
Are you sure you're not just looking for something that isn't there?
I think a few people picked up on the slight feminism there. Not that it's the main message or whatnot, but that sort of female independence, while suitable for a fantasy world like Wonderland over which Alice had dominion, was a tad unbelievable in Alice's real world. I don't think I would even call it feminism so much as an unrealistic attaining of independence in the patriarchal society she lived in. This is slightly off-topic, but there are quite a few articles on the Alice books and feminism out there -some people think that they portray a sort of feminist awakening that Alice goes through; I think it's just growing up personally but I don't really know.
I just feel like alot of movies/books nowadays are under-rating marriage and making it look like a single life where you can explore the world is the best thing.
I actually think Hollywood focuses a lot more on romance stories (although I wouldn't say they were advocating marriage) as opposed to the whole single-adventure thing. I agree with you that Alice's leaving to explore the world was a bit much -I mean a girl, not even grown up, being given the reigns to her father's fortune, and a ship to China, without even a guide/chaperon, just like that? I found it unbelievable when I watched it, but pretty cool nonetheless. However I'm sure if she'd found and married the man of her dreams and sailed with him around the world I'd be just as pleased.
Love is the answer
At least for most of the questions
In my heart. Like why are we here?
And where do we go? And how come it's so hard?
~Jack Johnson
thanks to Lys for my avvy
Terminator Salvation was amazing! I loved it.
Sam Worthington did a terrific job, man has got a streak of luck. Anton Yelchin I thought was good too, love him more in Star Trek since he had more screen time. Christian Bale did a terrific job as well I thought.The story, beyond amazing. I can't say anything bad about this movie.
I'm glad you enjoyed the movie!
I'm a little different with Anton's roles in both Terminator Salvation and Star Trek. I actually thought that Anton's role was larger in Terminator Salvation and wished that he was shown more in Star Trek. IDK, That's just me.
Long Live King Caspian & Queen Liliandil Forever!
Jill+Tirian! Let there be Jilrian!
I thought Anton Yelchin was probably the best thing about Terminator Salvation. Certainly had the best acting performance, though Sam Worthington wasn't too bad either. He was really good in Star Trek too, but with such a large ensemble cast, it's hard for any outside of the Big Three of Spock, Kirk, and McCoy to get a lot of screentime.
DamselJillPole, really? I might have to see Star Trek again to notice his screentime. I could be wrong since I haven't seen it in some time, and I won't object to seeing it again either I love Star Trek!
^^Ditto Bookwyrm, Anton's performance as a young Kyle Reese in TS was the best throughout the entire movie. I felt as if he was the only one out of all the actors trying not so hard or trying to come off as some sex appeal. He was living the moment and was very 100% believable just like in all the other movies he does. He's seriously a natural.
He even kept in character like the first Kyle Reese. He really did his research greatly.
Long Live King Caspian & Queen Liliandil Forever!
Jill+Tirian! Let there be Jilrian!
I just finished watching The Young Victoria (finally! ) and it was an excellent movie. I really loved it and I'm going to buy it as soon as possible
I just finished watching The Young Victoria (finally!
) and it was an excellent movie. I really loved it and I'm going to buy it as soon as possible
I also saw that quite recently! My one qualm is that it's far too short; I wanted more. Emily Blunt is note-perfect.
Also, the instant Rupert Friend first came on screen my husband said "What a sweet mustache!" ...and wouldn't shut up about how jealous he was for the rest of the movie (he has tried and failed to grow one to that standard ). Highly amusing.
"A man can no more diminish God's glory by refusing to worship Him than a lunatic can put out the sun by scribbling the word 'darkness' on the walls of his cell." (C.S. Lewis, The Problem of Pain)
I saw The Young Victoria recently as well and liked it. What I liked about it was that they really kept true to the history and life of Queen Victoria. It was really well made.
Long Live King Caspian & Queen Liliandil Forever!
Jill+Tirian! Let there be Jilrian!
I saw The Young Victoria in theaters, and liked it very much as well. It really is a wonderful love story.
Last night TCM was airing a tribute to the films of Joseph H. Lewis, a director of 'B' movies who somehow managed to churn out enduring hits despite the low budgets of most of his films. I recognized one of the titles, Gun Crazy, and tuned in to watch it. I was so hooked that I watched the following flick too, a little thriller set in Britain titled My Name is Julia Ross.
Gun Crazy, a crime thriller/film noir that definitely owes a lot to the historical figures of Bonnie and Clyde, is certainly the better of the two, but even in Julia Ross there are some really stunning shots that make up for the cliché plot and too-short running time. Gun Crazy doesn't suffer from either of these problems, and given that the storyline didn't appeal to me much when I first read about it, I must say that I really, really enjoyed it.
The famous bank heist scene (starting at :30) was really ahead of its time, and makes other sequences of this type from films of that era look hackneyed and studio-bound. If this were a Hitchcock film, the footage outside the car would be filmed separately, then shown in rear projection while the actors gave their performances in front of it. Lewis shoots it on the real location of a real bank, with real cars and bystanders, and everything in real time. Putting aside the technical know-how required to capture such a complicated scene in one take, I'm really impressed by the performances by Peggy Cummins and John Dall, and the way the camera moves so surely even in a moving vehicle.
"You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view... Until you climb inside of his skin and walk around in it."
I loved Young Victoria. Emily Blunt was perfect as Victoria.
As you said, equustel, it was too short. I didn't want it to end. But it was long enough to do justice to my favorite queen.
Last night I watched "Serenity." It was better than I expected, but I guess I needed to watch the tv show to fully understand it. I still didn't quite get what was up with River. But it was good for sci-fi, which is one genre that I don't particularly care for.
Signature by enigmaffliction
I thought The Young Victoria was too short too .
Just watched The Princess Bride (for the first time ) tonight. I still have to think about whether I liked it or not- I did laugh but some parts were a little too cheesy for my taste.