Ly: *ahem* I love Rufus Sewell; he's a marvelous actor and he's in many of my favorite movies. His voice is particularly awesome. But I've never really understood the idea that he is heartthrob material. He's not by any means an ugly guy, he's very respectable looking, but I'd have a hard time seeing him as a romantic lead in a rom com, let alone as Seth Starkadder. He performs well in CCF, but he's just not believable as the type of guy Mr. Neck would whisk off to California upon first seeing him.
Ah, and an overlap. He is also in Amazing Grace, which is definitely one of my favorite movies. I love watching it in the context of today's modern abolitionist movement (if you don't know what this is and are under the impression that slavery ended with Abe Lincoln, please google it).
Well, Sewell is definitely distinctive-looking. Perhaps he isn't classically handsome, but he has great presence, and in the film he managed to achieve the air of someone who has lived all his life in the outdoors, and moreover has "been around," so to speak. I think that was what Mr. Neck was really looking for. He probably had a lot of good-looking guys lining up to get at parts, but he wanted someone rough, tarnished, exciting.
Anyway, this is an odd conversation for a guy to have. I'll wind up by just saying I liked him in the role, and leave it at that.
"You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view... Until you climb inside of his skin and walk around in it."
Yes, a bit interesting. When you asked why I didn't like him in the role and I knew the answer was that I just don't find him... uh... well... you know, I knew it would be awkward to answer. I'm trying to toe the NWeb respect line. I mean no disrespect, I like him a lot, but he's just not a traditional Hollywood heartthrob.
I finally saw Terminator 3. I know the movie gets a lot of hate, but I don't think it was all too bad. It wasn't nearly as great as Cameron's two originals though. Next up will be last year's with Bale, which I haven't yet seen so if you have give me no details please.
Oh and I forgot to mention that I didn't like the subtle feminist undertones in Alice. Like how when she comes back she decides not to marry but instead travel to China doing business by herself. I don't think that was very good and it took a little more away from my opinion of the movie...
Glenstorm the Great,
What's wrong with her not wanting to get married to the guy? She clearly didn't like him. The movie in itself wasn't the best, but on this point I agree with Alice.
I'm a bit confused. You think Alice should have married a guy she didn't love, who didn't love her, and with whom she had nothing whatsoever in common? What's wrong with her wanting to travel the world?
I didn't see a problem with that either. If you don't care for the man you're asked to marry, why marry him?
I loved the visuals and characters in the Alice movie but the story was a bit unoriginal. I thought the dance was amazing!
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Doctor Who - Season 11
narnia1, I think you've misunderstood Glenstorm. I believe that she was not objecting to marrying that particular fellow (who could? ) but rather to choosing private enterprise over marriage in general. I didn't have a problem with it, personally, but it did seem awfully cliché....
"You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view... Until you climb inside of his skin and walk around in it."
I finally saw Terminator 3. I know the movie gets a lot of hate, but I don't think it was all too bad. It wasn't nearly as great as Cameron's two originals though. Next up will be last year's with Bale, which I haven't yet seen so if you have give me no details please.
I liked T3 myself, but I know I stand in the minority on that . The newest Terminator with Bale is also very good, although once again I'm fairly sure I'm in the minority again. I enjoyed the fact that at long, long last we were being introduced to the future post-nuclear apocalypse world for longer than 2 minutes at a time. Plus it has A-10's.
Kennel Keeper of Fenris Ulf
I love the Terminator films so much. Though when I saw Terminator 3 I will admit that at first I was slightly disappointed in it. It wasn't until when Terminator Salvation came out that I really loved it. I think you'll love Terminator Salvation if you love the franchise this much.
As for Alice in Wonderland, I think it was basically when we see Alice in the beginning she's trying really hard to be a grown up yet some of her repressed memories begin to get in the way of what she thinks is a true reality. At the end she gathers her childlike innocence back which is something grownups have to have within them too and that is why she wanted to journey instead of being stuck forever and that it is never too late to follow your dreams.
Long Live King Caspian & Queen Liliandil Forever!
Jill+Tirian! Let there be Jilrian!
I just finally got to see Becoming Jane.... yeeey! But I nearly cried because of the part where

"Two sides of the same coin"
Oh gosh, that movie drives me up the wall. It's totally inaccurate historically.
The movie does have a few good points (the score is one of them, and there are also some interesting points made about gender roles) but be aware that it is pure Hollywood, and has very little to do with Austen or her time.
"You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view... Until you climb inside of his skin and walk around in it."
Ah, Terminator! One of my very favorite things in the world.
I ended up being a bit hyper-critical of Terminator Salvation, after prolonged exposure to the excellent storytelling in the Sarah Connor Chronicles TV series (which also delves into the Future War for several episodes). I think the series went way further with both the characters and the high-end sci-fi concepts than the new film attempted, but that doesn't mean it isn't a great action flick in its own right. Just didn't capitalize on the premise's potential, IMO. I also wasn't a fan of Bale's John Connor (and I generally LOVE Christian Bale) - I prefer the previous incarnation(s) of him as the quiet, collected leader who isn't a soldier so much as a strategist. I thought Thomas Dekker did a great job of capturing that in the TV series - even while playing a teenager.
That said, I do enjoy T3. The ending is quite poetic.
"A man can no more diminish God's glory by refusing to worship Him than a lunatic can put out the sun by scribbling the word 'darkness' on the walls of his cell." (C.S. Lewis, The Problem of Pain)
I just watched the movie Dreamer again I love that movie!
NW sister - wild rose ~ NW big sis - ramagut
Born in the water
Take quick to the trees
I want all that You are