Yeah but that's a part of acting.
I think he is cutting back on that now that he has a child and everything. He's going to be more careful with his roles.
Long Live King Caspian & Queen Liliandil Forever!
Jill+Tirian! Let there be Jilrian!
Just finished watching The Forbidden Kingdom for the billionth time. It's a decent movie but my sisters love it and they watch it over and over so it's kind of lost it's flavor to me . Has anyone else seen/like it?
Just finished watching The Forbidden Kingdom for the billionth time. It's a decent movie but my sisters love it and they watch it over and over so it's kind of lost it's flavor to me . Has anyone else seen/like it?
Is that the one with Jackie Chan and Jet Li and the Monkey King and the gold staff?
Kennel Keeper of Fenris Ulf
^yes! So you've seen it? How'd you like it?
I rather liked it, quite a bit in fact . There are some language issues from time to time but overall it was a surprisingly well done film. From my understanding there is an actual Monkey King figure in Chinese mythology, although you'd probably have to ask stardf about it for more detail
Great storyline, excellent fight choreography, and a wonderful presentation set against a breathtaking Chinese landscape. And of course Jackie Chan "training" his new student is half the fun of the movie too . It makes me wish I knew more Chinese mythology...the Monkey King was some kind of irascible personage who was either invited or invited himself to some banquet of the gods. He did something at the banquet he wasn't supposed to and some mayhem ensued of some kind (I know I'm being a bit too vague
). I'm trying to remember if it was he or some other character that the Chinese gods then chained and imprisoned at the roots of some big mountain somewhere. I'm probably butchering the story pretty bad here, but it was fun to see at least a portion of that mythology played out on screen, although I have no idea if it was a letter perfect rendition of events. But given how Hollywood treats Greek mythology (I'm looking at you, "new" Clash of the Titans) I can only imagine it was probably mangled pretty badly.
I really wouldn't mind owning the film, not one bit. I think someone who likes old style Kung Fu flicks (like Bruce Lee films or Shaw Brothers movies) would probably get a hair more enjoyment out of it but overall it is an undeniably fun little film.
Kennel Keeper of Fenris Ulf
Aw, my friend just called me saying he found a box of VHS's that he wanted to get rid of and is giving some to me listing names and one being The Forbidden Kingdom. It sounds good and now it's too late to call him back saying I want it when it is possibly going to someone else
Long Live King Caspian & Queen Liliandil Forever!
Jill+Tirian! Let there be Jilrian!
The Marx Bros' A Night at the Opera:
that's so funny because I was just watching that movie two nights ago!
WOW! what are the odds of that?!
The Marx Bros. are great. My favourite movie of there's is Duck Soup.
I just saw Duck Soup. Great movie as well, as a whole- more enjoyable than A Night at the Opera, but ANatO has some funnier comedy routines in them, only the actual opera was sort of bland.
Still, that's 3 for 3 that I've enjoyed and I can see why they were so popular for their day. I will be continuing to see their movies until I get them all, or all that are available on DVD.
Okay it's all good now. i called my friend back and he's giving me The Forbidden Kingdom. Whew!
Long Live King Caspian & Queen Liliandil Forever!
Jill+Tirian! Let there be Jilrian!
^yay .
Shadowlander: I do own it. I like it alot but I've seen it a good 15 times in the past 6 months so I'm kinda tired of it . I really love seeing Jackie train Jason too (or Jackie and Jet Li fighting over who gets to be his master
). Oh I didn't know the monkey king was really Chinese mythology...I thought they made him up. I know nothing of Chinese mythology really, which is kinda funny seeing I know practically every other country's main legends and myths and stuff
. Oh yes the setting is beautiful. Makes me want to visit China...well the rural, mountainous parts
Our family might watch This Is It again tonight. I know we just saw it like Wednesday night, but my dad hasn't seen it yet and it's the anniversary of MJ's death .
Wow it's hard to believe MJ died a year ago. It still feels as if it was like 4 months ago.
Long Live King Caspian & Queen Liliandil Forever!
Jill+Tirian! Let there be Jilrian!
^it's still hard for me to realize he's dead. I'm really sad that it took his death for me to like his music. Before I just thought he was another crazy famous guy and now I really like him and his music . Have you seen This is It?
many said that the people who watched it, it made them cry. but I hope to watch it too for MJ was one of my idols before.
"Two sides of the same coin"
I watched half of This is it when I was at a friends house. I never watched it all the way through but I plan to do that soon
Long Live King Caspian & Queen Liliandil Forever!
Jill+Tirian! Let there be Jilrian!
You guys should watch it! It's really good! Those concerts were going to be soooo awesome! I didn't cry while watching it...though I almost did. It's kinda funny b/c I normally cry in things like this, but I've cried alot over him already. I cried when they came out with the new We Are the World music video and they showed the part with him singing .
aw. Well MJ was a legend, and we all know that. So, long live MJ!
I like watching High School Musical 1 2 and 3. Haha, well, it looks cute you know. With all the singing and dancing, I really was fond of it. .
"Two sides of the same coin"