Oh. Les Mis wasn't a movie? I'm sorry about that. But it really is still a great musical. Sound of Music is the best one for me, where the kids were changed by Maria. Very awesome movie.
"Two sides of the same coin"
I have seen Les Miserables a couple of times, but even thought he story is good, the movie is disturbing and depressings, IMO
NW sister - wild rose ~ NW big sis - ramagut
Born in the water
Take quick to the trees
I want all that You are
why so Libb? It's fine to me. Is there some part in the musical you don't like?
"Two sides of the same coin"
^^ not the musical, the movie. the one with Liam Neeson as the main character. It's just so sad and depressing with all the poeple dying and all that
NW sister - wild rose ~ NW big sis - ramagut
Born in the water
Take quick to the trees
I want all that You are
oh. Haha. I thought something bothered you that much. Well, I didn't get to watch the one with Liam. But I'm looking for it already. He was Valjean, right? please correct me if I'm wrong.
"Two sides of the same coin"
Yeah I'm still going to give the movie Les Miserables a chance to watch! I love Liam Neeson. Isn't Claire Danes in it as well?
Long Live King Caspian & Queen Liliandil Forever!
Jill+Tirian! Let there be Jilrian!
^^ yeah, I think so.....I think she plays Cossette
NW sister - wild rose ~ NW big sis - ramagut
Born in the water
Take quick to the trees
I want all that You are
'Tis true, Les Mis may seem depressing. The story is set in a very tumultuous time historically, the aftermath of the French Revolution.
But for all the pain and agony in the story, it's one of my favorites. Its Christian themes shine brightly: law vs grace, forgiveness and redemption, adoption, and so many others.
I'd agree with lysander that the Liam Neeson version is nicely done. It's a reasonable adaptation, especially given the enormous depth and scope of the original novel, and those Christian themes are retained within the limits of a 2-hour adaptation of a 1500-page book.
From the previous page:
... but the whole idea of [The Karate Kid] being "old" enough to have a remake is so bizarre... not to mention, makes me feel so ancient.... but this makes me feel like I need to break out a cane or something...If it's "old", then I must have one foot in the grave.
*waves his cane, with both feet in the grave*
More seriously, I can understand where you're coming from. I was a bit surprised the first time I saw the trailer for the remake too. But that seems to be part of the recent trend toward TV and movie remakes of 70s vintage movies and TV shows (The A-Team, and now Hawaii Five-o). But I digress.
As for Bride and Prejudice, it's great for a laugh, but I think you have to be in a silly happy mood to really get the most out of it.
Haha yes. And fast foward a bit
Too true, too true. A friend recommended this Bollywood movie, and I enjoyed most of the music (such as "A Marriage Has Come to Town" and "Punjabi Wedding Song") and all the colorful costumes. We screened it with some little kids in the audience, and they loved dancing to the lively songs (though we were careful to fast forward over a few of the sections).
It's a pretty loose adaptation of P&P, but at least the end credits say "Inspired by" rather than "based on" or something similar.
(Narnia trivia: at the end of the movie, there's a street billboard for "Asian Paints." I originally read it as "Aslan Paints." )
But all night, Aslan and the Moon gazed upon each other with joyful and unblinking eyes.
^^ I agree that the story of Les Miserables is a good one and that is the part I like best, but I can't watch it much just because it creeps me out
NW sister - wild rose ~ NW big sis - ramagut
Born in the water
Take quick to the trees
I want all that You are
It's a pretty loose adaptation of P&P, but at least the end credits say "Inspired by" rather than "based on" or something similar.
yeah I was glad they didn't claim it to be a straight up adaption . The music is like the best part, even if it is a little cheesy
GTG "To Kill a mockingbird is a must read and a must see movie. It is sad, but very worth it!
I'm going to read/watch it sometime- just haven't gotten to it yet .
When I first saw Bride and Prejudice, I couldn't get over the fact that it was Sayid dancing and singing.
When I first saw Bride and Prejudice, I couldn't get over the fact that it was Sayid dancing and singing.
Good point, Rising_Star! I actually saw B&P first, so when I started watching Lost I had trouble visualizing Sayid as a hardened Iraqi soldier instead of an Indian equivalent to Mr Bingley.
But all night, Aslan and the Moon gazed upon each other with joyful and unblinking eyes.
Warrior, how old were you when you watched TKaM?
I love The Sound of Music.
on TKaM,
I know it wasn't to me but I'm not entirely sure age would go for or against this movie. I was 15yrs old when I first read the book and saw the movie, loving both. My father recently saw the movie, about 48yrs or so, and he didn't care for it much. Found it dull, and he's not the action type either.
As for The Sound of Music, I absolutely love that one too. I've seen it plenty of times since a kid. Of course I appreciate it a lot more now too.
This thread is hopping!
We screened it with some little kids in the audience, and they loved dancing to the lively songs...
Haha yes, the music is very catchy. That's how I was introduced to it actually -by visiting my friend a few times at home and finding her little sister watching B&P on repeat so she could show us the dance moves. Entertaining isn't quite the word for it.
@GtG I didn't even like Jane or Mr. Bingley very much.... But on the whole I still like what they did with the adaptation (I'm hesitant to call it a movie; it was too book-ish unlike the 05 one)
I watched To Kill a Mockingbird with my mother this evening.
I think that's the correct way to watch it. My mother loves Gregory Peck and that movie alot; so when I came to watch it I had very high expectations, which were mostly met. I think the book brought the kids to life a little better; but I agree that Peck was excellent as Atticus! (I can see why Warrior might find it dull; the book was a little that way for me...but I was a bit young, so maybe didn't fully appreciate the themes....especially since that particular racial issue wasn't one we had to deal with or learn about much growing up; it was a little distanced and the significance of it is something I understand a lot better now)
(oh golly it's hailing something terrible just as I've written that)
Re Le Mis with Liam Neeson; I have that on dvd and I have to say I much prefer it to the version with Gerard LastNameFrench?... it's an excellent adaptation and admittedly not one I watch often for its heaviness; but it's a classic and Cosette, her mother and her love interest are played especially well. I can't remember who plays Javert, for some reason I have Ian Mckellan in my head but I think not. He was very good as well, whoever he was. Just the right amount of creepiness to be believable. Neeson is a really good actor; this movie shows that accurately. All in all, a really good movie that stands on its own apart from the book. I loved it!
Love is the answer
At least for most of the questions
In my heart. Like why are we here?
And where do we go? And how come it's so hard?
~Jack Johnson
thanks to Lys for my avvy
PC004, I'm...astounded, really....Tron, one of my favorite nerdy movies of all time ranked lower than Clue? I agree with you about Patton and Tremors though. Best part of Tremors is when the worm thing busts into Michael Gross and Reba Macintyre's "Rec Room" in the basement. There was enough ordinance in there to equip a small army. Reba was my favorite character in the movie.
Kennel Keeper of Fenris Ulf