I just couldn't take Brendan Fraser seriously as Mo. I know Funke pictured him for the role
I completely agree! While I think he looked right for the part, and a couple of his scenes with Meggie I thought he was pretty convincing as a Dad, but for the most part he was just...goofy, silly, and his GLARINGLY OBVIOUS AMERICAN ACCENT!!! Ugh. On the plus side, it IS kinda cool that Funke wanted him when she'd written the books...and he got the part. On the otherhand...they should have had somebody else
None of the characters were how I'd pictured them at all, but thankfully I'd read the book a long enough time ago before seeing the movie that my first book impressions didn't stick with me too long (and I much prefer how they look in the movie to how I imagined them).
"Imperfection is beauty, madness is genius, and it's better to be absolutely ridiculous than absolutely boring." Marilyn Monroe
While I think he looked right for the part, and a couple of his scenes with Meggie I thought he was pretty convincing as a Dad, but for the most part he was just...goofy, silly, and his GLARINGLY OBVIOUS AMERICAN ACCENT!!!
well, his accent is a bit of a drawback, but in the book it says that Mo's voice was like no one else's, so hey! there you have it! American vs. British accent!
I think he did a good job
NW sister - wild rose ~ NW big sis - ramagut
Born in the water
Take quick to the trees
I want all that You are
Thanks bunches for your post, bkey. It really helped in answering my questions about the movie. (And narnia1, thanks for your support. It's good to know there are other rebels out there.
) I agree that there are some good scenes of suspense, and that the actors did well with what they were given, but the material was such that I couldn't manage to find that empathy you felt for their characters. Ah well.
well, his accent is a bit of a drawback, but in the book it says that Mo's voice was like no one else's, so hey! there you have it! American vs. British accent!
Somehow I knew someone would come up with this argument. If that's what the filmmakers were trying to convey, finding someone with a different accent from the rest of the cast was a really cheap way to do it. What Funke meant in writing that, of course, is that Mo had a beautiful and unique speaking voice coupled with great skill in the art of reading aloud. The proper method to go about expressing that would be to find someone with an amazing voice and the same accent as the rest of the cast. Ahem.
"You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view... Until you climb inside of his skin and walk around in it."
Well, recently I've seen several movies from the 80's and one from the very early 70's. I will now give a brief review of my recent viewings for anyone interested.... or not.
Patton (1970)
Wow. This is one of those films that for years people have said "you need to see this!!", but I never got around to watching it. Now that I finally have, I can see why people like it so much. This is definitely one of the best war movies I've seen, much more of a character piece than an action film. George C. Scott gives an excellent performance as Patton and the supporting cast is top notch. Jerry Goldsmith's score, while sparse, compliments the film wherever it appears.
Score: 5/5
Content Warning: There is a ton of strong language throughout the film and some rather grisly post-battle images as well.
Tron (1982)
With all the hubbub about Tron Legacy coming out I decided to watch the original to see what all the fuss was about. It was an enjoyable film, great early CGI that gave you a real sense you were in a video game world, but mostly too goofy to be a real treat. The acting was rather flat which did not help matters.... Overall, glad I saw it though I doubt I'll be watching it again. The "making of" documentary on the DVD was actually more interesting that the film!
Score: 2/5
Content Warning: Some minor cursing and fantasy style violence. All safely in the PG rating area.
Clue (1985)
Ahh, a comedy my cousins had been pestering me about for years... Anyway, finally watched it when I was over at there house for a visit on Sunday. While not quite as funny as they made it out to be, it was still surprisingly good. The acting was appropriately over-the-top to quite reserved depending on the character. The pace of the film was good and there were several LOL moments, unfortunately most of the best moments were few and far between. Still, it was a fun little comedy. It was interesting to see Tim Curry in this film after seeing him as Darkness in Legend with TONS of makeup and prosthetics.
Score: 3/5
Content Warning: Some mild cursing, a few sexual jokes and of course the film has to do with murder (nothing gory though).
The Goonies (1985)
Alright, another 80's fantasy film I can cross off my "to see" list. I wasn't really expecting much from this one since most of the clips I've seen didn't look that great, but I was pleasantly surprised at how fun it is. The story is a simple treasure hunt setup with predictable results, but the actors playing the kids are what keep the film afloat (pardon the pun). Several child stars from the 80's appear in the cast including a young Sean Astin and Josh Brolin. There are plenty of fun/exciting moments throughout the film as well. The score is top notch adventure music. My only major qualm with the movie..... why did the kids have to constantly swear like sailors??
If you can get past the cursing, it's a fun film.
Score: 4/5
Content Warning: Lots of cursing from the kids, one rude gesture, several scenes where characters are in peril and lots of skeletons.
Tremors (1989 or 1990)
A classic monster movie formula done late 80's style with Kevin Bacon and Fred Ward as two hired hands who stumble upon giant underground worms that are eating the locals in a sleepy little Nevada town. This film has it all: great one-liners, fun and funny characters, excellent special effects, solid score and a near perfect pace that doesn't let up once the "ball gets rolling". Not really a film for people who dislike this genre, but for anyone who's game, it's a near perfect popcorn flick that doesn't take itself too seriously. Also, the main characters live at the end!!! Yay!!
Score: 4/5
Content Warning: Almost wall-to-wall cursing (unfortunately), several jump scenes, a few gory scenes (mostly involving the monsters demises) and a scene where the pretty young scientist has to take off her pants so she doesn't get drug underground by the monsters (this scene is quick and not sexual in the least. BTW, in the next scene she is wearing jeans).
Alright, I think that's long enough.
Avvie by the great Djaq!
^ Short tribute to James Horner (1953-2015)
I went through a stage where I was literally obsessed with the board game Clue, and I begged my parents to let me see the movie, but of course I wasn't quite old enough for it then. I'd like to see it, if only for Tim Curry and Madeleine Kahn.
"You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view... Until you climb inside of his skin and walk around in it."
I haven't watch The Karate Kid (the old version). Some say it's nicer than the new one, well, is it??
Ok, hang on... "the old version"? Call me crazy if you want, guys... but the whole idea of this movie being "old" enough to have a remake is so bizarre... not to mention, makes me feel so ancient. I'm twenty-six, I'm young yet... but this makes me feel like I need to break out a cane or something. Did you know I was born 8 months (to the day!) before that movie came out? If it's "old", then I must have one foot in the grave.
I can't compare them for you, as I haven't seen the remake yet. And although Jackie Chan is made of awesome, no one (I repeat NO ONE) can ever compare with Ralph Macchio and Pat Morita. Sorry.
I guess what I'm trying to say (besides the fact that I feel old), is that even if I like (or even... love!) the new one, I'll always be biased in favour of the original. But, having grown up with it, can you really blame me? It was such a part of my childhood! So many memorable scenes... so many life lessons... great quotes... funny moments and serious ones. It's just so good. And why are they messing with a classic anyway? I'm seriously torn on what to think about this. I mean, come on... even people who had never seen (or in some cases, heard of) the movie know the phrase "wax on, wax off"! It's just... I don't know. Maybe I should just move into an old folks home right now... it can only go downhill from here.
I mean, what are they gonna remake next? The Mighty Ducks? The Sandlot? The Goonies?
And is it just me, or are they making a lot more remakes, than new original stuff these days?
Ok, on to other stuff:
Shadowlander- I don't find it odd at all that you liked Anne of Green Gables! Though, being a fan of the books, I'd say that the third one is bad. If it wasn't about Anne and Gil it'd be fine... maybe even good. But to have them in it, and not include the kids, or their home... it's just weird. I hate it when movies about certain characters totally throw the source material out the window. Ugh. But yeah, movies one and two are great! (you're speaking of the ones with Megan Follows, yes?)
Cor- Yeah, I wish The Goonies didn't have the language. But as you said, if you can get past that, it's a great movie! Remind me to talk it over with you sometime.
*shivers at mention of Tremors* That one (and it's sequels) gave me nightmares, and made me feel sick to my stomach. Sadly enough for me, my dad and younger sister LOVE them... so I would have to hear them playing a lot while growing up. If I knew they had it on, I'd hide in another room.
does anyone remember the Focus On The Family movie series "McGee And Me"? I used to watch those all the time when I was little and I grew up with them! I still love them!
Thank goodness you like them!! It's rare that I find anyone (online OR in real life) that knows of them! And although I grew up watching them on VHS, I think they were originally a tv series in the late eighties and early nineties. (I'd have to double check though)
Funny story, we used to just watch them at my grandparents house, when we'd visit. After multiple (and I do mean multiple) viewings, Nana was like, "Girls, just take them with you" And we've owned them ever since.
Yep, I still watch them sometimes. And usually, once I've seen them, it makes me feel like drawing something.
(then again, Bridge to Terabithia makes me wanna draw too. but that's a different topic to bring up another time) Speaking of drawing, McGee was the first thing I learned to really draw well. (I think I was in jr high or early high school. taught myself to do it, by studying the boxes of the videos. before McGee, all I could draw were shapes, suns, bad looking flowers, and stick people. I'm getting slightly better at drawing now! *wonders about taking pics of the landscapes and horses I drew in recent months, and posting them*)
Anyway, feel free to pm me about "McGee and Me!"!! (or email, whatever works better for ya)
Speaking of christian children shows/movies I grew up watching:
Does anyone remember Psalty? or Colby the computer? or The Donut Man? or Superbook? or The Flying House? OH! Or Quigly's Village? (could probably go on, but I forget the names of some of them)
Once I'm done with this version I'm going to watch '05 again...and maybe 'Bride and Prejudice'
The best parts about the 95 version have got to be Darcy and Lizzie. Everyone else kind of got on my nerves.
As for Bride and Prejudice, it's great for a laugh, but I think you have to be in a silly happy mood to really get the most out of it.
PrincessAnna I had to laugh at your indignant suggestion of a Mighty Ducks remake; I love that movie (the first, not the sequels) for its classic American humour; and I fail to see how they could duplicate (or better) the corny 90s fashion and hairstyles.
Edit: I remember watching a couple episodes of Superbook and liking them; as for Quigley's village, I couldn't stand that -even as a child.
Edit #2: I only saw Anne of Green Gables the movie this year. I've now seen the sequel; and in it was shown a clip of the third movie, but I thought it looked silly and didn't want to ruin the story in my head so haven't seen it yet. The first two though were a hit with my family too.

Love is the answer
At least for most of the questions
In my heart. Like why are we here?
And where do we go? And how come it's so hard?
~Jack Johnson
thanks to Lys for my avvy
Speaking of christian children shows/movies I grew up watching:
Does anyone remember Psalty? or Colby the computer? or The Donut Man? or Superbook? or The Flying House? OH! Or Quigly's Village? (could probably go on, but I forget the names of some of them)
yes I can't remember if I liked Psalty or not. But I know I liked Superbook, and my younger sister still watches all of our The Donut Man tapes .
The best parts about the 95 version have got to be Darcy and Lizzie. Everyone else kind of got on my nerves.
I know what you mean but I think that has to do with their characters...partly . I like Jane and Mr Bingley but I don't like Ms Bingley...and Mrs Bennet is WAY too whiny high pitched and annoying, and Lydia drives me insane
. I like Kitty though
. I think they could have picked a better Mary however...
As for Bride and Prejudice, it's great for a laugh, but I think you have to be in a silly happy mood to really get the most out of it.
Haha yes. And fast foward a bit .
I watched To Kill a Mockingbird with my mother this evening. That's definitely one of my favorite movies (as in, top 2 or 3), but it had been forever since I last saw it. What a relief to find it as good as I remember it! That movie is exceptional upon all counts. First off, it has a great story, based on the fabulous Pulitzer-winning Harper Lee novel, lovingly adapted by Horton Foote. Gorgeous B&W photography of the kind that only the 1960s could give us - that decade when the non-color medium was still frequently used, but paired with widescreen! Some beautiful musical themes, too. And, of course, the wonderful acting. It's astonishing in retrospect to realize how few of these actors had big careers, with the exception of Gregory Peck and Robert Duvall. The kids in particular turn in performances that any adult actor would be ashamed to call his or her own. And Peck just *is* Atticus Finch. Recommended to all.
"You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view... Until you climb inside of his skin and walk around in it."
Excellent movie from an excellent book! if anyone hasn't seen To Kill a Mockingbird I must wholeheartedly agree with lysander- it's an amazing movie!!!
@Princess Anna, I couldn't agree more with what you said about the one that movies are more on remakes than originalities. I think they just want to live the days when these were fresh then but I do hope some day that they would focus more on originality, but I'm not saying they should all the time.
The Past Movies I can remember that I've watched are mostly Musicals. Mom forces me to watch Sound of Music, Chitty Chitty Bang Bang, South Pacific, and my favorite, Les Miserables.
I do hope some of you are interested in one of those.
"Two sides of the same coin"
There's nothing particularly wrong about To Kill a Mockingbird. It's a well-made movie. I watched it through once and found it to be incredibly dull. I have no interest in it.
Remakes and endless sequels have been around since the beginning of cinema, it's just that we have more of everything these days.
Currently watching:
Doctor Who - Season 11
The Past Movies I can remember that I've watched are mostly Musicals. Mom forces me to watch Sound of Music, Chitty Chitty Bang Bang, South Pacific, and my favorite, Les Miserables.
I do hope some of you are interested in one of those.
I LOVE the Sound of Music and Les Mis . Haven't seen the other two though...
Haven't see To Kill a Mockingbird yet...haven't read the book .
Yes I was just thinking about "The Sound of Music" last night. I saw the play to "Les Miserables" I heard from a friend not to see the movie, because the movie wasn't by far close to the story or had many of the Christian themes to it.
GTG "To Kill a mockingbird is a must read and a must see movie. It is sad, but very worth it!
Long Live King Caspian & Queen Liliandil Forever!
Jill+Tirian! Let there be Jilrian!
Warrior, how old were you when you watched TKaM? I'd give it a few years and come back to it. I refuse to believe that you will find it "incredibly dull" then. No explosions or martial arts, of course, but the twists and turns of even the trial scene had me on the edge of my seat.
I love The Sound of Music. And Les Mis - both the musical and the Liam Neeson film. There is no movie of the musical though, sand, so I don't know what you're talking about, sandy ... unless you mean the Tenth Anniversary Concert, which I wouldn't consider a movie per se.
Damsel, don't believe your friends! The Liam Neeson film is a decent adaptation by Hollywood standards, and a beautiful movie in its own right. And it definitely retained the Christian themes; I don't know why they thought it didn't.
"You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view... Until you climb inside of his skin and walk around in it."