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[Closed] Past Movies: Part Deux

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NarniaWeb Junkie

I just rented John Carter. Even though I never read any of the Mars books by Burroughs I must say it was an excelent film. Now I will have to find the book to see if it was followed at all.
Enjoyed it as well that the hero was a true gentleman throughout. Even proposing to the princess rather than the alternative.

Posted : June 17, 2012 3:22 pm
Maiden of Monday Madness Moderator

Yes, The Pacific mini-series (10 episodes, so not all that small) was very good. Not enjoyable (war shouldn't be) but well done. It's rather graphic and mature and the war scenes are incredibly disturbing (as they should be) so not one for children or young teenagers. I've heard Band of Brothers is even better. I may have to check it out.

Band of Brothers is excellent. You should definitely watch it. It's so realistic, that my Dad won't watch it. I haven't seen in a couple of years, but my brother is going to start re-watching soon and I think he will let me watch it with him.

I would've loved to have seen more Aussies in The Pacific, especially since so many of our soldiers took part.

Why? It's suppose to be about the U.S. Marines.

We are going to watch Sabrina(1954) tonight. We got it for the library last week, so we get it watched and take it back. I have only seen it once before, and I'm looking forward to watching it again. :)


<img src="" alt="">
Christ is King.

Posted : June 18, 2012 10:35 am
NarniaWeb Nut

*pops in and raises hand*

OOO! Sabrina!

Yay! Good film, very good. But then again, I think most Hepburn films are good. B-) (except for Breakfast At Tiffany's...that wasn't good :( )
But Sabrina certainly is...that's been on my re-re-rewatch list for a while... :D/

Did you know SnowAngel, that there is a 1990 remake of Sabrina? I'm not suggesting it to you, it wasn't very clean. But if you ever see an image of it, Harrison Ford played Linus, and he was quiet funny. ;)) And he looked silly in his glasses. :-B (Reminded me of him when he's a Professor in the beginning of the Indiana Jones movies.)The girl that played Sabrina was very good too.

"...when my heart is overwhwlemed, lead me to the Rock that is higher than I."
-Pslam 61:2

Posted : June 18, 2012 2:00 pm
NarniaWeb Guru

Band of Brothers is excellent. You should definitely watch it. It's so realistic, that my Dad won't watch it. I haven't seen in a couple of years, but my brother is going to start re-watching soon and I think he will let me watch it with him.

I maintain it's one of the best homages of WW2 ever put to screen, and I have watched a lot of WW2 movies and have piles upon piles of WW2 books (and more than a few poorly constructed plastic models of Spitfires and Stukas ;))).

The reason (I suspect at least) that W4J wishes to see more of his countrymen is that much of the campaigns fought and were portrayed in The Pacific were part of a greater portion of WW2 which many refer to as the Battle of Australia. Supply lines between Australia and everyone else where critically thinned out by the Japanese, and Australia's foot hold in the area was instrumental in bringing down the Japanese war machine. Much like in Europe it could have gone down with Japan invading mainland Australia at some point, but all of us managed to keep them confined to the front yard, as it were. It could easily have gone the other way. Plus a lot of it was filmed there too. So I guess it'd be like someone filming a huge, awesome movie a few blocks from my house but having little to no locals show up in the film.

Kennel Keeper of Fenris Ulf

Topic starter Posted : June 18, 2012 6:03 pm
Warrior 4 Jesus
NarniaWeb Fanatic

Shadowlander, you're right on the money! And yes, the vast majority of The Pacific was filmed in the Aussie states of Queensland and Victoria. I'll be sure to check out The Band of Brothers at some point (hopefully soon). Thanks for the recommendation, guys.

Currently watching:
Doctor Who - Season 11

Posted : June 18, 2012 8:31 pm
Member Hospitality Committee

Band of Brothers is excellent. You should definitely watch it. It's so realistic, that my Dad won't watch it. I haven't seen in a couple of years, but my brother is going to start re-watching soon and I think he will let me watch it with him.

I maintain it's one of the best homages of WW2 ever put to screen, and I have watched a lot of WW2 movies and have piles upon piles of WW2 books (and more than a few poorly constructed plastic models of Spitfires and Stukas ;))).

The reason (I suspect at least) that W4J wishes to see more of his countrymen is that much of the campaigns fought and were portrayed in The Pacific were part of a greater portion of WW2 which many refer to as the Battle of Australia. Supply lines between Australia and everyone else where critically thinned out by the Japanese, and Australia's foot hold in the area was instrumental in bringing down the Japanese war machine. Much like in Europe it could have gone down with Japan invading mainland Australia at some point, but all of us managed to keep them confined to the front yard, as it were. It could easily have gone the other way. Plus a lot of it was filmed there too. So I guess it'd be like someone filming a huge, awesome movie a few blocks from my house but having little to no locals show up in the film.

Yes, you are right. And W4J is not alone - I agree with him 100%, also, about having more Aussies in war movies about the Pacific, especially in Papua/New Guinea, where it was essentially Aussie troops that won the day on the Kokoda track and at Milne Bay, even though they did have some US help, eventually.

Did you know that there were 63 Japanese air-raids on Darwin, alone? There were other Japanese air-raids on various towns in the north: Townsville, Broome (WA), Mossman, Cairns, Kathleen (NT), and Wyndham (WA). Newcastle and Eastern Sydney were shelled. Midget submarines penetrated Sydney Harbour, and yes, Australia, if not invaded, felt definitely under attack. My own grandma had an air-raid shelter which was later turned into a chook shed. My grandfather was in the Civil Defence, whilst my father, part of the Timor relief that was turned back to Darwin, was on a US ship - Meigs - that was sunk in Darwin Harbour in a bombardment on February 19th launched from the same four aircraft carriers which launched the December 7th raid on Pearl Harbour. Aussie ships - what was left of them - took part in the Coral Sea battle, as well as other naval fights.

It is a shame that the US ships that were sunk in Darwin Harbour or in the Sunda Strait are often neglected by the wartime programs mentioned so far. Ships like Mauna Loa or Meigs plus the USS Peary. Or the gallant USS Houston whose marvellous fight against a Japanese attack definitely saved a lot of military lives in the accompanying convoy, including my own father's life. USS Houston went down in the Sunda Straits, alongside HMAS Perth, in a battle on 28th February 1942. For the rest of his life, my father said that, literally, he would not have been alive if it wasn't for the USA. In particular, I suspect, this particular ship. Why has nothing been said about it, or Captain Rooks brilliant captaincy on film?

There is a good reason why some filmmakers discounted Aussie help. Because up to December 7th, a lot of Aussies were already fighting in Europe and Africa, against Rommel and in Greece and Crete. At that stage, America hadn't yet been in the war. But we did contribute. Quite a lot. ;)

Posted : June 18, 2012 10:30 pm
Member Admin

Did you know SnowAngel, that there is a 1990 remake of Sabrina? I'm not suggesting it to you, it wasn't very clean. But if you ever see an image of it, Harrison Ford played Linus, and he was quiet funny. ;)) And he looked silly in his glasses. :-B (Reminded me of him when he's a Professor in the beginning of the Indiana Jones movies.)The girl that played Sabrina was very good too.

Huh. I admit it's been a while since I've seen it, but I handily preferred the 1990 Sabrina to the classic. ;)) But I'm not a huge Audrey Hepburn fan like many, many other people. I liked her in Roman Holiday and um... that's about it. :))

Posted : June 19, 2012 5:29 am
Maiden of Monday Madness Moderator

Okay, that sort of makes sense, but the miniseries is about Americans not Australians. So, it would not make sense to have more Australians in it.

Did you know SnowAngel, that there is a 1990 remake of Sabrina? I'm not suggesting it to you, it wasn't very clean. But if you ever see an image of it, Harrison Ford played Linus, and he was quiet funny. ;)) And he looked silly in his glasses. :-B (Reminded me of him when he's a Professor in the beginning of the Indiana Jones movies.)The girl that played Sabrina was very good too.

Huh. I admit it's been a while since I've seen it, but I handily preferred the 1990 Sabrina to the classic. ;)) But I'm not a huge Audrey Hepburn fan like many, many other people. I liked her in Roman Holiday and um... that's about it. :))

Yes, I did. I watched it with my Mom and siblings in July 2009. If I remember right it was just okay. Sorry, fantasia! Yeah, Harrison Ford did look pretty silly in his glasses, especially since I had only seen him in the Jack Ryan movies before watching Sabrina.

It's kind of funny that you like Roman Holiday and not Sabrina, fantasia, because for me it's the other way I like Sabrina, but not Roman Holiday. :)

We big kids watched Sabrina last night. We really enjoyed it, especially when William Holden sat on the glasses. =)) That's one of the best parts.


<img src="" alt="">
Christ is King.

Posted : June 19, 2012 8:19 am
NarniaWeb Guru

FK, what about Charade and My Fair Lady? ;) Admittedly I'm not a HUGE Audrey fan, but there are about a handful of films that I like with her in them. :)


Since we're on the topic of war films, what are y'alls opinions on Platoon (1986) and Enemy at the Gates (2001)? Our library has both films now and I was thinking about checking them out. I know most people love the former, and that the latter film got rather mixed critical reviews.

Anyway, thought I'd get the real critics opinions. ;) ;))

Avvie by the great Djaq!

^ Short tribute to James Horner (1953-2015)

Posted : June 19, 2012 8:24 am
NarniaWeb Guru

Since we're on the topic of war films, what are y'alls opinions on Platoon (1986) and Enemy at the Gates (2001)?

It's been a long time since I watched Platoon, but I distinctly remember not liking it much. Then again I can't claim to be much of a fan of any Vietnam movies or Oliver Stone flicks in general, so this one is a lose-lose to me ;)). I really liked JFK, but I've read in a number of places that the facts about the history of the thing were so out of whack as to have possibly occurred on an alternate Earth. :P Great soundtrack though.

I haven't seen Enemy at the Gates, but I've wanted to for some time. Eastern Front bothers me on several levels because of the absolute barbarity between the two sides...and the Soviets were far less forgiving than the Germans in many regards (Don't turn around, the Commisar's in town :P) but even so EatG is supposed to be a really good flick and I've been meaning to give it a watch for some time now. What are you thoughts on it, PC? Would you recommend it at all?

But I'm not a huge Audrey Hepburn fan like many, many other people. I liked her in Roman Holiday and um... that's about it. :))

On this website them's fightin' words!! Audrey Hepburn, she's like the patron saint of NWeb Avatars & Siggies. :P

Kennel Keeper of Fenris Ulf

Topic starter Posted : June 19, 2012 12:05 pm
NarniaWeb Guru

I haven't seen Enemy at the Gates, but I've wanted to for some time. Eastern Front bothers me on several levels because of the absolute barbarity between the two sides...and the Soviets were far less forgiving than the Germans in many regards (Don't turn around, the Commisar's in town ) but even so EatG is supposed to be a really good flick and I've been meaning to give it a watch for some time now. What are you thoughts on it, PC? Would you recommend it at all?

I've never seen the film, though I do have the soundtrack (it's Horner! How could I resist? ;)) ). Next time I'm at the library I'll check it out and give it a watch. I'll let you know if it's good or not (though don't expect me to be able to compare it to what REALLY happened... I'm a tad vague on that part of WWII. ) :)

*reads the "parental warnings" for both Platoon and Enemy at the Gates on IMDB*

Oookay.... I'll skip Platoon for now. Apparently it was a good deal of disturbing war crime scenes. :| (does not handle those types of scenes very well)

Avvie by the great Djaq!

^ Short tribute to James Horner (1953-2015)

Posted : June 19, 2012 12:32 pm
Maiden of Monday Madness Moderator

But I'm not a huge Audrey Hepburn fan like many, many other people. I liked her in Roman Holiday and um... that's about it. :))

On this website them's fightin' words!! Audrey Hepburn, she's like the patron saint of NWeb Avatars & Siggies. :P


Charade is a favorite at our house. Unfortunely our library doesn't have it, 'cause right now I would really like to watched it. I really wish you hadn't said anything about it, PC! I guess I'm going to have to talk Scarlet into getting it next we order for ;)

My older brother has Enemy At The Gates. And I have only seen one little clip, but my brother really likes it. He says it solid. :) (I just asked him.)


<img src="" alt="">
Christ is King.

Posted : June 19, 2012 1:07 pm
NarniaWeb Guru

Haha! Sorry SnowAngel! It was always one of my favorites when I was younger and has one of my favorite "classic" actors: Cary Grant. :)

Ah, alright. :) I'll get Enemy at the Gates the next time I'm at the library. Many thanks to your brothers opinion. *tips hat*

Avvie by the great Djaq!

^ Short tribute to James Horner (1953-2015)

Posted : June 19, 2012 1:15 pm
NarniaWeb Nut

Huh. I admit it's been a while since I've seen it, but I handily preferred the 1990 Sabrina to the classic. ;))

I would have enjoyed the newer one alot more if it was clean. I liked the fact that it showed alot more of Paris and the change in Sabrina while she was there. Could've done without the brief romance with the photographer though... :-q

But I'm not a huge Audrey Hepburn fan like many, many other people. I liked her in Roman Holiday and um... that's about it. :))

On this website them's fightin' words!! Audrey Hepburn, she's like the patron saint of NWeb Avatars & Siggies. :P

*reminds me to change my avatar...I do that quite frequently :p *

YES!!!! Thank You! :-bd :D/ :D/ LoL :p . I'm a pretty big fan of hers, although I still need to see How to Steal A Million , the Nuns Story, & Wait Until Dark. Anyone see those? Were they any good?

Charade is an awesomely funny movie, and both Hepburn & Grant are good in it. Roman Holiday is awesome, although it doesn't have the "happily ever after" ending alot of people like. I liked it this way though, it was like Casablanca,a more grown up romance. And My Fair Lady is just hilarious, it's so funny!Her father is classic! It's defiantly a favorite here. :-bd

"...when my heart is overwhwlemed, lead me to the Rock that is higher than I."
-Pslam 61:2

Posted : June 19, 2012 1:46 pm
Member Admin

On this website them's fightin' words!! Audrey Hepburn, she's like the patron saint of NWeb Avatars & Siggies.

I know I know. If Cymru was still around I would be blocked and disowned for all time. :))

FK, what about Charade and My Fair Lady?

I've never seen Charade and I don't like My Fair Lady. :P :))

Could've done without the brief romance with the photographer though...

Wow, I don't remember that at all. I wonder if I saw a TV version? Or maybe my poor brain has just blocked it out. It's too bad they had to stick it in there and ruin the movie for other people cause I really liked it.

I'm a pretty big fan of hers, although I still need to see .... Wait Until Dark. Anyone see those? Were they any good?

I've never seen Wait Until Dark but my mom has and she loves it. :)

I had a 'blast from the past' moment last night. My husband and I watched Fern Gully. :)) Between the heavy early 90s feel and the overbearing propaganda, it was highly entertaining but for the wrong reasons.

Posted : June 21, 2012 7:39 am
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