I remember there was a thread like this on the old forum a while back so here it is again.
I've met 2 NarniaWebbers as of now- MonkeySaru and narnia365 (who doesn't post much on the forum, but often comments on the news stories). MonkeySaru and I met up at the Narnia exhibition in KC and narnia365 came to hear me play at a harp competition in Atlanta because his brother's harp teacher was the judge for that competition. Such a small world. There are several NWebbers I'd love to meet though! MinotaurforAslan, Djaq & Flam, Queen Susan, Edmund P, a few of the wonderful mods, several of the TAN fans (especially the ones I converted)
, and honestly the list could go on forever.
So...have you met any NarniaWebbers in real life? If so, who? If not, who are some that you would like to meet?
Good thread Aravis!
I've met MereChristian and Ti'ana only a few months ago. It was really nice. We didn't get to hang out for a loong time, but still it was fun.
There are tons of people on here I would love to meet. Our very own MissAravis, for one. Wisewoman's another, Edisk, Lindir, this list could go on! LucyTook, really, too many to name.
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Aliit ori'shya tal'din. ~ Mandolorian Proverb
Auta i lóme; Aurë entuluva. ~ Quenya
I originally read the title of this thread as "NarniaWebbers you've met in prison." Now that could be an interesting discussion
Personally, I've had three semi-official NarniaWeb meetings. Lady Eowyn, Dr. Elwin Ransom, Philo, and I all met up at a C. S. Lewis conference (what else?) in Illinois way back in 2005. Last year Gwendolen visited my college campus and we were able to chat for a while. And most recently, ValiantArcher, peterpevensie, and I were able to share a couple hours of great conversation and also a very fine breakfast while the former was in the area.
As for those I'd like to meet, I won't bore you with the list.
"You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view... Until you climb inside of his skin and walk around in it."
As of yet, I've met no NWebbers. Though I'd truly love too! Some certain ones I'd really like to meet are, NarniaNut95, Aunty Jo (Johobbit), Lady_Liln, PrinceCor004, Tiana, Pon (princess of narnia), Jojo (Narnian at Heart), F2 (ForeverFan), and my dear triplets! The list could go on and on, but I'll stop there.
Avvy by Kate
"Argue against God & you argue against the power that makes you able to argue at all." -C.S. Lewis
"NarniaWebbers you've met in prison."
Haha! Wow, that would be interesting.
The Narniawebber I've met is ericnovak, he came to our church for a conference. So, it was very awesome to meet him,
And of course, my sister, CSLewisNarnia.
I've talked to several Narniawebbers on the phone, which isn't the same as meeting, but still. Those being Princess Anna, Narnian at heart and Dame_of_Narnia, and MonkeySaru.
I want to meet tons of NWebbers, so I won't list all of them, but a couple: Narnian at heart, Dame_of_Narnia, Princess Anna, The Royal Family, Aravanna, Meltintalle, NarniaNut95, RuralNarniaFan and RamanduDaughter, TheGentleWarrior, MonkeySaru, PELS, Lady_Liln, EtJ, ForeverFan, ValiantArcher, WinterStar, and MeadowMaid, Betsie and Destined_to_Reign, ceppault and ramagut ...oh, the list could go on!
I hope to talk to more on the phone, and to meet more Narniawebbers!
RL Sibling: CSLewisNarnia
Right now, i've met no NWebbers so far. But for those i'd like to meet? I'll list a few.
I want to meet, georgiefan1, Aitb, CSLewisNarnia, RuralNarniaFan, Narnia_fan12, Johobbit, Lady_Liln, AmericanGirlFreak, TheValiantLucy, Horse_Lover, Eruceninde..... I could have the list going on forever!!
Sadly it seems everyone I know on NW all live at different ends of the US for me and I can't exactly go on many trips to see them all because of much money it'll cost........
Oh well, maybe one day?
Proud ballet dancer!
4/23/12 - First triple pirouette en pointe!
Let's see...
Wolf's Bane
wisewoman's two sister's whose usernames I can't remember
Jill Pole
I think that's it...knowing me though I'm probably leaving somebody out
"Imperfection is beauty, madness is genius, and it's better to be absolutely ridiculous than absolutely boring." Marilyn Monroe
The only NarniaWebbers I've met are my sister, American Girl Freak, and a friend, FrecklefaceJill, but that doesn't really count, does it? Still, I'd love to meet eustacegirl, hummy (humdedum), narnianerd, Lyneya, pon (princess_of_narnia), Jojo (Narnian at Heart), Lissa (Dame_of_narnia), and many many others.
"NarniaWebbers you've met in prison"??? Lol, lysander.
Founder of the Dragon Fan Club - PM me to join!
Team Hoodie!
I've met Michael English!
Avie and sig by theprincessspy.
*is touched that people would want to met her*
I've met:
Mrs. Jo (Johobbit) in late August 2008, with her daughter Nellie of Narnia (I think that's her username)
Bow&Arrow and his sister Leah B. in May 2008. We went down to their place to meet them, and also to see Prince Caspian together.
Oh, and I must say that I know Gmatt (who was just recently returned to the forums) very well. He's my older brother.
Dear days of old, with the faces in the firelight,
Kind folks of old, you come again no more.
(Robert Louis Stevenson)
Sadly I have meet no NarniaWebbers in person.
As for who I'd like to meet: anyone of you--though hopefully not in prison!
Sheldon: A neutron walks into a bar and asks how much for a drink. The bartender replies "for you, no charge".
Proud sister of an Aspie (Aspergers)
Hannah's Scribblings
Erm, let's see. This list could get a little extensive.
Know IRL previous to Narniaweb:
Lady Arwen
Met at Comic-Con:
Kristi, owner of TheLionsCall.com (Forgot her username..)
Julie, mod on NF and mastermind behind LionCon (also forgot her username, lol...)
One other sweet girl who's name I forget...!!! I'm bad at this.
Met at El Capitain Lion Party:
Justin Orman
Earel Alquawen
And there were others, but I forget. I feel badly; I ought to brush up on my Narniaweb history, lol!
I've met ShadowoftheLion, StringlessKite, Princess Rosario, and Danica's brother who has a username that I don't remember.
AND I'm going to get to meet lots of NarniaWebbers at a fun event in two weeks! Hurray!
"Let the music cast its spell,
give the atmosphere a chance.
Simply follow where I lead;
let me teach you how to dance."
I haven't met any (well, beside my sister and she doesn't get on anymore).I would like to though.
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I've talked to several Narniawebbers on the phone, which isn't the same as meeting, but still.
Ah yes... I forgot about that. I've talked to MinotaurforAslan on the phone. It was only like a 10 minute conversation though because he had to go really soon.
I’ve had the privilege of meeting quite a few NarniaWebbers (along with some of their family members who aren’t registered on the forum).
Earel Alquawen
Masked Rider
Princess Anna
I’ve also conversed with Dr. Elwin Ransom by phone.
A list of NarniaWebbers I’d like to meet (but haven't yet) would be pretty extensive!
But all night, Aslan and the Moon gazed upon each other with joyful and unblinking eyes.