@Mar: I'm not exactly sure. I used 500x800, I think, but I really don't know what the guidelines are for the createspace site.
Yay! Hummy! You're joining us! This'll be really fun. Shoot for the moon! Try to get 50,000 words. Like Fencer said, it'll probably be trash, but the fun of it is going on an adventure with your characters and just keeping on until you're done. Finishing is a great, great feeling.
"Let the music cast its spell,
give the atmosphere a chance.
Simply follow where I lead;
let me teach you how to dance."
Wow, the book covers posted thus far look REALLY professional. I could see the stories published in those covers!
To the people who don't have plots, just start writing and use ideas as they come to you. That's what I did last year and it actually didn't turn out too badly. The only problem is that I have to rewrite the first half of my novel so that it matches all the new plot elements. I still haven't gotten around to this.
This year that won't be a problem. I have so many plots I want to try and thread together that it's definitely going to take two books. I'm afraid it's going to come out as a unsightly tangle, but I like all the things I've come up with too much to leave any out.
I also have a random question, does anyone else have the problem of writing in their head constantly? I never noticed it until last year during NaNo. A few intense weeks in, I started daydreaming of possible plots or rehashing scenes every moment I wasn't totally engaged in what was going on around me. Even when I was engaged, my subconscious seemed to be running plot scenarios without me. *woke up early this morning with all the ideas for her novel trainwrecking through her head and not letting her sleep*
Gymfan, sweeet, and AJaiken I really like your covers!
So, I've finally come up with an idea for what I'm going to do. The book of poetry would take me forever, and well, yeah...I don't think I could do that. And, I have several plot ideas in my mind, but I know I couldn't stretch them to 50k words without making them terrible. So, I've decided to write 50k words into long short stories. (I hope you know what I mean) That should get me a good deal of words, and I'm keeping a notebook by me and writing down main characters, the plot, and what I need to make it historically correct (if it's Historical Fiction) and then some of it will be poetry. I sort of feel like I'm not challenging myself, but I think I might be because I've almost run out of ideas and...so, yeah. The genres are probably going to be Fiction; historical, realistic and Fantasy. For the poems, I might have some about the seasons, some about a lot of different subjects.
Ack, though, as I said above I really feel like I'm not challenging myself but I'm compromising in any way to get to the end of 50k... >.<
Anyhow, for the title, I have nothing that comes to mind. Does anyone have any suggestions?
RL Sibling: CSLewisNarnia
AitB, my own intended book of short stories that is very slowly coming together (in other words, NOT NaNo material) is called "Just One More." You could try something like that for your title. I love your idea by the way.
Yesterday morning I finally came up with a title for my NaNo story: Clouds Should Stay in the Sky.
Sheldon: A neutron walks into a bar and asks how much for a drink. The bartender replies "for you, no charge".
Proud sister of an Aspie (Aspergers)
Hannah's Scribblings
RE: Book Covers: If one wants to make a cover for printing, as a general rule it should be no less than 300 DPI and you should measure it in inches, not pixels...so if you want to do a 5x9 book, you'd design a cover that was 300 DPI and at least 5x8; probably more because one has to account for error margins and bleed and whatnot.
Yeah, it's a little complicated. Honestly right now I'd just design whatever cover you want, and then redesign when you have to print. Just make sure all your images are at least 300 DPI so you can reuse them.
sweeet and Gymfan: Thanks so much for the tips for the cover! I'll try to work something out, though I have to think of a new name, since I'm not really liking Miniatures.
AJAiken: Great cover! I like how the image of the girl is blurry and the hair is flowing. The text is also lovely
Arwenel: I'm not sure if this is the most wise advice, but I would say don't worry. Last year, I only knew how the story was going to start and had like a reeally, really vague idea of where the story would lead, but it worked out really well. It was fun not knowing what could happen in the next chapter.
humdedum: Glad you're joining us I hope you have a great time, fulfill your goal and also the 50K. I know right now it seems like a LOT of words, but it's fun and having a group of crazy people doing the same thing as you (us Narniawebbers NaNo's) is encouraging.
Aslanisthebest: Great idea. I'm sure you'll be able to get to 50K Maybe you could use one of the short stories title as the title of the main book?
Thanks to malkah for the lovely avatar!
*creeps in*
I think I'll be participating this year, since it sounds like you all have so much fun! I've never done it before, so I'm very excited.
I have several story ideas floating around in my head, but I'm not sure yet whether I'll use one of them, or try to scheme up a new one.
I've just signed up as Desmonda.
*cheers and runs over to the NaNo site to add Dennie as a writing buddy*
I'm so glad you're joining us, and I hope that you have loads of fun and have great success!
Dear days of old, with the faces in the firelight,
Kind folks of old, you come again no more.
(Robert Louis Stevenson)
The book covers look fantastic!
I think I've finally decided on my plot. It's an idea that's floated around in my head for quite some time and needs to be forced out. The problem now (since it's in the fantasy genre) is coming up with a storyline that hasn't already been done a thousand and one times.
How do you all come up with your titles? I really have trouble in that area and would appreciate any tips!
This is getting exciting...
the light after the storm
shows that hope was never gone
Snow After Fire graphics
Ooh dear. I'm a little scared by this. But... I might try! Hm. It sounds really exciting.... But I'm a bit nervous.
Edit: *Just joined as "Lianna Merie"*
Avatar by Wunderkind_Lucy!
Yay, Queen Susan!!! I was wondering if you were going to join.
We'll have to encourage/hold each other accountable as we go along, as two newbies.
I've hit a dilemma with my NaNoWriMo this year.
Since June I've had this one particular story-line in my mind. I got really excited about it, got all the character's names, sort of plotted it out, made a book cover, the works. That's the on that's on my NaNo profile currently.
However, I recently had an idea for a fantasy series I would like to start. I got excited about this as well and made an outline, cast of characters, and summary (no cover yet).
Now I'm torn. I really want to go ahead with the story I had in mind in June that I took the time to make a book cover of and have it all set up and everything, but this fantasy series won't leave me alone.
They're both begging to be written, but I know I only have time for one. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
Write really fast and do both? I'd vote for the one on the NaNo site personally (is it a novelisation of that passage?) but that's just me. What would the fantasy one be about?
I'm terrible at coming up with titles too. My solutions are a.) use a slice of a quote from somewhere, b.) write out all the themes and motifs that will be part of the story, and play with the words until something decent appears, and c.) beg ForeverFan for help. So far the third option has been the most successful.
LOVE all the book covers posted so far! Mine is...here. (And here. And here. Indecisive am I.) They aren't that great, I didn't have much time and just threw them together.
Finally figured out what I'm going for my second novel (after finishing the WIP)...it's going to be historical fiction about the Huguenots in the sixteenth century, in particular the St Bartholomew's Day massacre and the siege of Sancerre. So I've dived into research for that...can't wait!
I also have a random question, does anyone else have the problem of writing in their head constantly?
What? That's a problem?
Yes, I do that too. And act out scenes while vacuuming. Including accents. Quietly, but still.
signature by Starsy
Yay, Queen Susan!!!
I was wondering if you were going to join.
We'll have to encourage/hold each other accountable as we go along, as two newbies.
I learned about this half an hour ago, and already I'm nervous. Oh dear. 😉 Anyways--wow. I didn't even know what NaNoWriMo was.
I always saw the thread, but never clicked on it.
But when I did--wow. What a trap. 😉
And yes, I feel like an extreme newbie... if there is such a thing... I've written practically nothing before this.
I did this spur of the moment pretty much--it sounds kind of tough, but a lot of fun... I have no clue for anything; title, plot, cover, or even genre. Oh well. Guess I'll be thinking a lot tonight.
Avatar by Wunderkind_Lucy!
Rising_Star, a big thing I'm always going to ask myself after last year is "is this something I want to be obsessed with for a very long time?" Would your fantasy plot become annoying running through your head over and over? Also, if you died at the end of November, which novel would you rather have everyone remember you by?
c.) beg ForeverFan for help. So far the third option has been the most successful.
LOL, that cracked me up! I don't have (part of my) title yet either. Lineage of the Dragon II just isn't going to cut it.
Yes, I do that too. And act out scenes while vacuuming. Including accents. Quietly, but still.
I would totally do that too if I could only master a soft Irish accent. When I try, it sounds like I'm trying to do a Scottish accent. So sad.
Yah, Destined is joining us!
You'll be fine Queen Susan. I didn't officially join last year because I was almost certain I wouldn't be able to finish with the right word count, but I actually made it!