I suppose challenging areas are always the most fun any ways, FK. I remember thinking how horribly difficult the tribal isles were, and now they're probably one of my favourite areas to hunt.
I agree with you. My two favorite places in the game are Zugzwang's Tower and the Fiery Warpath because they're quite difficult and require some strategizing to do well.
But hunting with the Drillbot in the Derr Dunes was frustrating to the point where it wasn't much fun for me. Just my personal opinion.
It also might interest you to craft some white cheddar cheese (the recipe for which can be found on the wiki). White cheddar repels the three weak mice (white, grey, and brown) so if you're catching a bunch of those guys in the harbour, it might not be a bad idea to use some.
Ooooh, I'm gonna disagree with this suggestion! Yes, White Cheddar removes wimpy mice from the equation, but the attraction rate plummets overall and you'll find yourself getting a lot of 'fail to attracts' (or fta) and stale cheese. If you do decide to give White Cheddar a try, be sure to equip your Wooden Base with Target (if you still have it and didn't sell it back).
The Jedi Clone, I'm gonna agree with FK here, I hardly ever used White Cheddar and I got along perfectly fine without it. What bases do you have? You may want to consider upgrading your base rather than getting the Mouse Rocketine if you can. This is another place where I disagree with Digs slightly, the Rocketine was my favorite trap at the time, but it really depends on what base you use- I'd suggest upgrading the base first.
"The mountains are calling and I must go, and I will work on while I can, studying incessantly." -John Muir
"Be cunning, and full of tricks, and your people will never be destroyed." -Richard Adams, Watership Down
So. . . I guess the take home message is. . . do what you want. It's hard to mess up at this point in the game
FK, did you see my questions up above?
Member of Ye Olde NarniaWeb
So. . . I guess the take home message is. . . do what you want.
That is one of my favorite things about this game. There isn't just one right way to do everything. Find what works best for you!
FK, did you see my questions up above?
Yes, I did and then I had to run out the door and hit post before I was done replying to everybody. Here's my answer....
Here's a question for the uppity-up-ups, how are my traps going to do in the further levels of the tower?
I used (in addition to the Magma Base and my Lucky Shield)...
Tier 4 - Horrific Venus Mouse Trap
Tier 5 - Clockapult
Tier 6 - ACRONYM
Tier 7 - Ancient Spear Gun
Tier 8 - Ancient Box Trap
The only potential weak link I see is the Gorgon instead of the Clockapult, but you may be fine, DiGs, since you have Rewers and Charms.... AND, you're having a far better Tier 3 run than I did.
In other news....
6:00 pm - Fiery Warpath
By capturing a Crimson Commander Mouse I demoralized the remaining mice in this wave!My current streak was 6.
6 of each mouse have retreated!
Yaaaaaaaayyyy!!! And the scouts have been completely obliterated. Onto the archers! 44-0-44-53-24-14
So. . . I guess the take home message is. . . do what you want.
That is one of my favorite things about this game. There isn't just one right way to do everything.
Find what works best for you!
Agreed! Definitely best thing about the game especially as what works for one person doesn't always for another...
6:00 pm - Fiery Warpath
By capturing a Crimson Commander Mouse I demoralized the remaining mice in this wave!My current streak was 6.
6 of each mouse have retreated!Yaaaaaaaayyyy!!! And the scouts have been completely obliterated. Onto the archers! 44-0-44-53-24-14
Man that looks complicated... I like it Mwahaha And congrats for occomplishing... whatever it is you accomplished
Well I'm hanging out in the lab after running out of Radioactive Blue, and after a fairly successful mini-trip to the Town of Digby (I caught two new mice and not many misses...)
I'm debating if I should hit the Mouseleum again or the Town of Digby, now that I have a small pile of potions... Or I could go back to the lagoon and pick up a few things... decisions, desicions.
"The mountains are calling and I must go, and I will work on while I can, studying incessantly." -John Muir
"Be cunning, and full of tricks, and your people will never be destroyed." -Richard Adams, Watership Down
Thanks for answering that, FK. I figured that you and Kat would have used the clockapault for that tier, but I don't have that luxury. Thankfully they only differ from each other by 3 luck. If I equip some luck charms, that will take my overall luck to 24 (8 from base + 8 from trap + 1 from charm + 7 from lucky shield). That's a pretty decent amount of luck, so hopefully the drop rate should be good. Then again, things could go remarkably well, and I might have the cackle lantern by then.
I'm also glad to see that you used the ASG for Tier VII.
Speaking of the cackle lantern, I have been supplementing my measly income in the gauntlet by selling super brie on the market. The market has been really quiet for SB+ today, and I've only managed to sell three pieces. I currently have 17 pieces on the market. Were that 17 pieces to sell, I'd have almost 700K in gold (which is half way to the gold needed for the cackle lantern).
At any rate, I'm down to six pieces of Tier III cheese, and have 194 pieces of Tier IV cheese. I would love to cross the 200 threshhold, but don't know how likely that is to happen .
Here's another question; this time about the eclipse mouse. Why do you think I will only catch one or two? I know that the conversions get smaller and smaller the higher and higher you go, but that seems awfully small. Judging from everything I've seen, it'll be an effortless snag if I attract him. . . . .right? That is to say, I won't have him stealing any cheese from me, will I? That being said, if he is a thief, I might equip some ultimate luck charms (I have six left) in order to nab him more efficiently.
EDIT: I have now ventured into the fourth tier of the gauntlet. I am using the Rewer's Riposte, the Candy Cane Base, and Tier IV cheese (obviously ). I have also equipped a luck charm which will hopefully boost my drop rate of potions.
Member of Ye Olde NarniaWeb
I just caught the Itty-Bitty Burroughs Mouse on my first shot And it says its overpowering... ah well I probably shouldn't get too cocky, I'm liable to jinx myself again
Edit! Hah see! I jinxed myself, my second shot resulted in a missed Itty-Bitty Burroughs Mouse... apparently I got cocky
Edit 2: forgot to mention I bought all the rope I need for the ship...
Edit 3: Another successful mini-run at the Town of Digby is in the books! I only caught two new species, the Itty-Bitty Burroughs and the Lambent crystal, but I didn't miss very many mice either...
"The mountains are calling and I must go, and I will work on while I can, studying incessantly." -John Muir
"Be cunning, and full of tricks, and your people will never be destroyed." -Richard Adams, Watership Down
The Lambent Crystal is one of the prettiest mice in the game, in my opinion. (And Digby also has one of the cutest. . . the nugget mouse.)
Having spent the night in the catacombs, I'm back to the gauntlet (Tier IV) and have managed to nab one potion so far!
Member of Ye Olde NarniaWeb
Why do you think I will only catch one or two?
Because from here on out, potions drops will be fewer and far between, and the conversion rate of each potion decreases as well. (You can get 4 pieces of cheese from a Tier 5 potion, 3 pieces from a Tier 6, 2 from a Tier 7, and 1 from a Tier 8.)
Judging from everything I've seen, it'll be an effortless snag if I attract him. . . . .right?
You've seen how well the attraction works on all of the other cheese. There's no difference here... it's close to 100%. If you have the Ancient Box Trap equipped, there's a 96% chance you'll catch him. I have heard horror stories of people with the correct setup missing this guy, so it is possible, but those are very few and far between.
I only caught two new species, the Itty-Bitty Burroughs and the Lambent crystal, but I didn't miss very many mice either...
forgot to mention I bought all the rope I need for the ship...
You're Legendary right? Here's some advice that you can take or leave as you wish. I highly recommend that you get into the Catacombs as soon as possible and work towards getting your ACRONYM trap as the next step rather than your ship. Why? Because as soon as you get the ACRONYM trap you'll have a goldmine on your hands in the Catacombs and you'll be able to save up for your ship really quickly. Right now, you have the Mousoleum, which isn't bad, but it's not nearly as good.
But obviously that's up to you.
Last night I had another very nice string of Archer mice so I tossed on another Commander's Charm and took out 5 mice in each category. So that's a grand total of 55 mice I won't have to provide charms for and/or catch before moving onto Wave 4. Woohoo! Current standing: 39-0-22-47-19-9. If I could finish clearing out the Warriors (39) and the Archers (22) today I'd be quite pleased, and I definitely think that's doable.
Fantasia, I posted this on your corkboard, but then remembered that you were experiencing problems with your corkboard, so I figured that I should post in here as well.
What is a normal drop rate for tier IV? So far, I've gone through 16 pieces of cheese and only gotten one potion. Is this normal?
Member of Ye Olde NarniaWeb
How do I gain access to the Catacombs? Is the map piece dropped? Or is it one of those repairs?
"To the Great Western Wood, I give you...."
You're Legendary right? Here's some advice that you can take or leave as you wish. I highly recommend that you get into the Catacombs as soon as possible and work towards getting your ACRONYM trap as the next step rather than your ship. Why? Because as soon as you get the ACRONYM trap you'll have a goldmine on your hands in the Catacombs and you'll be able to save up for your ship really quickly. Right now, you have the Mousoleum, which isn't bad, but it's not nearly as good.
Well yes I'm a legendary, but the problem is the trap I need to be succesful in the Catacombs, I don't have yet... (I'm working on that too though) That's actually probably gonna be one of my next steps... right now I'm just trying to figure out where I'm getting the most gold from in the shortest amount of time... and it's either the Lab or the Mouseleum, although Digby has the added benefit of the Digby Dirtdwellers.
@EtJ you need to get your Mouseleum map piece repaired at the cartogropher in the Bazaar
"The mountains are calling and I must go, and I will work on while I can, studying incessantly." -John Muir
"Be cunning, and full of tricks, and your people will never be destroyed." -Richard Adams, Watership Down
Wolf, do you have the Obelisk of Slumber yet? Because that will earn you more money in the catacombs, than the Sinister Portal will earn you in the Mouseoleum.
Member of Ye Olde NarniaWeb
DiGoRyKiRkE, Nope... that's why I'm trying to get more money now So I can get that, so I can hunt in the Catacombs, so I can get my ACRONYM... I tried with just the Shadow trap that I had, but it just wasn't enough...
"The mountains are calling and I must go, and I will work on while I can, studying incessantly." -John Muir
"Be cunning, and full of tricks, and your people will never be destroyed." -Richard Adams, Watership Down
No, a shadow trap isn't going to cut it in there. My advice would be to head back over to the Mousoleum and hunt there until you get enough to buy the new trap.
Member of Ye Olde NarniaWeb