Thanks FK! Perhaps I shall move over to the gauntlet tomorrow morning after class.
I saved up enough money to buy my venus mouse trap. A smashed husk now sits in my inventory. Thus far, I've got roughly 750,000 gold invested in my cackle lantern. Pity the most expensive parts (the Digby Drillbot + 1.6 million in platinum!) is still lacking from my inventory
If all goes well, I should have enough money to buy my drillbot early next week. Then I start saving platinum. I figure that if I do well, I can buy one piece per day, which has me sitting with my cackle lantern around the end of April *whew! Lots of work!*
Member of Ye Olde NarniaWeb
Well I have two master fang shards , two master belt shards
... and no master claw shards
Back to the Dojo for me.
"The mountains are calling and I must go, and I will work on while I can, studying incessantly." -John Muir
"Be cunning, and full of tricks, and your people will never be destroyed." -Richard Adams, Watership Down
*squeeee* Completed the first run of the Fiery Warpath. Still need one mouse in that area, and as far as my friends go, Kat's the only one that's caught it so far. Go Kat!
I sounded the Hunter's Horn and was successful in the hunt! I caught a 3 lb. 2 oz. Warmonger Mouse worth 198,000 points and 27,000 gold.
The mouse also dropped the following loot:
100 Flameshards, 1 Sandblasted Metal, 1 Ultimate Luck Charm and 2 Ultimate Power Charms
10:58 pm - Fiery Warpath
As I captured a Warmonger Mouse, a new battalion of mice was seen on the horizon.
The hunt must continue!
No luck on trap piece drops for the two available now. I think the piece I did get is for the Monstrobot. I need to complete two more successful runs before I can even consider crafting that one. On to round two!
*squeeee* Completed the first run of the Fiery Warpath.
Still need one mouse in that area, and as far as my friends go, Kat's the only one that's caught it so far. Go Kat!
Spoiler10:58 pm - Fiery Warpath
I sounded the Hunter's Horn and was successful in the hunt! I caught a 3 lb. 2 oz. Warmonger Mouse worth 198,000 points and 27,000 gold.

Switched back over to the Gauntlet just now (Tier III). On my first try, I nabbed a Phalanx mouse (no potion drop though). Oh well, at least he came with 1K gold!
Tier III here I come!
Member of Ye Olde NarniaWeb
Head's up! I just got a pop up similar to fantasia's on IE, but I got it on Firefox. Told me FF would perform a scan. Ummm... FF doesn't scan anything. Major red flag. Don't click on it if you get it. Just close the tab.
I'm still working on the student of the cheese claw mouse so I can get the master of the dojo. Anything else I should be using to do such?
I'm using the Ambush Trap and Explosive base. Should I try using I higher attraction base?
Also should I still go after the hydra first or hit the catacombs if my map is finished before I catch the Master of the Dojo?
"The mountains are calling and I must go, and I will work on while I can, studying incessantly." -John Muir
"Be cunning, and full of tricks, and your people will never be destroyed." -Richard Adams, Watership Down
Anything else I should be using to do such? Should I try using I higher attraction base?
The only thing that you can do to improve your Student attraction rate is to use Maki Cheese. If you don't have the SuperBrie in which to craft it, you can buy it on the Marketplace, but it's kind of pricey. I recommend patience.
Also should I still go after the hydra first or hit the catacombs if my map is finished before I catch the Master of the Dojo?
Doesn't matter at all.
Well it looks like the super-duper hardcore MouseHunters are wrapping up their second run through the Fiery Warpath. Only a few more days til the MonstroBot is unlocked. I can't wait to see its stats and materials required to build it.
Thanks FK One more question... Is anyone else having the same problems I am with the trap effectiveness button not working properly and are they trying to make a patch for this too?
Because it's REEEAAAALLLLLLLLLYYYYYYYY bothering me.
"The mountains are calling and I must go, and I will work on while I can, studying incessantly." -John Muir
"Be cunning, and full of tricks, and your people will never be destroyed." -Richard Adams, Watership Down
I haven't had that problem, Wolf.
FK, are you sure that the devs fixed the drop rate in Tier III? Because I've used 26 pieces of my cheese, and have only gotten three potions to drop. This is a MUCH lower rate than I've experienced thus far, and I'm wonderring if it's normal.
Until I hear back whether or not this is normal, I'm returning to the Catacombs.
Member of Ye Olde NarniaWeb
Really Digs? I hope its not just me I miss being able to compare trap setup and how difficult the mice were to catch in a particular location... I can still, but now I'd have to look them up individually... which takes a lot more time and is way more confusing
"The mountains are calling and I must go, and I will work on while I can, studying incessantly." -John Muir
"Be cunning, and full of tricks, and your people will never be destroyed." -Richard Adams, Watership Down
FK, are you sure that the devs fixed the drop rate in Tier III? Because I've used 26 pieces of my cheese, and have only gotten three potions to drop. This is a MUCH lower rate than I've experienced thus far, and I'm wonderring if it's normal.
What happened to my brother was, he used between 50-60 pieces of cheese with 0 potion drops. What you're getting sounds about right. That's why 400 pieces of Tier 2 cheese = 1 Eclipse Mouse.... we hope.
Increasing diminishing returns on potion drops.
Is anyone else having the same problems I am with the trap effectiveness button not working properly and are they trying to make a patch for this too?
I checked Chrome, Firefox, and Safari (won't touch IE right now as it seems to want to put viruses on my computer) and they all worked fine. You can always submit a report to the devs and they usually get back promptly.
But for the record, I don't like the trap effectiveness button. It doesn't take luck into account at all and therefore isn't terribly accurate for picking a trap setup. It will show you some nice things like which trap type to use and things like that, but if you're comparing say, Ambush Trap + Explosive Base vs Ambush Trap + Dehydration Base, it's definitely gonna say that the first one is better because the latter is luck based... which it doesn't read.
Have you seen the link that DiGs provided a while back?
It's still in beta and not 100% accurate yet, but it should show you which setup will get you a higher catch rate. But my favorite part about it is that if you click the Toggle 1/2 it will compare two trap setups side by side... which is awesome.
but if you're comparing say, Ambush Trap + Explosive Base vs Ambush Trap + Dehydration Base, it's definitely gonna say that the first one is better because the latter is luck based... which it doesn't read.
Really? Because I remember it favoring the Dehydration base to the Explosive before... multiple times actually...then again I always tended to pick high luck set ups anyway, until more recently... But still, it'd be nice to have because it's a quick link to access to see which mice are in a location, and in general which ones will be harder for you to catch than others...
How exactly do I go about contacting the devs? I tried before when me and Digs were having that other problem but I couldn't figure it out
Also how do I compare which trap is better when taking all three ratings (power, luck, attraction) into account? I've got a basic idea I think, but could you guys give me some explanation as to when luck out-rules power, or when power overrides attraction, and so forth? I've had a harder time comparing trap setups because of it. Also can anyone explain the new color coding on the trap selector? I'm still trying to figure it out... is it like their strongest category or bonus?
Edit! Oh cool Dig's link has exactly what I need, thanks Digs/FK
"The mountains are calling and I must go, and I will work on while I can, studying incessantly." -John Muir
"Be cunning, and full of tricks, and your people will never be destroyed." -Richard Adams, Watership Down
How exactly do I go about contacting the devs? I tried before when me and Digs were having that other problem but I couldn't figure it out
At the top of the Mousehunting screen to the right of your SuperBrie total, there's the notification icon and a ? icon. Click on the ? and it will open a page where you can send a report.
Anyone besides me interested in their April Fools Day stuff tomorrow?
Ooo, I love this game! I obviously haven't been in the SO recently enough.
I'm currently in the tribal isles trying to build up my points to get a better trap for the jungle of dread. Any suggestions on where the best place to do that is?