I am in the market for Simple Orbs and would love to give you all the money rather than random people in the game. If you have Simple Orbs you would be willing to sell me, I will buy them for 5000g a piece. (That is significantly less than what you'd get selling them on the Marketplace right now, but I'm hoping you all might be willing to give me a good deal? )
And those of us who are mere peons have no idea what either of you are talking about
I've been trying to be rather vague because I don't want to give too much info away for those who wish to remain unspoiled, but I guess that's what the spoiler feature is for.
I am currently stuck on Wave 2 though I am ALMOST through it. Kat is well into Wave 3.

I've stockpiled 265 pieces of Tier Three Cheese! This is awesome!
Nicely done!
When I do start Tier Three (after I build up some money supplies and hopefully nab Balack), should I use the Rewers Riposte or my HVMT.
The only reason you should ever use HVMT anymore is for nostalgic purposes.
Rewers is on par with Zugzwang's First Move. ZFM has 3,660 base power and a 15% power bonus. That's how much power you need to equate to Rewers' luck. And except for Zugzwang's Tower, Rewers is still a better trap than ZFM.
The mice in the new section are worth an insane amount of points. I was under 40% when I started in here and I'm almost up to 46%!
Don't forget that points don't equate to leveling. Yeah, these mice are worth a lot of points, but you're leveling quickly because they're the hardest mice in the game. Congrats by the way!
Well, I'm on that nasty precipice just .25% shy of Hero.
I saw that you hit Hero just a little while ago. Congratulations!! Have you snagged the Hydra Mouse in the Lagoon yet?
Thanks, FK! No Hydra yet. I moved back to the Tree to see if I might make a little more progress gold wise.
I have 5 orbs I'm willing to sell you at that price, FK!
"To the Great Western Wood, I give you...."
I have 5 orbs I'm willing to sell you at that price, FK!
Excellent! Thank you! By the way, if anyone is willing to sell me orbs, go ahead and just send them to me. I will get a notification that says ...
"12:17 pm - Fiery Warpath
I received 1 Simple Orb from *name here*."
... and then I will immediately send you 5000 gold per orb in return. That way you all don't have to keep posting in here.
If you have not sent items to people before, here's how to do it.
Go to Hunting Group under Friends -> Find me (or whoever you're sending stuff to) -> Give Supplies (green button) -> Items -> Simple Orbs -> Enter the amount and click send.
OK.... now I am FINALLY at Hero!!! Yay!!! I have a question, though. My biggest priority at this point is to get the Double D. As far as I can tell, aside from earning a bit more money, I'm 18 Platinum bars short.
Edit: I can't believe I'm over halfway to 1 million. Still, I'm gonna need to get another 500K before I can get the DDA.... but I'm really close!
"To the Great Western Wood, I give you...."
Well no luck cathcing the master yet... in fact no luck in being able to try yet... I'm in the Dojo looking for the stuff I need to get the stuff I need to make Rumble cheese... Err at least I thought I was in the Dojo *headdesk* I did it again! I forgot to travel to the Dojo last time (that would have been helpful) Ah well either way I havewn't had much luck
"The mountains are calling and I must go, and I will work on while I can, studying incessantly." -John Muir
"Be cunning, and full of tricks, and your people will never be destroyed." -Richard Adams, Watership Down
I misspoke. At 8 PM EST, I caught my 5th Hydra mouse!! I've also caught 3 Goblin mice and 10 Water Nymph mice. Oh, and I guess I caught a Harpy mouse at 5 AM. Can't figure out when I caught my other Hydra mice though....
Liking the shape I'm in though!
"To the Great Western Wood, I give you...."
Yay, I caught a Black Widow! I logged on to check my account, and before I even saw the catch in my journal I saw fk's congrats for it on my corkboard. So neat... that's one rare mouse I can now claim.
"Of course we've got to find him (if we can). That's the nuisance of it. It means a search party and endless trouble. Bother Eustace." ~ Caspian, The Voyage of the Dawn Treader
Sig: lover of narnia
Congrats Bo!
I'm still working on my list of things to do... I've currently got, I think, a little less than half the gold I need for the repaired Mouseleum map. I'm also up to 89% grandmaster. Still trying to make Rumble cheese (and its a verryyyy slow process ) I have a feeling I'm not even gonna come close to catching the Hydra until after I level up, at this rate...
"The mountains are calling and I must go, and I will work on while I can, studying incessantly." -John Muir
"Be cunning, and full of tricks, and your people will never be destroyed." -Richard Adams, Watership Down
@Wolf, ouch on hunting in the wrong area again. I hate it when I do that. I hope your hunt for Rumble Cheese mice is successful!
@EtJ, congrats on your Hydra mouse, and more importantly, the ship blueprints!! You probably picked up the other four at the Christmas event.
@Bo, I sure hope I didn't ruin the surprise for you! But at any rate, congrats again on catching that one!!
Only took me two years to do it. LOL
So Kat and I are completely drooling over two of the three new traps that were unlocked this weekend. Here are the stats.....
Sphynx Wrath
Power: 6,100
Power Bonus: 10%
Attraction Bonus: 10%
Luck: 25
Cheese Effect: Very Fresh
Zugzwang's First Move
Power: 3660
Power Bonus: 15%
Attraction Bonus: none
Luck: 17
Cheese Effect: Very Fresh
And then there's the new hydro trap....
Oasis Water Node
Power: 5,200
Power Bonus: 12%
Attraction Bonus: 10%
Luck: 20
Cheese Effect: No Effect
Heat Bath
Power: 4000
Power Bonus: 5%
Attraction Bonus: none
Luck: 14
Cheese Effect: Stale
Can't wait to see what the stats are on the new Sandstorm MonstroBot (or whatever it's called).
Er. . . wow! Those are INSANE!
So Rewers is no longer the best tactical trap in the game, and the Heat Bath is no longer the best Hydro trap.
FK, do you now think that it's a good idea to skip the Heat Bath, and go: Ancient Spear Gun > Double Diamond Adventure > Oasis Water Node, because that seems awesome to me!? Also, what are your suggestions on the tactical trap now?
Oh. . . and how much do these traps cost?
Member of Ye Olde NarniaWeb
You can definitely skip the Heat Bath if you have the DDA. I still recommend getting Zugzwang's First Move for Zugzwang's Tower.
Oh. . . and how much do these traps cost?
Oasis Water Node....
800,000 – 2,000,800g depending on the drops you get (I think the upper end is more accurate)
Sphynx Wrath....
So considering it's the Baron area, I think that's pretty good.
I've got just about 40 pieces of tier 2 cheese remaining, and nearly 400 pieces of tier three. If everything keeps going at this rate, I might have enough tier 8 cheese to catch a couple of eclipse mice! YAYAYAYAYAYA.
Any ways, as such, I was getting very bored with the Gauntlet. After checking to see that the tide was down (and would be so for another 12 hours), I decided to jump back over to Balack's Cove. I'll switch back over to the gauntlet tomorrow morning, and spend the day over there, but I think I'll head back over here to the tribal isle's after that. I want to gather the three rhino horns needed for the enraged rhinobot .
Member of Ye Olde NarniaWeb
I spent a total of 7 hours in the Training Grounds. Caught 7 mice and was robbed twice. Have been in The Bazaar the last hour and 20 minutes and have caught 6 mice already. I think I like it in here.
"To the Great Western Wood, I give you...."
Really, EtJ? The bazaar is pretty worthless as far as gold earning goes due to the fact that the mice in there are really low level mice. Were you using a tactical trap in the Training Grounds? (Then again, the training grounds is pretty useless as well. . . hunt in the dojo instead.)
Well after using 20 pieces of VS cheese, I managed to craft another batch of VVS. . . I don't have to tell you how my fourth attempt at catching Balack went, do I . Not even an attraction
(I've always wondered why this smiley cries purple tears
Any ways, the tide started rising, and so I spent the night back in the gauntlet. I've got 27 pieces of tier two cheese left today. Once I use that up, it's either back to the cove, or back to the catacombs to earn some moolah, or back to Derr to gather the parts for my enraged rhinobot. . . . decisions, decisions
Member of Ye Olde NarniaWeb
Posting my current Mousehunt progress in spoilers in case people don't want to see it, but for those of you who spot Kat and I occasionally trading what appears to be the world's most complex locker combination, this will explain it.

I shall be curious to see how long it takes me to get through the rest of Wave three, I want to see what the fourth and final wave is like... I think there are only 2 mice in there.
Also looking forward to getting my hands on those new traps.
For those of you who are short on cash, Simple Charms are selling for 11,500g A PIECE on the Marketplace right now. I'm still buying them for 5,000g a piece if you're feeling generous.
My husband finally moved to the Mountain to farm Simple Orbs for himself and sell me some as well.
Once I use that up, it's either back to the cove, or back to the catacombs to earn some moolah, or back to Derr to gather the parts for my enraged rhinobot
I told you this elsewhere DiGs, but I'm gonna go ahead and post it in here as well for everyone else.
It appears that the MonstroBot (Baron level physical trap) may require a smashed Rhinobot as well and the Enraged Rhinobot can't be smashed. So you all may want to postpone crafting the Enraged Rhinobot for a couple weeks until the MonstroBot recipe is discovered. Then you can decide whether or not crafting the Enraged Rhinobot is what you want to do.