Congrats Chloe on your new trap!!
Digs, did you say that the trap would be good for the lower level Derr Tribe mice?
Stats comparison using the Candy Cane Base (which is the best you have currently, when you get the Tiki, your stats will improve) and no charms.
Digby Drillbot
Total Power: 4130
Attraction: 0%
Luck: 13
Onyx Mallet
Total Power: 4592
Attraction: 0%
Luck: 14
Candle Kaboom
Total Power: 3510
Attraction: 20%
Luck: 22
I'm going to guess that it's on par with the Digby Drillbot or Onyx Mallet, but it's definitely not as good as the Rhinobot if/when you get that. Hope this helps!
How much longer do you guys think this event is going to last?
Well they said at least a week, and tomorrow marks one week. However, I've noticed a LOT of people don't have all three of the trap pieces yet, and they'll likely be watching the feedback on that. So I'm hoping it will go for a few more days still.
Also, the price of orbs is dropping like a stone due to the event, I guess.
Yeah, that's precisely why I am NOT selling any of mine right now. Gotta love supply and demand.
During FBF they said we have another week for the birthday event! So you guys have plenty of time to get the new trap.
I got the fuse!
I'm going to use up the Cupcake Colby that I have and see how many more Birthday Mice I can catch. I only need one more scrap metal for my ship, so I'm hoping the next few I catch will have some.
Question: what is stale SuperBrie used for?
Congrats on getting the fuse dotK!:D
Question: what is stale SuperBrie used for?
Yes! I got the Birthday Explosives! And my first Terrible Twos Mouse and Magic Mouse. Now I just need about 50k more gold to buy that trap.
Av and Sig by Aravis Autarkeia
Silver, congratulations on getting all the components for your trap.
Hope you get the money before the event ends, but I bet you will.
I saw this on the MH forums and wanted to share it with everybody....
Active Scam relating to MouseHunt and MH tools
Someone has set up a website with the domain name "mousehunter" and they are claiming to be giving away gold and super brie for MosueHunt's 3rd birthday and's 1st birthday.This is a scam to steal your details, do not visit any links with this domain name.
As far as I am aware it asks for a fb connect before you can claim your "prize", if you have clicked this, please change your fb password immediately and log out of facebook.
Any giveaways relating to will be announced by an admin on our fb page (see below for link). We apologise to those who have been affected by this scam, please let others know so that no one else is tricked.
It's been over 24 hours so I think I can get away with a double post and not be yelled at by the mods....
Today's gift of the day is Stale SuperBrie. You need 24 of them to craft the Rhinobot, and for those of you who don't have the Christmas Cracker Trap and/or Chrome Drillbot, this is the best physical trap available right now. So who would like me to send them a Stale SB? First come, first serve.
Ooh, me, me!!!
"To the Great Western Wood, I give you...."
fantasia_kitty, you need to combine your posts within 24 hours or a moderator will do it for you and PUT A BAD USER NOTE IN YOUR PROFILE!!!
Sorry...couldn't pass that up.
Anyway, I've been using all my cheap-y cheeses in the Birthday bash, and having wonderful results--with the NannyBot, of course. Caught my first Cowardly Mouse! Didn't know those were partying, too.
Avatar thanks to AITB
(Sorry mods this is totally unrelated, but can't FK merge her posts as an admin? I know of some similar sites where they can, but I'm sure its different here )
anyway I'm debating if I should stick around the Birthday Party longer or if I should head to the Dojo as I'm nearly at 50% Grandmaster and so far I've barely gotten anything done...
"The mountains are calling and I must go, and I will work on while I can, studying incessantly." -John Muir
"Be cunning, and full of tricks, and your people will never be destroyed." -Richard Adams, Watership Down
I went back to hunt the Nerg tribe, to try and get my gold back up. So far, I'm making good progress! I'm nearly back to my original mark, before I bought the new trap.
I've also got about 50 Savoury Veggies. So, I'll be making some gumbo soon.
"No one's ever burned you, nothing's ever left you scarred and even though you want to, just try to never grow up." -Taylor Swift, Never Grow Up
Drat! Well, I decided to leave the birthday party without getting the base from the store, since I have a chocolate cake base. So I moved to the Mousoleum. Only problem was, I used the wrong potion (gnarly rather than radioactive blue) so rather than use more potions, I decided to travel instead to the Tree. I may have lost money on that deal- but I don't really want to waste more money at this point. I'll have to be more careful about the potion I'm using next time.
The travel planner on confuses me. Can someone explain it to me?
"To the Great Western Wood, I give you...."
@Wolf, oh yeah, I can combine posts. Lady A is just giving me trouble.
@Chloe, yeah, Nerg is a great place to make money.
@EtJ, basically the way it works is you enter your level, then you have to uncheck the map pieces you haven't picked up yet for your level. (Like for you personally, you're Legendary, but you haven't gotten any of the Bristle Woods map pieces, the ship, the ocean navigation kit, or King's Gauntlet, so you'd uncheck those.)
Then under Origin you select where you are, under Destination you select where you want to go, and then under Stopovers you check any other places you need to go in between.
So lets say for example that I'm hunting in the Nerg Plaines and I run out of cheese and charms. I'd enter the level I am and uncheck all the map pieces I don't have. Then I check Nerg Plains under Origin, Nerg Plains again under Destination because that's where I'm wanting to go back to, and then under stopovers click the Mountain because that's where charms are, and Cape Clawed because that's where cheese is. Once all that's entered, underneath it says....
Nerg Plains → Meadow → Mountain → Meadow → Cape Clawed → Nerg Plains
And that is the cheapest way to get around. Make sense?
Yes! That does make sense! Thanks!!
"To the Great Western Wood, I give you...."
Yeah, I didn't know about Larry's Travels until a couple weeks ago. . . I've probably wasted hundreds of thousands worth of gold in the past year and a half I've been playing this game
I've been hunting in the king's gauntlet, and have almost 200 pieces of tier-two cheese. 100 more to go before I head off to round two! I've also got 4 more pieces of cupcake colby. . . I'll probably use that up sometime tomorrow.
EDIT: Please don't send me any gnarled potions. I have 45 that I've never used the way it is
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