Traps/bases that I could sell:
Swiss Army
Birthday Cake
Chocolate Birthday Cake
Dehydration Base
Explosive Base
All my others are either useful, LE or used later on.
"All the world will be your enemy, Prince with a Thousand Enemies. And when they catch you, they will kill you. But first they must catch you..."
Inexhaustible Inspiration
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Out of what you listed stwin, you can sell the Swiss Army Trap and Explosive Base. The other three are gifts/crafted and won't sell back anywhere.
I checked your profile and you can also sell your Ambrosial Portal back. You have the Pumpkin Pummler which is much better.
I have 5 physical traps:
500 Pound Crusher
Mouse Trebuchet
Tacky Glue
Swiss Army
High Tension
Should I crush the High Tension with my hammer and sell the rest, except maybe the Swiss Army since it's my highest physical so far.
Also, I'm gonna sell my cheddar. I have about 400 pieces!
"No one's ever burned you, nothing's ever left you scarred and even though you want to, just try to never grow up." -Taylor Swift, Never Grow Up
A couple things... that's not NEARLY enough mice for an accurate sampling. But even if it is correct, you should be keeping track of drops as well.
For example, if those 5 mice you caught with Rewers (higher luck = more drops) drop 2 veggies a piece, and the 7 you caught with HVMT only drop 1 a piece, Rewers wins on veggie drops. You'll have to decide what's more important... gold/points or veggies. I know after living in the Tribal Islands for forever, veggies were far more important.And by the way, congrats on getting all of the Tribal Chieftains.
Well, I also had a better drop rate of pepper seeds (I've got more than enough veggies via kings credits) with the HVMT, so I've been sticking with it (and it's done me very well indeed!).
And I was quite pleased to catch all of the chieftains. I now have all of their blueprint component parts, and once I save up enough money (I'm hovering around 300K right now), I'll buy the last blueprint component for the ancient box trap at the general store in Cape Clawed.
Chloe, you can definitely sell back the 500 pound crusher, as well as the trebuchet. Keep your high tension, because you'll need the spring later in the game. I'm not sure about the tacky glue though. . .
Here's a question for higher level players: How much havarti cheeses do I need? I currently have 12 of each flavour (blue, red, green, purple, orange, and yellow as I don't know their "official names"). I also have 6 pieces of inferno (with enough inferno peppers to make 6 more pieces once I can get some more fire salt), and 15 pieces of vanilla stilton. Is this enough to head into the JoD, or should I get some more?
Member of Ye Olde NarniaWeb
More. You'll want quite a bit as the Jungle has a very low catch rate. I'd go in with probably 18 pieces of each at least. You'll want more inferno before going after the dragon too, but that's something you can deal with later after getting the acolyte.
Here's a question for higher level players: How much havarti cheeses do I need? I currently have 12 of each flavour (blue, red, green, purple, orange, and yellow as I don't know their "official names"). I also have 6 pieces of inferno (with enough inferno peppers to make 6 more pieces once I can get some more fire salt), and 15 pieces of vanilla stilton. Is this enough to head into the JoD, or should I get some more?
More. You'll want quite a bit as the Jungle has a very low catch rate. I'd go in with probably 18 pieces of each at least.
I'm gonna give you a slightly different piece of advice from Kat, and you can decide which one you like better . You only need one of each of the six mice to get the drop for the Ancient Box Trap. After that, their only purpose is giving you fire salt. My strategy was craft enough of each havarti to catch one of them (12 should hopefully be more than enough) and then I just crafted the primary colors, red, blue, and yellow.
and then I just crafted the primary colors, red, blue, and yellow.
Any particular reason why you just crafted primary colours?
I've still got plenty of pepper seeds, and as they're pretty much worthless for anything else, I figured that I'd use them all up to make more havarti, but I wanted to hang onto some just in case they will be used in some of the crafted charms about which the devs have been talking.
Thankfully, I still haven't had to purchase any plant pots, because I got 50+ from all of my winter hunt boxes. Coconut milk on the other hand
Member of Ye Olde NarniaWeb
Any particular reason why you just crafted primary colours?
Inferno Cheese requires seeds from all three tribes and fire salt from the Jungle of Dread mice. Fire salt requires JoD mice of any of the six colors.
My strategy was to hunt enough Tribal mice to get 60 veggies, stones, and shells. Then I did two batches of each cheese. However many seeds I got out determined how many inferno peppers I could get. Because peppers are so random, I think I usually averaged about 12 - 18 inferno peppers per tribal run. Then any seeds I'd have leftover I'd convert to the primary color of Havarti and use that to get fire salt.
Trying to get equal amounts of all six peppers is a huge pain.
But in answer to your original question about whether or not you'll need more cheese, I attracted 599 Jungle Mice while hunting the Dragon Mouse, that doesn't include Stales.
Yes but you had pretty bad luck with the dragon. I caught it relatively quickly. I also had a friend who caught it right away using Ronza's charms but I don't know how much cheese she used, only that it took her under 24 hours.
Fair enough. DiGs, Ara up there attracted 137 JoD mice before she caught a Dragon. *grumbles about lucky little sisters*
I have gotten a glitchpaw or two this round.
Aaaaand.........I got enough for Ronza's tactical trap! I'm back in the catacombs again, hoping to get enough to get something else before she leaves.
Also, I don't know if I missed a drop somewhere along the line (the only disadvantage to hunting over the phone), but I now have two more areas open to me--acolyte and something else. How should I be preparing for these?
Also...what are my chances of getting the dojo with my new tactical trap?
Poor FK....
Avatar thanks to AITB
You got the new areas opened to you when you caught your first Keeper's mouse, LA. It likely dropped a "Keeper's Candle" which grants you to access the Forbidden Grove and the Acolyte Realm. The forbidden grove is the place where you'll be collecting runes. You need these runes both for runic cheese (which is used to catch the acolyte mouse) as well as the Ice Maiden - the game's only draconic trap. In order to prepare for this, you'll need lots and lots of ancient cheese, as the mice in there will only drop runes if you hunt with ancient cheese. The recipe for which can be found on the previous page. Aim for about 100 runes (although that will take a good deal of time, as I've been in there on and off for a month now, and only have 41 runes).
I've also been wonderring how the dojo sensei would fare against the Rewers Riposte. As I'm strapped for gold, it might be worthwhile to go after some master of the dojo and dojo sensei mice as they're worth OODLES of gold.
In the meantime, I've gathered enough peppers to craft 18 of each havarti variety (save for inferno). And as such, it's time to farm gold like crazy! I want to have both the tiki base and the gorgon trap before I head into the Jungle of Dread.
Member of Ye Olde NarniaWeb
Well, Ronza leaves tomorrow. I have about 200,000 in I can't really buy anything from her except for the Bacon Base and the Tiki Base Blueprints.
Should I get either of those? Or should I just not bother?
"No one's ever burned you, nothing's ever left you scarred and even though you want to, just try to never grow up." -Taylor Swift, Never Grow Up
I got enough for Ronza's tactical trap! I'm back in the catacombs again, hoping to get enough to get something else before she leaves.
Congrats and good luck!
How should I be preparing for these?
What DiGs said about the Forbidden Grove. Arcane Trap, good base, Ancient Cheese. You're going for Runes. As far as the Acolyte Realm goes, while it certainly won't hurt you to go there now, the rune drop is much lower, and you can't complete the area without an Ancient Box Trap and Runic Cheese, so I tend to recommend not bothering with that area til you're ready.
One thing to know about the Forbidden Grove and Acolyte Realm. The AR cannot be accessed any time you please. You must hunt in the Forbidden Grove until the doors close (at which point the FG will be closed for 4 hours and you can't enter the area til it opens again). While the FG is closed, you'll only be able to catch Realm Ripper mice. Once caught, you'll be ported to the Acolyte Realm. You can leave the AR any time you want, but you can only enter it once every 16 hours or so. There is a lovely timer at this link here which is extremely helpful for all of the timed areas in the game.
But as far as you're concerned, I would suggest you build up some gold, and craft your ship next.
Also...what are my chances of getting the dojo with my new tactical trap?
I dunno! According to, with the 2010 Blastoff Trap (the Rewers Trap is a teensy bit better), it was about a 1 in 10 chance of snagging him. Do you have a lot of Onyx stones leftover? I vaguely recall you do. You might give him a try! Hopefully you'll be luckier than me. (I missed him 35 times before I caught him.
I want to have both the tiki base and the gorgon trap before I head into the Jungle of Dread.
Woohoo! How much gold do you have left to farm?
Should I get either of those? Or should I just not bother?
You will not be able to craft the Tiki Base until you reach the Tribal Islands. The irony is that you're high enough level to go there now, you just need to unlock the rest of the game's map to get there.
Some things to consider, the Tiki Base Blueprints are NOT LE. They'll be available again in the future when Ronza returns AND others who bought extra copies can sell them on the marketplace (though the cost there will certainly be marked up)
So while I definitely recommend getting the base at some point, it's more a matter of whether or not you want to spend the money now on something you won't be able to use for a while, or wait, use the money you have now to level up in the game, and get the blueprints later at a likely higher price.
The Bacon Base I don't think is worth getting.
Chloe, I would go ahead and purchase the bacon base. It's high power bonus will come in quite handy. As far as the tiki base blueprints are concerned, I wouldn't bother. I've heard that she'll likely be bringing those every time that she comes (you'll also be able to purchase one from the marketplace should you need one). But definitely buy the bacon base. It's a good base.
Member of Ye Olde NarniaWeb