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[Closed] Mousehunt!!!

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You should go to the Trapsmith in the FC and hit buy. It should automatically end up in your inventory.

Posted : December 28, 2010 11:03 am
NarniaWeb Guru

I did that. I bought another ETR. Did I do it right? Now it says I own two traps. :-

"To the Great Western Wood, I give you...."

Posted : December 28, 2010 11:09 am
Member Moderator

Oh! Were you talking about doing the upgrade? You have to smash your trap with the hammer and then craft the new one. You have to have platinum bars to do so though.

Sorry. Didn't realize you were talking about the upgrade.

Posted : December 28, 2010 11:30 am
Member Admin

*peeks in briefly and waves hi* I hope everyone is having a nice Christmas break! :D

I do have zungzawang (or whatever his name is)'s last move, so I'm pretty well set for furoma.

Except for the Sensei, in which you will want a trap upgrade for him, you're already done with Furoma aand I don't recommend going back any time soon. ;)

The first floor of the dojo isn't too terrible for getting regular gold.

*disagrees* ;)) The Dojo is absolutely horrible for getting gold. The Master of the Dojo will make up for it, but there's a lot of pain and suffering involved to get to him. :P ;))

11:05 pm - Catacombs
I sounded the Hunter's Horn, but my efforts were fruitless. A Treasurer Mouse ate a piece of cheese without setting off my trap.

I didn't think that these guys were still hanging around? Perhaps the wee treasurer mouse is lost?

All three mice are still around and your prize power is still active. The Leprechaun and Mobster are also around. :)

However, none of my traps were powerful enough or the right type (Physical) to catch him so I bought the NVMRC Forcefield Trap as well. He moved from being "Impossible" to "Overpowering" so at least I've a small chance now of catching him...

Be aware that that feature does NOT take luck into account. Which is why I don't really like it very much. ;) Though it is useful on occasion. :)

Is anyone else having trouble sending supplies (not gifts, supplies)?

Go to and it should work. Facebook makes sending supplies bug out on occasion.

Should I buy the trap or save my money for Ronza?

*votes for save money for Ronza* ;) You still have til Jan 6. :)

YES!!!!!!!!!!!!! I now have the heat bath blueprints!

Yaaaaaaayyyy!!! :D Do you already have all 36 coal? ;)) Farming those is a great way to get gold. ;) But I know you've been farming it for a while now so you may have it already.

What is everybody hoping that Ronza brings with her? Personally, I'm hoping for a really lucky/powerful shadow trap, and some high powered bases.

I doubt it'll be a shadow trap since we just got the Cackle Lantern Trap at Halloween (or in my case, the pieces for it :P ) but yeah, I'd second an even better shadow trap as it's definitely the one I feel is the worst top end trap. ;))
I would not say no to an upgrade to the Magma/Spellbook Bases either. But that would be quite pricey. ;))
I'm wondering if they'll introduce the new trap component I know has been in the works for a while. (As in, a new piece in addition to the base/trap) I think I heard them say it's supposed to coincide with the release of the new Baron/Baroness area in the game. :)

A slay ride mouse finally dropped a sled, so I have all the parts needed for a trap upgrade. How do I go about it?

Congratulations !! :D You need to reach the rank of Hero (you're at Grandmaster now) and you need 1,080,000 gold (to buy the platinum bars). ;) Hang on to all of your pieces and you'll be able to craft it when you get there. :)

I just wanted to say congratulations to all of you on your Explosive Toboggan Ride traps !!! :D I think I saw that all of you have it now. That will come in VERY handy as you can safely use it through most of the lower levels in the game, irregardless of the mice types that you're catching. :)

I'm looking forward to seeing what the devs decide to do for New Years in a few days. :) Maybe all they will do is re-release the New Years mouse. ;))

Posted : December 28, 2010 5:17 pm
The Logical Ornithological Mod Moderator Emeritus

I feel pretty lucky, as I already have 26 coal. I'm not overly concerned about crafting the Heat Bath for that reason :P. Thankfully, I recieved quite a few from my elf gift boxes.

Member of Ye Olde NarniaWeb

Topic starter Posted : December 29, 2010 3:33 am
Member Admin

I feel pretty lucky, as I already have 26 coal.

Back in the olden days when Kat and I were leveling through the Catacombs, you could only get 1 coal and that was it. :P ;)) I think it was when they finished up Longtail that they changed it so you could get an infinite amount... long after we were through that area. So yeah, collecting coal will be a whole lot easier for all of you. :) Same with the 200 scrap metal required for the Molten Shrapnel Base. :P At least I could skip that one since I had the LE Magma Base.

Posted : December 29, 2010 7:49 am
Member Moderator

I've got everything but the launcher parts for it. I think my coal count is at 40 something. So I need over 1 mill for the Heat bath, over 1 mill for the ETR upgrade, and I've forgotten how much for the cackle lantern. I do know it's over 1 mill. So gold I shall farm until Ronza comes and goes so I can have enough for that. Even then I may upgrade one at a time. Probably heat bath first then the cackle lantern.

Posted : December 29, 2010 8:41 am
Member Admin

Cackle Lantern Parts
- Smashed Digby Drillbot - 404,340g
- Smashed Venus Mouse Trap - 299,650g
- Smashed Obelisk of Slumber - 316,350g
- 24 Platinum Bars - 1,440,000g

= 2,460,340g $-)

Definitely waiting til Ronza leaves for that one. Haha!

Posted : December 29, 2010 9:50 am
The Logical Ornithological Mod Moderator Emeritus

I'll probably be waiting longer than that, FK ;)). After Ronza leaves, I'm going to buy the Gorgon Trap and the Tribal Base (unless she brings something better of course ;)) ), so that the Jungle of Dread will be a bit easier for me. Various people have suggested going with the Clockapault of Time, but you need 24,000,000 points to buy that trap (and I'm only hovering around 15,000,000) and the Gorgon Trap seems at least marginally comparable, as it's only 275 points less in power and 3 points less in luck.

Member of Ye Olde NarniaWeb

Topic starter Posted : December 30, 2010 3:21 am
Lady Arwen
The Mermod Moderator

Well, at approximately 1:45 this morning, I broke 1 mil gold. F_k, while I'm in the Mousoleum, am I looking for anything in particular? I know I eventually need to brave the catacombs, but wanted to wait to do that until after Ronza came.

Avatar thanks to AITB

Posted : December 30, 2010 6:50 am
daughter of the King
Princess Dot Moderator

*is still hunting at the Festive Comet trying to get the Ski Sign* So far a Gladiator Mouse has stolen cheese without setting off my trap seven (seven!) times. That's probably not a whole lot, but the little guy is getting kind of annoying. :p

Out of curiosity, just how expensive are Ronza's traps? I've got 250,000+ gold at the moment. Oh, and is the King's Gauntlet a good place to get gold? I've been wanting to get over there since I got the floor plan. But I might hold off til after Ronza 'cause I'm slowly getting richer where I am now.

Oh! And a Snooty Mouse has stopped by my trap two or three times now. I knew they would still be around, but I wasn't expecting it to stop by my trap more than once.

Narniaweb sister to Pattertwig's Pal

Posted : December 30, 2010 7:26 am
Member Admin

F_k, while I'm in the Mousoleum, am I looking for anything in particular? I know I eventually need to brave the catacombs, but wanted to wait to do that until after Ronza came.

Nope, you're just there for the gold. :) I think your next goal is a combination of crafting the ACRONYM trap and the S.S. Huntington II, both of which require drops from the Catacombs.

Out of curiosity, just how expensive are Ronza's traps?

They range from fairly cheap for the new players to pretty pricey at the high end. Some examples of stuff she's brought in the past are...

Magma Base (which is still one of the best bases in the game) - 374,700g
Polar Base - 90,000g

HitGrab Horsey - 15,850g
2010 Blastoff Trap - 512,800g
Chrome DrillBot - 897,400g

I think the full list of stuff she's brought can be found here if you wish to look through all of it to get a better idea. :)

Oh, and is the King's Gauntlet a good place to get gold?

Negative, the mice actually worth gold in the King's Gauntlet are in the top two tiers and require high level traps to catch. Right now, I believe the best place for you to earn gold is right where you are. However, I don't know when Ronza will be coming and if the event ends before she shows up, the best place you can go to get gold is the Mouseleum which would require unlocking locations in rapid succession and buying an inexpensive shadow trap (aka the Sinister Portal).

For those of you at that level (dotK, Chloe, Bother Eustace, EtJ, qwerty), that would be hunting in the Mountain to catch the Ninja Mouse with the Laboratory map piece, and then hunting in the Laboratory to catch the Dwarf Mouse with the Key to the Town of Digby, and then hunting in the Town of Digby to catch the Zombie Mouse with the Tattered Mousoleum Map piece. Confused? ;))

Posted : December 30, 2010 9:30 am
Member Moderator

The New Years Mouse has been released. It appears to be dropping the occasional bottle of bubbleh which will come in handy for those of you yet to craft the ship. Looks like they are out at the FC. No idea about the bait, but last year they weren't that hard to catch.

Posted : December 30, 2010 12:12 pm
Lady Arwen
The Mermod Moderator

Since the mouse got released, I've popped back to the Festive Comet. Right now, I'm using Seasoned Gouda, but I'll be switching to gingerbread before I log off, since I have far more gingerbread, and I tend to go through cheese rather quickly, now that I have the iPhone app. ;))

I think your next goal is a combination of crafting the ACRONYM trap and the S.S. Huntington II, both of which require drops from the Catacombs.

Huh boy. I suppose I should spend a little time on the furoma website and do some planning, then.

Avatar thanks to AITB

Posted : December 30, 2010 2:28 pm
The Logical Ornithological Mod Moderator Emeritus

LA, ACRONYM is hideously expensive to craft (at least in this stage of the game), but it is an awesome trap, and will more or less turn the catacombs into a gold mine! Seriously, I have barely been on for the past few days, and just with my hourly trap checks, I've raked in nearly 400,000 gold!

I have also moved back to the comet to try for another New Year's Mouse. I caught one last year, but was curious to see if this year's was going to be dropping any loot. At any rate, it'll be neat to get another one ;))

Member of Ye Olde NarniaWeb

Topic starter Posted : December 31, 2010 3:09 am
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