Breeds Caught: 120 / 289
Event Breeds Caught: 19
Hunting Since: Jan 03, 2011
Hunter's Title: Hero (12 % )
Points: 6,669,801
Gold: 500,950
Horn Calls: 2902
Location: Catacombs
Region: Bristle Woods
Trap Power: 2613
Total Luck: 5
Weapon: Obelisk of Incineration
Base: Dehydration Base
Bait: 37 pieces of Radioactive Blue
Charm: None
Mice Caught: 3633
The bad news is I probably won't get the amount of gold I need before I run out of RB again. The good news is I will likely be able to get enough gold on my next run My ACRONYM is so close I can smell it
"The mountains are calling and I must go, and I will work on while I can, studying incessantly." -John Muir
"Be cunning, and full of tricks, and your people will never be destroyed." -Richard Adams, Watership Down
I'm still hunting in the Mousoleum. I just looked back at my journal and I haven't even had one brush with a Lycan mouse since Tuesday (the journal doesn't go any farther back) and I can't remember any since I started hunting there. I only have an 18% chance of catching him anyway according to Furoma so I don't know that I'm going to be able to catch him and get the map piece.
I still have nine Radioactive Blue Cheese potions and I'm racking up gold really fast! I have 211,360 pieces of gold and it's been only been five days. That's way way better than I was doing anywhere else because some of the mice are worth so much. (You were right, fantasia_kitty.) So I'm going to keep hunting here until I catch that Lycan mouse or I run out of potions and have to go back to the Laboratory to get more.
It sounds like everyone else is doing pretty good!
My ACRONYM is so close I can smell it
I just looked back at my journal and I haven't even had one brush with a Lycan mouse since Tuesday (the journal doesn't go any farther back) and I can't remember any since I started hunting there.
If you click on your shield at the top left of the screen (the big black and white one, not your bitty level one), it will take you to your profile. From there, click on the Mice tab, The Shadow Clan tab, and you can see all of the mice that you've caught, missed, and attracted.
Well after I crafted my Sphynx trap last night, I barely had time to move into the Muridae Market before my house was pummeled with hail, we were sent to the tornado shelter with tornado warnings, and we lost electricity for several hours. (Last night was exciting. ) So this morning I restocked on charms and realized that between the Sphynx and all the charms I'm buying now, I have 1 Flameshard left. Eep! So I'm gonna have to be really careful managing which charms I buy and which ones I don't.
I think I can definitely skip the Super Commander's Charms, they didn't seem to be that great, and the Flamebane Charms only increase your catch rate but aren't really required either. So the Monger Charm is probably the only one I'll consistently get, and even that one I may wait on til after I have enough flameshards in my inventory for the Oasis trap.
At any rate, I'll be hanging out in the Marketplace until I build the Cartographer and then I'll head back to the Warpath again. I have 10 papyrus so far and I need 25.
FK!!! MEGA MEGA congratulations on that sphynx trap! That is, without a doubt, my favourite of the new baron area traps! I can't wait to get it!!!
As for me, I'm farming gold in the catacombs still. It's boring. . . yes, but it'll allow me to get ZFM and the Mystic Pawn Pincher before too long.
Member of Ye Olde NarniaWeb
Ok, highlights from FBF today. They had some interesting stuff!
~Scoreboards are in testing. Yay!
~They gave some sneak peek images of new content that they connected with the word Zugzwang. Hmmm.....
~Jacob is done with the artwork for Charm Pack 2
~The new Living Garden area (also Baron level) is going to have some team elements to it. Double hmmm..... They also confirmed this area is a longer term project so I don't know that we'll see it any time soon.
~They're thinking about making the Papyrus Base upgradeable considering the large amount of negative feedback that this base STILL wasn't better than the Magma Base.
FK!!! MEGA MEGA congratulations on that sphynx trap!
Thank you very much! I was quite excited. Those Monger Charms are crazy good. And now Kat can buy them too as soon as she completes her Charm Shoppe. (You can't buy them until you have 6 Warpath Victories.)
In the meantime I'm having pretty good luck in the Market. I've gotten 3 more Papyrus since the last time I posted. My new total is 13, 12 more to go.
(I'm also getting a lot of Stone and Wood but I have to spend those on Artisan Charms to get the Papyrus... yeah.
I just looked back at my journal and I haven't even had one brush with a Lycan mouse since Tuesday (the journal doesn't go any farther back) and I can't remember any since I started hunting there.
If you click on your shield at the top left of the screen (the big black and white one, not your bitty level one), it will take you to your profile. From there, click on the Mice tab, The Shadow Clan tab, and you can see all of the mice that you've caught, missed, and attracted.
You can also access it from the "Mice" Tab at the top bar. Just click Mice -> Shadow Clan -> Lycan and it should be in that tan-colored box on the side.
"The mountains are calling and I must go, and I will work on while I can, studying incessantly." -John Muir
"Be cunning, and full of tricks, and your people will never be destroyed." -Richard Adams, Watership Down
So I'm going to keep hunting here until I catch that Lycan mouse or I run out of potions and have to go back to the Laboratory to get more.
I just remembered something. There is a recipe out there for Moon Cheese. I've never made it and/or used it because it requires SuperBrie to craft. ... heese#Moon
The only purpose it has is to increase the attraction of the Lycan Mouse, so if you have some spare SB that you're not using and continue to have trouble with the Lycan, you can craft that in hopes of getting him.
*is up to 19 pieces of Papyrus but has ceased to be able to catch a mouse. *
Thanks for the tips everyone. I tried going to my profile and clicking on the mouse link but it wouldn't click it. Or I guess, it would let me click it but it never went anywhere. It acted as if I had never clicked it. I tried refreshing the page and re-doing it and the same thing happened.
So I tried wolfloversk's method and it worked. So it turns out, I've had two misses on the Lycan mouse. Out of six tries (estimated), I theoretically should be able to catch him once based on my trap set up percentages. So in five days, I've missed him twice so maybe I'll be able to catch him sometime in the next ten days (if my math is right ).
Thanks for the tips everyone. I tried going to my profile and clicking on the mouse link but it wouldn't click it. Or I guess, it would let me click it but it never went anywhere. It acted as if I had never clicked it. I tried refreshing the page and re-doing it and the same thing happened.
Hmmm, that sounds like a glitch. It works fine for me. What browser are you using again?
"The mountains are calling and I must go, and I will work on while I can, studying incessantly." -John Muir
"Be cunning, and full of tricks, and your people will never be destroyed." -Richard Adams, Watership Down
I'm using Internet Explorer. I could try Firefox since I have it on my computer, I just don't feel like it.
Hmmm... Well I tried it on IE and it loaded although rather slowly, so maybe it's a browser glitch.
"The mountains are calling and I must go, and I will work on while I can, studying incessantly." -John Muir
"Be cunning, and full of tricks, and your people will never be destroyed." -Richard Adams, Watership Down
Well, just had another brush with that Lycan mouse. Also, I'm at 62% on my way to Grandmaster.
Wow, 100 pages! I guess this thread will be closing soon. Will the mods let us open a new one?
Guess who just caught the Lycan mouse and got the map piece?
Yay narnian_at_heart!
(OK I posted on the 100th pg, so I'm happy).
I'm in the lab and I already made over 140 pieces of RB.
"The mountains are calling and I must go, and I will work on while I can, studying incessantly." -John Muir
"Be cunning, and full of tricks, and your people will never be destroyed." -Richard Adams, Watership Down
I'm working on rebuilding the charm shoppe. It's taking awhile. Maybe I'll have everything by Tuesday or Wednesday.
Congrats on the lycan!
I think since several of us mods are avid players, we'll probably keep it going with a fresh thread... oh wait... I think I'll do that now.