Ok, so Charms. I can use them now, so how do I go about using them effectively? Is it worth arming them now, or are they something I'm going to want to hang on to for later? Not sure what the advised protocol is here, so I'm asking for advice.
Charms have been around since I joined, so I always had the option. I would not recommend using them yet. They're too expensive to collect en masse with the gold you make at this point. Wait until you get tons of gold by catching mice in future levels, so that the price of buying them is like buying peanuts. I just started using them. And I'm a Legendary.
Man, you guys are no fun. Don't use SB+, don't use charms, don't bother with the cool mice...
Ok, ok, I'll wait!
I'm currently in the Calm Clearing. I've been here all day and I still haven't even seen that pesky Cyclops Mouse. I usually don't have problems finding the mice I want and getting the drops I need, so this is annoying me a bit. Here, mousey mousey! I have some yummy cheeeeeeese!
One thing you could do Gymmie is start stockpiling attraction charms. You'll use those all throughout the game and if you want to buy some, you could buy a handful at a time when you have the extra gold.
Man, you guys are no fun.
Ok, how about this? Since I know you've stockpiled a bunch of charms from our profiles, why not use them now to try to catch that pesky Cyclops mouse? He's rare, so it might not work, but if/when you do attract him, he's also hard to catch, so that's a good use for charms.
Also, if you snag an Eagle Owl and he drops a Cherry Potion, you can use that to make Cherry Cheese which has a higher Cyclops Mouse attraction in the Calm Clearing. (And I would use the Super Brie conversion for one Cherry Potion since they're also rare and hard to get. )
So there you go, an excuse to use both Charms and Super Brie if you so desire.
Man, you guys are no fun. Don't use SB+, don't use charms, don't bother with the cool mice...
Ok, ok, I'll wait!
There is always another option. March to the beat of your own drum. Have no desire to finish the game and ignore goals most players pursue and go after your own. For some reason, as has been pointed out, this appears to endow such player with insane levels of luck in catching the most difficult mice.
Hanging in the King's Gauntlet farming Tier I mice until I obtain Toy Sylvan #500. Then I will continue the run up the Gauntlet. One may ask, "Why ever for?" My response, "Because." The true reason is a little more complicated.
I think Digs may still be distressed the way I burned through some Ultimate Luck Charms.
“Safe?” said Mr. Beaver; “don’t you hear what Mrs. Beaver tells you? Who said anything about safe? ‘Course he isn’t safe. But he’s good. He’s the King, I tell you.”
I think Digs may still be distressed the way I burned through some Ultimate Luck Charms.
Yes. . . it gives me heart palpitations most days
Member of Ye Olde NarniaWeb
Ugh, it's not working! I've tried pretty much every combo I can and the only glimmer I got was the attraction of an Eagle Owl mouse. Didn't catch him, of course.
What charms do y'all recommend that I use?
Unfortunately, Cep, I like to play the "right" way. It satisfies the OCD in me.
What charms do y'all recommend that I use?
At this point? Attraction charms (just don't use with Super Brie as it's a waste of money). Maybe power charms. Luck charms are just too expensive (and really don't do much more than a power charm would).
Member of Ye Olde NarniaWeb
Ugh, it's not working!
I've tried pretty much every combo I can and the only glimmer I got was the attraction of an Eagle Owl mouse. Didn't catch him, of course.
What charms do y'all recommend that I use?
Patience. (Ok so there's no patience charms but still) It took me a while to get my cyclops... It'll probably at least take a day or two- most likely more. Also if you get cherry potions, you can then go after the cherry mouse, who's only attracted to cherry cheese.
Having got all I need for the trap except gold... I decided to work on a Technic run while I'm waiting for the Iceberg to be released. And this time I actually bought charms and cheese
"The mountains are calling and I must go, and I will work on while I can, studying incessantly." -John Muir
"Be cunning, and full of tricks, and your people will never be destroyed." -Richard Adams, Watership Down
Unfortunately, Cep, I like to play the "right" way.
There is a right way to play? Say it aint so.
I suspect MH could be classified as nonlinear gameplay.
Carry on the hunt, Miss Gymmie! Satisfy your need.
“Safe?” said Mr. Beaver; “don’t you hear what Mrs. Beaver tells you? Who said anything about safe? ‘Course he isn’t safe. But he’s good. He’s the King, I tell you.”
The right way to play the game is the way that's most fun to you.
Gymmie I just noticed something this morning that may help you a little bit. You're using Marble. Try switching to Swiss or (since you have plenty of gold) Brie. The better cheese will definitely up your chances to attract the Cyclops Mouse. But in case you hadn't already figured this out, he's a rare mouse. Attraction looks like about 1-2 out of 100 mice.
I noticed that the halfway point for repairing the Huntington Hull was passed last night.
I'm doing pretty good on collecting stuff in the area, so I may take another break from the Slush and go back to the Warpath for a while. Maybe finish cleaning out the Scouts and Archers in Wave 1 or something like that.
By the way, who all has the new trap besides me and Kat?
Unfortunately, Cep, I like to play the "right" way.
There is a right way to play?
Say it aint so.
I wish I had a response to that... but my brain's still in bed.
Currently my Amplifier is at 123% and I'm working on the second Bishop. 75 pieces of cheese and 75 charms left. Methinks this is a good thing, no?
Edit: Got my second Bishop on the Next Horn call
I think it's time for a mouse update:
Indigenous Mice: 37/38 (missing the crown collector)
Guantlet Gladiators: 34/34
Forest Guild: 23/23
The Shadow Clan: 7/7
Digby Dirt Dwellers: 11/11
Followers of Furoma: 17/17
The Forgotten Mice: 18/18
Aquatic Order: 16/17 (missing the Shelder)
The Elub Tribe: 12/12
The Nerg Tribe: 12/12
The Derr Tribe: 12/12
The Dreaded Horde: 8/8
Draconic Brood: 3/3 (<- never used that one before
Balack's Banished: 9/10 (Missing Balack)
Seasonal Soldiers: 22/24 (Missing the Spring and Fall Familiar)
Wizard's Pieces: 8/13 (missing both Queens, both Kings, and the Chess Master)
Zurreal's Breed: 11/12 (missing Zurreal)
The Marching Flame: 0/19 (missing all)
Muridae Market Mice: 0/13 (missing all)
Iceberg: 12/12 (I'm running out of smilies )
Event Mice: 56/63 (missing Calligraphy, Mouse of Winter Future, Treasurer, Snooty, High Roller, Mobster, and Leprechaun)
"The mountains are calling and I must go, and I will work on while I can, studying incessantly." -John Muir
"Be cunning, and full of tricks, and your people will never be destroyed." -Richard Adams, Watership Down
Currently my Amplifier is at 123% and I'm working on the second Bishop. 75 pieces of cheese and 75 charms left. Methinks this is a good thing, no?
I'd always prefer to have more cheese. I never did a tower run with less than 150 pieces of cheese at the start. . . but your amplifier looks good.
Member of Ye Olde NarniaWeb
First it was 100... now it's 150. I can't win!
Seriously though if worse comes to worse I can just go broke and buy some more SB+
11:25 am - Zugzwang's Tower
I sounded the Hunter's Horn, but my efforts were fruitless. A Technic Rook Mouse ate a piece of cheese without setting off my trap.Additionally, the fiend pillaged 477 gold from me!
Hey! I needed that! Grr!
"The mountains are calling and I must go, and I will work on while I can, studying incessantly." -John Muir
"Be cunning, and full of tricks, and your people will never be destroyed." -Richard Adams, Watership Down
I think when the game first started it had more of a linear path, but as new areas have been released for each of the levels (particularly the lower ones), the game has become very nonlinear. Personally, I think cep's method is fascinating but I have already surpassed most of the areas where I could use such a strategy and I am a bit too obsessive to wander around that much.
I have the new trap, Fantasia. I also have a small stockpile of War Scraps and trap parts (though I have a veritable mountain of Heating Oils ).
I'm taking a break from the Shoreline to work on the Warpath Run II.
32-34-19 in Wave 1.
"All the world will be your enemy, Prince with a Thousand Enemies. And when they catch you, they will kill you. But first they must catch you..."
Inexhaustible Inspiration
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