Have the Sinister Portal and have been farming gold in the Mouseoleum. I assume the VMT is the only tactical trap I'll be able to acquire for a while?
Well, there is the Ambush soon after that. During Furoma. What level is that again? Grandmaster?
Ambush requires 950,000 points to craft, as well as the proper ingredients
On the other hand the VMT only requires 490,500 points...
I forget just when one levels up pointwise, but the ambush does require materials from Grandmaster locations (ie the training Grounds)
I'd recommend getting the VMT, you'll need it later anyways for upgrades
"The mountains are calling and I must go, and I will work on while I can, studying incessantly." -John Muir
"Be cunning, and full of tricks, and your people will never be destroyed." -Richard Adams, Watership Down
Still doing nothing really, got that new charm thingy to attract new mice but so far, getting destroyed, that DDA, seriously, not that useful
I wonder how the Lords get past here, without the OWN, do you use Heatbath or DDA or ASG? I wonder
Which has better stats anyways? It or the Heat Bath?
Wolf, did you see my post at the top of the page?
That should give you a pretty definitive answer if you hadn't seen it yet.
Came back later to find that I had caught a mouse but the only thing working on my page was the horn.
That happened to my husband last night too. After troubleshooting for a few minutes, we noticed that my MH on FF was working fine, so we switched him from IE to Chrome and his worked fine on there as well. Definitely an issue with IE for him. Were you using IE too Dot?
I assume the VMT is the only tactical trap I'll be able to acquire for a while?
I agree with what everybody else said, but something that was not mentioned is that the VMT is immediately upgradeable to the Mutant VMT, provided you have enough points and 20 Radioactive Sludge. (If you don't have enough sludge, let us know right away so we can send you some.)
I wonder how the Lords get past here
Just tough it out and be patient and wait for the drops to come. I did notice on your profile that you got two of each piece of material required to buy the new trap, so congrats on those!
Hopefully it won't take you too much longer.
I've been running the new trap since I got it and it's been working very, very well. Two thumbs up! Hoping for upgrades soon.
Were you using IE too Dot?
Nope. I never use IE 'cause the school systems tend to crash on it. I went through all the troubleshooting steps for FF but nothing worked. It was fixed this morning, but I had SB+ armed all night. Meh. On the positive side, I only need the oil for the new trap now.
Ambush requires 950,000 points to craft, as well as the proper ingredients
On the other hand the VMT only requires 490,500 points...
I have over 1,000,000 points now, so either would be fine. But yes I will get the VMT.
I agree with what everybody else said, but something that was not mentioned is that the VMT is immediately upgradeable to the Mutant VMT, provided you have enough points and 20 Radioactive Sludge. (If you don't have enough sludge, let us know right away so we can send you some.)
I think I have enough RS stockpiled to mutate two of them . That's what I'll do immediately after purchasing it.
Sig by the Wonderful wolfloversk
When hunting in the Lagoon, is it better to use the Mutated Venus Flytrap or the Ambush? They're both tactical, and the Ambush is stronger. But every time I try to hunt in the Lagoon with the Ambush, I catch nothing and get thieved each time.
Ithilwen, out of curiosity, what are you trying to catch in the Lagoon? I took a look at your profile and the only mouse you're missing is the Silth, so if that's why you're there, the answer to your question is 'neither.' Don't waste your time and cheese trying to catch him with a low level tactical trap (unless you just want to out-stubborn him
). If you're trying to make gold, same answer, it's not a good place to be cause you don't have a trap yet that will do well in that area. Now if you're still needing a drop off of the Hydra mouse, then sadly the Ambush is the better of the two, 'better' still not being very good.
My tournament ends in 20 min and I think I'm going to head to the Warpath for the night and then head back to the Slushy Shoreline in the morning to continue farming all of the goodies from there. Looking forward as always to FBF in the morning. Hope they share lots of spoilers!
Hey, I just saw the gift of the day is Spintered Wood...just so everyone knows, I need a couple more and then I can get my Dehydration Base. *hinthinthint* Thanks for the gift, FK!
Should be at Journeyman by the time I go to bed, and it's off to the Mountain for me! Whee!
Ithilwen, out of curiosity, what are you trying to catch in the Lagoon? I took a look at your profile and the only mouse you're missing is the Silth, so if that's why you're there, the answer to your question is 'neither.'
Don't waste your time and cheese trying to catch him with a low level tactical trap (unless you just want to out-stubborn him
). If you're trying to make gold, same answer, it's not a good place to be cause you don't have a trap yet that will do well in that area.
It was to farm gold, yes. It's just a very strange thing because I've farmed gold there before and did very well. Caught lots of good mice, hardly ever got thieved. That just changed recently...
I just looked in the General Store here and saw all the new base bueprints! How exciting! (Of course now I'll have to pay for them all).
In the market news divine orb prices dropped about 1,000 g in the past few days... which is unfortunate for me as I was trying to sell a bunch... guess I'll be waiting a while
"The mountains are calling and I must go, and I will work on while I can, studying incessantly." -John Muir
"Be cunning, and full of tricks, and your people will never be destroyed." -Richard Adams, Watership Down
FBF Review.....
~Hull fragments - bragging rights, that's it (it will disappear once the hull is completed I think) It's a one time thing, a mini-event so to speak.
~Jacob slipped and said Mark 2.
There was actually a lot more than this, but it was either spoilers they wouldn't answer or technical stuff I didn't feel like typing. But it was short and they had to get back to work, probably programming more icy stuff.
Next week is art FBF and Jacob is gonna change up the time so people who are usually sleeping through it will have a chance to participate for a change. No idea what he's drawing yet (He doesn't know either. )
Got my Dehydration Base! Thanks to everyone who donated the Spintered Wood to get it! I feel like a real MH'er now; since this is the first item I've got that I will pretty much have and use forever, lol. Oh, and I got to the Mountain and camped out there overnight, and got my Ninja! So now I have the Laboratory map piece which is great because I didn't even have to hunt it down.
Can't wait till I'm ranked enough to hunt there; it looks like an interesting area, lol.
/me checks trap. Oh, got my Abominable Snow Mouse! And he dropped a Divine Orb; hadn't gotten any of those yet. Looks cool.
Ok, so Charms. I can use them now, so how do I go about using them effectively? Is it worth arming them now, or are they something I'm going to want to hang on to for later? Not sure what the advised protocol is here, so I'm asking for advice.
So I looked at MHWiki's guide and apparently I've done everything I *need* to do in the Mountain (except collect Splintered Wood but I already got what I need for now). Might head over to the Calm Clearing and go after my Gnarled Map Piece.
Congrats on the base Gymmie and on all the map pieces!
I'm not the best person to advise on charms as I went through all those lower levels without them. So I don't really see the point of using them at the stage you're at right now. But if you do choose to do so, remember the price of the charm is factored into the profit that you'll make for the area you are in. You might want to hold off until you get to the Gnarled tree and Mousoleum before adding charms into the mix.
Yeah, charms weren't released until I was a Lord (I think). So I wouldn't waste your money at this point.
Pity about FBF. . . I was hoping that we'd get SOMETHING. I don't see the point in having it if there's really nothing to report, and you won't answer anybody's questions
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