Ok, so if I aim for at least 500 Tier 2 pots, I should be very good as far as catching a bunch of Eclipse mice. Thanks! 2 potions down, 498 to go.
I need a higher luck setup, haha...
I need a higher luck setup, haha...
Actually luck doesn't seem to affect (or effect?) drop rates in the Gauntlet as much as attraction does...
I suggest going for power, attraction, and luck in that order (except for Tier 1, go for attraction, luck, power.)
"The mountains are calling and I must go, and I will work on while I can, studying incessantly." -John Muir
"Be cunning, and full of tricks, and your people will never be destroyed." -Richard Adams, Watership Down
I'm still farming gold in the Cats.
I haven't caught any Dojo Sensei mice yet. Is it a good thing to try for that at this point of the game? What is the best set-up to catch one? I no longer have my Onyx stone (I think I used it to make my ACRONYM), so I don't have anything to make Onyx Gorgonzola cheese. Do I need to catch more Mojos to get Onyx stones? And if so, how many should I get?
Is there any way to catch a Mojo besides Rumble Cheese? It takes me forever to get those Tokens/Master's Seal/etc.
... I need a higher luck setup, haha...
One can use a relatively low power trap in favor of luck and attraction. Used a simple glue trap and base of low power and a moose was never missed. Would fail to attract at times or the cheese would go stale; it was not common.
“Safe?” said Mr. Beaver; “don’t you hear what Mrs. Beaver tells you? Who said anything about safe? ‘Course he isn’t safe. But he’s good. He’s the King, I tell you.”
I'm still farming gold in the Cats.
I haven't caught any Dojo Sensei mice yet. Is it a good thing to try for that at this point of the game? What is the best set-up to catch one? I no longer have my Onyx stone (I think I used it to make my ACRONYM), so I don't have anything to make Onyx Gorgonzola cheese. Do I need to catch more Mojos to get Onyx stones? And if so, how many should I get?
Is there any way to catch a Mojo besides Rumble Cheese? It takes me forever to get those Tokens/Master's Seal/etc.
Nope, just Rumble will attract MoJo's. Getting shards is not that hard, I've found; it's just the tokens that take forever. Make sure you have a good trap setup and it's worth shelling out the SB+ for Maki. Or you could do what I did and get token packs using King's Credits. I didn't have my Ambush at the time and I figured, why slog around with my weaker trap not catching Students when I could expedite the process faster to get my first bead? Anyway, it worked out nicely in the end.
I would say, get as many Onyx Stones as you can. I LOVE those things, lol. Don't use them to make Onyx Gorgonzola; use them to make Unstable Curd. It's a little more of a gamble, but the cheese you get from it is worth it. I used maybe 7 Onyx Stones (I forget) and I got 3 batches of Onyx Gorgonzola, Rumble, Glutter, Brie and Swiss. You can also get Limelight, Ancient, Runic, etc. from it. Fairly painless way to get some cheese that can take awhile to craft otherwise. So yeah, if you already have your ACRONYM, use those puppies on Curd and poke away! Eventually you'll need to save some for a trap later on but that's a LONG ways off.
In other news, I leveled to Legendary today! I am super eager to get started on the Catacombs. Time to spend all that gold, and then earn some more, haha!
Actually luck doesn't seem to affect (or effect?) drop rates in the Gauntlet as much as attraction does...
I suggest going for power, attraction, and luck in that order
I don't quite agree with this. I definitely agree that attraction is the most important stat in the bottom tier, as well as the upper tiers, but I rarely, RARELY get a fta once I start using Tier cheese.
Freshness is key in the Tower, attraction is also great, but in my last Gauntlet run during the Easter Egg hunt, I learned that luck in large quantities does make a noticeable difference. Just not to the degree that it does in the Tribal Isles.
I haven't caught any Dojo Sensei mice yet. Is it a good thing to try for that at this point of the game?
Gymmie and ramagut were very, very fortunate to catch their Sensei mice as early as they did. I don't really recommend going for him until you at least have the Horrific Venus Mouse trap. And if you can tolerate having that blank spot there a little longer, going for him when you're doing assignments from the Crystal Library is even better cause at that point you'll probably have Zugzwang's First Move. But it's totally up to you. It's just if you miss him, it's such a pain to farm all those supplies again.
Don't use [Onyx Stones] to make Onyx Gorgonzola; use them to make Unstable Curd.
I completely disagree with this advice. This works just fine if you've caught a Sensei already, but if you haven't, it was proven elsewhere that you will get far less Gorgonzola making Unstable Curds than if you make straight up OG cheese. And if you're going for the Sensei, this is kind of a waste of those hard-to-get Stones.
In other news, I leveled to Legendary today!
Congrats!! Now you can really start doing stuff! hehehe
Oh and how did the tournament thingy go on Sunday? I realized too late that Father's Day was kind of a bad day to have a big event like that.
The recipe for the new Deep Freeze Base was discovered a short time ago.
http://mhwiki.hitgrab.com/wiki/index.ph ... reeze_Base
I am short one BCF, 1 Wire Spool, and 4 Frosty Metals. Hopefully I'll get all of that stuff soon. Bought everything else already.
ETA: Oh, and just found on the forum when I was trying to find the bonus stats for the new base (the um, base base stats stink ) that there is also a new collectible in the game--the Frozen Sealed Bottle. Presumably drops off of the Deep Mouse?
ETA 2: Just snagged the Living Salt Mouse in the Tunnels with SB+. Wasn't expecting that one at all.
ETA 3: Just snagged another Living Salt Mouse in the Tunnels with Gouda. They must have decided to just stick these mice in to help advance people through the Iceburg more quickly. I'm certainly not complaining about moving 20ft through in one catch.
Don't use [Onyx Stones] to make Onyx Gorgonzola; use them to make Unstable Curd.
I completely disagree with this advice.
This works just fine if you've caught a Sensei already, but if you haven't, it was proven elsewhere that you will get far less Gorgonzola making Unstable Curds than if you make straight up OG cheese. And if you're going for the Sensei, this is kind of a waste of those hard-to-get Stones.
I didn't find the Stones all that hard to get.
Yeah, I suppose if one is desperate for the Sensei then they should use the safe crafting method, but only make one batch at a time until you get it. For me, I got more batches of OG then I did of any other cheese (close to 30 pieces, I think). It's a bit luck-based but I feel like the other cheese that you can get is worth it. The Master cheese and Rumble can be SUCH a pain in the butt to craft, so if I can get some for "free", woot.
But that's just me; clearly my experience in Furoma is not typical for a mid-level player so what do I know. I foresee Furoma being a favorite place of mine in the future; I've had good luck with it and I really, REALLY like poking Curd.
Oh, and the Tourney went well. My team took 4th overall and 1st among the group teams. We bagged a bunch of Cherries (none from me, unfortunately) and did really well overall. I was pleased with how it went!
Speaking of tourneys, I have a question. I've poked around in the various Guides and it looks like the Aqua base is the next base that one typically gets. However, I've been comparing the stats with the Tourney bases and I'm not sure if it's as useful? I suppose it would depend on how close I am to getting my Silver base by the time I get to the Tribal Islands. The Silver Tourney base has better stats minus 1 luck, and I'm not sure if that 1 luck is worth shelling out for another base. Then again, it's not *that* expensive. Thoughts?
I never bought the Aqua Base and I've done well. Granted, I think it was introduced after my time at that level. Not sure. Anyway, I advise that you skip it, especially since you may be able to get your Silver Base soon (based on your post).
Speaking of which, I am 9 Tokens away from my Silver Base.
I finished my third run in time to get two chests, and caught my first Icewing! Still missing the Living Salt, though.
I just crafted the Spiked Base. That just leaves the Hearthstone and Deep Freeze Bases. I have everything for both except the required number of Frosty Metals and Wire Spools (of course). I'm planning on farming in the Shoreline overnight and doing the 'Berg during the day for the next few days. That way I can at least work on getting the required number of materials before too long. I'm glad to have the Spiked Base at last because the Bulwark always ruins me. I need another 23 Frosty Metals and 32 Wire Spools. I also need 15 more BCF, but since I should be able to get enough of that this run to craft the Deep Freeze, I'm going to focus on that one first. Given the requirement for the Hidden Depths, I'm guessing I will eventually have an amazing, super-quick run. Or give up in frustration. That's always a possibility.
Then there's the Warpath and the Market for which I still have to complete building/farming/crafting.
"All the world will be your enemy, Prince with a Thousand Enemies. And when they catch you, they will kill you. But first they must catch you..."
Inexhaustible Inspiration
6689 posts from forum 1.0
Thanks for the advice, everyone.
Still farming gold in the Cats.
I caught my first Black Widow!
So far, my Iceberg run is going rather well. I'm at 1,075 feet at hunt 240. So if I keep going well, I may manage to snag the last chest! Here's hoping.
Congrats on the Black Widow, Ithilwen!
@stwin, nah, the Aqua Base has been there since they opened the Huntington I think. But I'm betting by the time you got there you had the Candy Cane Base which is a straight upgrade of the Aqua Base. Most people I know skipped it altogether. I only bought it recently because of the library assignments that required it.
@Gymmie, it's up to you whether you get it or not, but I would probably go ahead and skip it cause I think the Bronze Base is a little better and the Silver Base definitely is.
@Ithilwen, congrats on your Black Widow!
@n_a_h, hope you manage to get your last chest! Watching you all run through the Iceburg has made me realize just how incredibly lucky I was to get two chests on my first run through. And some people managed to get all three.... haven't figured that one out yet.
Well I got all of the War Scraps I needed today and purchased the Diamond Ice Drill. Here's my updated to-do list....
~Catch that stinkin' General Drheller
~Craft the Deep Freeze Base (need 1 Wire Spool and 4 Frosty Metal)
~Catch the Deep Mouse
I plan on spending all of my time in the Slushy Shoreline (unless my team is doing an Iceburg tournament) in the hopes of getting those materials quickly.
I got really lucky overnight and got 4 of the Frosty Metals, which were the last materials I needed. I have now crafted the Deep Freeze Base.
I'm not seeing any kind of special area boost in stats on this thing, so I expect when I get to the Hidden Deeps it's going to be a royal pain to catch anything. But, people on the forum were asking for hard and difficult so I guess this is gonna be it. (I haven't looked at spoilers, maybe it's not so bad.) In the Iceburg for what I would LOVE to be my last run. *continues grumbling at General Drheller*
If I do not nab Drheller this time, I'll start alternating Iceburg and Warpath runs. If I do nab him, I'll head back to the Warpath and return to the Iceburg for tournaments.
Got my spiked base crafted. I'm going to work on the deep freeze base next. Then go back and craft the hearthstone. Up to 2 Icewings.
Where'd everybody go?
Well, yesterday my team got a 2nd place finish in the Crystal Library. That was the last trophy I needed so now I have all of the tourny collectibles.
Anyways, here's the FBF review for today....
~Apparently people feel the Deep Mouse requires SB to catch him. The devs say that's not true. It's kind of like using SB in the Tower vs Gouda.
~They plan to run a fix so the Commander will drop more than one canister so people who collect traps can craft another Mk. II.
~Hey stwin!! They addressed your question. They have no concrete plans on adding ways to check your Tower and Warpath progress without actually traveling there but it's on their "list" and it's higher on the list rather than lower.
~Mobile site is broken. They hope to fix it soon.
~They do not currently have any plans to add more to the Iceburg. Not to say that they won't add more in the future, but for the time being, they're done.
~Art FBF next week.
~New content is not being worked on at this time, they're still deep in fixing technical issues. But Jacob is hoping to start working on the preliminary drafting soon for some stuff.
Lots more random babbling. This was pretty much it.
It's probably been a month since I last posted, as for progress, umm...not doing so well
I just started on my second run on Iceburg with MK II, and is lacking cold fusion to make anything else
My first run was an epic failure, I didn't get a single chest, but well, at least I finished
Anyways, Living Garden gonna be the new thing? It's due to come out near summer right?
Oh well, I missed like 30 pages and is too lazy to check