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[Closed] Mousehunt - Brie it on!!

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NarniaWeb Podcaster Moderator Emeritus

I'm a Grandmaster! :D Eeeee! Oh, and I got my first mice checkmark for the Shadow mice in the Moz. :D ;) I'm in the Training Grounds now and hunting for that Bazaar Ticket. I stocked up on cheese crafting supplies; hopefully I have enough to see me through for awhile.

I plan and stay in Furoma for the forseeable future since I imagine it will take me while to get through all the rooms and get my Ambush.

Posted : June 4, 2012 10:54 am
NarniaWeb Newbie

Just got my Silver Base from a three day Forgotten Tournament. Came sixth. 33 Tokens :D

Oddly enough, I'm not feeling tired, though it's been three hours since it ended. Time to finish my Warpath run.

11:34 am - Fiery Warpath
I crafted 1 Sphynx Wrath and learned the recipe to make: Sphynx Wrath!

I have now got around 250 rumble from the Mysterious Boxes, and 300+ of each master cheese.


Posted : June 4, 2012 5:41 pm
Member Moderator Emeritus

I'm at 1,075 feet on Hunt #194 in the Iceberg. I am probably not going to make the first chest this time, but I think I'll get the last two. This Remote Detonator Base is really helping. I think once I get the Mk. II (which will be somewhere in the next few weeks once I can farm enough Wire Spools) I'll have a nice quick run. :)


apparently you don't need to have all three chests remaining to have a shot at Icewing, just one.

Congrats to everyone who has leveled up, completed a goal, caught a mouse or added a new trap/base!

"All the world will be your enemy, Prince with a Thousand Enemies. And when they catch you, they will kill you. But first they must catch you..."
Inexhaustible Inspiration

6689 posts from forum 1.0

Posted : June 5, 2012 2:30 am
The Logical Ornithological Mod Moderator Emeritus

I am doing MUCH better this run than I did last time! That magnet base sure does help things out. Currently at a depth of 1,044 feet on hunt #190. So, like Eli, I probably won't nab the first chest this time through, but I'll likely nab the other two. Time will tell!

I've decided to finish this run without crafting the Steam Laser Mk. II, just because I so desperately need bottled cold fusion. I've got all of the BCF needed for the trap, but I'd like to have the spiked base too, and by putting off the crafting of it, I might be able to get it before too long.

Member of Ye Olde NarniaWeb

Posted : June 5, 2012 5:41 am
Member Admin

I'm a Grandmaster! :D

Way to go Gymmie!!! :D Congrats!

@Deconsecrate, way to go on your Sphynx Wrath and Silver Base!! :D Very cool. So when your team does those three day tournaments, do you have a worldwide group where someone is always sounding the horn, and you just wake up every hour to keep yourself signed in? Or do you all stay up for the whole thing?
I'm a wimp and value sleep over doing well in those tournaments. ;)) Top 25% is all I ever hope for.

I am doing MUCH better this run than I did last time! That magnet base sure does help things out.

The Magnet Base is definitely the one piece that I've noticed makes a huge improvement in the Iceburg runs, though I haven't even come close to getting through the Tunnels as quickly as you did.

Currently at 1555ft - #235. The end of the Bombing Run is in sight. :)

Topic starter Posted : June 5, 2012 8:22 am
The Wandering, Wild & Welcoming Winged Wolf Hospitality Committee

I'm currently working on getting the mystic queen with an amplifier of 81% I have 64 pieces of cheese and 46 charms. Hopefully I'll successfully complete this run.

Edit: caught the queen, amplifier currently at 57%

"The mountains are calling and I must go, and I will work on while I can, studying incessantly." -John Muir
"Be cunning, and full of tricks, and your people will never be destroyed." -Richard Adams, Watership Down

Posted : June 5, 2012 9:37 am
NarniaWeb Guru

Currently in the Training Grounds making money. Thinking about crafting the Huntington soon. I need about 60 Bolts of Cloth and 94 Coils of Rope though. Can anyone help, or have pointers on where to go to get this stuff? ;;)

"To the Great Western Wood, I give you...."

Posted : June 5, 2012 12:45 pm
Member Admin

Yeah, you can buy both items from Great Gnarled Tree General Store. :)

Topic starter Posted : June 5, 2012 12:46 pm
NarniaWeb Podcaster Moderator Emeritus

Random, but if anyone still has free gifts to give, I'd really love some Gnarled potions. ;)) For some reason I have had the hardest time getting drops for those, and since I want to do some Whisker Woods tourneys in the future, I'm going to need all I can get my hands on, lol.

In other news, I did a Moz tourney today and we finished in 8th. :) I'm now 15/25 tokens for my Bronze base, woo hoo! I'm already signed up to do a Lab tourney tomorrow; so hopefully we do well there for more tokens. So far I've placed in the top 25% in each tourney; it would be nice to move up a bit, even if it were just for the collectables, haha.

Right now I'm in the Bazaar, waiting for my map piece to finish mending. I'm just waiting it out, although I did catch one Burglar which was nice. I'd like to get a few more if I can, for the Guilded, but we'll see.

I also did a shopping spree in the GS, for all the Furoma cheese madness. Afterwards I looked up some Furoma guides and realized that I way overbought. ;)) Whoops. Oh well, at least I won't need to buy cheese crafting supplies for awhile!

I may head back to the Moz overnight for the gold, since I have a LOT that I need to get for my Cats repair and Ambush trap. I'm starting to get to that point in the game where one must actively farm gold, haha. Kind of boring, but it is what it is! I'm getting close to silvering a handful of mice though, so that's nice.

Posted : June 5, 2012 2:33 pm
Member Moderator Emeritus

Here's a quick Iceberg area update for me:

1,392 feet at Hunt #245. Definitely not making the Treasure Chest this run.

1 BCF, 0 Wire Spools, 15 Frosty Metals, and 25 Heating Oils

Missing Living Salt, Frostlance Guard, and Icewing

12 Bronze Crowns, 1 Silver Crown. Several of the Bronze Crowns are nearing Silver, and I'm one away from Bronzing the Heavy Blaster.

"All the world will be your enemy, Prince with a Thousand Enemies. And when they catch you, they will kill you. But first they must catch you..."
Inexhaustible Inspiration

6689 posts from forum 1.0

Posted : June 5, 2012 2:46 pm
The Wandering, Wild & Welcoming Winged Wolf Hospitality Committee

Amplifier's at 25%- still no king, though I've attracted him once... I'm gonna fight til the very end on this one, so I'd better catch him soon

Edit: I finally nabbed the Advanced Research Assignment, but I'm headed for the slushy Shoreline to acquire supplies.

"The mountains are calling and I must go, and I will work on while I can, studying incessantly." -John Muir
"Be cunning, and full of tricks, and your people will never be destroyed." -Richard Adams, Watership Down

Posted : June 5, 2012 6:43 pm
Member Admin

wolf, congrats on your Mystic King Mouse!! :D

I just wrapped up Iceburg run #3. Nabbed the Icewing Mouse (yay), crafted the Mark III (yaaaay), and the Spiked Base (woohoo!!!).
Completed the run on hunt number 304 (my best yet), so I'm getting better but still missing that elusive Treasure Chest. We'll see if the Spiked Base improves my next run at all.
So here's my updated checklist.

~Have a good run and get that stupid third chest :P
~Have a bad run and get the Living Salt Mouse (though stwin tells me that the devs plan to add another way to get this mouse without having a bad run?)
~Catch General Drheller
~Craft the Hearthstone Base

And after that, I will have completed all that there is to do in the Iceburg I think. Unless they add/added something else I'm not aware of.

ETA: I need to mention that one of my favorite things about this new area is the way they sort of walk you through it. You still have to figure some things out on your own, but you are not required to run to the Wiki or the MH forums to know how to get through it. I like that quite a lot, so a big two thumbs up from me on that one.

Topic starter Posted : June 6, 2012 5:07 am
The Wandering, Wild & Welcoming Winged Wolf Hospitality Committee

I'm have a very hard time getting drops in the Slushy Shoreline... all I'm getting is War Scraps. Am I missing anything... I might switch to my Dragon Jade Base...

"The mountains are calling and I must go, and I will work on while I can, studying incessantly." -John Muir
"Be cunning, and full of tricks, and your people will never be destroyed." -Richard Adams, Watership Down

Posted : June 6, 2012 9:52 am
The Logical Ornithological Mod Moderator Emeritus

I just made it into the Mad Depths. Doing pretty well thus far. I'll definitely get the second two chests!

1604 #288

Member of Ye Olde NarniaWeb

Posted : June 6, 2012 1:54 pm
NarniaWeb Podcaster Moderator Emeritus

Random, but there's a 3h Whisker Woods tourney tomorrow afternoon. I know a few of you expressed interest, so I thought I'd ask if anyone wanted to do it with me. :)

Posted : June 6, 2012 2:32 pm
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