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[Closed] MotW: Princess Anna

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Princess Anna
NarniaWeb Junkie

I had fun reading yours, Cor! :)

Hey, guys! Been awhile since I've done this, huh? Let's see if anything's changed!

Oh, and please remember the new rules:

*This topic's purpose is to get to know a mod, so please consider your questions rather than just randomly rhyming them off
*a maximum of 5 questions per post; once you have posted, you cannot post again for 48 hours
*6 members can post questions each day. Once that limit has been reached, no more questions until the next day.


Name: Andrea

Nickname(s): Are we talking online and offline?
On Nweb: PA, Anna, and Pippin (aka Pip) are the most common. But also... Princess, Penn(y), and Ecy. (I think that's all of them?)

Personal info: Whaddya want to know?
Umm, I still live at home with my parents and younger sister (who is 26). I'm a PK... yes, even in adulthood. (what? daddy hasn't retired yet!) Oh, and I consider my friends to be my siblings. Anything beyond that... I don't know what to say.

Professional info: Moderator here on Nweb, and an aspiring author.

Physical Stats:
5'2'' (I think)
brown hair (long, atm) & brown eyes (& have glasses)
naturally pale (I don't tan... I burn :p )

Most embarrassing moment in last 12 months:
Umm... don't know? I do stupid stuff all the time. :p

History on Narniaweb:
Found it: Sometime before the children were cast (so, pre-LWW)
Joined the forum: Sept. 10th, 2005
Became a part of the newly formed Ditto Welcome Wagon: I forget
DWW died out/Got promoted to mod of DT: August 16, 2006
Switched to modding FA, per my own request: *will edit answer in*

What I like best about NarniaWeb:
Gotta say "the people". As I've no doubt said countless times... I came for the books and films, but stayed for the friends I made. :)

Rule most often forgotten by me:
Oh, gosh... probably double posting or staying on topic.

Favorite NW memory:
Wow, this is hard. Maybe the April Fools' Day pranks? But it's probably not just limited to those. I mean, how can you rank all those priceless conversations, prayers, and memories? How can one rate the sense of family and belonging? Simple answer: you can't ;)

Topic starter Posted : March 13, 2013 1:08 pm
NarniaWeb Zealot

Yay for PA! :D

So. Let's start the question asking. B-)

Question # 1. Who is your favorite character from any TV show/movie/book? I know it's hard to pick but... look on the bright side. This question isn't nearly as hard as...

Question #2. Who is your favorite character from your own books? :-o Yes, being an author myself, I do realize this might be impossible to answer. So... If worst comes to worst, tell me out of all of your favorite characters you've made, which one has been on your mind most recently?

Question #3. If you were told that you had to write a book draaaastically different from any sort of book/plot/genre you've done in the past, what would it be about?

Question #4. (Yup, this one's about books too) Are there any characters from a book or show, etc. that you wish you had created, and if so, who are they? (I ask because it has happened to me in the past. When I see a great character in a show or book I get jealous. )

Question #5. You can make any TV show become completely real. Which one and why?

~Riella =:)

Posted : March 13, 2013 1:37 pm
Princess Anna
NarniaWeb Junkie

You would start it off with hard questions! =))

Question # 1. Who is your favorite character from any TV show/movie/book? I know it's hard to pick but... look on the bright side. This question isn't nearly as hard as...

Ironically, I think question #2 is the easiest of the bunch! That said, back to this one... :-?

*will edit the answer in*

Question #2. Who is your favorite character from your own books? :-o Yes, being an author myself, I do realize this might be impossible to answer.

So... If worst comes to worst, tell me out of all of your favorite characters you've made, which one has been on your mind most recently?

Funnily enough, the answer to both is the same person. *hears something* Wait...
*drags the eavesdropping terribles from the door, and throws them ALL in a large soundproof room*

Don't want them getting mad at me. ;))
Promise not to tattle on me? I don't want to shut down a riot later. 8-| Yes, you promise? Awesome! #:-s

And the answer is... *drumroll please* ... Walter R. McAllister

Question #3. If you were told that you had to write a book draaaastically different from any sort of book/plot/genre you've done in the past, what would it be about?

Oh, gosh... I don't know! There are quite a few you all don't know about. Not to mention, my Stolwood books might touch on more than one genre... not sure. I guess I'll have to think about this one too!

Question #4. (Yup, this one's about books too) Are there any characters from a book or show, etc. that you wish you had created, and if so, who are they? (I ask because it has happened to me in the past. When I see a great character in a show or book I get jealous. )

Re it being about books: as one of my characters is wont to say "Shocker" :p

Hmm... I know there have been songs I've felt I could have written, that seemed so... "me". But books or shows? That's hard. Yep, that's right... I have to think about it. #-o

Question #5. You can make any TV show become completely real. Which one and why?

I think I have an idea... but I'm not entirely sure yet. Give me a little bit.

Ok, I'm thinking TNG.
1) I wanna fly the Enterprise and work in engineering!
2) I've always wanted to hang out with that crew.
3) And this is the reason that will interest you...
If I had the holodeck, not only could I make this one real, I could make all the others "real". (for awhile, at least) This is the only choice where I could get them all. Any other show, and I'd be stuck with just the one. ;) =))

So, don't forget to keep checking the previous posts... I might just come up with answers for them all! ;)

Topic starter Posted : March 13, 2013 2:32 pm
Member Moderator

1. Which Narnia book is your favorite?
2. What are your five favorite non-Narnia works of fiction?
3. What is your favorite restaurant?
4. What is your favorite cuisine?
5. What is your favorite season?

But all night, Aslan and the Moon gazed upon each other with joyful and unblinking eyes.

Posted : March 13, 2013 2:41 pm
Princess Anna
NarniaWeb Junkie

Easy questions, YAY!!! Thanks!

1. Which Narnia book is your favorite?

Most likely, Prince Caspian. But I really do love all seven fairly equally. :)

2. What are your five favorite non-Narnia works of fiction?

Not in any particular order (or maybe a slight one), it is:
a) Little Men (and Little Women too)
b) The Neverending Story
c) Escape to Witch Mountain
d) the Little House books (hey, I had to lump them together!!)
e) The Outsiders

And that's just the tip of the iceburg. There are more than that. Those are just the ones off the top of my head... that tend to make the top 100 more often than others. FYI- I think Les Mis would have easily made this list, if I'd have finished it already. ;)

3. What is your favorite restaurant?

Can I say more than one? I have more than one. But if I'm only allowed to say one... maybe Chevy's?

4. What is your favorite cuisine?

my guess is Mexican or Italian. or old family recipes.
(let me know if that isn't what you were asking)

5. What is your favorite season?

In general I love all four, for different reasons. That said, my most favourite things to do, happen in the Fall and Summer. ;)

Topic starter Posted : March 13, 2013 2:56 pm
Member Hospitality Committee

First round of (easy mode) questions:

1. Pepsi or Coke?

2. Favorite flavor ice cream?

3. Favorite book you've read in 2013?

4. Favorite cartoon?

5. Favorite boy/girl name?

Sig by the Wonderful wolfloversk

Posted : March 13, 2013 4:09 pm
Mushroom mushroom Hospitality Committee

1. How did you react to being asked to mod?
2. How do you feel about the name Matthew? ;))
3. If you had to change your name, what would you choose?
4. Your Myers-Briggs personality profile?
5. First memory of me. >8]


Posted : March 13, 2013 4:30 pm
Princess Anna
NarniaWeb Junkie

1. Pepsi or Coke?

I like both, but probably pepsi.

2. Favorite flavor ice cream?

chocolate, strawberry, or orange sherbert ;)
(but I don't think it's limited to just those)

3. Favorite book you've read in 2013?

To be honest, I haven't really read too much so far this year. Does continuing my reading through the Bible count? :)

4. Favorite cartoon?

Current or growing up?
If current: Ben 10 (every series) or Ultimate Spider-man

5. Favorite boy/girl name?

I have to choose ONE?! I'm the girl that has read the baby name book for fun several times! :)) Hmm...

1. How did you react to being asked to mod?

It felt good, but to be honest I wasn't really surprised. (I have my reasons for that, but I'll have to think on whether or not I want to reveal them)

2. How do you feel about the name Matthew? ;))

I love it! (Would I name one of my main characters that if I didn't?) And you wouldn't believe how many people I've known with the name too! (mostly friends, some classmates that I didn't know well, and even bullies!) I'd even be willing to bet that it's one of the top 20 names for guys of my generation! (I'd say "of when I was born", but I know plenty of current high schoolers with that name too)

3. If you had to change your name, what would you choose?

Oddly enough, I'm not sure! (I say oddly enough, because as a kid I changed it all the time... at home. at school I was still going by my actual name. ;)) I mean, try explaining that to a teacher!)

4. Your Myers-Briggs personality profile?

I'm an INFJ :) (as for temperaments... some mixture of Sanguine and Melancholic. But I see quite a lot of Phlegmatic in me too... more of that than sanguine, actually)

5. First memory of me. >8]

Oh, gosh... I don't know!

edited to say:
Ok, I'm going to bed now. So, anything that comes after this will get answered tomorrow. Thanks to all those who have asked questions already! It's been fun so far! :)

Topic starter Posted : March 13, 2013 4:46 pm
NarniaWeb Nut

I has just one question. :P

What musical/play (that you have been in) have you really enjoyed?


Icon by me. Sister: Aslanisthebest
Every time I think of a quote or witty comment to put here, the quote is not so spectacular and the comment is not so witty.

Posted : March 13, 2013 6:17 pm
Maiden of Monday Madness Moderator

Hey, Princess, what's with being MotW when I'm going to be gone? /:)

Here's five questions for now, but if this thread is still open when I get back. Well, you had better be ready! ;)

1. How many states have you been to?
2. Favorite state?
3. Favorite place in Missouri?
4. Favorite sports team? :D
5. Do you like cookie dough?

Christ is King.

Posted : March 15, 2013 8:08 am
Princess Anna
NarniaWeb Junkie

Before I go on, let me remind you all of a fact about me... I'm VERY indecisive. And have always had trouble picking just ONE favourite anything. The lowest I can go is "top five", usually. So, good luck with all those "fave ____" questions! :))

CSLN- Nothing wrong with just having one! And I'm sorry it's taken me awhile to get back to ya... I was waiting for more people to post.

What musical/play (that you have been in) have you really enjoyed?

Hmm... great question!
Obviously each holds a special place in my heart, for different reasons. But if I absolutely had to choose... I'd have to make a top three (like at the olympics). And yes, I had a hard time doing even this... I wish I could make a top five or more!

1) Redhead (2009)
-It was the most challenging role I've had to date... and as much as I love being in the chorus, I want to grow as an actress. And most of my roles don't give me the feeling I'm improving. This one actually stretched me. :D
2) Oliver! (2010)
-Although I feel (and we all state) that our theatre group is a family with every show... it's never been more apparent than during this show. I don't know if it was because of my injury, or would have been anyway... but there ya go. "Anything For You" and "Consider Yourself" really were like our theme songs. Besides, I always loved this show anyway. ;)
3) Sound of Music (2002)
-It was my first show... the one that got me hooked on acting in the first place. And to top it all off? I got to do it with my best friends! It was one last hurrah before the three of them moved. And, even more crazy than that? I wasn't even originally cast... so it was a total God thing that I got to do it! :D

SnowAngel- Were you trying to fit in a sixth question? [-x :p
Anyway, me going now is what was best for the other mods. ;)

1. How many states have you been to?

uhh... I'll have to check and get back to you. That's not the sort of question one can answer off the top of one's head. ;))

2. Favorite state?

Gosh, I don't know. I mean, God's whole creation is amazing. And I have lived in four incredible states... and visited many other awesome ones. Narrowing down to just one might be impossible. ;)

3. Favorite place in Missouri?

My guess? St. Louis... but that's a given. :p
(that said, I've not been to all of Missouri, so the question is kinda moot)

4. Favorite sports team? :D

Depends... does it have to be just one overall team? Fictional or real? All sports in general, or in each sport? You should have been more specific. :p

5. Do you like cookie dough?

Duh! Doesn't everyone? :))

Sorry for all the smilies... I really need to break that habit. (but they help convey emotion so well!!) Keep the questions coming, guys... they're so much fun to think about!

Topic starter Posted : March 15, 2013 11:01 am
Liberty Hoffman
NarniaWeb Master

- what is your favorite band?
- what is your favorite snack?
- red or blue?
- :) or :D
- what is your favorite food?

NW sister - wild rose ~ NW big sis - ramagut
Born in the water
Take quick to the trees
I want all that You are

Posted : March 15, 2013 11:13 am
Princess Anna
NarniaWeb Junkie

Ok... looks like nobody else's gonna step up, so it's on to Libby's!!

- what is your favorite band?

First, let me state that I'm a music geek... spent jr high-college thinking I'd be a choir teacher. I have loads of favourite bands, solo artists, composers, and such.

That said, the one band that I talk about (and listen to) the most, would be the best a cappella group in the world... Breath of Soul. ;))

For a taste of their sound, click either one of the links in my sig. (that is, if you're curious and haven't already) ;)

- what is your favorite snack?

uhh... no idea. Depends on the definition of "snack", time of the day, what's in the house, what I'd like to be in the house... etc. 8-|

- red or blue?

Ha! Those are both two of my favourites (the others being green and yellow). That said, out of the two... at this phase of my life... blue. But that could totally be different in a few years. ;))

- :) or :D

I like both, but pretty sure it's: :D

- what is your favorite food?

default answer: pizza
in truth: no idea... I like too much stuff! ;))

Topic starter Posted : March 15, 2013 1:01 pm
SO mod; WC captain Moderator

I haven't read through all the questions, so hope none are repeats:

1) Are you a morning person or a night owl?
2) What is your favourite book at this time?
3) Do you enjoying reading more than watching TV or the other way 'round?
4) What is one dream of yours that you would love to see come to fruition?
5) Do you like olives?

Signature by Narnian_Badger, thanks! (2013)
7,237 posts from Forum 1.0

Posted : March 16, 2013 8:38 am
Mushroom mushroom Hospitality Committee

1. Yes or no?
2. Right or left?
3. Up or down?
4. Black or white?
5. In or out?

mwahahahaha... abstract questions. >8]


Posted : March 16, 2013 9:00 am
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