83. You like Monk! What are your favorite episodes?
84. Who is your favorite Monk character?
85. Do you like any other USA original series?
86. Even though llama kisses are the best, would you accept one from an alpaca as well?
87. If you could live anywhere (fictional or real) where would it be?
Avi by Visionsbeyond/Awesome sig by Flambeau! NW Sis:Jay
LiveJournal (not really too terribly empty anymore )
Team Hoodie!!
Oven fries are similar to your favourite dish, I believe, only baked. The maple syrup was simply the oddest thing I could think of at the moment.
88. If you put ketchup on French Fries, why would you not put them on mashed potatoes?
89. What is your favourite Enya song?
90. What is your least favourite Enya song?
91-92. Rinse and repeat the last two, substituting Loreena McKennit for Enya
93. Do you dream about NarniaWeb?
94. If so, are you ever very glad that the posts you read were just a dream?
We have hands that fashion and heads that know,
But our hearts we lost - how long ago! -- G. K. Chesterton
56. Which foreign language would you most like to learn?
57. If you could control one element (fire, water, or be creative with what constitutes an "element"), which element would you want to master?
58. What is your favorite Winter Olympics event?
59. Which Winter Olympics event do you think needs more love?
60. Who is your favorite Prydain character?
56. I'd love to be fluent in French, but it's never going to happen *sigh*
57. I'd be much more interested in controling people, but I guess I'd say water.
58. I'm afraid I'm really not interested in the Olympics, and no nothing a bout them
59. Ditto
60. Eilonwy, and Taran. The I found the Bard...I can't remember his name, but the one with the harp strings, you know? to be quite amusing!
61. If you could change your username to anything you want, what would you change it to?
62. What's the best job you've ever had?
61. I guess Val, even tho it's short its what I'm used to being called.
62. Um..I haven't had my best job yet, I don't think. I've only ever worked one place.
63. What makes llama kisses so great?
64. Does this admittance of llama loving kisses come from a first hand experience?
65. If so, when was the first/last time you were kissed by a llama?
66. Was this a mouth-to-mouth kiss or a mouth-to-cheek experience? (Don't mean to strangely nosy, but I am trying to understand this weird obsession.
67. Do you have reservations about puppy kisses?
68. Do you think a woodchuck could kiss if a woodchuck wasn't busy figuring out if it could chuck wood?
69. You mentioned once in the Actor/Actress thread that you are a fan of Paul Bettany. *high-fives Val*
What is your favorite movie of his?
70. Have you watched the Da Vinci Code only because Bettany was in it? (I did, and I wasn't disappointed by Bettany's performance but I didn't like so much the rest of the story. Not because of that whole (weird) conspiracy theory about Christ being married, but so much as I thought it was a kind of rip off of National Treasure. Although I did watch Angels and Demons before watching DVC and I liked it better than its prequel.)
71. Which actor and actress that is popular today can you not stand to watch for a single moment even if you are really interested in the movie?
72. CHALLENGE!! I challenge you to go onto 20q and have 20q try to guess a popular NWeb phrase(s). Tell us how many guesses it takes or if it fails completely. For inspriation purposes, I suggest cozy slippers, Abraham Lincoln, and Madcap Sirens as very possible candidates.
63. They're not wet, they're warm and soft. REALLY soft! Plus llamas are super cute.
64. Yup!
65. Sadly, a few years ago :'(
66. Probably mouth-to-cheek kiss.
67. Yes. I'd rather they didn't kiss me, especially on the mouth!
68. I'd rather not kiss a woodchuck.
69. Definetly Inkheart! He is AMAZING as Dustfinger, just AMAZING.
70. I haven't seen it, although now that you remind me that he's in it, I want to!
71. Hm....good question. I really can't stand Bradley Cooper, not that I've seen him anything really, he just REALLY bugs me whenever I think of him. Nicholas Cage too, probably.
72. That is such a cool site! I wasn't really sure how to do "phrases", so I went under movies and did LWW. Here's how long it took:
Q22. I am guessing that you were thinking of The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe?
Right, Wrong, Close
21. Is it popular with children? Yes.
20. I guessed that you were thinking of Tristan and Isolde? Wrong.
19. Is it set during a war? Yes.
18. Does it have psychotic characters? No.
17. I guessed that you were thinking of Atonement? Wrong.
16. Is it British? Yes.
15. Was it nominated for an award? Probably.
14. Is it one of your top five favorite things? Probably.
13. Is it set in Europe? Yes.
12. Is it set in America? No.
11. Is it stylish? Irrelevant.
10. Is it a tearjerker? Probably.
9. Is it animated? No.
8. Was it made after the year 2000? Yes.
7. Is it part of a trilogy? No.
6. Is it a spoof? No.
5. Is it mainly about one character? No.
4. Does it involve someone on the run? Doubtful.
3. Is it eerie? No.
2. Does it involve fighting? Yes.
1. Is it about friends? Irrelevant.
I also tried doing Prince Caspian, and it failed to come up with an answer.
73. What genre of music is your favorite?
74.Snow or rain?
75.Rain or shine?
76.John Keats or Henry Wadsworth Longfellow?
73. Probably soundtracks, if that can be considered a genre.
74. Rain, I'm not a fan of snow! (unfortunatly we have a lot right now!)
75. Shine, but I'm not against having a rainy day once in a while to break things up a bit.
76. John Keats, probably. I'm not super familiair with either, I'm afriad.
77.Do you remember the first avatar you ever had on NarniaWeb?
78. How organized are you?
79.What was your first pet?
80. What were the best and worst parts about working in a kennel?
81. Pet peeves?
82. What do you do to cheer up when you're feeling down?
77. Yup! It was from the promo pic of Lucy in the wardrobe peeking out.
78. Like I said to someone, Aly,I believe further up the page, I like to have "organized caos".
79. Before I was born, my parents had two cats called Casey and Sam, they stayed with us for a long time. My first pet of MY OWN was a lamb I called Trixie
80. The best was getting to see so many different dog breeds, and working with the animals. The worst was having to get up super early, and just the fact that when you're working with animals, things can get pretty insane.
81. The TV on while I'm trying to sleep. My bedroom is directly above our living room and the ceiling must be really thin. Also, when my Dad is snoring and I'm trying to sleep. Basically any noise when I'm trying to sleep . Oh, and when I'm driving somewhere with someone and they have the radio on, but you can barely hear it. I always say "Turn it up or turn it off!"
82. I clean my room, I watch a movie, I write in my journal.
83. You like Monk! What are your favorite episodes?
84. Who is your favorite Monk character?
85. Do you like any other USA original series?
86. Even though llama kisses are the best, would you accept one from an alpaca as well?
87. If you could live anywhere (fictional or real) where would it be?
83. I really liked the episode where he had to go to Group Therapy.
85. Randy, for sure. Then Natalie.
85. What do you mean by "USA original" series...?
86. Not sure. I guess, if I couldn't get my hands on an llama.
87. Paris! If I could speak French, that is.
Oven fries are similar to your favourite dish, I believe, only baked. The maple syrup was simply the oddest thing I could think of at the moment.
88. If you put ketchup on French Fries, why would you not put them on mashed potatoes?
89. What is your favourite Enya song?
90. What is your least favourite Enya song?
91-92. Rinse and repeat the last two, substituting Loreena McKennit for Enya
93. Do you dream about NarniaWeb?
94. If so, are you ever very glad that the posts you read were just a dream?
88. Um...because it just doesn't WORK that way! Anyway, I usually don't put ketchup on my fries.
89. Hmm...probably anything off the Watermark album
90. Okay, I really can't think of an Enya song I dislike!
91-92 Well, I love The Old Ways, The Highwayman, The Standing Stones, The Lady of Shallot, Bonny Swans, and Marrakesh Night Market.
And again, I can't really think of one I dislike. I generally don't prefer the ones without lyrics, though.
93. Yup, and I had a NW related dream last night! I was flying to visit someone...it was either Valia, and DTR, or Flam and Djaq. They'd mailed me this questionare to fill out on the plane. It had all these questions about stuff like "Does anything annoy you? Does Keira Knightley annoy you?" and I was drawing in little pictures as my answers.
94. whhhat? Does this mean I've just typed this all out for nothing?
"Imperfection is beauty, madness is genius, and it's better to be absolutely ridiculous than absolutely boring." Marilyn Monroe
Generic LOST questions: (use spoilers as appropriate)
95. Who is your favorite character still living?
96. Who is your favorite character who has died?
97. Which is your favorite complete season so far?
98. What did one snowman say to the other snowman?
Other random questions:
99. What is your favorite season?
100. Sunrise or sunset?
101. Full Moon or crescent?
102. Ocean or mountains?
103. What is your favorite vacation spot (that you've already visited)?
But all night, Aslan and the Moon gazed upon each other with joyful and unblinking eyes.
Llama kisses?? That sounds awesome, I love it when our dog gives kisses. He comes into my room in the morning and licks my face sometimes, nice wake up call.
Have you read Mary Higgins Clark? I can't remember. Anyway, I watched the TV movie of her All Around the Town, and though the acting wasn't quite up to par, the evangelist dude and when Laurie starts going psycho, oh my word it creeped me out!
avy by narniagirl90
These are by and large fashion related
104. What's your favorite place to shop?
105. Do you have a favorite designer?
106. Have you ever read Tavi Gevinson's blog ( http://tavi-thenewgirlintown.blogspot.com/ )? If not, I think you'd like it.
107. How did you find Trixie the lamb, behaviour wise? I raised two lambs and they were rebellious little beasts, I used to have to stop them from beating the guard dog up and climbing up the feed bins, over the 6ft fence and into the neighbours garden. I once believed that lambs were quiet, gentle things, but that was before one stole my lunch without so much as a how'd-you-do.
There is a crack in everything, that's how the light gets in.
95. Who is your favorite character still living?
96. Who is your favorite character who has died?
97. Which is your favorite complete season so far?
98. What did one snowman say to the other snowman?
Other random questions:
99. What is your favorite season?
100. Sunrise or sunset?
101. Full Moon or crescent?
102. Ocean or mountains?
103. What is your favorite vacation spot (that you've already visited)?
95. Sawyer! He's the best
97. Season 1 or season 5.
98. You know...I actually don't know this. I remember it being on the show tho. What's the answer, and the signifigance of it?
99. Fall
100. Sunrise, although I'm a night person.
101. Full moon, although I've recently discovered I have trouble sleeping during a full moon.
102. Ocean
103. I've never really been officially on vacation. I used to go to my Gramma's cottage when I was younger, but she no longer has it.
104. Have you read Mary Higgins Clark?
104. Noo...I haven't. What kind of books does she write?
105. What's your favorite place to shop?
106. Do you have a favorite designer?
107. Have you ever read Tavi Gevinson's blog ( http://tavi-thenewgirlintown.blogspot.com/ )? If not, I think you'd like it.
108. How did you find Trixie the lamb, behaviour wise? I raised two lambs and they were rebellious little beasts, I used to have to stop them from beating the guard dog up and climbing up the feed bins, over the 6ft fence and into the neighbours garden. I once believed that lambs were quiet, gentle things, but that was before one stole my lunch without so much as a how'd-you-do.
105. Well, I generally shop at H&M and Forever21...but I'd *like* to shop at Anthropologie and French Connection.
106. I reallyreally like Burberry. And I usually like what Anna Sui and Chanel do.
107. I have heard of her, but never read her blog, thanks for the link! I'm adding it to my bookmarks!
108. She basically thought I was her mother, and she was a human, so she was super-well behaved. I would agree though, that sheep aren't as docile as they look. Trixie's one weakness was food (she was super fat, too), and if she got into the grain bin it was IMPOSSIBLE to pull her out. Also, the sheep would be CONSTANTLY escaping from their pens/fields.
"Imperfection is beauty, madness is genius, and it's better to be absolutely ridiculous than absolutely boring." Marilyn Monroe
Re: "USA original"--Monk was shown on USA Network here in the US, but probably in Canada you got it on another station. Their other original shows include Psych and House (neither of which I can enlighten you much on).
109. Considering any future careers?
110. If you could take any kind of class at all, what would it be?
111. Familiar with any Shakespeare?
112. Have you ever read the Queen's Thief series?
113. You used to write. Do you anymore?
114. Did you ever get to see the last episode of Monk?
115. Could anyone ever convince you to see the 1995 version of P&P?
116. What were some of your favorite books as a child (that you haven't mentioned already)?
117. Any favorite movies as a child?
"May I ask to what these questions tend?"
"Merely to the illustration of your character," said she, endeavouring to shake off her gravity. "I am trying to make it out."
109. Considering any future careers?
110. If you could take any kind of class at all, what would it be?
111. Familiar with any Shakespeare?
112. Have you ever read the Queen's Thief series?
113. You used to write. Do you anymore?
114. Did you ever get to see the last episode of Monk?
115. Could anyone ever convince you to see the 1995 version of P&P?
116. What were some of your favorite books as a child (that you haven't mentioned already)?
117. Any favorite movies as a child?
109. Yes, considering. But undecided.
110. Hm. Perhaps a professional class in the art of makeup...or a self defence course...or a Criminal Profiling course.
111. I suppose. I mean, I know the storyline of many of the plays. But I've never actually read a play through.
112. I read The Thief, and enjoyed it. I couldn't really "get into" the others for some reason.
113. I still write regularly in my journal, but otherwise, no. I probably will again someday, I just don't feel any inspiration for it right now.
114. No! I didn't...thanks for reminding me I did read a detailed summary of it, though, so I know what happens.
115. Probably not. Sorry!
116. Hmm...I liked the American Girl books, the Dear Canada books, Trixie Belden books, Steven Diamond books, Little House on the Praire books, um a lot of E. Nesbit's books, Ginger Pye, The Melendy books...
117. We weren't exposed to many movies, if we got to see one it was considered an IMMENSE treat. I liked "Heidi", and was OBSESSED with "Born Free".
"Imperfection is beauty, madness is genius, and it's better to be absolutely ridiculous than absolutely boring." Marilyn Monroe
(Question 98 on the LOST snowman joke - the answer is "Smells like carrots." It appeared in a couple episodes in seasons 1 and 2. The season 2 DVD has an Easter egg of Dominic Monaghan telling it to cast and crew).
And for a few additional questions:
118. Thick or thin crust pizza?
119. What is your favorite dessert?
120. Do you prefer dark, milk, or white chocolate (or none at all)?
121. What is your favorite holiday?
122. Do you have a favorite constellation?
123. A favorite planet?
But all night, Aslan and the Moon gazed upon each other with joyful and unblinking eyes.
85. What do you mean by "USA original" series...?
Other series originally made by USA (the channel that produced and showed Monk) like Psych, White Collar, Burn Notice
124. Do you like Thunderstorms/Snowstorms?
Avi by Visionsbeyond/Awesome sig by Flambeau! NW Sis:Jay
LiveJournal (not really too terribly empty anymore )
Team Hoodie!!
*goes over to Dennie's MotW thread and fetches her many questions*
(Several will be multiple choice; I hope that's allowed. And, I had a surviver guide when writing this, so there will be some questions in that area. )
1. Does a compass point to true north, or magnetic north?
2. What does a red sky in the morning indicate?
a. A storm is approaching.
b. Rain is unlikely.
c. There's a rainbow
3. If you haven't got a compass what is the best item to help you find your way?
a. An atlas.
b. A radio.
c. A watch.
4. When escaping a fire, feel the back of a door before opening it. If it feels warm, what should you do?
a. Open it and fan it to and fro to cool it down.
b. Open it a little to let some air in.
c. Leave it shut.
5. Do you have a special cursor on your computer?
6. Do you usually wear a watch?
7. Would you prefer to send a birthday card or an e-card?
8. Are you good at:
Making plans?
Making people laugh?
Chopping down trees?
9. Have you ever gone camping in a backyard?
10. Did you ever burn hot dogs in a bonfire?
11. Have you ever fallen off a trampoline?
12. Do you like having the heater on, or the air conditioning?
13. Do you have a trophy from something?
14. Do you know how to crochet?
15. Do you know how to fix a fuse on a circuit breaker?
16. What do you prefer swimming in: a pool, ocean, lake, or river?
17. Have you ever mowed your lawn before?
18. Cake or ice cream?
19. Do you prefer pens with caps or the ones that click?
20. Would you pick a pair of shoes you like, or would you pick a dress you like equally?
21. What do you collect?
22. What's your fav. day of the week?
23. Sandals or flip-flops?
24. How many book have you approximately read in your life?
25. Have you ever sat on a roof?
26. Windows with screens or fully opened?
27. Have you broken a pair of headphones before?
28. Have you laughed till you cried?
29. How old were you when you learned to read?
30. Have you watched the American Girl movies?
31. Mancala, or Checkers?
32. What is your favorite drink?
33. Have you ever tried White Chocolate Raspberry cheescake?
34. Do you like whipped cream or cream cheese?
35. Do you like cereal or hot cocoa?
36. Fruits or vegetables?
37. Pepper or salt?
38. When's the last time you talked on the phone?
39. What is your favorite type of dog?
40. If you could act in or direct a TV show, which would you choose?
41. If it was your own TV show, what would it be about?
42. If you could choose to go to and edible world, which would you choose: Candy World, Spicy World, Salty-food world,or Sour-food World?
45. Can you drive?
46. What song/sound are you listening to right now?
47. What's your favourite flower?
48. What is your favourite girl name?
49. What's your favourite boy name?
50. What is your favourite hymn?
51. Which word/phrase can you not live without?
52. Go a day without combing your hair, or go a day wearing something you don't like?
53. Would you like to see a real lion (from a protected area) or an elephant?
RL Sibling: CSLewisNarnia
I had to do it. The temptation was too great.
1. Have you ever heard the Llama Song?
2. Do you love the Llama Song?
3. What is your favorite line in the Llama Song?
4. Do purple elephants visit you regularly?
5. Favorite emoticon?
6. Would you come and visit me again, given the chance?
7. Am I allowed to come and visit you?
8. Favorite color button?
9. Did/Do you ever follow stories in Ditto Town?
10. Dream job?
11. Kittens or Cats?
12. What do you think of weasels?
13. What are your thoughts on the MLG?
14. ....?
15. Coloring pages or notebook paper?
16. How much wood could a wood chuck chuck if a wood chuck would chuck wood?
17. Are you fluent in Pig Latin? Be honest.
18. Which Lord of The Rings movie?
19. Cheesy Chick Flick or Sappy Tragedy Film?
20. What is your favorite kind of pencil?
"Let the music cast its spell,
give the atmosphere a chance.
Simply follow where I lead;
let me teach you how to dance."
118. Thick or thin crust pizza?
119. What is your favorite dessert?
120. Do you prefer dark, milk, or white chocolate (or none at all)?
121. What is your favorite holiday?
122. Do you have a favorite constellation?
123. A favorite planet?
118. Somewhere inbetween thick and thin.
119. Trifle!
120. I like dark or white over milk chocolate.
121. Is my birthday considered a holiday? No? Okay, Christmas then. It's the only holiday we get really excited about in Canada (Thanksgiving isn't a big deal).
122. I guess the big/little dipper, only because they're the only ones I a)know, and b)can find
123. Earth?
124. Does a compass point to true north, or magnetic north?
125. What does a red sky in the morning indicate?
a. A storm is approaching.
b. Rain is unlikely.
c. There's a rainbow126. If you haven't got a compass what is the best item to help you find your way?
a. An atlas.
b. A radio.
c. A watch.127. When escaping a fire, feel the back of a door before opening it. If it feels warm, what should you do?
a. Open it and fan it to and fro to cool it down.
b. Open it a little to let some air in.
c. Leave it shut.128. Do you have a special cursor on your computer?
129. Do you usually wear a watch?
130. Would you prefer to send a birthday card or an e-card?
131. Are you good at:
Making plans?
Making people laugh?
Chopping down trees?
132. Have you ever gone camping in a backyard?
133. Did you ever burn hot dogs in a bonfire?
134. Have you ever fallen off a trampoline?
135. Do you like having the heater on, or the air conditioning?
136. Do you have a trophy from something?
137. Do you know how to crochet?
138. Do you know how to fix a fuse on a circuit breaker?
139. What do you prefer swimming in: a pool, ocean, lake, or river?
140. Have you ever mowed your lawn before?
141. Cake or ice cream?
142. Do you prefer pens with caps or the ones that click?
143. Would you pick a pair of shoes you like, or would you pick a dress you like equally?
144. What do you collect?
145. What's your fav. day of the week?
146. Sandals or flip-flops?
147. How many book have you approximately read in your life?
148. Have you ever sat on a roof?
149. Windows with screens or fully opened?
150. Have you broken a pair of headphones before?
151. Have you laughed till you cried?
152. How old were you when you learned to read?
153. Have you watched the American Girl movies?
154. Mancala, or Checkers?
155. What is your favorite drink?
156. Have you ever tried White Chocolate Raspberry cheescake?
157. Do you like whipped cream or cream cheese?
158. Do you like cereal or hot cocoa?
159. Fruits or vegetables?
160. Pepper or salt?
161. When's the last time you talked on the phone?
162. What is your favorite type of dog?
163. If you could act in or direct a TV show, which would you choose?
164. If it was your own TV show, what would it be about?
165. If you could choose to go to and edible world, which would you choose: Candy World, Spicy World, Salty-food world,or Sour-food World?
166. Can you drive?
167. What song/sound are you listening to right now?
168. What's your favourite flower?
169. What is your favourite girl name?
170. What's your favourite boy name?
171. What is your favourite hymn?
172. Which word/phrase can you not live without?
173. Go a day without combing your hair, or go a day wearing something you don't like?
174. Would you like to see a real lion (from a protected area) or an elephant?
124. Umm...I have no idea. I'm going to guess...magnetic north?
125. the answer is a
126. I'm going to guess "c"
127. I'm guessing "c"
128. Nope.
129. Yes, I always wear a watch!
130. Birthday card, although e-cards can work.
131. Making plans, sometimes making people laugh. NOT good at chopping trees
132. Yes, as well as camping in our woods, and in our field.
133. Probably, but I don't actually remember.
134. I don't think so!
135. The heater. I'll only want AC if I've been walking or working outdoors in the HOT summer, otherwise I usually have pants/long sleeves on. I get cold easily!
136. When I was little I took piano lessons, and every year at the recital every kid got a trophy. This went on for like 6 years and I thought it was so amazing until I figured out that they were only made of plastic and every other kid was getting one as well. So sad. Then in Sheep 4-H I got a a couple of trophys. Generally I found them (Trophys in general) to be rather bulky and annoying, also they collet dust way too easily! Small ones make good book-ends though!
137. No. XD
138. No, and I wouldn't know how to find a fuse, tell if it was broken, or find the circut breaker in the first place!
139. A pool would be my first option, then ocean. I try to avoid swimming in lakes/rivers. I've always been abnormally scared by what might be swimming around underneath me!
140. Lots of times, with our ride-on mower!
141. Ice cream!
142. Pens with caps.
143. Ooooh, hard one! I would probably go with the dress since to me it would make more of a statement, since people will first notice your dress rather then your shoes. But if the shoes were really spectacular/great deal/amazing brand or something I know I wouldn't want to pass up, I'd take them instead
144. When I was younger I collected all sorts of things (bottlecaps, Beanie Babies, model horses, stamps, stickers etc etc) but atm I don't really collect anything. I supppppose you could say I collected books, or makeup, since I'm always buying more of the latter even when I definetly don't need it.
145. Right now, it's Tuesday, cause that's when Lost is. I also like Wednesdays, because Criminal Minds comes on that evening as well!
146. Flipflops, but not for doing a lot of walking.
147. A LOT. I have absolutly no idea, but just a lot.
148. Yup, loads of times. Actually, my window opens onto our porch roof, and when I was younger at night I'd sometimes sneak out and just sit on it, feeling rebellious
149. Screens, definetly. Don't want the bugs coming in!
150. ALL THE TIME!!! Actually the pair I have now has lasted quite a while, but my previous pairs were always breaking. I don't use earbuds, I have this weird kind of headphones I can't really describe, anyway I'd pull them off too quick and bust them, or the cats would start chewing on the wires and that would do them in.
151. Yes!
152. Hmm...maybe 7-8?
153. I saw the recent one, it wasn't one of the historical ones though. I didn't think it was anything special.
154. checkers, cause I don't know what the first one is
155. I like root beer, and V8 juice! (not together!)
156. Umm...I've never tried it.
157. Whipped cream, but only on something like pumpkin pie.
158. I'm unsure why these are in the same category together, but I don't like cereal and I love hot cocoa!
159. Fruits
160. Salt
161. I picked up the phone yesterday evening and took a message...but I had a long conversation on the phone...um...wednesday? night with my cousin.
162. I love corgis, Airedale Terriers, Goldendoodle's, and Border collies.
163. I'd like to act in one, and I'd love to be an extra in either Gossip Girl or Lost.
164. ummm....you know, I'm honestly not even sure. I'd much rather direct a movie...I'd get nevous directing a TV show cause it goes on forever and you have to keep thinking up stuff to happen!
165. Candy world!
166. Yup! I have my G2.
167. Nothing. It's silent. Oh, except for the washing machine humming upstairs. And my mom just talked.
168. I love the smell of lilacs!
169. Hmm...three random names off my favorites list: Vienna, Hero, and Briony.
170. I like Jasper.
171. The doxology... "Praise God from whom all blessings flow..."
172. "like"...as in "And then, like, he was like..."
173. arrrgh...hard one!!! Probably combing my hair. it'd depend on how hideous the outfit was though.
174. Lion.
175. Have you ever heard the Llama Song?
176. Do you love the Llama Song?
177. What is your favorite line in the Llama Song?
178. Do purple elephants visit you regularly?
179. Favorite emoticon?
180. Would you come and visit me again, given the chance?
181. Am I allowed to come and visit you?
182. Favorite color button?
183. Did/Do you ever follow stories in Ditto Town?
184. Dream job?
185. Kittens or Cats?
186. What do you think of weasels?
187. What are your thoughts on the MLG?
188. ....?
189. Coloring pages or notebook paper?
190. How much wood could a wood chuck chuck if a wood chuck would chuck wood?
191. Are you fluent in Pig Latin? Be honest.
192. Which Lord of The Rings movie?
193. Cheesy Chick Flick or Sappy Tragedy Film?
194. What is your favorite kind of pencil?
175. Yes *goes to listen to it again*
176. It's okay...but annoying
177. "I was once a treehouse
I lived in a cake
But I never saw the way
The orange slayed the rake
I was only three years dead
But it told a tale
And now listen, little child
To the safety rail"
178. Uh. No. should they be??
179. and
although I don't use the latter much.
180. Yes!!!!!!!!!!
181. Of course!!! Come tomorrow!! Whenever you want!!
182. What do you mean by "Color button"?
183. Noo...
184. Someone asked me that recently and I said "Not having to have a job"
185. Cats
186. They're fine.
187. I'm OK with it as long as it doesn't take over the story...like, if it's just a "side story" but if it interfers with the plot...well...
188. ???
189. Notebook paper
190. Not very much wood.
191. es-Yay, I-ay an-Cay omewhat-say nunderstand-u-ay ig-pay atin-lay. (although that's probably not very good.. )
192. The Two Towers, for sure.
193. Cheesy Chick Flick. I don't mind tragedy movies but when they're SAPPY, well... ew.
194. A sharp one!
"Imperfection is beauty, madness is genius, and it's better to be absolutely ridiculous than absolutely boring." Marilyn Monroe
You know- buttons? On your shirt? Or jacket? Clothes buttons.
Though I must admit, I was confused when I read that question over to myself just now.
"Let the music cast its spell,
give the atmosphere a chance.
Simply follow where I lead;
let me teach you how to dance."