What is your current favorite meal?
Your favorite NWeb memory?
What is your first memory of Narnia?
Movies or radio drama?
If you could be involved in the making of the next Narnia visual or audio adaptation, what would be your dream position?
We have hands that fashion and heads that know,
But our hearts we lost - how long ago! -- G. K. Chesterton
How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?
Are woodchucks native to your area, and have you ever seen one?
How many boards would the Mongols hoard if the Mongol hordes got bored?
What was your favorite childhood movie, and why was it special to you?
And last but not least...
Team Booky or Team Lady A, and why?
Avatar thanks to AITB
1. If there was one movie prop in all of the history of filmmaking that you could own, what would it be?
2. What is your favorite part of living in Alabama? ie; what do you love most about it?
3. Same question but reversed: what do you dislike most about it?
4. What is your favorite breakfast cereal?
5. You're trapped on a desert island all by yourself, but Providence shines upon you and you are allowed 3 of your most favorite dishes each day for as long as you are there. What 3 dishes would you choose that you could eat each day?
Kennel Keeper of Fenris Ulf
1. How would you describe yourself?
2. Do you like coffee?
3. Did you know that I used to (and still do a little) picture you looking like Wesley from The Princess Bride?
4. Favorite piece of technology that you own? (iPod, laptop, etc.)
5. Have you ever listened to The Civil Wars?
Those were random. I'll be back.
When things fall apart, be glue.
Team Hoodie!!
1. What is your ideal career, apart from the one that you are currently pursuing?
2. What career are you currently pursuing? (if it's okay to ask.)
3. What "classic" book do you consider a favourite?
4. What's your favourite genre to read?
5. Historical Fiction or Sci Fi?
RL Sibling: CSLewisNarnia
Hullo, Cor! Glad to see you in the interrogation seat experiencing this marvelous event known as Mod of the Week! *cough*
Hope you're enjoying your week thus far!
1. Do you like to read very often, and if so, what kind of books?
2. What's your favorite part in Tangled?
3. Favorite animated movie so far?
4. Favorite Avenger? (From the movie, not so much the comics, though if you'd like, you can answer both.)
5. Going along with the superhero theme, as well as the previous question, for this next one. Are you a fan of the original various superhero comics, such as Marvel, DC (particularly Batman), etc.; or are you more of a superhero-movie person instead?
Looking forward to reading your answers! And thank you for being so willing to participate in this interrogation.
I think I can speak for a lot of people when I say it's been a lot of fun.
av by dot
Eek! Six people to respond to!! *buckles down and gets ready to write... a lot*
What is your current favorite meal?
Your favorite NWeb memory?
What is your first memory of Narnia?
Movies or radio drama?
If you could be involved in the making of the next Narnia visual or audio adaptation, what would be your dream position?
1. Probably Mexican, as we don't have it very often.
2. I still have very fond memories of being a part of "Unilluminated", a roleplay story in Ditto Town. Also the time I've spent in the Past Movie thread in SO and of course the silliness in the Chatroom.
3. Oh dear.... Mom started reading the Chronicles to me when I was very young, so I can't really remember my first memory of them.
4. Movies. Though I might be able to get into radio dramas... never tried.
5. Probably either miniature unit or something to do with the score.
How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?
Are woodchucks native to your area, and have you ever seen one?
How many boards would the Mongols hoard if the Mongol hordes got bored?
What was your favorite childhood movie, and why was it special to you?And last but not least...
Team Booky or Team Lady A, and why?
1. As much wood as the woodchucks little paws could chuck... with Chuck.
2. *looks them up on Wiki*
Apparently they are found down here, but I have not seen one... as far as I know.
3. As many as it would take to set up poker tables.
4. Probably the 1950's monster movies and Godzilla series. I have fond memories of staying up late on Friday nights and watching whatever "creature feature" AMC would show after "VFX" hosted by the late Stan Winston.
Also probably the team up of Jumanji and An American Tail 2. Whenever those two would be on TV, I would watch them. Thankfully, they have held up pretty well over the years and I still enjoy them.
As to the why... the former films were just cool with all the weird creatures and city destruction (can you tell I'm a guy? ) and the latter films were just fun with some amazing music.
5. "I'm not all together on anybodies side because nobody is all together on my side."
Though, if I was in a pinch.... I'd probably say Team Wren. Sorry Booky! I feel I would have a better chance of staying alive (or at least dying humanely) on Wren's side.
1. If there was one movie prop in all of the history of filmmaking that you could own, what would it be?
2. What is your favorite part of living in Alabama? ie; what do you love most about it?
3. Same question but reversed: what do you dislike most about it?
4. What is your favorite breakfast cereal?
5. You're trapped on a desert island all by yourself, but Providence shines upon you and you are allowed 3 of your most favorite dishes each day for as long as you are there. What 3 dishes would you choose that you could eat each day?
1. Oh my... this is a hard one. The Death Star model from RotJ or the head from the 1991 Godzilla suit. Those are just the first two that came to mind.
2. The rolling hills and variety of scenery depending on what part of the state you are in.
3. The EXTREMELY humid summers.
4. I've always been partial to either Cinnamon Toast Crunch or Cocoa Rice Crispies.
5. A Greek Style pizza, homemade fried chicken with cream potatoes and finally a #19 from my favorite Mexican restaurant (Burrito, enchilada, mexican rice and refried beans)
DJAQY!!!!! D
1. How would you describe yourself?
2. Do you like coffee?
3. Did you know that I used to (and still do a little) picture you looking like Wesley from The Princess Bride?
4. Favorite piece of technology that you own? (iPod, laptop, etc.)
5. Have you ever listened to The Civil Wars?
1. Genius, Billionaire, playboy, philanthropist?
*ahem*... actually, I'd say I'm a moderate introvert who loves movies and soundtracks, enjoys spending time with his family and close friends and has a slight taste for adventure. Also, I'm horrible at answering these types of questions.
2. Yes, though I'm not a heavy connoisseur of the beverage.
3. Yes to the first and no to the second. I think I'm pretty well past looking like Wesley... though that can be (and is) up to debate by others.
4. iPod, portable DVD player and laptop. Yes, that's technically three answers, but... yeah.
5. A bit. Back when they were the group to listen to around the time "The Hunger Games" came out I gave some of their stuff a listen. Should probably go back and explore their work...
1. What is your ideal career, apart from the one that you are currently pursuing?
2. What career are you currently pursuing? (if it's okay to ask.)
3. What "classic" book do you consider a favourite?
4. What's your favourite genre to read?
5. Historical Fiction or Sci Fi?
1. I have no idea, actually. Not sure if that is horrible to say or not, but I honestly don't know.
2. Getting through college.
3. Toss-up between Pride & Prejudice and Sense & Sensibility.
4. I'm not a huge reader *ducks rotten fruit hurled his way*, but I usually like to read fiction when I do. Either that or a non-fiction book about the making of a movie or the like.
5. Probably Sci-Fi.
Heh, thanks.... I'm enjoying it thus far, thanks!
1. Do you like to read very often, and if so, what kind of books?
2. What's your favorite part in Tangled?
3. Favorite animated movie so far?
4. Favorite Avenger? (From the movie, not so much the comics, though if you'd like, you can answer both.)
5. Going along with the superhero theme, as well as the previous question, for this next one. Are you a fan of the original various superhero comics, such as Marvel, DC (particularly Batman), etc.; or are you more of a superhero-movie person instead?
1. As I mentioned to Bella, I don't read very often (books, at least. I do read news articles, reviews, etc. regularly). When I do, I usually go for fiction, though I don't really have a set genre I aim for.
2. Probably the whole sequence where Flynn and Repunzel are making a deal in the tower. There are so many great scenes/moments in that film that I could easily just say "the whole thing".
3. Probably How to Train Your Dragon. This is not including all the Pixar movies, which would be an unfair comparison.
4. Tony Stark/Iron Man. Easily.
5. More of a superhero movie person. I've gotten some flack from various people for pointing out story "flaws" in the movies, only to later find out "they explain it in the comics!! ".... which still means it's a flaw in the movie.
Avvie by the great Djaq!
^ Short tribute to James Horner (1953-2015)
Since you haven't listened to the Medal of Honor soundtracks, I have to say I highly recommend that you do. They are awesome! Medal of Honor: Vanguard is part of our during-school-hours music.
1. Milk chocolate or dark chocolate?
2. Milk or water?
3. Coffee or hot cocoa?
4. Sunshine or rain?
5. Indoors or outdoors?
Ohh I have one! (it's been 48 hrs right?)
You're working on a college or job application and you come across the question: "How would your teachers/ other people describe you?" What would your response be? How did you come to the conclusion to make that response?
(Will have to explain her inspiration for this one at some point )
"The mountains are calling and I must go, and I will work on while I can, studying incessantly." -John Muir
"Be cunning, and full of tricks, and your people will never be destroyed." -Richard Adams, Watership Down
Let's see...something light...
1. What is your favorite season?
2. Full moon or crescent moon?
3. Mountains or ocean?
4. What's your favorite cuisine when you go out to eat?
5. What is your favorite part of nature's soundtrack? (for example, thunder, crashing waves, owls hooting, etc).
But all night, Aslan and the Moon gazed upon each other with joyful and unblinking eyes.
Since you haven't listened to the Medal of Honor soundtracks, I have to say I highly recommend that you do. They are awesome! Medal of Honor: Vanguard is part of our during-school-hours music.
1. Milk chocolate or dark chocolate?
2. Milk or water?
3. Coffee or hot cocoa?
4. Sunshine or rain?
5. Indoors or outdoors?
I've been aware of them, most thanks to Michael Giacchino's work on the series, and have been meaning to look into them. I'll need to do that sometime.
1. Milk chocolate....
.... oops! sorry for the drooling!
2. Water
3. Both, mostly depends on the mood I'm in.
4. Rain, though you need sunshiny days to make you appreciate the rain and vice versa.
5. Both.
You're working on a college or job application and you come across the question: "How would your teachers/ other people describe you?" What would your response be? How did you come to the conclusion to make that response?
(Will have to explain her inspiration for this one at some point
Smart, mature, good at the job he is told to do, moderately quick learner, nice, not very good at math.
The above list is based on what others have actually said about me... minus the comments about me being "a very fine, handsome young man" and "you have awesome hair!".
1. What is your favorite season?
2. Full moon or crescent moon?
3. Mountains or ocean?
4. What's your favorite cuisine when you go out to eat?
5. What is your favorite part of nature's soundtrack? (for example, thunder, crashing waves, owls hooting, etc).
1. Either Spring or Fall. They are both more moderate in temperature than Summer or Winter and I love the changing colors of Fall.
2. Both
3. Mountains.
4. Really just depends on what I'm in the mood for, so... varies.
5. Thunder/storm sounds and evening noises (frogs croaking, birds chirping, lite breeze blowing, etc.)
Avvie by the great Djaq!
^ Short tribute to James Horner (1953-2015)
Elvish: It's a Tolkien language. Why not?
It's not a language, it's a group of languages.
So which Elvish language would you prefer to learn?
One of the two large ones, either Quenya or Sindarin?
Or one of the small ones - Telerin, Nandorin or Avarin?
(By the size of a language I mean how much Tolkien developed of it - in Avarin he only mentioned six words )
That's all I want to ask about so far ...
Varnafinde the Elf is bilingual in Quenya and Sindarin.
Varnafinde the Mod knows enough to recognize a few words of Quenya, and to see whether a given text is in Quenya or Sindarin (with a certain accuracy)
(avi artwork by Henning Janssen)
t's not a language, it's a group of languages.
So which Elvish language would you prefer to learn?
One of the two large ones, either Quenya or Sindarin?Or one of the small ones - Telerin, Nandorin or Avarin?
(By the size of a language I mean how much Tolkien developed of it - in Avarin he only mentioned six words )
... and this is around the time I throw up my hands and admit that I'm probably not that big of a LotR nerd after all.
I guess Quenya, though this is just a random decision. Yeah, I clearly didn't give this a ton of thought... sorry for letting y'all down on how "into" Tolkien I am.
Avvie by the great Djaq!
^ Short tribute to James Horner (1953-2015)
I once spoke to the guy who has translated LotR (and Harry Potter, btw) into Norwegian and mentioned to him that I know enough to see whether a given text is in Quenya or Sindarin (with a certain accuracy). He said, "That's more than I do ..." - so you see that you can be fairly well into Tolkien without being quite as much of a nerd as all that.
And I wouldn't have reconized any of the small ones either.
Sorry for being so nerdy in your thread
And Quenya is my favorite, so thank you for choosing Quenya
It's your intuitive recognition of its beauty, I expect
(avi artwork by Henning Janssen)
Okay, here goes. Some of the questions I wanted to ask have already been mentioned, but it serves me right for waiting this long.
1) Are you a morning person or a night owl?
2) In your CD collections, do you have more soundtracks or classic rock albums?
3) When were you first introduced to the Narnia Chronicles?
4) The top three spots in the world to which you would like to travel are ...
5) What is your favourite constellation in the night sky? Or don't you really care?
Signature by Narnian_Badger, thanks! (2013)
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