What is your least favorite number?
When writing out cents (as in money), do you put $.-- or -- C with a slash through it?
Did that last question make any sense?
Sheldon: A neutron walks into a bar and asks how much for a drink. The bartender replies "for you, no charge".
Proud sister of an Aspie (Aspergers)
Hannah's Scribblings
Have you been to any more weddings since I last spoke to you on the subject?
When's the last time you saw Bestsie?
Do you remember how many siblings I have? 😉 (Don't worry if you don't, I couldn't remember how many you had.)
Favorite quote?
I don't suppose you know anyone with the last name TenDolle or Leclerc? If so, PM me. 😉 (Or I'll have to PM you or something...)
Stars or the moon?
Which is your favorite game going on right now in the G and B section?
First memory of me? 😉
Last day you were at the Town Square?
Favorite character in The Three Musketeers?
That's all for now. 😉
Edit: (One more)
Which part of Iowa were you in? And when were you there?
Avatar by Wunderkind_Lucy!
Are your siblings also tall(er)?
What is your favorite movie soundtrack?
Who was the first person to welcome you to the forum?
Who is your favorite actress?
What is your most used smiley?
What is the most random thing that you've ever done?
Have you ever "chased the sunset"? (went out driving and taken pictures of the sunset)
What is your favorite thing about the new forum?
Do you like Ben Barnes' beard that he has in VDT?
Do you have a favorite kind of toothpaste? Which brand?
Do you like the Anne of Green Gables movies?
Have you looked up anything about Redcast?
How many questions do you think you'll get?
49. No, not for the most part. My older brothers are both around 5'10. My little brother is going to be tall, though; he's already way taller than any of the rest of us were at his age. It's too early to tell about my younger sister.
50. Hmm, I think I'd have to say Pride and Prejudice. I don't listen to soundtracks as much as lot of people, however.
51. You know, I can't remember. It was someone who I never, ever saw post, however. And they said "Well met," which impressed me.
52. Can't you guess? Audrey Hepburn.
53. Most used smiley . . . I think I probably use the winking one the most.
54. Oh dear. That might have been when we were trying to pick teams for a church volleyball game earlier this Summer, and I got the wild idea to play Ring Around the Rosy all of a sudden. So I grabbed hands with the people nearest, and we did it.
55. Not exactly. But one time I had my dad stop the car, turn around, and go back to a place so I could take pictures of the most glorious sunset! I suppose that counts? *later* Oh, did that tonight, too!
56. Hmm. I like a lot of the new moderator actions, and how we can do things. I also like the fact that you can automatically insert quotes and spoilers. For me, it's almost quicker to type them in, but I think it's going to be really helpful for new members, who won't have to figure them out anymore.
57. I don't mind the beard. I don't feel very strongly about it either way.
58. I like mint kinds best, but I'm not particularly happy with the one I'm using right now. We usually use Tom's of Maine . . .
59. Yes. That is, I like the first one. I'm not so sure about the second one (it's been a really long time!), and we never watched the third.
60. I looked at their page a little, and looked them up, but I couldn't get the music on Myspace to play for me. And I couldn't find it anywhere else that day. I'll have to try again sometime.
61. Mmm . . . . maybe 350?
You're standing (hypothetically) in the deli section of your local grocery store. You see 3 separate packages of cheese products but have only enough moola to purchase one. The products are a big bag of mozarella string cheese, a container of mild cheddar cheese cubes, or some very fresh cheese curds. Which one do you end up picking?
Given the choice of vacation spots within Wisconsin, would you rather...
A. Hit Milwaukee and watch a Brewers game
B. Visit Door County and let the locals soak you for overpriced tourist merchandise
C. Stay at home, don a cheese wedge hat, and watch a Packers game while throwing 10 lbs. of bratwursts on the grillAt what point do you think the temperature is too cold to go out and do anything? 10 degrees F? -20? -40? -60?
62. I think I'd go with the cheese curds.
63. B. I LOVE Door County! A is tempting, though-we went to a Brewers game just last night.
64. I'd say minus 20.
Who is your favorite character from Les Mis?
Have you seen the film adaptation with Liam Neeson as Jean Valjean? If so, what did you think of it?
Brewers or Packers?
Sunrise or sunset?
Oceans or mountains?
Full moon or crescent?
What is your favorite season?
Have you ever seen a tornado?
What's the coldest temperature you've experienced?
The warmest?
How many US states have you visited?
Which foreign countries have you visited?
What is your favorite vacation spot?
Have you visited the Apostle Islands?
Do you have any favorite TV shows?
65. Hmm . . . Jean Valjean?
66. No, I haven't! But I really want to sometime soon.
67. Brewers. I'm not the biggest fan of football, whereas I like baseball quite a bit.
68. Sunset. It's what I see the most.
69. That's tough. Oceans, I think.
70. Full.
71. Summer.
72. Nope. There have been quite a few very close, however.
73. Maybe minus 17?
74. 105?
75. Hmm, according to my earlier list, I think around 10.
76. None, I'm afraid.
77. I think it just might be Door County.
78. No, I haven't visited them.
79. Does Hogan's Heroes and Andy Griffith count?
Does a compass point to true north, or magnetic north?
What does a red sky in the morning indicate?
a. A storm is approaching.
b. Rain is unlikely.
c. There's a rainbow
If you haven't got a compass what is the best item to help you find your way?
a. An atlas.
b. A radio.
c. A watch.
When escaping a fire, feel the back of a door before opening it. If it feels warm, what should you do?
a. Open it and fan it to and fro to cool it down.
b. Open it a little to let some air in.
c. Leave it shutDo you have a special cursor on your computer?
Do you usually wear a watch?
Would you prefer to send a birthday card or an e-card?
Are you good at:
Making plans?
Making people laugh?
Chopping down trees?
Have you ever gone camping in a backyard?
Did you ever burn hot dogs in a bonfire?
Have you ever fallen off a trampoline?
Do you like having the heater on, or the air conditioning?
Do you have a trophy from something?
Do you know how to crochet?
Do you know how to fix a fuse on a circuit breaker?
What do you prefer swimming in: a pool, ocean, lake, or river?
Have you ever mowed your lawn before?
Cake or ice cream?
Do you prefer pens with caps or the ones that click?
Would you pick a pair of shoes you like, or would you pick a dress you like equally?
What do you collect?
What's your fav. day of the week?
Sandals or flip-flops?
How many book have you approximately read in your life?
Have you ever sat on a roof?
Windows with screens or fully opened?
Have you broken a pair of headphones before?
Have you laughed till you cried?
How old were you when you learned to read?
Have you watched the American Girl movies?
Mancala, or Checkers?
What is your favorite drink?
Have you ever tried White Chocolate Raspberry cheescake?
Do you like whipped cream or cream cheese?
Do you like cereal or hot cocoa?
Fruits or vegetables?
Pepper or salt?
When's the last time you talked on the phone?
What is your favorite type of dog?
If you could act in or direct a TV show, which would you choose?
What would this TV show be about?
If you could choose to go to and edible world, which would you choose: Candy World, Spicy World, Salty-food world,or Sour-food World?
an you drive?
What song/sound are you listening to right now?
What's your favourite flower?
What is your favourite girl name?
What's your favourite boy name?
What is your favourite hymn?
80. Uh . . . true north?
81. A, a storm is approaching. I'm probably wrong.
82. A, an atlas?
83. C, leave it shut.
84. Nope, just a regular curser.
85. No, I don't.
86. Definitely, definitely a birthday card.
87. I'm pretty good at making plans, I can unintentionally make people laugh, and I haven't tried chopping down a tree in awhile.
88. Yes, I have! So much fun.
89. Burn, as opposed to cook? Probably.
90. Don't think so.
91. Probably the heater. It's sort of comforting.
92. I don't have any actual trophies, but I have 2 medals that I won in races.
93. Yup, I do. When I was 11-15, I was into crocheting quite a lot.
94. No, I don't think I do.
95. Ocean or pool, I think.
96. Mmm hmm, I've mowed our lawn quite a few times. It's huge!!
97. Ice cream, generally.
98. Caps, definitely. I'm very, very picky about my pens.
99. I think I'd pick the dress.
100. Currently, not anything. I used to collect rocks and stamps, though.
101. Sunday!
102. Flip flops.
103. I keep a list of all the different books that I've read, but not the rereads. I have read around 1050 different books. I've read probably 4-5000 books altogether.
104. Yes, I have sat on a roof.
105. As long as there aren't bugs, fully open.
106. No, don't think so.
107. Oh yes! Many a time I have laughed until I cried.
108. I think I was 7 or 8. I was late, I know.
109. I watched the made-for-tv Felicity and Samantha ones, and the more recent, big production one about Kit.
110. Mancala. I'm terrible and Checkers and Chess . . .
111. I like milk and grape juice a lot.
112. Yes, I believe so.
113. Yes, I like both whipped cream and cream cheese.
114. I don't eat much cereal, but I do like hot cocoa.
115. Fruit, probably.
116. Salt. I don't use pepper very much.
117. I talked on the phone yesterday.
118. I like Collies best.
119. I. . . don't . . . know.
120. Some "period" type story?
121. Sour-food World.
122. Yes, I can. I got my license about two months ago.
123. Crickets.
124. The purple wood violet.
125. Elizabeth and Alinea, I think.
126. Stephen.
127. Hmm . . . I like Praise to the Lord a lot.
Well, that's all for tonight. I'm tired now!
Do you like the '80's P&P movie adaption?
How about the '40's P&P movie adaption?
Do you like coffee tables?
Do coffee tables like you?
Do you know any secret codes?
We have hands that fashion and heads that know,
But our hearts we lost - how long ago! -- G. K. Chesterton
Are you going to answer yes to this question?
What 3 words best describe me (be honest now )?
Why do you have a Kira Knightley avatar?
What is your opinion of chess?
Do you cry over spilled milk?
Which smily best describes how you feel about the Susan Caspian thing?
What's the best prank you've pulled on someone?
Would you sky dive ever?
If you could only save a dog or a cat which would you save?
Have you ever gotten caught speeding?
Do you believe this statement in regards to driving, "Girls want to see how fast they can go and get away with it were as guys just want to see how fast the car can go?
In your opinion are girls smarter then guys?
Have you ever had stitches?
NW bro of Atamar, Hoped4jill, and Georgiefan
NW Younger bro and servant of her highness Ti'ana
sig and ava by me
What is your biggest pet peeve?
Would you rather be hot or cold?
When your write, do you use pen and paper, or do your type it on the computer?
If all your friends jumped off a cliff would your jump, too?
Have you ever bought a poster of something just to throw darts at it?
Who plays the best Mr. Darcy, in your opinion? Colin Firth ('95) or Matthew MacFadyen ('05)?
Have you ever stayed up all night reading?
128. Hmm. I dunno.
129. Hot.
130. I usually use pen and paper. Sometimes it takes too long though, and I use the computer.
131. I don't think so. I'm fairly sensible. But if they had a good reason, I might.
132. Nope.
133. I'm not entirely sure. Firth does make a good Darcy (though too short), and I'm not completely enamored of MacFadyen. I'd have to watch '95 again to be sure.
134. Past 12:00? Yes. Later than 12:00? No.
Where does one fall if they call you by multiple nicknames?
Do you care for the '95 version of P&P at all?
Is your brother still active here?
It only took you two days to choose your username?
What's your favorite type of candy?
Best brand of chocolate?
Favorite dessert?
Do you have a hidden talent?
If so what is it?
What's you favorite day of the week?
Do you have a favorite quote?
Flip flops or boots?
Sneakers or tennis shoes (I know they're the same the same thing, but what do you prefer to call them)?
TV or movies?
Pink or purple?
Blue or green?
Orange or yellow?
Favorite flavor cake?
Favorite type of cookie?
Best gift you ever received?
Most ridiculous gift you ever got?
What was your favorite doll/stuffed animal's name when you were little?
What is your favorite subject in school?
Least favorite?
Do you like stuffed animals?
Sweaters or T-shirts?
What's hanging on your bedroom walls?
What is your most treasured possession (excluding your Bible)?
Did you ever have an imaginary friend?
135. Then I consider them rather indecisive, and don't know what to make of them.
136. I do like the 1995 version of Pride and Prejudice a lot, and completely understand why so many people adore it. It's just, honestly, I don't like it as much.
137. No, not really.
138. Oh c'mon, two days is a long time when you're anxious to join a website.
139. I like nerds a lot. And Warheads.
140. Girhardelli is awesome.
141. Chocolate mousse torte.
142. Not that I can think of at the minute.
144. Sunday.
145. Because I get to go to church, worship the Lord, and see all my friends.
146. Not really.
147. What sort of boots?
148. I call them tennis shoes.
149. Movies, definitely.
150. Pink.
151. Blue. Though I love green, too.
152. Yellow.
153. Chocolate.
154. Chocolate chip.
155. My piano.
156. Actually, I don't know. I'm not really the kind of person people give ridiculous gifts too.
157. Amy, my doll.
158. English or literature.
159. Math or science.
160. Some. I loved them when I was a kid.
161. Sweaters.
162. Two victorian-esque pictures, and a photo collage.
163. My piano or my books.
164. I don't think so.
How do you feel about...CHEESECAKE??!
165. I like it lots and lots!
Did you have a goal for this year? Have you reached it?
What was the last CD you bought?
Do you speak other languages, apart from english?
What was the last book you bought?
What was the last book you read?
Do you collect something? What?
Who's your favourite Disney princess?
Are you good at telling jokes?
How many NW sibs do you have?
What's your favourite book of historial fiction?
How's the new job treating you? I hope everything's great!
166. Not written down on paper, but yes, I supposed I had a goal. I've fulfilled it for the most part.
167. I'm not sure if I've ever bought a cd in my life.
And it's not like I don't like music.
168. The Portrait of Richard Hannay, and The Thief. I bought them at the same time.
169. Maybe The Thief?
170. At present, no. Unless books count.
171. Snow White?
172. No, not very.
173. Two. stardf and Valia.
174. War and Peace!!!
175. Today was my first day, and it went very well.
You said you've only seen Keira Knightley in two and a half movies. One is P&P, I'm guessing the other is POTC1...what's the half-movie?
176. POTC2.
What is your least favorite number?
When writing out cents (as in money), do you put $.-- or -- C with a slash through it?
Did that last question make any sense?
177. Uh . . . 39.
178. I put $
179. Yes.
Have you been to any more weddings since I last spoke to you on the subject?
When's the last time you saw Bestsie?
Do you remember how many siblings I have? 😉 (Don't worry if you don't, I couldn't remember how many you had.)
Favorite quote?
I don't suppose you know anyone with the last name TenDolle or Leclerc? If so, PM me. 😉 (Or I'll have to PM you or something...)
Stars or the moon?
Which is your favorite game going on right now in the G and B section?
First memory of me? 😉
Last day you were at the Town Square?
Favorite character in The Three Musketeers?
Which part of Iowa were you in? And when were you there?
180. No. But I'm going to this October.
181. Sunday. I'm going to see her tomorrow (Friday), though!
182. 8?
183. I don't think I have one.
184. No, afraid I don't. Sorry.
185. The moon, probably. But it's hard to say.
186. Name that NWebber! I requested it.
187. definitely.
188. Mmm. . . . I think we were both posting in the same thread (and you showed pictures of a cloak or cape?), and we PMed each other, because we both had blonde hair. Right?
189. I dunno. Maybe last Tuesday or Wednesday.
190. D'Artagnan, of course! I love Athos, though.
191. We drove through Iowa on the way to Colorado (2006?). Probably right around where you live, too, because we drove through (and stayed the night!) in the place where you go to church. I think, if I'm remembering where you said you go to church. We went to church there, too. In fact . . . Oh dear. I wonder if we went to your church.
That would be weird.
Are you going to answer yes to this question?
What 3 words best describe me (be honest now)?
Why do you have a Kira Knightley avatar?
What is your opinion of chess?
Do you cry over spilled milk?
Which smily best describes how you feel about the Susan Caspian thing?
What's the best prank you've pulled on someone?
Would you sky dive ever?
If you could only save a dog or a cat which would you save?
Have you ever gotten caught speeding?
Do you believe this statement in regards to driving, "Girls want to see how fast they can go and get away with it were as guys just want to see how fast the car can go?
In your opinion are girls smarter then guys?
Have you ever had stitches?
192. No.
193. Umm. . . . Funny. Queer (you don't laugh much). Nice.
194. My avatar is not of Keira Knightly. It's of Elizabeth Bennet.
195. I stink at chess.
196. Yeah, probably.
198. I don't pull pranks.
199. Yes, I think so.
200. A dog, probably. They're so much bigger, they'd seem more valuable. Even though we own only cats.
201. No.
202. It could be true. And then again, not necessarily.
203. No. I don't think either are smarter than the other.
204. Nope.
All caught up!
More questions!!!
1. What's your favorite type of cheesecake?
2. (stealing, er, borrowing a question from EdisK) Three words that describe me. (this should be interesting....)
3. You said you've never bought a CD? So, do you download most of your music?
4. Are you getting tired of everyone asking you questions?
5. Which do you prefer: POTC or Batman Begins?
6. Favorite musical (film)?
7. What do you think of That Dragon of Mine?
8. How did you become a Games and Blogs Mod when you mostly hung-out in SO?
9. What movie is your sig pic from?
10. Least favorite emoticon from the new forum?
O.K, I'm done. Might post some more question later, might not.
Avvie by the great Djaq!
^ Short tribute to James Horner (1953-2015)
Sorry if these have been asked
What is your favorite meal to make?
How many books would you estimate your family owns?
When was the last time you visited the library?
What did you check out on that last visit?
Do you follow any sports teams?
Do you cry while reading sad books/watching sad movies?
Do you have a favorite Bible verse? If so, what is it?
"It is God who gives happiness; for he is the true wealth of men's souls." — Augustine
I'm not done with ya' yet, Cheese Queen!
Have you been to the Mall of America?
Besides books is there anything you collect, such as coins, stamps, etc.?
Are you a lefty, a righty, or ambidextrous?
Given the choice of being stranded by yourself someplace for 6 months (and if food/water/shelter were already sufficiently covered) would you opt for:
A. a tropical island
B. a secluded, remote valley in the mountains
C. an abandoned cheese curd factory near Spooner, WI.
If you could literally enter the world of any one book and actually live within that story world, which book would you choose?
Bratwursts: Pro or Con?
What is your favorite boardgame?
When you play Monopoly which piece do you typically choose to play with?
Kennel Keeper of Fenris Ulf
Have you ever read the whole dictionary?
Would you?
Do you have any annoying habits?
Hot chocolate or coffee?
Ice cream or frozen yogurt?
Soda, pop, or coke?
Day or night?
How did you discover Narnia?
What is your favorite CoN quote?
How much do you rely on spellcheck?
Are you enjoying all this attention?
First movie you remember?
Favorite childhood movie?
Favorite comedy?
Favorite drama?
Favorite musical?
Favorite Disney?
Favorite Pixar?
Least favorite Pixar?
Where do all the rest of the Pixar movies fall in your list?
Favorite animated non-Pixar, non-Disney?
Favorite thriller/suspense?
Favorite Austen adaptation? (If you've seen any)
Favorite Hitchcock?
Favorite Christmas movie?
Favorite movie of a genre/type that I didn't mention?
Least favorite movie of all time?
Favorite actor?
Favorite actor from pre-1960?
Favorite actress?
Favorite actress from pre-1960?
Avatar and sig by hyaline12
Oy, you need to get a favorite quote girl! Everyone's asking you about that.
Have you at least ever seen a quote and wished you'd come up with it?
Out of your poems, what is your favorite one about?
Hearts, stars or horseshoes?
Do you ever remember your dreams?
Are they very interesting?
And my favorite... what is one question you haven't been asked yet that you're hoping someone will ask you? And answer it.
Goodness, I just realized I missed Mel's questions when I caught up last!
Do you like the '80's P&P movie adaption?
How about the '40's P&P movie adaption?
Do you like coffee tables?
Do coffee tables like you?
Do you know any secret codes?
205. Yes, I do. It was actually the first version I watched, so there was a year or two when I loved it wholeheartedly. I still like it, I think, but it's been awhile since I've watched it.
206. Not very much. There are one or two scenes that are cute, but otherwise . . .
207. Yes.
208. I don't think so.
209. I used to have one I used when I wrote letters with a friend, but it took too long to write out, so eventually we dropped it.
What's your favorite type of cheesecake?
(stealing, er, borrowing a question from EdisK) Three words that describe me. (this should be interesting....)
You said you've never bought a CD? So, do you download most of your music?
Are you getting tired of everyone asking you questions?
Which do you prefer: POTC or Batman Begins?
Favorite musical (film)?
What do you think of That Dragon of Mine?
How did you become a Games and Blogs Mod when you mostly hung-out in SO?
What movie is your sig pic from?
Least favorite emoticon from the new forum?
210. Lemon. I make a delicious "three lemon" cheesecake . . .
211. Considerate. Sweet. Earnest. (that took me a loooong time)
212. Actually, I either steal ehem, I mean borrow, my brothers' music, or listen to Pandora, and another online music site, or listen to my family's collection. Or get cds for gifts . . . I'm picky about when I listen to music.
213. No. It's fun. Though I wonder why when I religiously questioned every single mod who went before me, not one has asked me questions!
214. Batman Begins.
215. Maybe Fiddler on the Roof.
216. I like him a lot! He compliments his master nicely.
217. That's probably a question to ask FK . . . No, I think they just needed someone, and I seemed like a fairly dependable person.
218. Pride and Prejudice '05. If you haven't watched it, you should!
What is your favorite meal to make?
How many books would you estimate your family owns?
When was the last time you visited the library?
What did you check out on that last visit?
Do you follow any sports teams?
Do you cry while reading sad books/watching sad movies?
Do you have a favorite Bible verse? If so, what is it?
220. I like making biscuits and gravy a lot.
221. Somewhere over 2000? Someday I'll count, and let you know for sure.
222. About a week and a half ago.
223. A bunch of movies to watch with my family.
224. I don't exactly follow them, but I'm always glad to hear the Chicago White Sox are doing well. Hey, I grew up 50 minutes away from Chicago.
225. Oh yes.
226. I really like Jeremiah 11-13. For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the LORD, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope. Then you will call upon Me and go and pray to Me, and I will listen to you. And you will seek Me and find Me, when you search for Me with all your heart.
Have you been to the Mall of America?
Besides books is there anything you collect, such as coins, stamps, etc.?
Are you a lefty, a righty, or ambidextrous?
Given the choice of being stranded by yourself someplace for 6 months (and if food/water/shelter were already sufficiently covered) would you opt for:
A. a tropical island
B. a secluded, remote valley in the mountains
C. an abandoned cheese curd factory near Spooner, WI.
If you could literally enter the world of any one book and actually live within that story world, which book would you choose
Bratwursts: Pro or Con?
What is your favorite boardgame?
When you play Monopoly which piece do you typically choose to play with?
227. I think I did go once, when I was very, very small.
228. No-I used to collect both coins and stamps, though.
228. I'm right handed.
229. I think I'd go for the remote valley.
230. Oh my. Some book with balls and operas and garden parties.
231. I love Bratwursts!
232. I like Clue a lot.
233. I think I used the Boot piece. But I haven't played in awhile . . .
Have you ever read the whole dictionary?
Would you?
Do you have any annoying habits?
Hot chocolate or coffee?
Ice cream or frozen yogurt?
Soda, pop, or coke?
Day or night?
How did you discover Narnia
What is your favorite CoN quote?
How much do you rely on spellcheck?
Are you enjoying all this attention?
First movie you remember?
Favorite childhood movie?
Favorite comedy?
Favorite drama?
Favorite musical?
Favorite Disney?
Favorite Pixar?
Least favorite Pixar?
Where do all the rest of the Pixar movies fall in your list?
Favorite animated non-Pixar, non-Disney?
Favorite thriller/suspense?
Favorite Austen adaptation? (If you've seen any)
Favorite Hitchcock?
Favorite Christmas movie?
Favorite movie of a genre/type that I didn't mention?
Least favorite movie of all time?
Favorite actor?
Favorite actor from pre-1960?
Favorite actress?
Favorite actress from pre-1960?
234. I can conceive of myself starting it, but never finishing it.
235. If I was bored enough on a Winter afternoon, yes.
236. Yes. I always clutch my neck (:-s ) when I'm nervous.
237. Coffee.
238. Ice cream, I think. Though I eat a lot of frozen custard, seeing as Culvers' is all over around here.
239. Pop.
240. Day.
241. Is it shameful to say it's been so long, that I don't even remember? I think my mother maybe read them aloud to us.
242. I don't do quotes.
243. Not all that much, actually.
244. Yes.
245. Maybe Snow White.
246. Playing in a little blue house called "The Appleton", with friends.
247. Does The Philidelphia Story count?
248. Pride and Prejudice.
249. Fiddler on the Roof.
250. I have watched so few! I liked Snow White, though. Because it's about the only one I've seen . . .
251. Wall-E!!
252. A Bug's Life.
253. Wall-E, Monsters Inc. Up, The Incredibles, Ratatouille, Cars, Toy Story 2, Nemo, A Bug's Life. I've never watched Toy Story . . .
254. Bolt?
255. Signs
256. Goodness, don't you know by now? Pride and Prejudice, '05.
257. I haven't watched more than a handful, but my favorite would probably be North by Northwest. Oh, and I saw most of Rebecca a couple months ago, and really, REALLY liked it!
258. It's a Wonderful Life!
259. Oh, come on! I'm exhausted!
260. I tell you, I'm not good at this sort of thing! I've been answering these questions for heaven knows how long!
261. Uhh . . . Christian Bale?
262. Jimmy Stewart!
263. I guess it would have to be Keira Knightly. :s
264. Audrey Hepburn!
Alright, Lady Liln exhausted me. I'll answer your questions tomorrow, Aravanna.
3. Do you actually like living in WI?
I find that insulting.
When's the last time you saw Bestsie?
How come you never told me about The Embarrassing Bleacher Escapade?
What book are you reading right now?
Should I watch Philadelphia Story?
Are you surprised that I can't think of any questions?
What are your favorite Non-Interactive websites?
Did you prefer The Turkey Sandwiches or The Egg Salad Sandwiches?
Do you want to learn how to fly?
Are you tired of listening to me talk about Myers-Briggs?
Anne Morrow Lindbergh?
What do you think of the name Hugh?
Perpetual Member of the Manalive Conspiracy!
Alright, Lady Liln exhausted me. I'll answer your questions tomorrow, Aravanna.
You'd better.
Okay, I'd better ask a question. Besides a horse, have you ever wanted a relatively strange pet?
What kind of horse do you want to get?
What do you want to be when you grow up?
Favorite Newsboys song?
Can you stand on your head?
Do you like Winnie-the-Pooh?
How long is your hair, in centimetres?
Are you fond of your eyebrows?
Can cows fly?
How long does it take you to count to 1,000?
Are nickels friendlier than dimes?
Can you whistle?
Do alarm clocks like you?
Which of your fingernails is the longest?
Which of your fingernails is the shortest?
Do you hug trees?
What are you wearing right now?
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"They know everything on NarniaWeb" - Ben Barnes
NW sis to 7 l Twin to SusanP3 l PM pal of A.Fowlfreak
Chief of Random Inquires for the Lurkers Club