Name: Sara
Any other nicknames(s): (In real life) it's pretty hard to think up nicknames for Sara, but I am called "Sare" by the occasional person who is either feeling very affectionate or too lazy to say my whole name. And, I usually keep it secret, but my brothers used to call me Silly Sally when they were annoyed at me. On NW, my nicknames are Dennie, Destined, and variations of DTR. It's kind of funny, I sort my "folks" by the names they call me.
Oh, and there's always "The Cheese Queen", which I was christened by Shadowlander.
Country/area living in: The most beautiful part of Wisconsin. It's full of rolling hills and lakes.
Approx age: 17
Personal info: I'm the middle child, with 2 older and two younger siblings.
My favorite thing to do is read. I read mostly fiction, and I like fantasy, classics, historical fiction, and a little sci-fi. I stay away from anything that's decidedly cheesy or badly written, and what's known as "chick lit" and horror. I like to write too, but I'm what I call a lazy writer. I get bored of whatever I'm writing, or else I decide that my writing is so bad that I just get discouraged and drop it. I've had some good experiences with poetry, however. It's short enough to keep my interest, and I've noticed I've been able to piece together some things pretty nicely.
I play the piano and sing, and I love both with a passion. I play the piano for my church, and have been mostly self taught. I sing every chance I get, and I'm part of an octet with several friends.
Professional info: I've done secretarial and computer work for both my dad and grandpa, and I also handle the "books" for one set of my grandparents. I'm currently in my last year of high school. I'm starting my first "job" ever tomorrow, at a Hallmark store!
Pysical Stats: I'm 5'7", have wavy golden blonde hair, green eyes, a fair complexion, freckles, and am of a medium build (I weigh around 130).
Most embarrassing moment in last 12 months: That would definitely be when I was walking along bleachers in a crowded gym for a graduation ceremony, and missed the gap where two were joined together. My entire leg fell down through the hole, and people all over looked at me and asked if I was alright. Embarrassed A very kind man came rushing up (I can't even remember what he looks like now), and supported my foot from underneath while I tried to draw it back up. It was very difficult, and I felt like my backless dress shoe was going to fall off the entire time, down in the darkness underneath the big, wooden bleachers. That would have been terrible, since I'd have been limping around in one shoe for the entire day, and they were new shoes. So the guy kept asking me if I was alright, and I kept saying, "I'm alright, but my shoe is going to fall off!" Eventually, I was able to draw my leg back up, and safely move on. But that incident scarred me for life. Not only figuratively, but literally, since the upper part of one leg is still very slightly colored blue.
Books: My three favorite books are, in order, The Count of Monte Cristo, War and Peace, and Les Miserables. Other favorites are Jane Eyre, Persuasion, Pride and Prejudice, the Attolia books, The Lord of the Rings, The Chronicles of Prydain, The Chronicles of Narnia, Manalive, Freckles, The Three Musketeers, Howl's Moving Castle
Movies: Pride and Prejudice ('05)!!!!!, LotR, Batman Begins, Monsters Inc, Wall-E, Silvarado, Little Women ('49, '94), Mary Poppins, Jane Eyre (2006), Enchanted, Ever After, The Curse of the Black Pearl, The Philadelphia Story, Fiddler on the Roof, Oklahoma!
Food: blue cheese, sardines, real Mexican, fish, cheesecake, cheese, milk, grape juice, steak,
Favorite animal: Horses. I've always wanted one.
Music: Beethoven, Dvorak, Tchaikovsky, Newsboys, Tenth Avenue North, Coldplay, Switchfoot, Josh Groban, Jason Mraz, Yiruma
Favorite Narnia Book: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader
History on Narniaweb: I joined on the 5th of March, 2008 (now, isn't that a nice sounding date?). My brother had been a member here for several months, and all his reports of the fun he was having on here convinced that I'd have to join sooner or later. When I finally gave in, I spent two days deciding what my member-name should be, and eventually I decided upon Destined-To-Reign, taking it from the song by Alanis Morissette.
What I like best about Narniaweb: Of course, it's the people. I joined to talk about the movie Prince Caspian, but even after the fuss was over, I stayed around because I was having such a fun time on here. My favorite places on NW are the Books Thread (that's what got me hooked, really), and Town Square. The books thread is really an amazing place. It's where I made most of my closest friends on here, and where I got to know practically everyone I know. Oh, and of course I frequent Games and Blogs a good bit, now that I mod there.
Rule most often forgotten by me: Probably the one about staying on topic. I don't usually start the going off topic stuff, but I can get dragged into it. Other than that, I only ever had to be PMed by a mod once (it was wisewoman, about an "I agree" post), and was mortified enough to be very careful about rules from thence on.
Favorite/funniest Nweb memory: My two favorites are April Fools day ('09 and '08) and Mod/Admin Day ('09). On April Fools ('09), I was having so much fun I could scarcely drag myself away from the computer. I went around the house giggling to myself almost the entire day (and that was before I was a mod!). Mod/Admin Day was a whole lot of fun getting ready for. I really felt like an appreciated part of the forum, and that made me really happy.
First Narniaweb Post: That would be right here. It wasn't much, mostly quoting coracle, and my grammar definitely wasn't perfect.
Typical Sayings(s): "Oh my goodness!" and "Are you serious?!"
Comment by another mod:"I've enjoyed working in the Games and Blogs section with DTR. Her attitude is always refreshing and the care with which she does her job makes her a pleasure to work with." ~EtJ
DTR is a joy to work with on the G&B. And she's a real pleasure to be around, no matter what. I've really enjoyed learning the ropes of modding with her. ---Valia
Here's some questions:
What is your favourite colour?
Have you ever traveled?
If so, where?
If not, where would you like to travel?
Who is your favourite character in The Count of Monte Cristo? Why?
What is your favourite season?
Favourite type of precipitation? (You know, rain, snow, etc)
If you could go book shopping with anyone from NWeb, who would you pick?
What is one of your favourite songs? Why?
What is your favourite comedy show, such as The Beverley Hillbillies, if you have a favourite?
Who are some of your all time favourite literary characters?
I think that's enough for now.
I just want to add it's been so much fun getting to know you!
Dear days of old, with the faces in the firelight,
Kind folks of old, you come again no more.
(Robert Louis Stevenson)
First off: Major congrats on getting Mod of the Week Destined!!!
O.K, some questions:
1. How do you like your steak? (rare, medium well, well, burned)
2. What is your favorite scene from Enchanted and Batman Begins?
3. favorite fish?
4. Has success changed your life?
5. Country you would like to visit?
6. Have you ever been out of Wisconsin?
7. If so, where?
8. Favorite mexican dish?
9. Favorite film character?
10. Do you like the new forum lay-out?
O.K, that does it for me.... at the moment.
Avvie by the great Djaq!
^ Short tribute to James Horner (1953-2015)
okay the all important question
1. Lord of the rings books or Narnia books?
2. Lord of the rings movies or Narnia movies?
3. Do you actualy like living in WI?
4. Do you feel embarrassed or think your drawing too much attention to yourself by posting the quotes from other mods?
(yes I know it's customary in mod of the week)
5. What is your opinion of the new chat room?
6. Are you planning on going to college?
7. oh, oh this is a good one have you ever seen something that need to be done on the forum and you avoid it because you don't want to do the modding work
8. What is your most favorite smily?
9. Grammar, Math, or Spelling.
10. Have you ever broken a bone?
11. Have you heard of celiac disease?
12. Favorite number?
13. Word used most excessively?
14. Are you a big fan of Kira Knightley?
15. What was the first thing you said to yourself when you saw the new forum?
16. Would you vote for me for president? *wonders if that's political*
17. Are you closer to laughing or crying atm?
18. Do you want to ban me after these 17 err 18 questions?
NW bro of Atamar, Hoped4jill, and Georgiefan
NW Younger bro and servant of her highness Ti'ana
sig and ava by me
Yay, the first MotW for the new forum!
Hmmm...what shall I ask.
If you could buy anything under 50 dollars right now, what would it be?
Do you like these smileys, or the old NW smileys better?
What are you most excited to see in VOTD?
Have you met any NWebbers?
Any ideas of what you might like to do for a living in the future?
What color of socks are you wearing?
Any phobias?
Do you like tomatoes?
Do you enjoy cooking?
That's it...for now.
"Imperfection is beauty, madness is genius, and it's better to be absolutely ridiculous than absolutely boring." Marilyn Monroe
Yay! It's Dennie's turn!!
Are your siblings also tall(er)?
What is your favorite movie soundtrack?
Who was the first person to welcome you to the forum?
Who is your favorite actress?
What is your most used smiley?
What is the most random thing that you've ever done?
Have you ever "chased the sunset"? (went out driving and taken pictures of the sunset)
What is your favorite thing about the new forum?
Do you like Ben Barnes' beard that he has in VDT?
Do you have a favorite kind of toothpaste? Which brand?
Do you like the Anne of Green Gables movies?
Have you looked up anything about Redcast?
How many questions do you think you'll get?
Alrighty, see ya.
When things fall apart, be glue.
Team Hoodie!!
Cheese Queen!!!!
You're standing (hypothetically) in the deli section of your local grocery store. You see 3 separate packages of cheese products but have only enough moola to purchase one. The products are a big bag of mozarella string cheese, a container of mild cheddar cheese cubes, or some very fresh cheese curds. Which one do you end up picking?
Given the choice of vacation spots within Wisconsin, would you rather...
A. Hit Milwaukee and watch a Brewers game
B. Visit Door County and let the locals soak you for overpriced tourist merchandise
C. Stay at home, don a cheese wedge hat, and watch a Packers game while throwing 10 lbs. of bratwursts on the grill
At what point do you think the temperature is too cold to go out and do anything? 10 degrees F? -20? -40? -60?
Kennel Keeper of Fenris Ulf
Who is your favorite character from Les Mis?
Have you seen the film adaptation with Liam Neeson as Jean Valjean? If so, what did you think of it?
Brewers or Packers?
Sunrise or sunset?
Oceans or mountains?
Full moon or crescent?
What is your favorite season?
Have you ever seen a tornado?
What's the coldest temperature you've experienced?
The warmest?
How many US states have you visited?
Which foreign countries have you visited?
What is your favorite vacation spot?
Have you visited the Apostle Islands?
Do you have any favorite TV shows?
But all night, Aslan and the Moon gazed upon each other with joyful and unblinking eyes.
Yay, I was waiting for Dennie to be MotW!
I happen to have by me a Survivor guide question-book, so you shall be getting questions from said book.
(Several will be multiple choice; I hope that's allowed. )
1. Does a compass point to true north, or magnetic north?
2. What does a red sky in the morning indicate?
a. A storm is approaching.
b. Rain is unlikely.
c. There's a rainbow
3. If you haven't got a compass what is the best item to help you find your way?
a. An atlas.
b. A radio.
c. A watch.
4. When escaping a fire, feel the back of a door before opening it. If it feels warm, what should you do?
a. Open it and fan it to and fro to cool it down.
b. Open it a little to let some air in.
c. Leave it shut.
5. Do you have a special cursor on your computer?
6. Do you usually wear a watch?
7. Would you prefer to send a birthday card or an e-card?
8. Are you good at:
Making plans?
Making people laugh?
Chopping down trees?
9. Have you ever gone camping in a backyard?
10. Did you ever burn hot dogs in a bonfire?
11. Have you ever fallen off a trampoline?
12. Do you like having the heater on, or the air conditioning?
13. Do you have a trophy from something?
14. Do you know how to crochet?
15. Do you know how to fix a fuse on a circuit breaker?
16. What do you prefer swimming in: a pool, ocean, lake, or river?
17. Have you ever mowed your lawn before?
18. Cake or ice cream?
19. Do you prefer pens with caps or the ones that click?
20. Would you pick a pair of shoes you like, or would you pick a dress you like equally?
21. What do you collect?
22. What's your fav. day of the week?
23. Sandals or flip-flops?
24. How many book have you approximately read in your life?
25. Have you ever sat on a roof?
26. Windows with screens or fully opened?
27. Have you broken a pair of headphones before?
28. Have you laughed till you cried?
29. How old were you when you learned to read?
30. Have you watched the American Girl movies?
31. Mancala, or Checkers?
32. What is your favorite drink?
33. Have you ever tried White Chocolate Raspberry cheescake?
34. Do you like whipped cream or cream cheese?
35. Do you like cereal or hot cocoa?
36. Fruits or vegetables?
37. Pepper or salt?
38. When's the last time you talked on the phone?
39. What is your favorite type of dog?
40. If you could act in or direct a TV show, which would you choose?
41. What would this TV show be about?
42. If you could choose to go to and edible world, which would you choose: Candy World, Spicy World, Salty-food world,or Sour-food World?
45. Can you drive?
46. What song/sound are you listening to right now?
47. What's your favourite flower?
48. What is your favourite girl name?
49. What's your favourite boy name?
50. What is your favourite hymn?
I hope most of these haven't been asked!
RL Sibling: CSLewisNarnia
1. What is your biggest pet peeve?
2. Would you rather be hot or cold?
3. When your write, do you use pen and paper, or do your type it on the computer?
4. If all your friends jumped off a cliff would your jump, too?
5. Have you ever bought a poster of something just to throw darts at it?
6. Who plays the best Mr. Darcy, in your opinion? Colin Firth ('95) or Matthew MacFadyen ('05)?
7. Have you ever stayed up all night reading?
I've asked several of these questions to another mod, but I want to hear your answers to them.
Yay! Destined's turn! Which questions first?
On NW, my nicknames are Dennie, Destined, and variations of DTR. It's kind of funny, I sort my "folks" by the names they call me.
Where does one fall if they call you by multiple nicknames?
Do you care for the '95 version of P&P at all?
Is your brother still active here?
It only took you two days to choose your username?
What's your favorite type of candy?
Best brand of chocolate?
Favorite dessert?
Do you have a hidden talent?
If so what is it?
What's you favorite day of the week?
Do you have a favorite quote?
Flip flops or boots?
Sneakers or tennis shoes (I know they're the same the same thing, but what do you prefer to call them)?
TV or movies?
Pink or purple?
Blue or green?
Orange or yellow?
Favorite flavor cake?
Favorite type of cookie?
Best gift you ever received?
Most ridiculous gift you ever got?
What was your favorite doll/stuffed animal's name when you were little?
What is your favorite subject in school?
Least favorite?
Do you like stuffed animals?
Sweaters or T-shirts?
What's hanging on your bedroom walls?
What is your most treasured possession (excluding your Bible)?
Did you ever have an imaginary friend?
Avatar and sig by hyaline12
I have to ask, even though I think I already know the answer:
How do you feel about...CHEESECAKE??!
What is your favourite colour?
Have you ever traveled?
If so, where?
If not, where would you like to travel?
Who is your favourite character in The Count of Monte Cristo? Why?
What is your favourite season?
Favourite type of precipitation? (You know, rain, snow, etc)
If you could go book shopping with anyone from NWeb, who would you pick?
What is one of your favourite songs? Why?
What is your favourite comedy show, such as The Beverley Hillbillies, if you have a favourite?
Who are some of your all time favourite literary characters?
1: Blue. All sorts of shades of it.
2 & 3: I haven't been out of the United States, but I've "traveled" to Florida, Colorado, and Idaho.
4: I would love to travel to Great Britain and Europe.
5: I like Edmund Dantes a whole lot. I also like Valentine, Noirtier, Maximilien, and Julie and Emmanuel. I know, that's more than you asked for. I like Valentine because she's so sweet and good, Maximilien is noble (when he isn't being whiney), and Julie and Emmanuel have such a happy, content family. Noirtier is really neat and lovable, and Edmund Dantes is-Edmund Dantes.
6. Summer.
7. Rain?
8. Oh dear. Maybe wisewoman?
She's pretty good at finding books, and she knows a lot more books then I do.
9. Life is Wonderful, by Jason Mraz. I don't suggest all of his music, but this particular song makes me so, indescribably happy.
10. I like Hogan's Heroes.
11. Pierre and Natasha win head over heels, from War and Peace. I also like Jane Eyre, Edmund Dantes, Eugenides and Irene, Howl and Sophie, Taran, Gwydian, Ellionway . . . Oh, and I can't forget Morgan of Hed, and Raederle.
How do you like your steak? (rare, medium well, well, burned)
What is your favorite scene from Enchanted and Batman Begins?
favorite fish?
Has success changed your life?
Country you would like to visit?
Have you ever been out of Wisconsin?
If so, where?
Favorite mexican dish?
Favorite film character?
Do you like the new forum lay-out?
12: I like it medium-rare.
13. Ah . . . in Enchanted, I really like the How Do you Know she Loves you, scene. In Batman Begins . . . what isn't awesome about it? I don't think I can think of a specific scene.
14: I like Cod a lot.
15. Why yes, success in certain things has indeed changed my life.
16. England.
17. Yes.
18. Goodness. Umm . . . Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Iowa, Nebraska, Colorado, Florida, Idaho, Massachusetts, and Rhode Island. That's all I can think of, right now.
19. I like the Rio Bravo Burrito, which is full of steak, beans, rice, cheese, and topped with a very spicy, creamy cheese sauce. YUM!
20. Oh dear. Why do you have to ask such difficult questions?
Umm . . . I like the prince in Ever After. But I don't think he's my favorite.
21. Yes, I do. I'm still not completely used to it, and I miss some aspects of the old forum, but I do like the new one.
Lord of the rings books or Narnia books?
Lord of the rings movies or Narnia movies?
Do you actualy like living in WI?
Do you feel embarrassed or think your drawing too much attention to yourself by posting the quotes from other mods?![]()
(yes I know it's customary in mod of the week)
What is your opinion of the new chat room?
Are you planning on going to college?
oh, oh this is a good one have you ever seen something that need to be done on the forum and you avoid it because you don't want to do the modding work![]()
What is your most favorite smily?
Grammar, Math, or Spelling.
Have you ever broken a bone?
Have you heard of celiac disease?
Favorite number?
Word used most excessively?
Are you a big fan of Kira Knightley?
What was the first thing you said to yourself when you saw the new forum?
Would you vote for me for president? *wonders if that's political*
Are you closer to laughing or crying atm?
Do you want to ban me after these 17 err 18 questions?
22: I hope I don't get hate mail, but I actually like The Lord of the Rings better.
23. Ditto. Lord of the Rings.
24. Goodness, yes. I LOVE living in Wisconsin! It's so beautiful.
25. Actually, no. Truth be told, the other mods got a sneak peak at my profile, and they edited in the comments themselves.
26. I don't like it quite as much as the old one, but then, I haven't been in it all that much, either.
27. I'm not sure yet. I think I'd like to, but it "depends" on a lot of things.
28. I don't think so. Sometimes I leave things because I'm not sure what to do with them, though, or I'm too busy at the moment.
29. Mmm . . . Hee hee.
30. I'm pretty good at both grammar and spelling. I'd probably prefer spelling.
31. Nope, I haven't.
32: I've heard of it-but I don't know what it is.
33. 17.
34. Yes?
35. No. I've actually only seen her in two and a half movies.
36. I'm not sure I actually said anything, but I was completely shocked when I heard about the switch.
37. No, I don't think so.
38. Laughing. Does that annoy you?
39. No. They were fun.
If you could buy anything under 50 dollars right now, what would it be?
Do you like these smileys, or the old NW smileys better?
What are you most excited to see in VOTD?
Have you met any NWebbers?
Any ideas of what you might like to do for a living in the future?
What color of socks are you wearing?
Any phobias?
Do you like tomatoes?
Do you enjoy cooking?
40. A necklace I saw yesterday.
41. The old NW ones.
42: Ah . . . I'm looking forward to the Dufflepuds, and scenes concerning them, as well as the ending scenes.
43. Not any that I didn't already know.
44. I'd like to major in English or Library Science, I think. I'm not certain what I'd do with the English major, though.
45. I'm barefoot. Be horrified! Caterpillars!
46. I don't think so.
47. Mmm hmm!
48. For the most part, yes. Especially when I'm allowed to get creative, and make new things.
Alright, folks, that's all for now! I'll be back later!
Did you have a goal for this year? Have you reached it?
What was the last CD you bought?
Do you speak other languages, apart from english?
What was the last book you bought?
What was the last book you read?
Do you collect something? What?
Who's your favourite Disney princess?
Are you good at telling jokes?
How many NW sibs do you have?
What's your favourite book of historial fiction?
How's the new job treating you? I hope everything's great!
Thanks to malkah for the lovely avatar!
Ooh, getting behind on the answers, are we?
You said you've only seen Keira Knightley in two and a half movies. One is P&P, I'm guessing the other is POTC1...what's the half-movie?
"Imperfection is beauty, madness is genius, and it's better to be absolutely ridiculous than absolutely boring." Marilyn Monroe