^^ oh awesome! congrats!
NW sister - wild rose ~ NW big sis - ramagut
Born in the water
Take quick to the trees
I want all that You are
Congrats on everyone's special milestones.
Just have to make an extra comment on Watz's, remembering those music theory and harmony days, myself. That's an excellent score! Harmony is a tough, though good and fascinating, journey, and a hearty congratulations to you!. Keep up the solid work!
Signature by Narnian_Badger, thanks! (2013)
7,237 posts from Forum 1.0
As of today, I have been living in Florida for 15 years. It has not been perfect- but I have accomplished a lot of things I would not have been able to do in the old place. I have a career I love, my own condo, a lot of hobbies I enjoy, many good friends, and am in great health and shape. I am super proud of what I have accomplished- not to mention grateful to the Higher Power above all of us.
Yesterday I took and passed my state practical exam to become an EMT.
Sheldon: A neutron walks into a bar and asks how much for a drink. The bartender replies "for you, no charge".
Proud sister of an Aspie (Aspergers)
Hannah's Scribblings
MILESTONE: Today my mom took my grades to the post office,so I'm now "officially" done with 10th grade!
conga-rats Lark!
NW sister - wild rose ~ NW big sis - ramagut
Born in the water
Take quick to the trees
I want all that You are
Congrats Lark! Junior year is great but once you're a senior it's even better. Keep going!!
Long Live King Caspian & Queen Liliandil Forever!
Jill+Tirian! Let there be Jilrian!
I graduated from high school yesterday. This is really bittersweet.
I'm gonna miss all my freinds, but we've been working our whole lives to get to this moment. And we finally made it.
"The mountains are calling and I must go, and I will work on while I can, studying incessantly." -John Muir
"Be cunning, and full of tricks, and your people will never be destroyed." -Richard Adams, Watership Down
Congrats wolfloversk!
When do you start college or are you taking a few semesters off before you begin?
Long Live King Caspian & Queen Liliandil Forever!
Jill+Tirian! Let there be Jilrian!
Milestone: I graduated from high school and registered for my first semester of college
"'I say that if one could know what will happen after death, then not one of us would be afraid of death....One's afraid of the unknown, that's what it is.'" -- Tolstoy, War and Peace
Congrats SusanTheArcher!!!
DamselJillPole, I start in August
"The mountains are calling and I must go, and I will work on while I can, studying incessantly." -John Muir
"Be cunning, and full of tricks, and your people will never be destroyed." -Richard Adams, Watership Down
Congrats SusanTheArcher and wolfloversk!
My knee is finally healed enough that I can skate a bit, here's some pictures from my first day back on the streets:
5.9.2011 the day Christ saved me!
Thank you Lady Faith for the sig!
Great to hear you're back at it again, Andrew. Take good care! One of our sons skateboards (as well as longboards and snowboards), so these types of images are very familiar to me.
Signature by Narnian_Badger, thanks! (2013)
7,237 posts from Forum 1.0
Wow Andrew, congrats!
I love your pictures too!
Long Live King Caspian & Queen Liliandil Forever!
Jill+Tirian! Let there be Jilrian!
conga-rats Andrew! you look like your really good at skateboarding!
NW sister - wild rose ~ NW big sis - ramagut
Born in the water
Take quick to the trees
I want all that You are