Well, it's that time of the year again. Time for hot chocolate, short walks in the bitter cold, family get togethers, Christmas songs and treats and.... MOVIES!
Whether it's an old classic or a new release, this will be the place to discuss Christmas themed or related films.
Before anyone asks, yes, this includes both TV movies and theatrical releases. TV shows or those dreaded "A Very Special Christmas episode of *insert show title here*" need not apply and will be given a lump of coal if mentioned.
Also, under "Christmas films", you are free to mention the likes of Nightmare Before Christmas, Gremlin and yes... even Die Hard (I'm lookin' at you, Shadow ).
So, without further hesistation on my part, let the Christmas films discussion commence!!
A few starter questions to get things going:
1) What is your favorite Christmas films?
2) What is your least favorite Christmas films?
3) Are there any particular nostalgic memories associated with a holiday movie?
4) What do you think of the inclusion of Die Hard and Gremlins into the category of "Christmas films" over the last few years?
Avvie by the great Djaq!
^ Short tribute to James Horner (1953-2015)
1) What is your favorite Christmas film?
That is very very hard, I'll list my top favs which are: White Christmas, A Christmas Story, The Santa Clause, Prancer, Home Alone 1 and 2, How The Grinch Stole Christmas (cartoon), Jack Frost with Michael Keaton in the 90's, Christmas Vacation and yes The Nightmare Before Christmas. The part where Jack is caught by the Angel Statue, I love it every time and definitely has a Christian Value behind it. Call the characters creepy looking all you want but I truly love it
2) What is your least favorite Christmas film?
I wouldn't call it a least favorite but I really laugh at this movie because it is just so silly I cannot stop laughing, and that would be: Santa Claus Is Comin' to Town from 1970 with mickey Rooney in it. IDK I don't care for it but it makes me roflsh (roll on floor laughing so hard) and I don't dislike it.
3) Are there any particular nostalgic memories associated with a holiday movie?
No not at all.
Enjoy the Christmas movies this year everyone at Narniaweb!
Long Live King Caspian & Queen Liliandil Forever!
Jill+Tirian! Let there be Jilrian!
1) What is your favorite Christmas film? Film should have an S on the end. Are you all ready for this?
It's A Wonderful Life
The Nativity Story
Stalag 17
We're No Angels
Christmas Child
The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe
Little Women '94
Miracle on 34th Street (Watch this one on Thursday for the first time in 8 years. It was just like I remembered.)
Christmas in Connecticut
The Bishop's Wife
Veggie Tales- The Star of Christmas
Cotton Patch Gospel
The Thin Man
It Happened on 5th Avenue (Saw this one on TCM this morning, it was really good. )
And I like these movies, but don't always like to watch them every year.
White Christmas
The Christmas Card
The Ultimate Gift
Holiday Inn
The Lemon Drop Kid
2) What is your least favorite Christmas film? I'm not sure, there are a few that I don't really care for, but I'm not sure which is my least favorite.
3) Are there any particular nostalgic memories associated with a holiday movie? December 28, 2007 we were watching Stalag 17 for the first time while we waited for Dad to arrive home for R&R. I remember watching my Dad walk down the street towards the house, it was snowing and Mom ran down the sidewalk to meet him. She made us kids wait on the porch. It was like something out of a movie, especially when before going inside I looked back at the two sets of footprints leading up to the front door. Still makes me cry when I think about it.
4) What do you think of the inclusion of Die Hard and Gremlins into the category of "Christmas films" over the last few years? I don't, because I don't know want they are.
Christ is King.
1) What is your favorite Christmas film?
- The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe (we like watching this one on Christmas Eve.)
- A Charlie Brown Christmas
- Veggietales - The Toy Who Saved Christmas (watching this one just makes me feel like I'm on Christmas Holidays )
- Mickey's Christmas Carol
2) What is your least favorite Christmas film?
I am totally in the minority here. *avoids flying fruit*
- It's a Wonderful Life.
I wouldn't say I am so familiar with it that it's my least favourite, but since it's a staple, might as well mention it.
There's another film which I wouldn't call my least favourite (sure, I'll watch it.) but I'm still not particularly fond of it. It's the recent (2006, was it?) The Nativity. I wasn't really a huge fan of the changes and liberties the film took. There were things that made me unable to enjoy it.
3) Are there any particular nostalgic memories associated with a holiday movie? Yeah, probably watching LWW at Christmastime.
That one early 3D-animation Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer... I watched that when I was really little, so watching it again would flood me with memories... not that I particularly desire to see it again.
We watched Miracle on 34th street (the 1994 one) a while ago, but I don't even remember it. We'll have to watch it again. I'm particularly interested in the 1947 one. Is it better than the newer one?
RL Sibling: CSLewisNarnia
@ Bella. The 1947 Miracle on 34th Street is great. I've never seen the remake, but the original is definitely deserving of its "classic" status.
@ SnowAngel. I corrected the spelling error. Though keep in mind that was written in the wee hours of the morning.
Avvie by the great Djaq!
^ Short tribute to James Horner (1953-2015)
1) What is your favorite Christmas films?
My favourite Christmas movie would have to be LWW and its sequels. I don't mind watching other Christmas movies mentioned if they are on TV. Particularly any of the many versions of A Christmas Carol.
My favourite Christmas viewing would have to be carols livecast from Sydney's Domain or the Myers Bowl in Melbourne. And some day I really would like to see Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer and Frosty the Snowman for the first time. In full.
2) What is your least favorite Christmas film?
I am totally in the minority here. *avoids flying fruit*
- It's a Wonderful Life.
I wouldn't say I am so familiar with it that it's my least favourite, but since it's a staple, might as well mention it.
Sorry, I will have to join you in the stocks about Its a Wonderful life. I hope the fruit thrown our way is bearable. Otherwise,
I've got good reason to dislike this movie. This film, first made in 1947, is so old and hoary that it shows, and so spoilers are totally unnecessary. I'm not saying that James Stewart was a bad actor nor am I complaining about the filming, when I wasn't even born, myself. It is the social attitudes that get to me. I disliked intensely the idea that if the James Stewart character hadn't existed, his wife would have been obliged to become (gasp, shock, horror) a "librarian"
. I was so annoyed with the attitude I stuck it into my Librarianship Master's literature review about lousy social perceptions about librarians.
Why, you may ask? Well I managed to be both a librarian and a wife. I don't think these two 'hats' are mutually exclusive, even at Christmas. And I did resent bitterly the attitude that a woman had to be one or the other, not both. I feel honoured to have spent as much as I could of my working life as a librarian. And it also helped my husband and family that I was able to work as a librarian.
Another 'Christmas Movie' I really dislike is an old chestnut called Operation Crossbow, maybe put on at least one of our channels to keep old curmudgeonly types happy and out of everyone's hair on Christmas Eve. Why would anyone else want to watch a WWII movie on Christmas Eve? I'd much prefer to watch the antics of The Grinch that stole Christmas, or hire a DVD.
3) Are there any particular nostalgic memories associated with a holiday movie?
One was an Australian movie of a family being called to fight a bushfire which threatened their homestead and their neighbourhood at Christmas, and how they all managed to have a good Christmas nonetheless. I think the Christmas miracle was in the change of wind which stopped the fire. As I would hope it would, having heard of so many tragic Christmas bushfires. Unfortunately I don't remember the title of it, though it might have been A bush Christmas, however, the story was always a good one to remember.
4) What do you think of the inclusion of Die Hard and Gremlins into the category of "Christmas films" over the last few years?
Gremlins might work as a wacky Christmas film, but I wouldn't choose to watch it as such since I still have a copy of it at home. But Die Hard a Christmas film? You have to be joking. Isn't that almost like Operation Crossbow? Only for grumpy old men?
If I don't manage to post elsewhere, I hope everyone else on this forum has a Happy and enjoyable Christmas. All the best of the season.
Also, under "Christmas films", you are free to mention the likes of Nightmare Before Christmas, Gremlin and yes... even Die Hard (I'm lookin' at you, Shadow
Hehe! Amen! I finally find myself with enough time to actually write this post...it's been a pretty busy weekend!
Hmmm...let's see...well, I keep a pretty big stack of Christmas movies handy, although I tend to be somewhat picky about what I watch. So usually in mid-December I start pulling them out, grab some chips/salsa and/or potato chips, and begin watching them in no particular order, although I usually start with the funny ones.
A Christmas Story - The almost poetic turns of phrase that the narrator (and older Ralphie Parker) uses to describe his unique life are priceless.
Some men are Baptists, others Catholics; my father was an Oldsmobile man.
Over the years I got to be quite a connoisseur of soap. My personal preference was for Lux, but I found Palmolive had a nice, piquant after-dinner flavor - heady, but with just a touch of mellow smoothness. Life Buoy, on the other hand...
In the heat of battle, my father wove a tapestry of obscenity, that as far as we know is still hanging in space over Lake Michigan.
The last quote always leaves me in stitches, guffawing at the TV screen in great belly laughs as my bewildered wife and daughter look on. *sigh*
It's a Wonderful Life - There's much to be said for Capra's magnum opus (and Jimmy Stewart's personal favorite film he starred in), but to distill (for brevity's sake) this is a simple, very easily approachable film that I think most folks will generally enjoy. It was a perennial fixture on our TV screens when I was growing up because it was public domain, and so during the month of December one could find it playing on almost any given station 24/7 till' Christmas. I love it dearly and hold it as my favorite Christmas film. Sure it's maudlin and sometimes sappy, but it's good, clean fun and always a great pleasure to watch.
National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation - If you haven't seen this, the third Lampoon Vacation film, you should really do your best to give it a view. There are no words to describe the hilarity of Clark Griswold's futile attempts to host the perfect Christmas for his family. Favorite scene goes to the lighting of the (gazillion) house twinkle lights, burning out half of Chicago. Truly inspired by my own father's attempts to light up the house during Christmas.
Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer - Actually, any of the old 60's and 70's "clay-mation" flicks are on this list, as well as several of the cartoon versions, like Frosty the Snowman and the Grinch Who Stole Christmas. "Who ever heard of a Charlie in the Box?!". Classic stuff.
Home Alone - Whatever opinion you may hold about Macauley Culkin, this is (in my opinion) his best film. Combined with a great, very memorable John Williams score and hammy acting by Joe Pesci and Daniel Stern as the two cat burglars trying to break into Kevin McCallister's (Culkin) home while the family's away. Meanwhile, accidentally left-behind Kevin devises a series of sinister traps for the would-be thieves, and has a variety of misadventures along the way. Family favorite.
Die Hard - A true Christmas classic! Christmas Eve, terrorists seize the Nakatomi Corp. skyscraper in L.A. and hold the employees hostage. Off-duty New York cop John McClaine (Bruce Willis) is in the building by mistake, meeting his estranged wife (Bonnie Bedelia), when terrorists led by Severus Snape....er....Hans Gruber (Alan Rickman) break in and decide to hold everyone hostage until they can break into the building's vault, which holds millions of dollars worth of bearer bonds. Needless to say McClaine has plenty of coal for their stockings as he systematically does battle on 32 floors. It is pure Yuletide mayhem! A MUST SEE for Christmas enthusiasts everywhere!!!!
Honorable Mention (I'll watch them if they're on TV)
ELF - It's meh to me, but it has its moments, and I like James Caan, so it's all good.
Scrooged - An enjoyable Bill Murray film which is essentially a modern take of the classic "A Christmas Carol". If you watch any of the film make sure it's the first 3 minutes where viewers are regaled by "The Night the Reindeer Died", a faux action flick which has terrorists attempting to assault and take over Santa's workshop.
Polar Express - Strange film. I haven't read the book, but it's still quite watchable. I suspect as my daughter gets older I'll be watching more of this one.
Miracle on 34th Street - the older one. Nuff' said.
I must also submit an additional Christmas film, a delightful Yuletide romp filled with Christmas trees, machine guns, and big explosions. Lethal Weapon. Betcha didn't see that one coming, PC!
Kennel Keeper of Fenris Ulf
No one's mentioned The Muppet Christmas Carol? That's the Christmas film at our house. We'll laugh at the old jokes, sing along with the songs, and quote it at each other during the rest of the year. Definitely my favorite Muppet and Christmas movie.
The only other "classic" Christmas movie i'm really familiar with is It's a Wonderful Life. I didn't like it at first; it's grown on me, though it's a little long and trite for me.
VeggieTales' The Toy that Saved Christmas! was fun, but it's been years since i've seen it. I liked their Star of Christmas better, though it's been a while since i've seen that one, either. Lisa Vischer sang a beautiful version of "O Come O Come Emmanuel" at the end of the latter.
I've seen bits of A Christmas Story on TV over the years, but i've never seen the whole thing. I can't say it looks terribly interesting to me, but one of my siblings got it for Hanukkah, so maybe i'll actually see it all the way through for once.
Several years ago, i watched a modern update of A Christmas Carol, done by the BBC. It's not the greatest version of the story, but it was pretty good on the whole.
Do not be daunted by the enormity of the world’s grief. Do justly, now. Love mercy, now. Walk humbly now. You are not obligated to complete the work, but neither are you free to abandon it. - Rabbi Tarfon
I am not really a Christmas film person:
1) What is your favorite Christmas films?
The night mare before Christmas- the only Christmas film I have ever really enjoyed.
2) What is your least favorite Christmas films?
defiantly the polar express that movie drives me insane, it is played more times than is need( I mean in march and times of the year such as that).
Can't answer most of the questions as my Christmas film knowledge is depressingly lacking... However here are a few favorites that tend to get watched at some point in our household:
-LWW: It takes place in the winter it has Father Christmas... enough for me to consider it a Christmas movie and use the time of year as another excuse to watch it
-A Christmas Carol- One of Ma's favorites as well as mine
-Home Alone and Home Alone 2 - Dad loves these... I still have to watch both in their entirety... like most Christmas movies we only catch it when it's on tv
-Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer- it's Rudolph!
-Frosty the Snowman- this doesn't get watched as much as the last entry, but if it's on I might leave it on
-the numerous amounts of stop action animated Christmas movies that I don't have the names straight on... the ones ABC Family typically play at this time of year
-The Muppets Christmas Carol- Thanks Arwenel for the reminder, the family loves this one, but particularly my father
-the Christmas episodes (or even just wintery episodes) of various tv shows older, newer, and in between Including everything from Northern Exposure to Scooby Doo, Gilligan's Island, Highway to Heaven and more
-The Santa Clause - almost forgot that one
- Anything that involves the real Christmas story about the birth of baby Jesus
"The mountains are calling and I must go, and I will work on while I can, studying incessantly." -John Muir
"Be cunning, and full of tricks, and your people will never be destroyed." -Richard Adams, Watership Down
Guess I should actually answer my own questionnaire, eh?
1) What is your favorite Christmas films?
In no particular order:
~ Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer (Rankin/Bass)= Childhood favorite and also just a fun/sweet little kids movie.
~ Miracle on 34th Street (1940's version)= The old scientist from Them! as Santa Claus, a young Natalie Wood as the little girl and Maureen O'Hara as the Mom. Need I say more?
~ The Lemon Drop Kid= Classic Bob Hope film with a TON of quotable lines, great characters and gave us the Christmas song "Silver Bells". A true classic.
~ Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe (2005)= This one is a given.
~ Santa Clause is Coming to Town (Rankin/Bass)= The only other Rankin/Bass stop motion special that I genuinely like and also think it's a decent little film. Nothing amazing, but good fun.
~ It's a Wonderful Life= Another classic. Nuff said (and sorry to those that dislike it, but I really don't see anything wrong with it.)
~ Gremlins= O.K, I just had to put this down since no one else had. It's classic 80's dark comedy with lots of inside movie jokes, fun characters, memorable Jerry Goldsmith score and.... Phoebe Cates.
2) What is your least favorite Christmas films?
Sorry Shadow, but I'll have to say A Christmas Story and A Nightmare Before Christmas are probably my least favorite Christmas films. *ducks rotten fruit*
The former just did nothing for me and was a bit too dream/nightmare like for my tastes while the latter had some great potential, but just seemed rather pointless.
4) What do you think of the inclusion of Die Hard and Gremlins into the category of "Christmas films" over the last few years?
Kind of strange, but I'll go with it.
Avvie by the great Djaq!
^ Short tribute to James Horner (1953-2015)
I watched We're No Angels with my family last night. I love that movie, it's so funny.
I think my favorite part might be "the trial", but it's hard to decide it has so many good parts.
We also watched Stalag 17 a few days ago. It's such a good movie. Easily one of my absolute favorites.
Christ is King.
Well, I'm on Christmas break and so that means Christmas movies galore! I'm hoping that they have some on Netflix...
Thank for the information on Miracle on 34th street, Cor. I'll have to look the older one up.
Sorry, I will have to join you in the stocks about Its a Wonderful life. I hope the fruit thrown our way is bearable.
Hallelujah, I'm not alone! *hands wagga a fruit shield*
Ahaha, about the librarian thing! I laugh because I never thought about that. In all seriousness, though, I understand your point and agree. I didn't particularly like that aspect - that it was one or the other. To be honest, being a librarian is, to me, one of the best jobs out there.
RL Sibling: CSLewisNarnia
Where did all of the party poopers come from? No, It's A Wonderful Life? *takes careful aim with her stock of tomatoes*
We watched a really funny Christmas movie on TCM last night, called Fitzwilly. It had Dick Van Dyke and Babara Feldon in it. First time we had watched it, but I don't think it will be the last.
Merry Christmas, all!
Christ is King.
Well, SnowAngel, I did put it in spoilers so as to not be party-pooperish.
I forgot to mention a classic! Merry Christmas, Mr. Bean is a huge favourite of mine and my family's. My favourite parts are when he directs the Christmas band outside, his gal's gift (the poor thing! xD), and when he wakes up on Christmas morning....
RL Sibling: CSLewisNarnia