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[Closed] Keep the Magic Secret...Merlin SF

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NarniaWeb Guru

"In a land of myth and a time of magic, the destiny of a great kingdom rests on the shoulders of a young man. His name?


Welcome to the Special Feature for the fantastic BBC show Merlin! :D Here's your place to discuss your favorite characters, best moments, expectations, and those plot twists we never saw coming as Merlin heads into its fourth season.

BBC Merlin is not your typical take on the Arthurian legend. Rather, the show is set "before the legend", when Arthur is still a rather obnoxious prince learning leadership under his father Uther's rule and future queen Guinevere is just a lowly servant. Merlin is given the task of using his magical powers to guard Arthur under the guise of being the prince's servant. The problem? In a Camelot where having magic is punishable by death, that's no easy feat.

In his quest to protect Arthur and the kingdom, Merlin battles a host of magical creatures and sorcerers. However, his main foe is increasingly Morgana, the beautiful, bitter former ward of the king, who will stop at nothing to possess the throne of Camelot herself...

Some general questions to get us started:

Who's your favorite character? Favorite episode?

What about the "reboot" the show's given to the Arthurian myth? Do you think it's an interesting twist, or would it be better to stick closer to the original legend?

What are you hoping to see in season 4?

And the million-dollar question...;)

How would you like to see Merlin's magic revealed (both to Arthur, and in general?)

NOTE: Since the U.S. is just now getting Merlin season 4 on SyFy, if you live in the UK or have already watched it online, please make sure ALL season 4 spoilers are in spoiler boxes!

Discuss away! :D

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Topic starter Posted : January 8, 2012 9:00 pm
Queen Susan
NarniaWeb Guru

-Who's your favorite character? Favorite episode?

Merlin, of course. :p I really don't know my favorite episdoes, but my favorite *parts* are when Merlin and Arthur are having their friendly bickering, or else when someone almost "finds out" about Merlin.
[um... yeah. Boring wording there, but whatever. ^]

-What about the "reboot" the show's given to the Arthurian myth? Do you think it's an interesting twist, or would it be better to stick closer to the original legend?

I don't really care. At first I was a little confused, maybe, by it. "What? That's not the way the story goes!" But now I really like it.

-What are you hoping to see in season 4?

I think I've already seen it...?

-How would you like to see Merlin's magic revealed (both to Arthur, and in general?)

I'm sure there are ways I'll be happy with how it's done, or not satisfied. But I don't have a set "scene" in my brain. *shrug* :p

Avatar by Wunderkind_Lucy!

Posted : January 12, 2012 5:36 am
Member Moderator Emeritus

Okay. So I have a confession to make. I'm kind of a fairweather fan when it comes to Merlin.

There. I said it.

I really, really love the concept, however I haven't gotten too far into the first season. Some of the episodes have been a leetle too creepy, plus I haven't had a whole lot of time.
However, I think it's the characters I love the most. Gwen, Arthur, Merlin, Gwaine? :D Yes please.

Who's your favorite character? Favorite episode?
Ummm... I think it's a four-way tie between Arthur, Merlin, Gwen, and Gwaine. ;))
Favorite episode? Well, I'm about ten or so minutes into episode 8 of season 3 and already I love it. Gwaine is just so awesome. (And yes, I did skip ahead. :p )

What about the "reboot" the show's given to the Arthurian myth? Do you think it's an interesting twist, or would it be better to stick closer to the original legend?
I really do not mind the reboot at all. In fact, I think it gives a lot of different angles and twists to the original legend. Then again, I don't know too much about the Arthurian myth, so I'm not much of a purist. (One of my favorite movies when I was little was Disney's The Sword and the Stone. ;)) )

What are you hoping to see in season 4?
I should probably work on Season 1, 2, and 3 first. :p

How would you like to see Merlin's magic revealed (both to Arthur, and in general?)
Ummm, I think a whole lot of shock should be involved. Arthur's reaction should be something akin to this: :-o Other than that, I have no idea. ;))

Merlin, of course. I really don't know my favorite episdoes, but my favorite *parts* are when Merlin and Arthur are having their friendly bickering, or else when someone almost "finds out" about Merlin.
[um... yeah. Boring wording there, but whatever. ^]

Oh goodness, ditto! They crack me up pretty much every time. ;))

av by dot

Posted : January 12, 2012 1:17 pm
Member Moderator

As a fan who has seen ONLY the first season of Merlin... ;))

So far, my favourite character is ...pretty much the entire recurring cast. :p :D

My favourite episode was the one with Mordred.The whole show you're with Merlin and Morgana, arguing that ever effort should be put into rescuing the boy, and my heart was breaking when Mordred pleads with Merlin to change his mind and keep his promise. Because why not try to make friends with him? They'd saved his life, and he'd be grateful!

Then at the end, Mordred looks back, and we'll never know if it's because Merlin tried to make the right choice and change history that Mordred bears a grudge because he does have an inkling of what's going to happen; or if he'd have taunted him anyway and, and, and....!!!! It sets up Merlin's tender heart and lack of true foresight so well.

I like the reboot so far; one of the things I've noticed about Arthurian retellings is the tendency to make Arthur distant because of his inherent position as KING ARTHUR; and so far there's been enough of a balance that you can see both hints of the man he'll become and enough blind arrogance to keep things interesting.

*skips the question related to season 4 for reasons very similar to Mountie's*

I daresay when it finally comes out about Merlin there should be a fair amount of shock and face-palm: "Of course you're a wizard." ;)) Which reminds me of a quibble I had with the episode back at Merlin's home village...

After they've saved it and Arthur wants to know who used magic and then the other boy saves Arthur and claims that it was him--when Arthur asks if that was what Merlin wanted to tell him, Merlin should have said, "No, I was going to say it was me." Because Arthur would absolutely believe that Merlin would claim to be a sorcerer to save his friend, and he could have rolled his eyes and called Merlin an idiot because while they could have left the friend in the village and not mentioned it to Uther, Merlin has to go back. Instead, Merlin doesn't say anything. He should have.

We have hands that fashion and heads that know,
But our hearts we lost - how long ago! -- G. K. Chesterton

Posted : January 13, 2012 10:03 am
Princess Anna
NarniaWeb Junkie

First off, sorry it took me so long to get in here! Second, I love that this show is so well loved that this is the... third... fourth? thread about it on here in the last year or two. ;))

Anyway, on to the questions...

Some general questions to get us started:

Who's your favorite character? Favorite episode?

1) Character- Oh, gosh... I think all of them are well acted. And I think the show's main strength is the chemistry of the cast, especially the friendship between Arthur and Merlin. But I guess, if pressed to choose ONE... Merlin. He's just so loyal, sweet, and adorkable (as others have said many times) that I just can't help it! ;))

2) Episode- Hmm... maybe the last one of season three?

Because it tied in SO many things from the legends, that I had (previous to that) wondered how they were going to include... it was just AWESOME!

I know you didn't ask this, but favourite quote/scene?

Probably when Lancelot and Merlin are talking at night, in the above mentioned episode. I mean, Merlin's response to what his friend said about knighting and such? So. Cool. HONESTLY! :D

What about the "reboot" the show's given to the Arthurian myth? Do you think it's an interesting twist, or would it be better to stick closer to the original legend?

Not that I'm any expert on the original legend, or anything... but from what I can tell... there have been many, many different versions. So many, that I don't know if there is a definitive "canon". I mean, sure, certain factors always remain the same. But the rest is always changing. So, is this a true reboot or not? Not sure. ;)) But I love what they've done with it! It's nice having them be the same age, rather than Merlin being way older than Arthur. (though I miss things from those versions... I, too, grew up with Disney's The Sword in the Stone ;) )

What are you hoping to see in season 4?

Arthur becoming king, and having him find out about Merlin's magic.

And the million-dollar question...;)

How would you like to see Merlin's magic revealed (both to Arthur, and in general?)

Not sure! I actually don't think I'll mind any way that they'd do it... as long as Arthur doesn't turn on him! I still can't believe that nobody has figured it out yet, though. I mean, seriously... 8-| ;))

Posted : January 13, 2012 10:31 am
Princess Anna
NarniaWeb Junkie

*digs this thread out from the depths of page 2*

Ick, I hate double posting. Makes me feel like another mod will pm me and say "You, you broke the rules!" :p

Where is everyone?! Am I the only one still watching the new episodes?

Hmm, I guess I'll:
1) wait and see if people show up
2) gather my thoughts on the last two or so episodes so I can have a coherent/on topic post.

Until next time, hope the magic is still secret and safe! ;)
*climbs onto the dragon's back and flies off*

Posted : January 29, 2012 10:07 am
NarniaWeb Junkie

I finished season 4 a couple of months ago, but I'm a Merlin fan so I'll weigh in. :)

Merlin himself is by far the best character. Since he is the focus of the focalized third person narrative, most of the events filter through him and we get to see his emotions and reactions more than anyone else's. He's witty, caring, and (obviously) magical. He's also a pretty amazing and sacrificial friend.

for those who have seen the 4th season, what did you think?

The biggest success of this season was the death of Uther. I know that some people liked him as a character, but his death was absolutely necessary for the show to move forward. It was high time Arthur became king. I'm not sure that major plot moment got the treatment it deserved, but it was a crucial one nonetheless.

The biggest letdown was the lack of the great "reveal." I think maybe the writers didn't want to have Arthur become king and find out about Merlin in the same season, but I really hope they do it next season. It's time for them to finally get to the "destiny" they keep talking about.

I have very mixed feelings about Arthur and Gwen's story arc. I honestly think they're not a very likable TV couple, from a purely entertainment point of view. They should obviously be together for the legend's sake, but they needed more development or more chemistry or something...

Posted : January 29, 2012 4:20 pm
The Logical Ornithological Mod Moderator Emeritus

I have just started watching this show on hulu, and I am loving it! I watched the first few episodes a few summers ago, when they aired on NBC, but when the series moved to Syfy, I was unable to receive it any more.

I'll probably finish up Season 2 by the end of the week, but as hulu currently does have Season 3 online, I don't know where I'm going to watch it. Does anybody know of a good online site that has Season 3?

My favourite character is Gaius. I love how knowledgeable he is, and yet how humble he is at the same time. My least favourite characters would be Arthur and Uther. Seriously, how many times do "The Help" need to prove their honesty before you guys start believing them in the first place ;))

I shall probably avoid this thread for the most part, because I don't want to get spoiled more than I already am, but I am SO looking forward to continuing my viewing of this show.

Member of Ye Olde NarniaWeb

Posted : February 1, 2012 4:27 am
Mushroom mushroom Hospitality Committee

(I've already seen series four, but will answer questions according to what's been shown in the US)

Who's your favorite character?
Merlin, naturally. :D

Favorite episode?
I've got to pick... one? o.O Em... probably The Coming of Arthur pt. II, or The Wicked Day (both are big steps in moving the plot forward).

What about the "reboot" the show's given to the Arthurian myth? Do you think it's an interesting twist, or would it be better to stick closer to the original legend?
It depends. Some of the legend(s) are... ah, interesting, for lack of a better word. :P It's been moving steadily closer to the more well-known parts, and for the most of it, I've been content with what they've done.

What are you hoping to see in season 4?
More friendship, laughter, and good plot. And a lot less smirking. =P

How would you like to see Merlin's magic revealed (both to Arthur, and in general?)
Honestly, I don't have a preference. I've read stories covering practically every possible scenario, so it'd be hard for them to pick a unique way. I just want it to make sense, both in reference to the characters and to the plot. ;)


Posted : February 28, 2012 8:15 am
The Logical Ornithological Mod Moderator Emeritus

Now that I've caught up with Merlin (I watched Lancelot du Lac online last night, and I know that that's the episode airing this Friday) I can honestly ask this question:

What do y'all think will happen to Aithusa? I've read a hypothesis on the Merlin wiki that the white dragon (Aithusa) is the symbol of the Saxons, and that the red dragon (Kilgarrah) is the symbol of the Brittons. Many seemed to think that this meant that Kilgarrah would eventually become enemies with Aithusa.

This is mere speculation, but what do y'all think of this possibility?

Either way, I'm interested to see how Aithusa develops as a character, and how he will be used in future episodes/seasons

Member of Ye Olde NarniaWeb

Posted : February 28, 2012 9:08 am
Princess Anna
NarniaWeb Junkie

Did anybody here see last night's episode?

I honestly think I have a new fave scene. Or, at least I know what my fave scene this season is. ;))

It was so moving in the woods when Arthur addressed the spirit possessing Elyan (sp?). And to see him cry?! I agree with Merlin... it's nice to see that side of him! :)

Anyway, last week's (at least, I think it was last week's) made me SO MAD.

Can I strangle Morgana?! HOW could she do that to her brother and her former best friend? What. A. Jerk. *cries once again for Arthur and Gwen... especially Gwen*

My thoughts are too much in a jumble right now, otherwise I'd say more. Anyway, I had to get that out of my system. So... yeah. ;)) See ya soon!

Posted : March 10, 2012 10:02 am
The Logical Ornithological Mod Moderator Emeritus

Guess who got Merlin seasons 1 & 2 for his birthday! ME!!!! I'm so enjoying watching the series from the beginning again. My mom and dad are watching it with me, and are loving it as much as I did.

Member of Ye Olde NarniaWeb

Posted : March 12, 2012 6:20 am
Princess Anna
NarniaWeb Junkie

Guess who got Merlin seasons 1 & 2 for his birthday! ME!!!!

That's so awesome, Digsy! :D (glad your folks are enjoying it too)

Mod Note:
Ok, everyone... sad to say, we're going to have to close this soon. Wednesday, April 11th, to be precise. So, if you have any last comments or want to discuss the finale, now's your chance. Believe me, I'm in the same boat... I have to watch the finale part 2 before I can comment again! (I have it on DVR) ;))

See ya soon! (oh, and Happy Easter!)

Posted : April 6, 2012 10:20 am
lover of narnia
NarniaWeb Guru

Close it? :(( No!

It's nice to see some friendly Merlin fans around and even more fun to be able to talk to you all about this special TV show.

A bit of history: I started watching Merlin two years ago, about, when Season #2 was airing. I first saw the episode The Witchfinder and afterward was too interested to stay away. I mostly saw the rest of Season 2 and when Season 3 aired the next year me and my brother watched it faithfully. We did the same this year with Season #4!

Who's your favorite character? Favorite episode?

Favorite character? Such a challenge to pick one since most of the characters in Merlin are brilliant in more than one way. But at the end of the day, Merlin himself has to be my favorite. I also adore Gwaine, Gwen, and Arthur. I could write two/three paragraphs for them as well, but I recalled some particularly awesome things about Merlin and needed to tell.

Merlin might be designed to be the fan favorite, but that hardly stops him from being awesome. Especially in Season 4. The times when he was able to 'take authority', reveal/use his magic in front of another, only furthered to elevate him.

Colin Morgan does superb with his acting, expressly with the mannerisms of the character. He is able to switch from the serious Merlin, the one whom breathes the words of wisdom into Arthur's ear, and the 'servant' Merlin who is a bit clumsy and pretends to be an idiot ( ;)) ) quite wonderfully. He further works wonders in portraying Merlin's feelings. Be it through the cocking of his head, raising of his eyebrows, or setting of his jaw, you are able to tell what he is experiencing emotionally. Aged Merlin is quite hilarious and for this reason, I also enjoy this character.

Favorite Episode? Oh dear, oh my. One? The Sword in the Stone Part 2 might take first place. Then again, I very much enjoyed Lamia, Lancelot du Lac, and. The Sword in the Stone Part 1. I can't, from S4, really pick a definite favorite.

What about the "reboot" the show's given to the Arthurian myth? Do you think it's an interesting twist, or would it be better to stick closer to the original legend?

I personally have no qualms about how they are "rebooting" the Arthurian myth. I shall honestly admit that I have not done extensive reading of the legends, but I do know enough to see how they are altering it and I am quite enjoying the changes made. I have especially liked how they handled the Lancelot/Gwen/Arthur situation. I think what they have done is a very good way to clear away that faction of the myth. :)

What are you hoping to see in season 4?

I have seen Season 4 completely through, but going in to it I can't say I had any dreams of this or that happening. Though, like any Merlin fan had probably wished, I did hope, a bit, that Merlin would reveal his magic to Arthur. But since talk has been circulating that they might make 10 seasons, I really doubted that would happen. :p
I was delving in knowing the season wasn't going to disappoint me.

How would you like to see Merlin's magic revealed (both to Arthur, and in general?)

Actually, I would like the revelation to be more quietly handled when it comes to Arthur. Perhaps Merlin sees it as imperative that Arthur knows and he tells him by doing a demonstration. Lighting something on fire, moving something, etc. His revelation to all of Camelot would be better done in a vast way, in my own opinion. Perhaps there is a great threat and the people are assembled, with King Arthur speaking to them from a balcony. Then emerges Merlin with the solution to the problem - magic. He would again do some demonstration and therefore let everyone know.

Those ideas might not be very creative and really, I'll be excited to see what the writers come up with for that big moment.

A question to anyone who has seen the finale of S4: What did you all think of the special effects (slow motion, in particular) of The Sword in the Stone Part 1&2? Personally, I think they were quite well done. The slow motion wasn't over used, and it was done subtly and in a fashion that very much accentuated the scenes.

I do so wish this thread didn't have to be closed. :( Now that I have seen S4 it would be lovely to continue discussion.

Loyal supporter of Caspian/Susan.
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Keeper of the Secret Magic

Posted : April 6, 2012 6:01 pm
SO mod; WC captain Moderator

For various reasons, this Merlin SF will be staying open awhile longer. Enjoy the discussion!

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Posted : April 12, 2012 8:28 am
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